This dataset included the fire emission, plume, and air quality observation for the 2020 US Giga Fire. The fire emissions product is from the 0.1 degree daily blended Global Biomass Burning Emissions Product from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) (GBBEPx V3, Zhang, et al., 2012, 2019). The plume height information is from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) Plume Height project (Diner et al., 1998; Nelson et al., 2013; Val Martin et al., 2018). The atmospheric optical depth (AOD) data is VIIRS Enterprise AOD from Suomi-NPP (Zhang et al., 2016; Kondragunta et al., 2017). VIIRS AOD The surface PM2.5 observation is from AirNow measurements. Time period: Aug, 1st, 2020-Sep, 30th, 2020 Please cite: Li, Y., Tong, D., Ma, S., Zhang, X., Kondragunta, S., Li, F., & Saylor, R. (2021). Dominance of wildfires impact on air quality exceedances during the 2020 record-breaking wildfire season in the United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094908., {"references":["Kondragunta, S., Laszlo, I., Ma, L., JPSS Program Office: NOAA JPSS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Particle Size Distribution Environmental Data Record (EDR) from NDE. [NOAA-20 dataset]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. NOAA Natl. Cent. Environ. Inf 2017.","Li, Y., Tong, D., Ma, S., Zhang, X., Kondragunta, S., Li, F., & Saylor, R.: Dominance of wildfires impact on air quality exceedances during the 2020 record-breaking wildfire season in the United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094908., 2021.","Nelson, D.L., Garay, M.J., Kahn, R.A., and Dunst, B.A.: Stereoscopic Height and Wind Retrievals for Aerosol Plumes with the MISR INteractive eXplorer (MINX). Remote Sens. 5, 4593-4628, doi:10.3390/rs5094593, 2013.","Val Martin, M., Kahn, R. A., and Tosca, M. G.: A Global Analysis of Wildfire Smoke Injection Heights Derived from Space-Based Multi-Angle Imaging. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 1609; doi:10.3390/rs1010, 2018.","Zhang, H., Kondragunta, S., Laszlo, I., Liu, H., Remer, L. A., Huang, J., Superczynski, S., and Ciren, P. (2016), An enhanced VIIRS aerosol optical thickness (AOT) retrieval algorithm over land using a global surface reflectance ratio database, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 10,717– 10,738, doi:10.1002/2016JD024859.","Zhang, X., Kondragunta, S., Ram, J., Schmidt, C., & Huang, H.-C.: Near-real-time global biomass burning emissions product from geostationary satellite constellation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117(D14)., 2012.","Zhang, X., Kondragunta, S., Da Silva, A., Lu, S., Ding, H., Li, F., & Zhu, Y.: The blended global biomass burning emissions product from MODIS and VIIRS observations (GBBEPx) version 3.1,, 2019."]}