Calcocambisol is the most dominant soil type developed on Dinaric karst. It is formed by pedogenic processes acting on carbonate rocks, which include weathering, accumulation of insoluble residue, organic matter, and allogenic material and braunification. Further development of Calcocambisol includes leaching of clay from upper soil horizons and secondary accumulation in lower horizons. Calcocambisols are exclusively developed on carbonate rocks characterised by diverse relief forms resulting in variable soil depth over short distances and consequently different phases of soil development. Thus, the goal of this study was to analyse morphological, physical, and chemical properties of Calcocambisols in different stages of development from a location within the Krka National Park. Results of soil analysis showed similarities in morphological properties, soil field and air capacity, density and SOC content. On the other hand, differences in properties included different carbonate content and pH values of topsoil and difference in particle size distribution. These differences can be attributed to irregular rocky surface which plays important role in allogenic particles distribution and water percolation. Increased leaching of clay particles to deeper horizons results in diversification of Bt (argic) horizon, indicating more advanced stage of soil development towards Luvisol formation.