5 results on '"Rocha, Jessica"'
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2. The experience of adults with visual disabilities in two Brazilian science museums: An exploratory and qualitative study
- Author
Fernandes, Mariana Pereira and Norberto Rocha, Jessica
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
In this exploratory and qualitative study, we investigate the experience of two groups of adults with visual disabilities in two science museums in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Data collection was performed by recording their visits through a subjective camera placed on the head of one of the visitors. The analysis used three accessibility indicators and barriers as codes. The data reveals that: (a) physical accessibility—related to the internal architectural aspects—was well developed; although other elements of this indicator need improvement; (b) attitudinal accessibility was present, mostly due to the work and guidance of the museums’ educators; (c) communicational accessibility was rare in the museums, either due to a lack of diversified equipment, media or resources both for internal and external communication; (d) barriers do exist, mainly because one or more element is missing from the accessibility indicators. This study indicates that the two science museums offer accessibility strategies from the perspective of people with visual disabilities and can provide interactions, learning and science communication for this audience in different levels. However, some barriers in both institutions still need to be improved. Based on our data, results and discussions, museums and their professionals can be inspired, learn and plan an organizational change toward accessibility. Lastly, museums need to be able to learn from people with disabilities.
- Published
- 2022
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3. El desarrollo de indicadores de accesibilidad para el análisis de exposiciones online: un camino para la inclusión social en las actividades de los museos
- Author
Carvalho de Mattos Marinho, Letícia and Norberto Rocha, Jessica
- Subjects
Indicadores ,Tecnologías asistivas ,Museos ,Personas con discapacidad ,Museums ,Indicators ,Online exhibitions ,Accessibility ,Exposiciones online - Abstract
[EN] Social inequalities brought up by welfare, racial, and geographic oppressions often determine whether a person has the possibility and the motivation to visit museums. Accessibility barriers also add another layer of distance between museums and people with disabilities. Although many museums have shown an effort to provide an accessible physical space, communicational and attitudinal aspects of access are less present – a concerning issue, especially when considering online activities. In face of the sanitary insecurity brought upon by the Covid-19 pandemic, online museums and exhibitions add up to the possibilities of creating and maintaining different audiences. Therefore, we must establish methods and tools to provide an accessible online museum space so that people from different backgrounds, including those with disabilities, may experience a barrier-free remote visit. In this context, our primary goal in this presentation is to introduce the process of developing the analytical tool “Accessibility Indicators for Online Exhibitions and Museums”, with a specific focus on the particularities of online museums and discuss its usability as a theoretical and practical framework. The instrument was adapted from the international guidelines, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), and information gathered in the literature about accessibility in online environments and in museums. The work of Inacio (2017), with further development by Norberto Rocha et al. (2020, 2021), led to the publication of accessibility indicators and their application to investigate physical museums and the experience of visitors with disabilities. Although we identify common aspects of accessibility in physical and online museums, we understand that the specificities of online exhibitions need to be covered. The accessibility indicators for online exhibitions’ structure is composed of three indicators, each with two attributes. The first, “Design and navigability”, with the “Comfort, security and navigation flexibility” and “Access, manipulation and presentation flexibility” attributes, concerns the structure of the platform of the online exhibition and the action of scrolling through. The second, “Attitudinal”, with the “Inclusive practices, welcome and hosting” and “Institutional policy” attributes, concerns the efforts taken by the institution to include both visitors and professionals with disabilities. The third, “Communicational”, with the “Communication, and dissemination to a broad audience” and “Media and diverse resources to a plural communication” attributes, concerns informational and instructional aspects both internal and external to the online exhibition. Together, we believe that these indicators, as a tool, may provide a reference to the creation, update, and analysis of online exhibitions, aiming to improve museum access and education for a varied audience., [ES] Las desigualdades sociales provocadas por el bienestar, las opresiones raciales y geográficas a menudo determinan si una persona tiene la posibilidad y la motivación de visitar museos. Las barreras de accesibilidad también añaden otra capa de distancia entre los museos y las personas con discapacidad. Aunque muchos museos han mostrado un esfuerzo por proporcionar un espacio físico accesible, los aspectos comunicacionales y actitudinales del acceso están menos presentes, un tema preocupante, especialmente cuando se consideran las actividades online. Ante la inseguridad sanitaria provocada por la pandemia del Covid-19, los museos y exposiciones online se suman a las posibilidades de crear y mantener diferentes públicos. Por lo tanto, debemos establecer métodos y herramientas para proporcionar un espacio museístico online accesible para que las personas de diferentes orígenes, incluidas las personas con discapacidades, puedan experimentar una visita remota sin barreras. En este contexto, nuestro objetivo principal en esta presentación es introducir el proceso de desarrollo de la herramienta analítica "Indicadores de accesibilidad para las exposiciones y museos online", con un enfoque específico en las particularidades de los museos online y discutir su usabilidad como marco teórico y práctico. El instrumento fue adaptado de las directrices internacionales, las Directrices de Accesibilidad de Contenido Web (WCAG 2.1) y la información recopilada en la literatura sobre accesibilidad en entornos online y en museos. El trabajo de Inacio (2017), con mayor desarrollo de Norberto Rocha et al. (2020, 2021), llevó a la publicación de indicadores de accesibilidad y su aplicación para investigar los museos físicos y la experiencia de los visitantes con discapacidad. Aunque identificamos aspectos comunes de la accesibilidad en los museos físicos y online, entendemos que las especificidades de las exposiciones online deben cubrirse. La estructura de los indicadores de accesibilidad para las exposiciones online se compone de tres indicadores, cada uno con dos atributos. El primero, "Diseño y navegabilidad", con los atributos "Comodidad, seguridad y flexibilidad de navegación" y "Flexibilidad de acceso, manipulación y presentación", se refiere a la estructura de la plataforma de la exposición online y la acción de desplazarse. El segundo, "Actitudinal", con los atributos "Prácticas inclusivas, recepción y acogida" y "Política institucional", se refiere a los esfuerzos realizados por la institución para incluir tanto a los visitantes como a los profesionales con discapacidad. El tercero, "Comunicacional", con los atributos "Comunicación y difusión a un público amplio" y "Medios de comunicación y recursos diversos para una comunicación plural", se refiere a aspectos informativos e instructivos tanto internos como externos a la exposición en línea. Juntos, creemos que estos indicadores, como herramienta, pueden proporcionar una referencia a la creación, actualización y análisis de exposiciones online, con el objetivo de mejorar el acceso a los museos y la educación para un público variado., Letícia Marinho thanks CAPES for the master's degree grant supporting the Master’s in Communication of Science, Technology, and Health at Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Jessica Norberto Rocha thanks FAPERJ for the Young Scientist of Rio de Janeiro grant and CNPQ for the Productivity scholarship.
- Published
- 2022
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4. La figura del mediador en la relación entre el museo y el público: estudio de caso del MIDE de México
- Author
Castellanos-Pineda, Patricia, Massarani, Luisa, Abreu, Willian, Alvaro, Marcela, Norberto-Rocha, Jessica, Singer-Sochet, Silvia, and Sánchez, Emilio
- Subjects
science museums ,mediación ,mediadores ,explainers ,mediation ,guías ,guides ,museos de ciencias - Abstract
The role of the explainer has become a fundamental piece for any typology of museums and their visitors. This stakeholder, who has surpassed the traditional role of the guide, stands as one of the most promising and necessary in museums of all typologies. This paper presents a survey conducted at the Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE) in Mexico City (Mexico). The sample collected is 93 questionnaires applied to the museum's explainers, young university students between 20 and 30 years of age. The data collected was coded using Excel. Among other conclusions, the analysis indicates that 71% of the mediators attended the training offered by the museum and 84.9% consider that science and technology are beneficial for the humanity. The survey revealed other results: the explainers consider themselves a service and a bridge between the museum and the public; the most recurrent roles assumed by these explainers in the museum is to guide exhibitions and provide informal explanations to visitors. Adolescents and the school groups are the audiences who they attend the most in their work routine. El rol del mediador se ha convertido en una pieza fundamental para cualquier tipología de museos y de sus visitantes. Esta figura, que ha superado el papel tradicional del guía, se erige como una de las más prometedoras y necesarias en museos de todas las tipologías. Este artículo presenta una encuesta realizada en el Museo Interactivo de Economía (MIDE) en Ciudad de México (México). La muestra recogida es de 93 cuestionarios aplicados a los mediadores del museo, jóvenes universitarios entre 20 y 30 años de edad. Los datos recogidos se codificaron a través de Excel, y entre otras conclusiones, el análisis indica que el 71% de los mediadores asistió a la formación ofrecida por el centro, el 84,9% considera que la ciencia y la tecnología son beneficiosas para la humanidad. La encuesta dio a conocer otros resultados como que los mediadores se consideran a sí mismos un puente entre el museo y el público; que las exposiciones guiadas y las explicaciones informales son dos de los formatos más utilizados en la mediación, y que los adolescentes y el público escolar son los visitantes que más atienden en sus labores cotidianas.
- Published
- 2022
5. A Cultura Científica de professores da Educação Básica
- Author
Norberto Rocha, Jessica, 1988, Caldas, Maria das Graças Conde, Vogt, Carlos Alberto, Caro, Carmen de, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Divulgação Científica e Cultural, and UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE CAMPINAS
- Subjects
Ensino de ciências ,Educação ,Communication ,Scientific culture ,Public understanding of cience ,Science education ,Percepção pública da ciência ,Comunicação ,Cultura científica ,Education - Abstract
Orientador: Maria das Graças Conde Caldas Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem Resumo: Para a educação de qualquer pessoa no mundo contemporâneo, é fundamental a noção sobre o que acontece em Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I), isto é, seus principais resultados, seus métodos, usos, riscos e limitações, bem como os interesses e determinações que governam seus processos e aplicações. Para além da educação formal e da educação científica, a construção de uma Cultura Científica na sociedade também depende de diversos fatores do meio social, que muitas vezes pertencem ao universo do ensino não formal, como o acesso a meios de informação diversos, a centros de ciência e cultura, a espaços de debates cívicos, a opções culturais, como teatro, cinema e feiras, entre outros. A criação do imaginário científico da criança e do jovem é muito influenciada pelo discurso do professor em sala de aula, principalmente pela forma como este relata, aborda e discute temas ligados à CT&I, pelo material didático utilizado e pelo valor que dá às atividades fora da sala de aula, como visitas a museus, jardins botânicos e feiras de ciências, entre outras atividades. Por esse motivo, o presente estudo objetivou identificar e analisar a Cultura Científica de professores e futuros professores da Educação Básica, alunos do curso de Pedagogia a distância UAB/UFMG, para refletir sobre o processo de formação e desenvolvimento dessa cultura, bem como avaliar suas práticas pedagógicas para o Ensino de Ciências e discussões sobre CT&I. O trabalho, que se configura como Estudo de Caso único (YIN, 2001), inclui pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, análise dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos, coletados a partir da aplicação questionários baseados em pesquisas de Percepção Pública da Ciência e das entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com uma estratificação da amostragem geral e a triangulação de informações, dados e evidências. O corpus do estudo é constituído por um universo de 155 cursistas de cinco municípios/polos, do interior de Minas Gerais, do curso de 2011 (Araçuaí, Campos Gerais, Formiga, Governador Valadares e Teófilo Otoni). Os resultados do trabalho apontam que existe interligação e interdependência dos oito anéis da Cultura Científica do professor (modelo criado pela pesquisa), sendo eles: Perfil sociodemográfico; Cultura, leitura e espaços científico-culturais; Assuntos de interesse; Hábitos informativos; Informação científica; Participação em assuntos de CT&I; Imaginário sobre CT&I e sobre o cientista; e Prática pedagógica. A pesquisa revela, ainda, que existem lacunas de aparelhos culturais e de acesso à informação de qualidade nas regiões onde mora esse público, com prejuízos importantes na formação científica e cultural e na prática pedagógica dos professores. A maioria dos professores considera importante o uso da mídia na sala de aula como recurso didático motivador do aprendizado, porém acreditam que as notícias de CT&I têm uma linguagem complexa e de difícil entendimento. Ficam, também, patentes, as expectativas não contempladas no curso, principalmente sobre didática na sala de aula, como exemplos de como proceder em diferentes situações e sobre quais recursos paradidáticos podem ser utilizados para dinamizar as aulas. A partir deste trabalho, espera-se abrir caminho para futuras investigações em programas de Divulgação Científica e Cultural e o fortalecimento da área de estudo no país Abstract: In order to educate anyone in the contemporary world, the notion of what happens in Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) is vital, i.e., their main findings, methods, uses, risks and limitations as well as the interests and decisions that govern their processes and applications. Beyond formal education and science education, the building of a Scientific Culture in society also depends on several factors from the social environment, which often belong to the universe of non-formal education, such as access to various means of information, to scientific and cultural centers, to places for civic debates, to cultural offerings, such as theater, cinema, fairs, among others. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and analyze the Scientific Culture of Primary Education teachers and future teachers, both undergraduate students in the Education Course from Universidade Aberta do Brasil (Open University of Brazil - UAB) from UFMG, in order to reflect on the formation of this culture and development process, as well as evaluating their pedagogical practices for science teaching and discussions about ST&I. The study, which is a single case study (YIN, 2001), includes bibliographical and documentary research, quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data collected from the questionnaires based on Public Understanding of Science models and from the semistructured interviews conducted with a stratified sample of the research public and crossed analysis between the data collected and evidence. The study corpus consists of 155 course participants, from the 2011 course, from five towns, in Minas Gerais (Araçuaí, Campos Gerais, Formiga, Governador Valadares e Teófilo Otoni). The results show that there is an interconnectedness and an interdependence between the eight rings of Teachers' Scientific Culture (model created by research), as follows: sociodemographic characteristics, culture, reading and access to places of science and culture; main issues of interest; informative habits; scientific information; participation in ST&I issues; imaginary on ST&I and on the scientist; and pedagogical practice. It also reveals that there are gaps on cultural offers and on the access to qualified information in the regions where this public lives, with significant losses in the teachers' scientific and cultural formation and pedagogical practices. Most teachers consider important to use media in the classroom as a teaching resource which motivates learning, but they also believe that the ST&I news are complex and difficult to understand. It is also evident that are expectations not covered in the course, mainly about didactics in the classroom, such as examples of what to do in different situations, and what paradidactic resources can be used to boost classes. From this research, it is expected to strengthen future research programs on Scientific and Cultural Communication study area in the country Mestrado Divulgação Científica e Cultural Mestra em Divulgação Científica e Cultural
- Published
- 2021
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