Ray, Tui, Gaire, Tara Nath, Dean, Christopher J., Rowe, Sam, Godden, Sandra M., and Noyes, Noelle R.
Additional file 2: Fig. S1. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination plots based on Bray���Curtis distances for (A) used versus (B) unused status for each bedding type, at the phylum, class and ASV level; and for potential mastitis pathogens at the genus level. NSA���new sand, ON���organic non-manure, RMS���recycled manure solids and RSA���recycled sand bedding type. Fig. S2. Log2-fold change (Log2FC) in abundance of classes between used and unused bedding samples, separated by bedding type. Only classes with an average abundance >50th percentile within each bedding type are depicted. Red indicates classes whose abundance was significantly different between used and unused bedding samples (i.e., adjusted P < 0.05). Circle diameter is proportional to the average abundance of each genus across all samples within each bedding type. NSA���new sand, ON���organic non-manure, RMS���recycled manure solids and RSA���recycled sand bedding type. Fig. S3. Log2-fold change (Log2FC) in abundance of genera that contain potential mastitis pathogens, comparing used and unused bedding samples, separated by bedding type. Only genera with an average abundance >50th percentile within each bedding type are depicted. Red indicates genera whose abundance was significantly different between used and unused bedding samples (i.e., adjusted P < 0.05). Circle diameter is proportional to the average abundance of each genus across all samples within each bedding type. NSA���new sand, ON���organic non-manure, RMS���recycled manure solids and RSA���recycled sand bedding type. Fig. S4. Scatter plots of 16S rRNA gene counts and culture results obtained from the same bedding samples, for: total bacteria (panels A���D, TBC); Staphylococcus (panels E���H); 16S rRNA gene counts for Streptococcus and culture-based Streptococcus and Streptococcus like organisms (SSLO) counts (panels I���L); 16S rRNA gene counts for Streptococcus, Aerococcus, Enterococcus and Lactococcus and culture-based Streptococcus and Streptococcus like organisms (SSLO) counts (panels M���P); Bacillus (panels Q���T), and Klebsiella (panels U���X). NSA���new sand, ON���organic non-manure, RMS���recycled manure solids and RSA���recycled sand bedding type.