Jakov Dulčić, Argyro Zenetos, Irfan Uysal, Nina Dzhembekova, Maria Corsini Foka, Paraskevi K. Karachle, Marius Skolka, Noa Shenkar, Petya Ivanova, Marika Galanidi, Elitsa Stefanova, Marc Verlaque, Kremena Stefanova, Victor Surugiu, Fabio Crocetta, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Oceanology of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi = Dokuz Eylül University [Izmir] (DEÜ), George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University (TAU), Ovidius University of Constanta, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza [Lasi], Institut méditerranéen d'océanologie (MIO), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Université de Toulon (UTLN)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR), Tel Aviv University [Tel Aviv], Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD)-Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Toulon (UTLN), and Blanfuné, Aurélie
In this study we present a list of invasive/potential invasive alien species in the East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS) countries with marine borders. The species were classified according to the existing literature and experts’ judgment, as established, casual, invasive and expected. Finally, factsheets were compiled for ten species of high importance based on their expanding/invading character. Of the 160 species comprising the list, 149 were already present in the ESENIAS countries, while eleven were invasive species either present in the Mediterranean or in other European Seas, likely to be recorded in the ESENIAS countries. The majority of the species were of Red Sea/IndoPacific origin (97 species; 60.6%). Italy, Turkey and Greece were the countries with the highest representation of species (159, 152 and 139 species respectively), due to their extended coastline and the number of scholars working on marine invasive species. The highest number of established species was recorded in Turkey (116 species), whereas in Italy and Greece the most numerous species were the “expected” ones (85 and 48 species, respectively). The eastern Adriatic Sea countries (i.e. Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Slovenia) had generally low numbers of species in this list, many of which are still “expected” to arrive from the neighbouring countries of Greece and Italy. Finally, the most frequently potential pathway was transfer stowaways (ship ballast water: 41 cases; ship hull fouling: 55), whereas unaided spread of Lessepsian immigrants followed (95 cases). This list is intended to serve as an early warning system that through horizon scanning process would assist ESENIAS countries to prioritise invasive alien species, their pathways and the areas of higher likelihood to appear, in order to take management measures., U ovom radu predstavljamo popis invazivnih i potencijalno invazivnih vrsta na istoku i jugu Europske mreže za invazivne vrste (ESENIAS) u zemljama s morskim granicama. Vrste su klasificirane prema postojećoj literaturi i procjeni stručnjaka, pa su tako utvrđene grupe povremenih, invazivnih i očekivanih vrsta. Podaci su dati za deset vrsta čija se važnost temelji na njihovom širenju i invazivnom karakteru. Od 160 vrsta koje sadrži popis, 148 je već bilo prisutno u ESENIAS zemljama, dok je 9 invazivnih vrsta bilo prisutno u Sredozemnom ili u drugim europskim morima, a vjerojatno je da će se zabilježiti i u zemljama udruženim u ESENIAS. Većina vrsta je bile iz Crvenog mora / indopacifičkog podrijetla (97 vrsta, 60,6%). Italija, Turska i Grčka su zemlje s najvišom zastupljenošću vrsta (159, 152 i 139), zbog njihove proširene obale i broja znanstvenika koji rade na morskim invazivnim vrstama. Najveći broj utvrđenih vrsta zabilježen je u Turskoj (116 vrsta), dok su u Italiji i Grčkoj najbrojnije vrste bile “očekivane” (85 i 48 vrsta, respektivno). Istočne zemlje Jadranskog mora (npr. Albanija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora i Slovenija) imale su općenito nizak broj vrsta na ovom popisu, od kojih mnoge još “očekujemo” da pristignu iz susjednih zemalja: Grčke i Italije. Konačno, najčešće su potencijalni putovi bili „transferni putnici“ (balastna voda broda: 41 slučaj, obraštaj brodskog trupa: 55), dok je slijedilo i širenje lesepsijskih migranata (95 slučajeva). Ovaj popis je namijenjen da služi kao sustav ranog upozorenja koji bi kroz proces skeniranja pomogao državama ESENIAS da daju prioritet invazivnim stranim vrstama, njihovim putovima i područjima veće vjerojatnosti pojavljivanja, kako bi se poduzele potrebne mjere upravljanja.