488 results on '"Pavlichenko A"'
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- Author
V.M. Bondarenko, R.O. Pavlichenko, M.V. Zamanov, Y.V. Kovtun, O.V. Lozin, and M.M. Kozulia
- Abstract
The studies of the scenario of hydrogen plasma creation with two sequential RF discharges during one pulse were carried out for the Uragan-2M stellarator. The first-stage discharge initiated the hydrogen pre-ionization at the generator anode voltage of 4 kV. The second-stage discharge was performed at the generator anode voltage selected from 6 to 9 kV. As result, plasma with an electron density up to 3.9·1018 m-3 was produced in a confinement volume. An increase of voltage resulted in an earlier appearance of signals of electron density, the intensity of the Hα spectral line, and the intensity of the molecular hydrogen spectral line. The increase of the time-dependent intensities of these signals was also registered. more...
- Published
- 2023
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3. Physical development of preterm monochorionic diamniotic twins at birth: retrospective cohort study
- Author
M. V. Pavlichenko, N. V. Kosovtsova, Ya. Yu. Pospelova, and T. V. Markova
- Subjects
General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Background. Much controversy surrounds the estimation of anthropometric parameters in multiple newborns. In newborn monochorionic diamniotic twins, these parameters can be affected by specific antenatal complications.Objectives. To estimate the physical development parameters of preterm monochorionic diamniotic twins according to standards proposed within the INTERGROWTH-21st project, taking specific intrauterine complications into account.Methods. The anthropometric data were analyzed in 148 pairs of newborn monochorionic diamniotic twins, who were divided into three groups according to the presence of specific intrauterine complications: Group I (n = 56 pairs) — twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS); Group II (n = 38 pairs) — selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR); Group III (n = 58 pairs) — absence of the above-mentioned specific complications. The obtained data were statistically processed on a personal computer via variation statistics methods using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets (Microsoft, USA) and an online service available at https://medstatistic.ru.Results. Newborns with sIUGR (37–100.0%) and 26 (49.1%) donors fell into the category of newborns light for gestational age. Disharmonious (3–10th percentile) and markedly disharmonious (below the 3rd percentile) physical development at birth was most commonly observed in newborns with sIUGR and, to a lesser extent, in donors (OR — 9.2; 95% CI — 3.2–24.3; p < 0.05), which was noted only occasionally in monochorionic twins from other groups. A combined decrease in the values of birth centiles for head circumference, body weight, and body length was found in 13 (35.1%) newborns with sIUGR and in 12 (22.6%) donors, which may mark the severity of antenatal complications and the development of neurological deficit.Conclusion. Monochorionic diamniotic twins include newborns having greater and lower body weights. In the newborn having a lower birth weight, specific complications associated with monochorionic multiple pregnancy result in body weight and length deficit, disharmonious development due to the lack of nourishment (22.6% in the TTTS group and 73.0% in the sIUGR group), as well as delayed head circumference growth in 56.8% of newborns with sIUGR. more...
- Published
- 2023
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4. Peculiarities of the course of demodicosis in domestic animals in a megalopolis in the east of Ukraine
- Author
A. Paliy, O. Pavlichenko, S. Kasianenko, L. Kovalenko, A. Stockiy, and O. Stotska
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Physiology ,Biophysics ,Cell Biology ,Toxicology ,Microbiology ,Biochemistry ,Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) - Abstract
Demodicosis in domestic animals occupies a leading place among dermatological diseases. It has considerable epizootological and social significance. Peculiarities of the manifestation of demodicosis in dogs and cats were studied in the city of Kharkiv during 2017–2021. Doberman Pinscher, mestizo, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Terrier, and outbred animals were the most commonly affected by demodicosis, accounting for 61.6% of the total number of patients. The lowest number of animals with demodicosis was registered in such breeds as Dalmatian, Great Dane, Caucasian Shepherd, Collie, Labrador, Husky, Pekingese, and Chow Chow with a total number of 4.6%. Demodicosis is most common in Persian white, European tiger, and Siamese colour point cats, accounting for 57.3%. Norwegian forest, Russian blue, and Oriental shorthair cats are rarely affected by demodicosis, accounting for 13.5% of all animals. Demodicosis most often affects animals aged from 2 months to 3 years in winter, and in summer and autumn, the incidence is lowest. Peculiarities of sexual predisposition of animals to demodicosis infection have not been established. The microbes affecting the skin of animals are transmitted by mites Demodex spp. and are represented by Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Enterobacter spp., Enterococcus spp., Micrococcus spp., Alternaria alternata, Aspergillus niger, Candida spp., Rhizopus nigricans, Penicillum spp., Malassezia spp., Microsporum canis. Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. occupy the largest percentage of the total number of isolated microorganisms – 74.7%, and Micrococcus spp. occupy the lowest percentage of isolated microorganisms (6.2%). Staphylococcal susceptibility to nine tetracycline drugs has shown a high level of resistance. The most effective antimicrobial agent for isolated cultures of staphylococci is amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid (89.7%) and vancomycin (100.0%). The objective of further research is to develop effective schemes for the prevention and treatment of pets with demodicosis. more...
- Published
- 2023
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5. Implementation of a system of benefits and incentives in high-tech companies: Opportunities for Ukrainian case
- Author
Mykola Inshyn, Olena Pavlichenko, Tetiana Egorova-Lutsenko, Oksana Epel, and Andrii Stratiuk
- Subjects
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management ,Management Science and Operations Research ,Finance - Abstract
Current global trends in the field of rapid population growth and urbanization have led to an increase in the labor market. The development of industrial cooperation has led to an increase in the number of science-intensive specialties resulting from economic activity, which has led to an increase in scientific and technological potential through the work of high-tech companies as well as to the emergence of some difficulties in the labor conditions of their employees (Beliakov et al., 2019; Blumen, 2015). The paper’s value relates to the possibility to increase the productivity and competitiveness of companies through employee satisfaction, as well as ensuring proper compliance with labor laws in the context of the legal link between the employer and the employee (Liashenko et al., 2021; Makedon et al., 2019). The international legal framework in the field of labor relations has been analyzed. The legislative experience of the United States of America, Great Britain, China, Ukraine, Portugal, and the Russian Federation in the implementation of the system of employee benefits and incentives has also been considered. The states were selected by the type of legal system based on the qualitative analysis method. The experience of some hi-tech companies in ensuring proper working conditions has been analyzed with the prospects for their implementation in Ukrainian realities more...
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
O.O. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
General Environmental Science - Published
- 2023
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7. Current status of cervical cancer brachytherapy technologies: scientometric analysis
- Author
Yuliana Pavlichenko, Neonila Artamonova, and Helena Sukhina
- Subjects
scientometric analysis ,Oncology ,Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,cervical cancer ,brachytherapy ,наукометричний аналіз ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,брахітерапія ,променева терапія ,radiation therapy ,рак шийки матки ,Education - Abstract
Background. Brachytherapy is an important component of cervical cancer (CC) treatment paradigm, so scientometric studies in this area are very relevant. Purpose – to assess the current state and development trends of cervical cancer brachytherapy te chnologies through a scientometric analysis of scientific publications. Materials and methods. Uses the scientometric method of document analysis. The analysis was carried out using the Scopus digital resource for the period 2012–2022. Evaluation of the found documents was carried out according to the following indicators: dynamics of publications, country, author of the publication, publication institution, source and sponsor who financed the work. Results. Based on the results of the study, 694 documents were found, the distribution of which determines the growth of publications in 2016 (71 documents), 2018 (84 documents), and 2021 (86 documents). The distribution by country made it possible to establish the United States as the leader, followed by India, Japan, France, China. Over the past 5 years, China has moved from fifth place to second, which it shares with India. Among the institutions involved in the development of cervical cancer brachytherapy technologies, Med. University Wien, Austria, Tata Memorial Hospital, India, Institut de Cacy Cackologie Gustave Roussy, France. The most active scientists were singled out: Pötter R., Haie-Meder C., Mahantshetty U., and Tanderup K. Mahantshetty U., Tanderup K. International scientific communications of scientists have been established to address issues of improving the methods of gynecological brachytherapy, in particular cervical cancer, as well as active sponsors. The main scientific sources on the subject of cervical cancer brachytherapy are the journal «Brachytherapy». Conclusion. An assessment of the current state and development trends of cervical cancer brachytherapy technologies is given, leading countries, organizations, and scientists involved in the development of new most effective brachytherapy technologies are identified, 20 most cited publications and 5 most cited scientists involved in the development of cervical cancer brachytherapy issues are revealed., Актуальність. Брахітерапія є найважливішим компонентом парадигми лікування раку шийки матки (РШМ), тому наукометричне дослідження цього напрямку лікування є дуже актуальним. Мета роботи. Оцінити сучасний стан та тенденції розвитку технологій брахітерапії раку шийки матки шляхом наукометричного аналізу наукових публікацій. Матеріали та методи. Застосовано наукометричний метод аналізу публікацій з використанням Scopus за 2012–2022 рр. з оцінкою документів за показниками: динаміка публікацій, країна, автор публікації, установа публікації, джерело та спонсор, що фінансував роботу. Результати та їх обговорення. За результатами дослідження було знайдено 694 документи щодо брахітерапії РШМ, розподіл яких визначає зростання у 2016 р. (71 док.), 2018 р. (84 док.), та у 2021 р. (86 док.). Розподіл за країнами дозволив встановити США як провідну, далі за рейтингом Індія, Японія, Франція, Китай. За останні роки Китай з п’ятого місця посів друге, яке поділив з Індією. Серед установ, що займаються розробкою технологій брахітерапії провідне місце зайняли Med. Universitat Wien, Австрія, Tata Memorial Hospital, Індія, Institut de Cacy Cackologie Gustave Roussy, Франція. Відзначено найактивніших вчених, зокрема Pötter R., Haie-Meder C., Mahantshetty U. та Tanderup K. Встановлено міжнародні наукові комунікації вчених щодо вирішення питань удосконалення методів брахітерапії гінекологічної сфери, зокрема РШМ, а також найактивніших спонсорів. Головним з наукових джерел за тематикою брахітерапії РШМ є журнал «Brachytherapy». Висновки. Оцінено сучасний стан та тенденції розвитку технологій з брахітерапії РШМ, встановлено провідні країни, організації та вчені, які займаються розробкою нових технологій брахітерапії та оцінкою її ефективності, виявлено 20 найбільш цитованих публікацій та 5 найбільш цитованих вчених, які займаються розробкою питань брахітерапії РШМ. more...
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
R.O. Pavlichenko and M.V. Zamanov
- Abstract
This paper presents initial proposal for the development of quasi-optical (QO) microwave technology for Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) and reflectometry diagnostics in the Uragan-2M (U-2M) stellarator. For the existed ECE radiometer systems and for the operational plasma parameters of U-2M new quasi-optical beam separation dichroic filter is designed. For such filter the mechanical parameters and performed attenuation characteristic are calculated. Frontend antenna/splitter system for the combined ECE/reflectometry radiation detection is presented. As an example, QO beam pattern for the ECE receiving antenna is numerically calculated. more...
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Yа. Malykhina, Yа. Protopopova, O. Pavlichenko, and V. Pavlichenko
- Abstract
There is substantiated the need to modernize the transport area of Ukraine in the view of state obligations adopted during the signing of international environmental agreements. It is argued that the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its further implementation by the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement require the signatory States to take measures to minimize the anthropogenic impact of CO2 emissions in the earth’s atmosphere. A comparative analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the fleet of transport industries of European countries and Ukraine proves that the minimization of environmental pollution by Ukraine should be done by renewal the fleet. Based on the statistics of the quality fleet of transport industries of European countries that practice CO2 emissions and those that who does not tax harmful CO2 emissions, it is demonstrated the dependence of the age — related conditions of the fleet, where the taxation demonstrates its incentive properties to modernize transport industries and renew fleets to modern vehicles. The characterization of global trends in minimizing of harmful emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases gave a reason to argue that the implementation of an environmental tax has a dual nature. On the one hand, the tax encourages owners of enterprises, institutions, organizations of transport industry to invest in environmentally friendly transport to minimize the tax burden, and on the other hand, the taxation influences on the environmental situation in the regions and on the planet as a whole. It is substantiated that regulations aimed at minimizing harmful emissions into the atmosphere allow at the state level to implement policies on the formation, distribution and use of tax revenues for fighting climate change. It is concluded that tax revenues from the taxation of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere can be used to support the transport industry through public-private partnerships. It also emphasizes that Ukraine should intensify international cooperation and agree with developed countries to support the modernization of the Ukrainian transport industry using financial mechanisms and technology transfer agreements to increase resistance to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions enshrined in the Paris Agreement. Keywords: climate change, harmful CO2 emissions, transport area, vehicles, international environmental agreements, regulations, environmental tax. JEL Classification F21, E62, K32, K34, R42, R48 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 6; bibl.: 16. more...
- Published
- 2022
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10. Modeling Suicidality Risks and Understanding the Phenomenon of Suicidality Under the Loupe of Pandemic Context: National Findings of the COMET-G Study in the Russian Population
- Author
Timur S. Syunyakov, Alexey V. Pavlichenko, Petr V. Morozov, Ilya A. Fedotov, Viktoriia E. Filatova, Arseny J. Gayduk, Yulia S. Ignatenko, Anna A. Spikina, Anna A. Yashikhina, Mikaella E. Patsali, Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, and Daria A. Smirnova more...
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Ocean Engineering - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Suicidality is a complex clinical phenomenon reflecting vulnerability to suicidal behavior which can be explained via the biopsychosocial paradigm and in relationship with a variety of country-specific factors. Data on suicides within the Russian population are inconsistent (from 11.7 up to 25.1 per 100.000), whereas the populations suicidality risks have not been investigated in detail. Suicidality estimates during the multifactorial influence of the COVID-19 pandemic could serve as a basis to learn more about this mental health indicator. METHODS: The current study is a part of the COMET-G international project (40 countries, n=55.589), which represents an analysis of data collected from Russias general population (n=7714, 3312 y.o., 61% female) to estimate suicidality using the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS) and its relationships with socio-demographic, clinical, and life-habit characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation of the statistical data (descriptive statistics, ANOVA, LASSO linear regression, significant at =0.05) was undertaken using TIBCO Statistica. RESULTS: According to the RASS, at least 20.68%, and up to 29.15%, of the general population in Russia demonstrated increased risk of suicidality during the pandemic. Modelling these risks pointed to the key vulnerabilities related to mental and behavioral disorders, such as (i) current severe depression and a history of mental disorders, (ii) bipolar disorder, (iii) use of illicit drugs surprisingly outranking the alcohol misuse, and psychiatric compounds (hypnotics), highlighting sleep quality deterioration, (iv) a history of suicide attempts and self-harm though not self-reported changes in depression in response were predictors of the risk of suicidality, which can be explained by the phenomenon of learned suicidality, a habitual behavioral suicidality pattern completion accumulated over the background. Such (v) socio-demographic indicators as younger age (disregarding the gender factor), a marital status of single, having no children, living with fewer people in the household, a recent increase in family conflicts, increased need for emotional support, decreased need for communication, and not believing in precautionary measures against COVID-19, contributed to the increase of suicidality risk in the context of the pandemic. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study revealed new suicide risk factors that should be taken into account in suicidality risk assessments for the Russian population and in the implementation of suicide prevention programs in the region. more...
- Published
- 2022
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11. Features of the Assimilation Surface of Sweet Cherry Trees of Different Ripening Terms
- Author
Lidiia Shubenko, Svitlana Shokh, Andrii Pavlichenko, Lesia Karpuk, Ivan Prymak, Larysa Filipova, Oksana Titarenko, and Yulia Strutynska
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Environmental Engineering ,Ecology ,Environmental Science (miscellaneous) - Published
- 2022
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- Author
Iryna Suprunova Iryna Suprunova, Tetiana Trosteniuk Tetiana Trosteniuk, and Iryna Pavlichenko Iryna Pavlichenko
- Abstract
The study revealed the lack of a unified methodology for quantifying the size of shadow economic processes and criteria for the reliability of measurement results. Analyzing the scientific literature of domestic and foreign scientists revealed the fragmentary nature of research in terms of assessing the level of shadowing of the national economy. In turn, the existing methods of integrated assessment of the level of the shadow economy in Ukraine were analyzed. The analysis shows the imperfection of the methodology for assessing the shadow economy, as a result of which changes were proposed to the Guidelines for calculating the level of the shadow economy of December 7, 2020 to improve the methodology for calculating the shadow economy in Ukraine. The proposed methodology will allow to take into account both official data and expert assessment and the method of opinion polls, which in Ukrainian realities allows more accurate assessment of the shadowing of the economy and take into account those volumes that remain beyond official estimates. Keywords: shadow economy, state security, de-shadowing of the economy, national economy, level of shadowing, assessment of the shadow economy. more...
- Published
- 2021
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13. Legal regulation and specifics of remote work appliance in conditions of martial law
- Author
O. Melnychuk, M. Melnychuk, and I. Pavlichenko
- Abstract
The article reveals the legal regulation and specifics of the use of remote work in martial law. Defining the role of remote work in these emergency conditions, its special meaning for the preservation of labor relations and the organization of relative work safety. The proper legal regulation of the institute of remote work at the level of the Labor Code and other legislative acts of Ukraine, which ensures the legal definition of remote work, the procedure and conditions of its application, requirements for the form and content of the employment contract and more. It is noted that the presence of a standard form of employment contract for remote work indicates that the parties have no right to deviate from the content of the employment contract, but may specify its terms. Peculiarities of remote work are determined according to the following criteria: procedure of application, workplace, restrictions in application, mode of operation, provision of means of production, equipment, software and hardware, working hours, guarantee of rest time. The influence of the legal regime of martial law on the introduction of temporary changes in the organization of labor relations, which affected the order of introduction of remote work, is substantiated. First of all, it concerns the possibility of its application by order (order) of the employer, without concluding a written employment contract and without notifying the employee of changes in significant working conditions, as required by law in peacetime. The transformation of the legal regulation of working hours and rest time of the employee is indicated: the procedure for setting the start and end time of work has been changed, now this right belongs to the employer; increased normal and reduced working hours of employees; the duration of annual paid leave is limited to 24 calendar days and the provision of certain types of leave to employees involved in critical infrastructure; the application of the norms of certain articles of the Labor Code, which regulate working hours and rest time, has been stopped. more...
- Published
- 2022
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14. The Influence of Intravenous Transplantation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Functional Activity of KATP Channels of Pial Arteries after Ischemia/Reperfusion of the Brain
- Author
I. B. Sokolova, O. P. Gorshkova, and N. N. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
Cell Biology - Published
- 2022
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15. Reassessing the concept and classification of war crimes in modern Law understending
- Author
Volodymyr M. Pavlichenko, Maksum Valeryevich Danshyn, Hennadii Yevhenovych Bershov, and Oksana Viktorivna Korotiuk
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
War is inevitable, and its consequences devastating with lots of casualties and damages experienced. The purpose of the article is to study the concept and classification of war crimes. It has been emphasized that it is impossible to organize timely detection, effective pre-trial investigation and fair trial of war crimes cases without understanding the essence of the indicated illegal actions and the specifics of the mechanism of their commission. Analysis of the provisions of international legal acts, regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and foreign countries has been carried out. Those regulations define the concept of “war crimes”, their features and system. It has been found that there is no actual definition of war crimes in international criminal law, similar to the criminal law of Ukraine. It has been offered to understand war crimes as criminal offenses that encroach on the established procedure for performing active duty and are committed by members of the armed forces, conscripts and career reservists during reserve training, as well as their accomplices and other persons specified by law. It has been established that the criminalistics classification of war crimes allows us to form the appropriate forensic methods, to choose the right direction, means, tactics and investigation plan. The authors have accomplished criminalistics classification of war crimes according to a mixed criterion, which is stipulated by such criminal and forensic significant features of the indicated criminal offenses, as the characteristics of the offender’s personality, direction, situation and methods of commission. more...
- Published
- 2022
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16. Correction of the sexual function in domestic animals by megestrol acetate
- Author
A. P. Paliy, K. A. Dotsenko, O. V. Pavlichenko, A. P. Palii, and K. O. Rodionova
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Correction of sexual function in animals is a topical issue today, despite a large amount of scientific data on this problem. The study aimed to scientifically substantiate the effectiveness of hormonal veterinary drugs in cats and dogs of different breeds and genders. Veterinary drugs with the active substance megestrol acetate were used in the experiments. The studies were performed on clinically healthy cats and dogs of both sexes, different breeds, and ages vaccinated against infectious diseases and treated with antiparasitic drugs. The study was conducted according to the current regulatory documentation. It has been found that the use of hormonal drugs to interrupt/delay estrus in female cats at a dose of 5 mg of megestrol acetate for 8 days leads to a significant decrease in follicle-stimulating hormone, and the content of luteinizing hormone in the blood of cats in the experimental groups reliably decreased throughout the experiment. The use of contraceptives based on megestrol acetate in doses of 2.5 mg for 14 days for cats leads to a reliable decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the serum. It was found that the use of experimental hormonal drugs for female dogs in doses of 5 mg of megestrol acetate per 2.5 kg of body weight in the first 3 days, and half the daily dose from the 4th to the 10th day, leads to a reliable decrease in concentrations of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in serum compared to the control. Oral administration of experimental hormonal drugs to male dogs in doses of 5 mg of megestrol acetate per 2.5 kg of body weight for 8 days, led to a reliable decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the serum of males. It was found that the estrous cycle in female cats and dogs of the experimental groups after the cessation of hormonal drugs was completely restored, which indicates the safety of drugs with an active ingredient megestrol acetate more...
- Published
- 2022
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17. The Central Fluid Percussion Brain Injury in a Gyrencephalic Pig Brain; Scalable Diffuse Injury and Tissue Viability for Glial Cell Immunolabeling Following Long-Term Refrigerated Storage
- Author
Mark Pavlichenko and Audrey D. Lafrenaye
- Abstract
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects millions of people annually, however, our knowledge of the diffuse pathologies associated with TBI is limited. As diffuse pathologies, including axonal injury and neuroinflammatory changes, are difficult to visualize in the clinical population, animal models are used. In the current study we used the central fluid percussion injury (CFPI) model in a micro pig to study the potential scalability of these diffuse pathologies in a gyrencephalic brain of a species with inflammatory systems very similar to humans. We found that both axonal injury and microglia activation within the thalamus and corpus callosum are positively correlated to the weight-normalized pressure pulse, while subtle changes in blood gas and mean arterial blood pressure are not. We also found that the majority of tissue generated up to 10 years previously is viable for immunofluorescent labeling after long-term refrigeration storage. This study indicates that a micro pig CFPI model could allow for specific investigations of various degree of diffuse pathological burdens following TBI. more...
- Published
- 2023
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18. Influence of macronutrients and micronutrients on maize hybrids for biogas production
- Author
Mykola Grabovskyi, Petro Kucheruk, Kostantin Pavlichenko, and Hynek Roubík
- Subjects
Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Environmental Chemistry ,General Medicine ,Pollution - Abstract
Important in the cultivation of corn for biogas production is the selection of appropriate hybrids, macro- and micronutrient dozing and the evaluation of energy and economic efficiency of their use. Therefore, this article presents the results of 3-year field research (2019–2021) on the yield of maize hybrids of different maturity groups grown for silage. The influence of the application of macronutrients and micronutrients on fresh and dry mass yield, chemical composition, methane yield, energy, and economic efficiency was analysed. It was established that depending on the maize hybrid, the application of macro- and micro-fertilizers increased the yield of the fresh mass of maize by 1.4–24.0% compared to options without their use. The evaluation of the theoretical yield of CH4 based on the content of fats, protein, cellulose, and hemicellulose is also presented in different samples of maize. The findings show that the application of macro-and micro-fertilizers is suitable from the energy and economic points of view — profitability begins to appear at the price of biomethane of 0.3–0.4 euros per 1 m3. more...
- Published
- 2023
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19. Treatment of pets with the active substance dexpanthenol in wound processes
- Author
Anatoliy Paliy, Olena Pavlichenko, Kateryna Rodionova, Mykola Morozov, and Nina Dankevych
- Subjects
Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous) ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Agronomy and Crop Science - Abstract
Animal skin is a complex organ that directly perceives the influence of the external environment and performs a barrier-protective function, helps maintain the balance of the internal environment of the body. Disruption of each of the levels of the protective system leads to the development of inflammatory skin diseases. Treatment of wounds remains one of the most pressing scientific and practical problems of modern veterinary medicine. A number of researchers are searching for and developing new veterinary drugs for the treatment of wounds of various etiologies in small pets, but the use of drugs often causes adverse skin reactions. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a veterinary drug (ointment) in the treatment of wounds in domestic animals (dogs, cats, rabbits). The paper uses standard clinical, haematological, and biochemical research methods. The studies used a drug with the active substance dexpanthenol and excipients decamethoxine, Vaseline oil, emulsifier, glycerin, methylparaben, propylparaben, and purified water. The drug under study effectively reduced the wound surface area at all observation periods. It is proved that when using dexpanthenol-based ointment (10%), a complete wound-healing effect was observed in experimental animals on the 14th day of treatment: the area of wound surfaces decreased by 93.1±1.51%. The examined indicators were statistically substantially different from those in the group of untreated animals with skin wounds. The general clinical condition of domestic animals was examined, haematological and biochemical studies of animal blood were conducted under the conditions of applying an experimental drug to damaged skin areas. In animals with skin damage without treatment, the dynamic development of an acute inflammatory process in the body, the development of endogenous intoxication syndrome, signs of wound infection, pronounced exudation and slowing of contraction were observed. The developed veterinary drug with the active substance dexpanthenol simultaneously shows a pronounced antiinflammatory and wound-healing effect and provides a rapid therapeutic effect in wound processes in small pets more...
- Published
- 2023
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20. Design of medical tympanostomy conduits with selective fluid transport properties
- Author
Haritosh Patel, Ida Pavlichenko, Alison Grinthal, Cathy T. Zhang, Jack Alvarenga, Michael J. Kreder, James C. Weaver, Qin Ji, Christopher W. F. Ling, Joseph Choy, Zihan Li, Nicole L. Black, Paulo J. M. Bispo, Jennifer A. Lewis, Elliott D. Kozin, Joanna Aizenberg, and Aaron K. Remenschneider more...
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Implantable tubes, shunts, and other medical conduits are crucial for treating a wide range of conditions from ears and eyes to brain and liver but often impose serious risks of device infection, obstruction, migration, unreliable function, and tissue damage. Efforts to alleviate these complications remain at an impasse because of fundamentally conflicting design requirements: Millimeter-scale size is required to minimize invasiveness but exacerbates occlusion and malfunction. Here, we present a rational design strategy that reconciles these trade-offs in an implantable tube that is even smaller than the current standard of care. Using tympanostomy tubes (ear tubes) as an exemplary case, we developed an iterative screening algorithm and show how unique curved lumen geometries of the liquid-infused conduit can be designed to co-optimize drug delivery, effusion drainage, water resistance, and biocontamination/ingrowth prevention in a single subcapillary–length-scale device. Through extensive in vitro studies, we demonstrate that the engineered tubes enabled selective uni- and bidirectional fluid transport; nearly eliminated adhesion and growth of common pathogenic bacteria, blood, and cells; and prevented tissue ingrowth. The engineered tubes also enabled complete eardrum healing and hearing preservation and exhibited more efficient and rapid antibiotic delivery to the middle ear in healthy chinchillas compared with current tympanostomy tubes, without resulting in ototoxicity at up to 24 weeks. The design principle and optimization algorithm presented here may enable tubes to be customized for a wide range of patient needs. more...
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
O. Pavlichenko, O. Borodiyenko, Y. Malykhina, and V. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
Finance ,business.industry ,Business ,Investment (macroeconomics) - Abstract
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the principles and present the author’s methodology for creating strategic and investment plans for the development of educational institutions. The theoretical significance of the article is that it is based on understanding the work of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the authors’ own experience in strategic management of educational institutions of different levels, analysis of experience in creating strategic and investment development plans for 11 vocational schools in Donetsk, Luhansk and Zaporozhye regions (which became possible due to support of UNDP in Ukraine) the principles of creating a strategic and investment plan for the development of educational institutions are substantiated; the author’s vision on the technology of strategic management of an educational institution is offered; the author’s methodology of creating a strategic and investment plan for the development of an educational institution is presented. The practical significance of the article is that the proposed principles, technologies, tools and methodology tested in educational institutions of different levels can be used in the process of developing strategic management of relevant institutions, in particular to create a document «Strategic and investment development plan of the educational institution». It is substantiated that in the process of creating a strategic and investment plan for the development of the educational institution it is advisable to adhere to certain principles that will involve all stakeholders, teaching staff, lay the foundation for coordinated work on its (plan) implementation. Such principles are the principle of predictability (vision of the strategic and investment plan for the development of the institution as a document that should not only contain strategic initiatives and operational objectives aimed at changing the current situation (in terms of management, quality, competitiveness, etc.), but to implement initiatives aimed at change in the future); optimality (the need to identify a number of such strategic initiatives, the implementation of which could most optimally determine the change in the future); hierarchy (structuring of strategic and investment plan as a hierarchy of strategic initiatives, strategic goals and operational objectives, in order to ensure and optimal achievement of planned strategic goals); responsibility (involvement of teaching and non teaching staff in the process of generating strategic initiatives for the development of the educational institution as well as encouraging them to take responsibility for their implementation); environmentality (taking into account the general context (external environment) in which the institution is operated, and which, in turn, determines the patterns and internal logic of this development). The author’s methodology of creating a strategic and investment plan for the development of the educational institution is proposed, which provides the stages of analysis of the external environment of the educational institution, institutional analysis, competitive analysis, formation of a 3D view on the educational institution, generation of strategic initiatives for the future. The peculiarities of using the nominal groups technique to generate strategic initiatives for the development of an educational institution are substantiated. Key words: strategic development, strategic management, educational institutions, institutions of professional (vocational) education, strategic and investment plan. JEL Classification I22, О43 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 14. more...
- Published
- 2021
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22. Correction of Postischemic Changes in the Microcirculation of Rat Cerebral Cortex with Mesenchymal Stem Cells
- Author
I. B. Sokolova, O. P. Gorshkova, and N. N. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
Cell Biology - Published
- 2022
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23. Constitutional and legal support of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union: formation and development
- Author
O. F. Melnychuk and I. M. Pavlichenko
- Abstract
The article examines the constitutional and legal support of European integration from the beginning of the regulation of foreign relations, the specification of areas of partnership and cooperation to the normalization of political association and economic integration between Ukraine and the European Union.The normative legal acts that were the basis of the European integration process, as well as those that are in force and provide it today, are analyzed. Attention is paid to the analysis of the content and assessment of the role of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement for the development of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. The role of this document for laying a new basis of management in Ukraine - market relations, expanding the range of foreign economic activity, limiting the state monopoly in this area, adaptation of regulations of Ukraine to the legislation of the European Union, etc. Emphasis is placed on the main achievements of Ukraine in the period 1998-2013: signing a number of bilateral agreements in the aviation, navigation and energy sectors, granting market economy status, proclamation of accession to the World Trade Organization, formation of new legislation based on international and European standards, etc. The process of concluding and signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union is studied. It is determined that this Agreement is a legal instrument that provides an opportunity to create conditions for closer cooperation in areas of mutual interest and to develop integration relations for Ukraine’s full membership in the European Union.Emphasis is placed on the positive role of normalization of the strategic course of the state for the acquisition of full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and in the organizations of the North Atlantic Treaty at the level of the Constitution of Ukraine. It is stated that this factor will contribute to the development of European integration relations and systemic reforms, which are the main criteria for full membership. more...
- Published
- 2022
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24. Symptomatic Profile of Cariprazine in the Context of ICD-11 Domains for Schizophrenia: Review of Clinically Oriented Studies
- Author
Alexey Viktorovich Pavlichenko and Anna Sergeevna Gubina
- Subjects
Ocean Engineering - Abstract
INTRODUCTION: One of the innovations in the ICD-11grouping "Schizophrenia and Other Primary Psychotic Disorders" is the implementation of six symptom domains intended to improve diagnostics and treatment of these mental conditions in clinical practice. In this respect, evaluation of the effects of various psychotropic drugs, primarily antipsychotic agents, on the specified psychotic symptom domains is a critical task. The antipsychotic agent cariprazine, registered in many countries worldwide (including Russia) for schizophrenia treatment, was selected as the psychotropic drug model for the purposes of the present review. METHODS: For the purposes of this review the MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and PubMed databases were searched for randomized controlled trials comparing cariprazine with a placebo, or a placebo and one or several antipsychotic agents, and that was performed within the period from January 2014 to March 2021. RESULTS: Cariprazine has proved its efficiency in relation to all symptom groups of the ICD-11 domain "Positive Symptoms'', and may be considered a front-line therapy for treatment of the first and multiple episodes of schizophrenia, disorganized thinking, and behavioral disorders in the form of aggressiveness and hostility. Cariprazine has the best evidential base for treatment of various symptoms within the ICD-11 domain "Negative Symptoms'' among all antipsychotic agents. The data with regard to the effects of cariprazine on the domain "Depressive Mood Symptoms'' are controversial. No data concerning the effects of cariprazine on the domain "Maniс Mood Symptoms'' are available, but the effectiveness of cariprazine monotherapy for manic episodes without any psychomotor agitation signs in the instance of bipolar disorder has been demonstrated. The effectiveness of cariprazine therapy for the ICD-11 domain "Psychomotor Symptoms" has not been investigated, either within the framework of monotherapy or in the course of adjuvant therapy. The effectiveness of cariprazine has been demonstrated in treatment of the domain "Cognitive Symptoms", and the pro-cognitive effect of the drug has developed regardless of its impact on any other schizophrenia symptoms. The drugs capability to improve the functioning of patients with schizophrenia was demonstrated regardless of the impact on psychotic symptoms. CONCLUSION: Cariprazine is the first-line drug for treatment of the domain "Negative Symptoms" as well as representing front-line therapy for the treatment of ICD-11 domains "Positive Symptoms" and "Cognitive Symptoms". Additional studies will be required in order to evaluate the effects of cariprazine on the ICD-11 domains "Maniс Mood Symptoms" and "Depressive Mood Symptoms". more...
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
O. M. Stets, Ye. V. Pavlichenko, and O. M. Melnyk
- Published
- 2022
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26. Formation of biometric indicators and accumulation of raw green mass by maize hybrids under the influence of macro and micro fertilizers
- Author
K.V. Pavlichenko and М.B. Hrabovskyi
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Ya.V. Reshyvska, H.A. Shpytalenko, T.V. Baranovska, I.M. Pavlichenko, and Yu.O. Sushytska
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering - Published
- 2022
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29. Russian epigraphy after V. V. Latyshev (1921-1941). II. Lapidary inscriptions
- Author
N. A. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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- Author
- Published
- 2022
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Environmental Engineering - Published
- 2022
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- Author
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General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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33. Asymptomatic malaria, erythropoiesis and plasmodium
- Author
V. Pavlichenko, O. Prikhodko, T. Yemets, and G. Maleeva
- Published
- 2022
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34. The use of organic trace elements of domestic production 'OMEK-7M' in the diets of fattening pigs
- Author
Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev, Grigory Semenovich Pokhodnya, Nadezhda Pavlovna Shevchenko, Alexander Ivanovich Shevchenko, Yuri Pavlovich Breslavets, Tatyana Sergeevna Pavlichenko, and Nikolay Vladimirovich Perevozchikov more...
- Subjects
General Engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Published
- 2022
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- Author
K.S. Churilova, I.A. Akimova, E.A. Volkova, and А.А. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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- Author
N.V. Pavlichenko and A.I. Tambovtsev
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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- Author
М.М. Yakubovskiy, М.V. Pavlichenko, and А.R. Getmanova
- Published
- 2022
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38. Shaping the status trend of Covid vaccines on TikTok: critical discourse analysis of bloggers’ videos
- Author
- Published
- 2022
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39. Yields of green and dry mass of maize hybrids and biogas output depending of the use of macro and microfertilizers
- Author
K.V. Pavlichenko and M.B. Grabovskyі
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
H.A. Shpytalenko, T.V. Baranovska, I.M. Pavlichenko, O.S. Horai, and Ya.V. Reshyvska
- Published
- 2022
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41. Results of the COVID-19 mental health international for the health professionals (COMET-HP) study: depression, suicidal tendencies and conspiracism
- Author
Konstantinos N. Fountoulakis, Grigorios N. Karakatsoulis, Seri Abraham, Kristina Adorjan, Helal Uddin Ahmed, Renato D. Alarcón, Kiyomi Arai, Sani Salihu Auwal, Julio Bobes, Teresa Bobes-Bascaran, Julie Bourgin-Duchesnay, Cristina Ana Bredicean, Laurynas Bukelskis, Akaki Burkadze, Indira Indiana Cabrera Abud, Ruby Castilla-Puentes, Marcelo Cetkovich, Hector Colon-Rivera, Ricardo Corral, Carla Cortez-Vergara, Piirika Crepin, Domenico de Berardis, Sergio Zamora Delgado, David de Lucena, Avinash de Sousa, Ramona di Stefano, Seetal Dodd, Livia Priyanka Elek, Anna Elissa, Berta Erdelyi-Hamza, Gamze Erzin, Martin J. Etchevers, Peter Falkai, Adriana Farcas, Ilya Fedotov, Viktoriia Filatova, Nikolaos K. Fountoulakis, Iryna Frankova, Francesco Franza, Pedro Frias, Tatiana Galako, Cristian J. Garay, Leticia Garcia-Álvarez, Paz García-Portilla, Xenia Gonda, Tomasz M. Gondek, Daniela Morera González, Hilary Gould, Paolo Grandinetti, Arturo Grau, Violeta Groudeva, Michal Hagin, Takayuki Harada, Tasdik M. Hasan, Nurul Azreen Hashim, Jan Hilbig, Sahadat Hossain, Rossitza Iakimova, Mona Ibrahim, Felicia Iftene, Yulia Ignatenko, Matias Irarrazaval, Zaliha Ismail, Jamila Ismayilova, Asaf Jacobs, Miro Jakovljević, Nenad Jakšić, Afzal Javed, Helin Yilmaz Kafali, Sagar Karia, Olga Kazakova, Doaa Khalifa, Olena Khaustova, Steve Koh, Svetlana Kopishinskaia, Korneliia Kosenko, Sotirios A. Koupidis, Illes Kovacs, Barbara Kulig, Alisha Lalljee, Justine Liewig, Abdul Majid, Evgeniia Malashonkova, Khamelia Malik, Najma Iqbal Malik, Gulay Mammadzada, Bilvesh Mandalia, Donatella Marazziti, Darko Marčinko, Stephanie Martinez, Eimantas Matiekus, Gabriela Mejia, Roha Saeed Memon, Xarah Elenne Meza Martínez, Dalia Mickevičiūtė, Roumen Milev, Muftau Mohammed, Alejandro Molina-López, Petr Morozov, Nuru Suleiman Muhammad, Filip Mustač, Mika S. Naor, Amira Nassieb, Alvydas Navickas, Tarek Okasha, Milena Pandova, Anca-Livia Panfil, Liliya Panteleeva, Ion Papava, Mikaella E. Patsali, Alexey Pavlichenko, Bojana Pejuskovic, Mariana Pinto da Costa, Mikhail Popkov, Dina Popovic, Nor Jannah Nasution Raduan, Francisca Vargas Ramírez, Elmars Rancans, Salmi Razali, Federico Rebok, Anna Rewekant, Elena Ninoska Reyes Flores, María Teresa Rivera-Encinas, Pilar A. Saiz, Manuel Sánchez de Carmona, David Saucedo Martínez, Jo Anne Saw, Görkem Saygili, Patricia Schneidereit, Bhumika Shah, Tomohiro Shirasaka, Ketevan Silagadze, Satti Sitanggang, Oleg Skugarevsky, Anna Spikina, Sridevi Sira Mahalingappa, Maria Stoyanova, Anna Szczegielniak, Simona Claudia Tamasan, Giuseppe Tavormina, Maurilio Giuseppe Maria Tavormina, Pavlos N. Theodorakis, Mauricio Tohen, Eva-Maria Tsapakis, Dina Tukhvatullina, Irfan Ullah, Ratnaraj Vaidya, Johann M. Vega-Dienstmaier, Jelena Vrublevska, Olivera Vukovic, Olga Vysotska, Natalia Widiasih, Anna Yashikhina, Panagiotis E. Prezerakos, Michael Berk, Sarah Levaj, Daria Smirnova, Fountoulakis, Konstantinos N [0000-0001-5503-0811], N. Karakatsoulis, Grigorios [0000-0002-4786-1217], Castilla-Puentes, Ruby [0000-0002-0597-6155], Fountoulakis, Nikolaos K [0000-0002-5965-707X], Smirnova, Daria [0000-0002-9591-4918], and Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository more...
- Subjects
Psychiatry ,Health (social science) ,Social Psychology ,Depression ,Epidemiology ,Conspiracy theories ,COVID-19 ,Anxiety ,Health professionals ,Mental disorders ,Mental health ,Suicidality ,Psychiatry and Mental health - Abstract
Introduction: The current study aimed to investigate the rates of anxiety, clinical depression, and suicidality and their changes in health professionals during the COVID-19 outbreak. Materials and methods: The data came from the larger COMET-G study. The study sample includes 12,792 health professionals from 40 countries (62.40% women aged 39.76 ± 11.70; 36.81% men aged 35.91 ± 11.00 and 0.78% non-binary gender aged 35.15 ± 13.03). Distress and clinical depression were identified with the use of a previously developed cut-off and algorithm, respectively. Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics were calculated. Chi-square tests, multiple forward stepwise linear regression analyses, and Factorial Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested relations among variables. Results: Clinical depression was detected in 13.16% with male doctors and ‘non-binary genders’ having the lowest rates (7.89 and 5.88% respectively) and ‘non-binary gender’ nurses and administrative staff had the highest (37.50%); distress was present in 15.19%. A significant percentage reported a deterioration in mental state, family dynamics, and everyday lifestyle. Persons with a history of mental disorders had higher rates of current depression (24.64% vs. 9.62%; p < 0.0001). Suicidal tendencies were at least doubled in terms of RASS scores. Approximately one-third of participants were accepting (at least to a moderate degree) a non-bizarre conspiracy. The highest Relative Risk (RR) to develop clinical depression was associated with a history of Bipolar disorder (RR = 4.23). Conclusions: The current study reported findings in health care professionals similar in magnitude and quality to those reported earlier in the general population although rates of clinical depression, suicidal tendencies, and adherence to conspiracy theories were much lower. However, the general model of factors interplay seems to be the same and this could be of practical utility since many of these factors are modifiable. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany. more...
- Published
- 2023
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42. Crowdsourcing for Information Retrieval
- Author
Dmitry Ustalov, Alisa Smirnova, Natalia Fedorova, and Nikita Pavlichenko
- Published
- 2023
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43. RoboCup 2022 AdultSize Winner NimbRo: Upgraded Perception, Capture Steps Gait and Phase-Based In-Walk Kicks
- Author
Dmytro Pavlichenko, Grzegorz Ficht, Arash Amini, Mojtaba Hosseini, Raphael Memmesheimer, Angel Villar-Corrales, Stefan M. Schulz, Marcell Missura, Maren Bennewitz, and Sven Behnke
- Published
- 2023
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44. Intrauterine correction of obstructive uropathies by bilateral nephroamnial bypass grafting of the fetal kidneys
- Author
Breynik A.L. Breynik, Pavlichenko M.V. Pavlichenko, Pospelova Ya.Yu. Pospelova Ya, Kosovtsova N.V. Kosovtsova, Makarov R.A. Makarov, and Chudakov V.B. Chudakov
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Fetus ,Bypass grafting ,business.industry ,medicine ,General Medicine ,business ,Surgery - Published
- 2020
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45. Plasma levels of neurotrophic factors are not associated with the severity of depression
- Author
Yana A. Zorkina, Timur S. Syunyakov, Olga V. Abramova, Roman A. Yunes, Aleksey V. Pavlichenko, Konstantin A. Pavlov, Elena B. Khobta, Daria A. Susloparova, Grigory Y. Tsarapkin, Denis S. Andreyuk, Valery N. Danilenko, Olga I. Gurina, and Anna Y. Morozova more...
- Subjects
Psychiatry ,cdnf ,neuropeptide y ,bdnf ,gad7 ,depression ,RC435-571 ,Psychology ,Ocean Engineering ,hamd ,ces-d ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. Impaired neurogenesis is observed in depression. Studying the concentration of biochemical indicators in the blood that may be involved in the pathogenesis of depression, looking for associations with the severity of depressive symptoms can be useful as an objective diagnosis of the disease and predicting the severity of the pathology. We determined plasma concentrations of the monoamine neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, and neurotrophic factors involved in neurogenesis (BDNF, CDNF and neuropeptide Y) in depressed patients and healthy volunteers with the same socio-demographic parameters using enzyme immunoassay and mass spectrometry. All study participants were administered the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7), and the Center for Epidemiological Studies (CES-D). The cumulative scores on the three scales examined were significantly higher in depressed patients than in controls. The concentration of serotonin, dopamine, BDNF, CDNF, and neuropeptide Y in plasma did not differ between the subject groups and was not associated with the scores on the scales. Positive correlations were found between the content of neuropeptide Y and serotonin, BDNF and CDNF in blood plasma. Thus, although these markers are related to the pathophysiology of depression, they do not correlate with the severity of symptomatology and possibly in plasma cannot reflect processes occurring in the brain. more...
- Published
- 2021
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46. Features of Growth Processes of Sweet Cherry Trees of Various Ripening Terms in the Conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
- Author
Lidiia Shubenko, Svitlana Shokh, Lesia Karpuk, Andriy Pavlichenko, and Larysa Philipova
- Abstract
One of the main requirements of the new stone fruit varieties recommended for commercial cultivation is a compact crown shape that allows for greater plant density and easier crown maintenance. The aim of the research was to establish the growth processes of the above-ground parts of cherry trees in varieties of different ripening periods. The article presents the results of studies of the features of apical and lateral growth of sweet cherry trees. Biological and varietal features of tree growth strength, growth and total length of annual shoots are determined. The dependence of tree trunk growth on apical growth force is established. According to the results of research, sweet cherry varieties are grouped according to the strength of growth: the vigorous varieties are Amazonka, Dar Mliyeva, Zoryana, Mliyivska zhovta; the semi dwarf are Aboryhenka, Alyonushka, Drohana zhovta, Mirazh; the dwarfing are Biryuza, Donetskyy uholyok, Melitopolska krapchasta, Meotida. The smallest increase in trunk diameter was found for the dwarfing variety Biryuza, and the largest – for the variety Drohana zhovta. The highest yield load per unit cross-sectional area of the trunk was recorded for the variety Donetskyy uholyok, the lowest – for Drohana zhovta. The amount of growth in the trunk diameter was inversely dependent on a load of trees with the crop and the strength of apical growth of sweet cherry trees. The features of shoot-forming ability allow characterising the shape of the crown of cherry trees: round – Donetskyy uholyok, Amazonka; high-round – varieties of Aborigenka, Dar Mliyeva, Zoryana; wide-pyramidal – Alyonushka, Drohana zhovta, Melitopolska krap-chasta; pyramidal – Mliyivska zhovta, Mirazh; low – Meotida, Biryuza. Dar Mliyeva, Zoryana, Mirazh, Melitopolska krapchasta and Drohana zhovta varieties have high shootability; the Mliyivska zhovta, Aboryhenka, Meotida, Amazonka varieties have medium shootability; Alyonushka, Biryuza, Donetskyy uholyok varieties have low shootability more...
- Published
- 2021
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47. Effectiveness of albendazole-based anti-parasitic drugs under modern conditions
- Author
A. P. Paliy, N. V. Sumakova, O. M. Bohach, K. O. Rodionova, O. V. Pavlichenko, T. M. Ihnatieva, and A. P. Palii
- Abstract
An important problem in veterinary medicine is still the control of parasitic diseases of farm and domestic animals. The market of antiparasitic drugs is widely represented by anthelmintics based on albendozole, both imported and domestic, but data on the effectiveness of these drugs are currently insufficient. The aim of the research was to determine in the comparative aspect the effectiveness of the use of antiparasitic drugs in different forms with the content of albendazole in different species of animals. In the previous stage of the studies the experimental animals were diagnosed with invasions. The most common infections in cattle were dictyocaulosis and fasciolosis; Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Cooperia oncophora, Oesophagostomum radiatum were not detected. No causative agent of Dictyocaulus vivaparus infection was detected in horses. The most common infection in dogs and cats was toxacariasis, and in mink the most common was infection wih Uncinaria spp. Along with this, no Taenia solium and Diphyllobothrium latum eggs were detected in dogs, and Opisthorchis felineus, Taenia solium, Diphyllobothrium latum were not detected in cats. After the use of preparative forms of albendazole in sick animals for 2–5 days, the presence of dead sexually mature nematodes and helminth eggs were noted in the feces of animals. The efficacy of albendazole drugs regarding helminthiasis in farm and domestic animals was 100% more...
- Published
- 2021
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48. Sorting of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) seeds by a set of signs
- Author
V. Dryga, V. Doronin, L. Karpuk, Yu. Kravchenko, A. Pavlichenko, and L. Shubenko
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
The article presents the research results on the efficiency of switchgrass seeds sorting by a set of characteristics – specifc gravity and aerodynamic properties in order to reduce the biological state of seeds dormancy and germination increase signifcantly. It is experimentally proved that sequential seeds sorting in two stages by a set of features – specifc weight on the pneumatic table and aerodynamic properties on the aspiration column provided a signifcant increase in its germination energy, germination and 1000 seeds weight. Sorting of Morozko variety seeds on the pneumatic table ensured obtaining seeds with germination energy and similarity in positions 1 and 2, respectively – 16–19 % and 20–22 %, while in positions 3–5 these indicators were, respectively – 5–13 % and 9–17 %. Re-sorting of these seeds by aerodynamic properties provided an increase in germination energy and seed similarity from the position of the pneumatic table "3", respectively – by 12 and 13 %, the intermediate fraction – by 14–16 %, and waste – by 19–21 % compared to these indicators to sorting, due to the selection of the lung and with lower seed similarity. Sorting seeds by a set of characteristics provided not only an increase in its quality, but also an increase in the yield of more similar seeds. The most effective way to prepare switchgrass seeds for sowing is to sort them by a set of features – specifc weight and aerodynamic properties, which reduces the biological dormancy of seeds, signifcantly increases its germination energy, similarity, 1000 seeds weight and quality seeds. But this measure does not provide a complete solution to reduce the biological state of dormancy of seeds. Key words: seeds yield, aerodynamic properties, specifc gravity, germination energy, similarity, 1000 seeds weight. more...
- Published
- 2021
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49. Information-Communication Platform of Library as a Tool for Formation of the Knowledge Space
- Author
Irina A. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
Knowledge space ,Human–computer interaction ,Computer science ,General Medicine - Abstract
The article discusses the issues of popularization of scientific knowledge on the basis of public libraries. The author substantiates the importance of library and information institutions in the process of spreading scientific knowledge among wider population. The article considers the problematic aspects and tasks of libraries in the direction of improving the scientific literacy of users.The author characterizes the project “Information-Communication Platform for the popularization of Science”, developed by specialists of the Mikhail Lermontov Interdistrict Centralized Library System (St. Petersburg), which covers a wide range of scientific areas providing a general overview of topics and more specific information for those who wish to obtain in-depth sight into a particular subject area. Special attention is paid to the organizational issues of the implementation of platform: the purpose of creation, the target audience, the basic principles, the main objectives of the project. The article considers the forms of mutually beneficial cooperation in the popularization of scientific knowledge within the framework of the project with partner organizations. The author describes the requirements for the operation of interface. The platform contains three major types of information resources: documentary full-text data bases, bibliographic resources and media resources. The platform anticipates interactive communication of library users — students and representatives of pedagogical community — with well-known scientists for discussing technical developments and achievements of humankind with particular attention to subjects of current interest: pandemic, coronavirus, vaccination. The information-communication platform allows monitoring the interest of young people in various scientific areas. Participation in the project motivates young people to scientific activity, which is one of the basic factors of reproduction of scientific personnel potential. more...
- Published
- 2021
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50. Influence of different fertilization and chemical recruitment systems on the phosphorus regime of gray forest soil
- Author
A. Pavlichenko
- Subjects
General Engineering ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Phosphorus is extremely important in agriculture. This is due to the fact that without its participation in the plant body does not undergo any biochemical reaction, because it is part of the ATP molecule, which provides energy. It is an essential element of nucleic acids, phospholipids and the others is actively involved in the regulation of enzymatic reactions. It is part of human, animal, plant and bacterial cells. The research was conducted on the basis of a stationary experiment conducted in 1992 on gray forest coarsegrained light loam soil, studied the effect of long-term chemical reclamation and various fertilization systems (mineral, organic, organic-mineral) on the transformation of Optimal phosphorus nutrition promotes the development of the root system, which improves the supply of plants with moisture and nutrients, increases the share of marketable products in the organic crop, increases the starch content in potatoes, sugar in roots, vegetables and fruits, oilseeds, oilseeds the output of a long fiber, its strength increases. That is why the management of phosphorus nutrition of plants is one of the key issues. Changes in various forms of phosphorus (gross, mobile, water-soluble) under the influence of the above factors are analyzed. For a more objective assessment of these factors on the phosphate regime of the soil on the variant results of the analysis were compared not only with absolute control, but also tied to baseline (age of fallow 28 years), located next to the experimental field. It was found that the content of gross phosphorus, which characterizes the genetic characteristics of the soil, depends almost entirely on the total humus reserves and clearly repeats the parameters of the profile accumulation of carbon, taking into account the depth and thickness of humus horizons. The particle size distribution is of great importance in the processes of gross phosphorus accumulation, as defects are quite easily adsorbed on the surface of soil structures. Evaluation of the results of the analysis shows a large gap in the gross forms of phosphorus and low concentration of its mobile forms, the content of which is 4.7% of the total. According to our data, water-soluble salts of phosphoric acid in gray forest soil are generally found in very small quantities (0.62 mg / kg in the horizon NOT with a gradual decline down the profile), which often becomes a limiting factor in phosphorus nutrition of crops. Lime, by reducing the activity of one and a half oxides, weakens the adsorption bonds of phosphorus and increases the relative amounts of calcium phosphates. The application of mineral fertilizers replenished the pool of gross phosphorus (by 0.08% of the control dock), but mobile forms of phosphorus (according to Kirsanov) increased by only 23 mg/kg, which was second only to liming. In general, the effect of liming significantly increases the use of soil phosphates and fertilizers. more...
- Published
- 2021
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