328 results on '"Slamet Riyadi"'
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2. Design And Build The Appropriate Technology Machinery For Shredded Fish Processing
- Author
Wahyu Nugroho, Dwi Khusna, Gatot Setyono, Siswadi Siswadi, Slamet Riyadi, and Heru Siswanto
- Abstract
The Shredded fish is produced by machines automatically, which can facilitate the production process. Previously the process was done conventionally in one production run. This problem prompted researchers to create a machine by combining three tool systems to become a shredded fish processing machine, including a system for separating meat and fish bones, a cooking furnace system, and a shredded dryer/spinner system that can be controlled electrically in the production process, in addition to the shredded produced more cleanly and efficiently in one production process. This machine utilizes the power of an electric motor of ¾ Hp, which is the driving force for the meat separator machine with a rotation speed of 2840 rpm and a production capacity of 30 Kg/hour.
- Published
- 2023
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3. The Effect of Audio and Audio Visual Imagery Exercises on the Level of Creativity of Aerobic Gymnastics Instructors
- Author
Anita Yuzela, Agus Kristiyanto, and Slamet Riyadi
- Published
- 2023
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4. The Effect of Principal Managerial and Professionalism of Teachers on the Implementation of School-Based Management
- Author
Hendrajaya Hendrajaya, Ratna Ayu Pawestri Kusuma Dewi, Akhmad Ramli, Ansori Ansori, and Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
The goal of this study was to determine and evaluate the impact of teachers' professionalism and school leaders' managerial skills on the implementation of school-based management. Based on these goals, this study employs quantitative research techniques using a descriptive-inferential strategy. While primary data was gathered using a questionnaire instrument, secondary data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Following that, the data was prepared and subjected to path analysis with a mixed multiple regression model. The research population consists of junior high school principals and instructors. The sampling strategy samples the entire population using the Slovin formula, which, rounded up, will result in a total of 150 samples. Following an analysis of the study's findings, it was discovered that managerial competence of school principals has a significant direct effect on teacher professionalism by 81.6%, a direct effect on school-based management by 77.4%, a direct effect on school-based management by 75.4%, and a combined significant direct effect on both teacher professionalism and managerial competence of school principals by 75.4%. Thus, the professionalism of teachers through the managerial skill of school principals has a 60.7% impact on management at the school.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Nur Susanto, Okky, Slamet Riyadi, and Abdul Halik
- Subjects
Discipline ,Integrity ,Performance ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
Discipline and integrity possessed by employees is a reflection of the company's performance, both of which will be able to affect employee performance. Maintaining the discipline and integrity of employees is one of the important functions of operational human resource management because the better the level of discipline and integrity of employees, it will simultaneously affect the company's performance. This study aims to determine the impact of discipline and integrity on employee performance. Discipline is tested through example, waskat (attached supervision), firmness. Integrity is tested through honesty, consistency, commitment. Performance is tested through the quality of work, responsibility, cooperation. The research method is quantitative with a sample taken of 110 Telkom employees in the South Surabaya Region. The data analysis technique uses the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using IBM SPSS Statistics and AMOS version 24 software. The results of this study indicate that discipline and integrity have a significant influence on the performance of Telkom employees in the South Surabaya Region
- Published
- 2023
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6. Pengenalan Tanda Arah untuk Navigasi Automatic Guided Vehicle berbasis Raspberry Pi
- Author
null Florentinus Budi Setiawan, null Rachmat Hidayat, null Leonardus Heru Pratomo, and null Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Perkembangan zaman modern di sektor teknologi robotika dan mekanisasi telah meningkat sangat signifikan dalam beberapa dekade ini karena efisiensinya yang tinggi dari aspek waktu dan tenaga. Pada sistem mobilisasi barang untuk pemanfaatan perusahaan, khususnya bagian industri dan bagian pergudangan, salah satu robot yang digunakan adalah kendaraan berpemandu otomatis pengangkut barang atau yang biasa disebut sebagai automatic guided vehicle (AGV). Salah satu metode navigasi lama di AGV adalah penggunaan sebuah sensor untuk mengikuti pola garis pada objek yang terdeteksi, yaitu garis pada lantai. Metode tersebut kurang efektif karena lambat laun objek pola garis di lantai tersebut akan menghilang akibat efek dari gaya gesek roda AGV, sehingga tidak lagi dapat terdeteksi oleh sensor kamera. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan sebuah peningkatan metode navigasi AGV agar dapat menjadi sebuah inovasi yang berkelanjutan. Metode navigasi ini menggunakan empat objek gambar yang diposisikan pada area yang dilintasi robot AGV dan kamera sebagai sensor yang menghadap ke depan, sehingga AGV dapat dengan presisi mendeteksi pola objek gambar menggunakan bantuan computer vision menggunakan library perangkat lunak OpenCV. Selanjutnya, pola objek gambar yang sudah terdeteksi diproses oleh sebuah program yang dirancang pada perangkat komputer mini Raspberry Pi 4 Model B. Hasil pengujian membuktikan bahwa metode ini mampu mendeteksi objek gambar yang berada di area yang terjangkau kamera dan berhasil menampilkan keluaran dari objek gambar tersebut. Sistem berhasil mengenali objek secara cukup akurat, dengan parameter jarak 10–95 cm dan melalui beberapa percobaan. Analisis kecepatan putaran roda depan dan belakang AGV dilakukan menggunakan osiloskop dan takometer sebagai alat pengukur kecepatan atau rotasi roda.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Penerapan Sistem Proposional-Integral-Derivatif Pada Hatchery untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Day Old Chick (DOC)
- Author
Deni Yannuaristaa, Eko Slamet Riyadi, Nur Cholik Hasyim, and Sandris Rintania
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
The Livestock Product Processing Technology Laboratory is one of the centers of practicum, research or community service activities at the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic where it has a hatchery machine with a capacity of 500 grains, the hatchery machine has been modified so that the temperature and humidity can be controlled properly, but the machine still has some disadvantages. In addition to frequent errors in the heater, The system used still uses an on/off control system as a temperature and humidity regulator, so it can cause over shoot or under shoot which can cause fluctuations in temperature and humidity, so it is necessary to apply Proposional-Integral-Derifativ (PID) control which is able to accelerate the response of a system, eliminate offsets and produce large initial changes The purpose of this study was to determine the performance of the tool by applying PID control to hatchery machines that were tested to hatchability and Knowing the temperature and humidity settings to get the best results from the application of PID control on the hatchery machine. This research began with the preparation of the PID control series, namely making hardware and software designs using Arduino, sterilizing hatchery machines and setting temperatures of 37ºC and temperatures of 38ºC and humidity of 65 and 67%, entering eggs for 21 days and collecting data, hatchability and hatching. The results showed that PID control provided constant temperature and humidity stability at 37ºC and 38ºC temperatures, the best temperature and humidity use treatment at 38ºC was able to hatchability of 78.26%.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Tia Setiawan and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Sistem kontrol merupakan teknologi yang digunakan untuk memudahkan aktivitas manusia pada kehidupan sehari-hari, sistem kontrol digunakan pada remote (televisi, AC dan DVD), sistem pengamanan, pengendali suhu atau temperature, dan lain lain. Sistem kontrol arduino ini bisa diterapkan dalam bidang pertanian dan peternakan, masalah yang terjadi yaitu bagaimana proses pembuatan kandang jangkrik dengan sistem kontrol suhu kelembaban arduino. Dengan tujuan mengetahui pembuatan kandang jangkrik dengan sistem kontrol suhu kelembaban arduino sehingga masalah yang akan diuraikan dalam pembuatan kandang dengan sistem kontrol suhu dan kelembaban berbasis arduino meliputi Pembuatan kandang dan pengaturan sistem kontrol suhu kelembaban berbasis arduino pada budidaya ternak jangkrik. Penelitian ini kiranya dapat dikembangkan, karna penulis hanya melakukan proses pembuatan sistem kontrol suhu dan kelembaban berbasis arduino pada ruangan kandang ukuran sederhana yaitu panjang 100cm, lebar 40cm, dan tinggi 60cm. Guna menghasilkan sitem kontrol suhu dan kelembaban berbasis arduino dengan pembiayaan yang lebih hemat, rangkaian yang lebih sederhna, dan penggunaan komponen yang menyesuaikan terhadap kebutuhan.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Baru-baru ini pemerintah memperkenalkan produkbahan bakar baru yang diberi nama Pertalitedengan nilai oktan 90. Pemerintah mengatakan darisegi kualitas Pertalite memiliki kualitaspembakaran yang lebih sempurna di bandingPremium, dan kualitas nya hampir setara denganPertamax. Namun dari segi harga Pertalite dipasarkan lebih murah dari Pertamax. Meskipunsudah disampaikan keunggulan bahan bakarPertalite namun pemerintah belum menyampaikanhasil riset resmi untuk mengetahui performansimesin akibat pemakaian bahan bakar Pertalite.Untuk mengetahui performa mesin dari pemakaianbahan bakar Pertalite maka perlu dilakukanpengujian unjuk kerja mesin dengan bahan bakarPertalite, meliputi bahan bakar bakar sfesifik (SFC).Pada pengujian ini bahan bakar Pertalite akandibandingkan dengan pemakaian bahan bakarPremium dan bahan bakar Pertamax. Pengujiandilakukan dengan variasi putaran mesin yangberbeda.Dari hasil pengujian penggunaan bahan bakarPertalite menghasilkan uji kerja daya dan torsi yanglebih baik dibandingkan Premium, namun masihkalah unjuk kerjanya dibandingkan bahan bakarPertamax. Pertalite lebih hemat bahan bakar, danmenghasilkan daya yang lebih besar dibandingkanPremium, sehingga menghasilkan SFC yang lebihbaik dibandingkan Premium. Bila dibandingkanPertamax, SFC Pertalite lebih rendah
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Endah Ayu Prasetyo, Prasadiyanto Prasadiyanto, and Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
General Environmental Science - Abstract
This article antitled “The existence of Suyarto As a Sinden Lanang:a Biography” is based on the research by Endah Ayu Prasetyo, primarily examines the existence of Suyarto as a sinden lanang who existed in between 1995-2006. There are two important issues subject to discussion which are 1) how was the process oftransforming and developing artistry of Suyarto as a sinden lanang until he became famous? and 2) why in between 1995 and 2006 Suyarto’s name was known as sinden lanang?. Suyarto, who came from a farming family and only attended elementary school, was able to become a successful male sinden in 1995-2006. This research describes Suyarto’s artistic experience to reach his existence. The study uses a historical approach by Kuntowijoyo, especially biographies which examine the character’s personality, supportive social forces, historical circumstances of his era, and luck and opportunity. This thought is synergized with Alvin Boskoff’s theory, that a change is influenced by internal and external factors.Collecting the necessary data was carried out by following qualitative research procedures and oral history. Apart from literary data and artifacts, the informants’ testimonies against Suyarto are also a very important source of data in this research.
- Published
- 2023
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11. The Influence of Service Quality, Price, and Campus Image on Loyalty Through Student Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable at STIE PEMUDA Surabaya
- Author
Lelono Diyah Setiyowati and Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
Loyalty ,Campus Image ,Student Satisfaction ,Service Quality ,Price ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry - Abstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of Service Quality (X1), Price (X2), Image (X3), on StudentLoyalty (Y), STIE PEMUDA Students with student satisfaction as an intervening variable. The population inthis study were all STIE PEMUDA students, the sampling technique used was stratified random sampling with119 respondents taking data through a Likert scale model questionnaire. This study uses the Path analysis testwith the help of the SPSS For Windows 16.0 computer program. The results of this study indicate that servicequality has a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction. Price has a positive and significant effect onstudent satisfaction. Campus Image has a positive and significant influence on student satisfaction. ServiceQuality has a positive and significant influence on student loyalty. Price has a positive and significant effect onloyalty. Campus Image has a positive and significant influence on loyalty. Student satisfaction has a negativeeffect on loyalty. Service Quality has a positive and significant influence on student loyalty through studentsatisfaction. Prices have a positive and significant effect on student loyalty through student satisfaction. Campusimage has a positive and significant influence on student loyalty through student satisfaction.Keywords: Service Quality; Price; Campus Image; Loyalty; and Student Satisfaction.
- Published
- 2023
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12. The effects of customer relationship management, service quality and relationship marketing on customer retention: The mediation role of bank customer retention in Indonesia
- Author
Budi Jaya Sugiato, Slamet Riyadi, and Endah Budiarti
- Subjects
Accounting ,Pharmaceutical Science - Abstract
This study aims to examine customer retention (CR) from the aspect of customer satisfaction with customer relationship management (CRM), service quality and marketing relations (RM). State-owned bank customers selected the research population in all branch offices in the Madura region, and data were collected through a Likert scale model questionnaire. The results of the path analysis using the structural analysis model (SEM) show that there is an influence of CRM on customer satisfaction; there is an effect of service quality on customer satisfaction; there is an effect of RM on customer satisfaction; CRM through customer satisfaction affects CR; service quality through customer satisfaction affects CR; RM through customer satisfaction affects CR; there is an effect of customer satisfaction on CR on customers. Then the simultaneous test shows that simultaneously RM, service quality, and RM impact customer satisfaction, and the value of coefficient of determination (R-Square) explains that CRM, service quality, and RM can effectively contribute to customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, CRM, service quality, and RM affect CR. CRM, service quality, and RM affect CR mediated by customer satisfaction. CRM, service quality, and RM, through customer satisfaction, can effectively contribute to CR to customers of state-owned bank Regional Offices.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Arpin Aminuddin Hrp, Slamet Riyadi, and Arbonas Lubis
- Subjects
General Medicine - Published
- 2022
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14. Evaluasi Program Tebar Qurban Dengan The CIPP Evaluation Model (Context, Input, Process, Product)
- Author
null Slamet Riyadi, null Arifdo Putra, and null Salsa Ikhlasiyah
- Abstract
One of the STAI As-sunnah community service programs is Tebar Qurban, where in this activity students are sent to areas to preach while bringing sacrificial animals to be slaughtered and distributed to the community on Eid al-Adha. Among the problems that arise is the lack of students' ability to socialize and coordinate with the community, so that it often causes minor polemics such as: misperceptions, and lack of acceptance from the community. Another thing that is also an obstacle is that the management ability of students is still relatively low, as can be seen from activity reports and financial reports assessed by field supervisors. This study aims to evaluate the STAI As-sunnah Spread Qurban program so that it can be maximized in the future. To carry out an objective, systematic, and measurable evaluation, the CIPP model is used, which stands for Context, Input, Process, Product. This evaluation model views the evaluated program as a system, and a system can be measured through the 4 things above. From the results of the research data analysis, it was found that each part of the CIPP evaluation, namely Context, Input, Process, Product. Worth….%. In accordance with the CIPP evaluation method, it can be concluded that the Spreading Qurban activity is worth (good/bad/moderate/etc).
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Suwardi Suwardi, Slamet Riyadi, and Nuradilah Nuradilah
- Abstract
This research explains, it is necessary to make innovative-creative thinking regarding an integrated education system development model, which can mix and accommodate efforts to improve and achieve various educational policies (equitable and expanding access to education, improving the quality of education, relevance of education, etc.) targeted) together, not partially and sequentially, including its sustainability aspects. The results of increasing and achieving equity and expanding access to education, need to be accompanied by improving the quality of education (with a massive quality improvement model, for example), but also need to pay attention to aspects of relevance (by, for example, matching the curriculum with existing empirical, by updating the syllabus every year once, even without changing the formal curriculum). The sustainability aspect also needs to be considered, so that the implementation of a policy does not only depend on whether there is a subsidy from the center, while when subsidies are eliminated or revoked, for example, then it does not work. Furthermore, the success of education is also inseparable from aspects of leadership (leadership). So that in this case the selected policy makers should be those who side with education and not those who do not have a vision for the world of education. Choosing officials or leaders with character and justice is one of the efforts to improve people's political education.Keywords: Concept, Paradigm, Implications, Educational Development.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Building a Qurani Society: A Collaborative Community Base Research
- Author
null Slamet Riyadi, null Febby Adinda, null Febrianti Dewi, null Hazimah, null Kharismahate Bengi, null Miftahussa’adah Irfani, and null Sri Utari
- Abstract
Pondok Tahfidz Quran Huurun'Iin is a non-formal educational institution specifically for girls, which is located on Jalan Masjid al-Barokah, Marindal I 19B, Deli Tua Timur, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. Built-in January 2021 in a Muslim-majority environment, however, it seems far from Islamic values. Concern for the condition of the community around the location, especially the younger generation, has encouraged Pondok Tahfidz Quran Huurun'Iin to fill the role of Quran education through non-formal channels. This potential encourages the STAI As-sunnah Arabic Language Education study program to collaborate with Pondok Tahfidz Quran Huurun'Iin in a community service program with the theme "the Quran." This activity aims to improve the ability to memorize the Al-Qur’an and Arabic and optimize the month of Ramadan with entire interaction with the Al-Qur’an. The method used is Community Base Research (CBR), laying down the basic principles, planning, collecting, analyzing data, and acting on findings. As a result, STAI As-sunnah and Pondok Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Huurun'Iin succeeded in developing Arabic language learning as an alternative to filling youth activities around the Pondok Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Huurun'Iin location and gradually coloring the environment with a more Islamic and Quranic style.
- Published
- 2022
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17. The Effect of Agility Drill Training on Agility Dribbling Techniques of Young Female Football Players
- Author
Fatoni Yanuar Akhmad Budi Sunaryo, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Hanik Liskustyawati, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
This study aims to examine the differences in the impact of variations in agility drills with ladders and wickets on agility dribbling techniques in young women's soccer players. Thirty-six people act as the research population who are young female soccer athletes aged 13-18 years and living in Surakarta. This study uses random sampling to determine the research sample of 32 people. Meanwhile, the research design used was experimental research with a 2x2 factorial design. Researchers apply a treatment combined with pre-test and post-test to obtain research data. In addition, the Illinois Agility Test with Ball is the research instrument used in this study. This study uses ANOVA as a data analysis technique. According to the study findings, there is a finding that the effect of the hurdles agility training method is higher when compared to the ladder drill agility training method. This finding is evidenced by the results obtained from the ANOVA test that there is a significant difference in the effect because the significance value of p is 0.005
- Published
- 2022
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18. Penerapan Layanan Informasi Tentang Seks Edukasi Menggunakan Teknik Fun Card Pada Anak Usia Dini
- Author
Vitria Larseman Dela, Nurhasanah Pardede, null Sukatno, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling sangat dibutuhkan bagi anak anak usia dini, supaya dapat mencegah kekerasan seksual yang dapat terjadi pada anak usia dini. Pengabdian ini dilakukan menggunakan layanan bimbingan konseling salah satunya layanan informasi. Layanan Informasi yang diberikan menggunakan fun card atau kartu tempel. Kartu tempel tersebut akan diperagakan kepada siswa/i PAUD pada media boneka, layanan ini nanti juga diselingi dengan senam dan lagu terkait anggota tubuh yang boleh disentuh dan yang tidak boleh disentuh. Pemberian layanan ini nanti juga bekerjasama dengan mahasiswa program studi bimbingan dan konseling serta para guru PAUD di sekolah tersebut. Hasil pengabdian ini lebih khususnya dapat menjadi rujukan bagi para guru, mahasiswa dan calon pendidik nantinya dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual pada anak usia dini, hasil penelitian ini juga dapat menjadi bahan ajar atau teori dalam mata kuliah Psikologi Anak Usia Dini, Belajar dan Pembelajaran dan Psikologi Pendidikan. Hasil Penelitian ini nanti juga akan ditampilkan pada publikasi pengabdian ilmiah nasional terakreditasi dan sebagai bahan ajar pendukung bagi mahasiswa.
- Published
- 2022
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19. Ta’tsir Istikhdam Istiratijiyyah al-Kharithah al-Zihniyyah al-Taqlidiyyah wa al-Iluktriniyyah ‘ala Isti’ab al-Qawaid al-‘Arabiyyah
- Author
Arifdo Putra, Slamet Riyadi, and Arbonas Lubis
- Abstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of students in grade 2 Islamic boarding school Darul Mukhlisin Karang Baru Aceh Tamiang to understand al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah before and after learning using conventional and electronic mind-mapping strategies. Then knowing the effect of using conventional and electronic mind mapping on the understanding of al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah students in grade 2 Darul Mukhlisin Islamic boarding school Karang Baru Aceh Tamiang. The type of research used is field research with experimental quantitative methods. For data processing, the t-test statistical method was used. The results of this study indicate that students' abilities are still weak in understanding al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah before using conventional and electronic mind-mapping strategies. This can be seen from their average score which only reached 61.7 with a standard deviation of 19.5. After using this strategy, the students' abilities increased and improved, this can be seen from the results of their average score which reached 73.7 with a standard deviation of 16.6. From the data processing using the t-test, the T-count value is 5.364, then the T-count value is greater than T-table because the T-table value is only 2,042. So it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of using conventional and electronic mind mapping in the understanding of students in grade 2 Islamic boarding school Darul Mukhlisin Karang Baru Aceh Tamiang on al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah.
- Published
- 2022
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20. BOTELI and Interval Training to Improve Tennis Groundstroke Forehand's Rally Skills
- Author
Agustiyanta Agustiyanta, M. Furqon Hidayatullah, Muchsin Doewes, Sapta Kunta Purnama, Slamet Riyadi, and Rony Syaifullah
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Junaidi Junaidi, Idham Halid, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Latar Belakang: Survey awal yang dilakukan di SDN 79/VII Desa Kasiro Kecamatan Batang Asai Kabupaten Sarolangun Jambi bahwa prevalensi karies tinggi 78% angka kejadian karies rata – rata anak mengalami karies 4 – 5 gigi dan belum adanya gigi yang dilakukan penambalan. Tingginya angka kejadian karies di Sekolah Dasar 79/VII Kasiro dipengaruhi juga oleh tingkat ekonomi, pengetahuan masyarakat.Metode: Penyuluhan, dilakukan setelah pretest dengan materi pemeliharaan Kesehatan gigi dan cara menyikat gigi yang baik dan benar dengan menggunakan media poster dan phantom gigi. Simulasi, dilakukan setelah anak mendapatkan materi penyuluhan kemudian disimulasikan didepan teman. temannya sehingga dapat dipahami dan di prakttekkan. Demontras, dilakukan saat menyikat gigi bersama dipandu oleh pembimbing dengan menggunakan model phantom gigi. Diskusi, dilakukan setelah penyuluhan dan sikat gigi bagi yang belum memahami dan belum bersih ,menyikat gigiHasil: terjadi Peningkatan Pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut menjadi 100%, peningkatan keterampilan dengan menurunnya plak score dari rata-rata 11 gigi menjadi 2 gigi yang masih ada noda disclosingKesimpulan: Terjadi Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang cara menyikat gigi yang baik. ABSTRACTBackground: An initial survey conducted at SDN 79/VII in Kasiro Village, Batang Asai District, Sarolangun Regency, Jambi, found that the prevalence of caries was high, 78%, the average caries incidence rate was 4-5 teeth for children and there were no teeth filled with fillings. The high incidence of caries in Kasiro 79/VII Elementary School is also influenced by the economic level and knowledge of the communityMethods: Counseling, carried out after the pretest with dental health maintenance material and how to brush teeth properly and correctly using posters and dental phantom media. Simulation, carried out after the child gets the counseling material is then simulated in front of friends. friends so that they can be understood and practiced. Demontras, carried out while brushing teeth together guided by a supervisor using a dental phantom model. Discussion, carried out after counseling and tooth brushing for those who do not understand and are not yet clean, brush their teethResult: there was an increase in knowledge of maintaining oral health to 100%, an increase in skills with a decrease in plaque score from an average of 11 teeth to 2 teeth with disclosing stainsConclusion: There is an increase in knowledge and skills about how to brush your teeth properly.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Ade Herdiana and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Commodity coconut (Cocos Nucifera L) is a plantation crop that has a very large contribution to the Indonesian economy. Coconut plantations have the second largest area in Indonesia after oil palm plantations. Coconuts are widely cultivated, used and utilized by the community for various purposes and coconuts are the most widely used part. Coconut fruit is processed into various types of food, beverages, cooking and raw materials for making oil (copra). To produce copra and coconut milk, the coconut fruit is separated first between the pulp and coconut shell. For the production of coconut milk, stripping the shell is useful to maintain the purity of the coconut milk. The process of peeling coconut shells/coconut shells manually or mechanically is considered less effective because this method of grating makes the remaining shells also shredded so that this affects the quality of coconut milk. Also the process of peeling coconut shells / coconut shells manually is very dangerous for fear of injuring members of the hand. in research begins with planning to identify problems as well as collect data. Product concept to determine the function and overall structure depicted by block diagrams. The design process is carried out using CAD software which produces design drawings specifically in the form of design information before entering the production process. The coconut shell peeler machine is made with an electric motor used 1HP, with motor power (P) = 746 W, motor shaft rotation (n) = 1445 rpm, and electric motor voltage (V) = 220 Volts. The stripping process on the machine is equipped with 1 blade, with 1 rotating gear, which is attached to the rotating shaft which is driven by an electric motor. The knife material used is SKD 11 steel. The overall dimensions of the coconut shell peeler machine are 550 mm long, 400 mm wide, and 850 mm high.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Perampingan Birokrasi Antara Kemajuan Atau Kemauan Politik
- Author
Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Bureaucracy is an integral system in an operation but organizations that prioritize organizaional work bureaucracy become ineffective and inefficient. The government has discussed the need for downsizing in bureaucracy, downsizing is intended to make bureaucracy in organization more effective. But the discourse cannot be ralized and the goverment actually prolongs tge bureaucracy, for example by the appointment of represetatives of ministers. In the future this is a challenge in the administration of an efficient and effective goverment, so that seriousness of the goverment is treated even though the law already exists like Law number 5 of 2014 concerning bureaucratix reform, Invitation-law no 22 of 1999, no 32 of 2004 and Law No. 23 of 2004.
- Published
- 2022
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24. effect of macroeconomics, capital, and asset growth on financial risk, earning and Islamic corporate social responsibility disclosure with corporate governance (GCG) as a moderating variable in Indonesian Islamic banking companies
- Author
Lu’lu’ Il Maknuun, Mulyanto Nugroho, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility Disclouser (ICSRD) is a social responsibility carried out by the company as a form of concern for the environment and society so that the company continues to grow sustainably. This study aims to test the concept of variables that affect ICSR, and a significant push for testing of hypotheses 1 to 14 that strengthen macroeconomics, capital, asset growth, financial risks, earnings, and Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility (ICSR). The population in this study was Sharia Commercial Banks in 2017, a sample of 13 Sharia Commercial Banks (BUS) taken in Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative research that explains the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables through hypothesis testing. The method in this study was the Partial Least Square (PLS) version of 2.0. The results of this study generate the Macro Economics had positive effect on Financial Risks. Macro Economics has a positive effect on Earing. Macro Economics has a positive effect on ICSR. Capital has a significant positive effect on Financial Risks. Capital has a significant positive effect on earning. Capital significantly positive effects against ICSR. Asset Growth has a significant positive effect on Financial Risks. Asset growth has a significant positive effect on earning.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Slamet Riyadi, Agustini Tripena, Ari Wardayani, Niken Larasati, and Triyani Triyani
- Abstract
Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan motivasi pembelajaran matematika khususnya materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat pada siswa PKBM Budi Luhur Pekaja Banyumas. Kegiatan pembelajaran ini dilaksanakan secara luring di awal semester gasal tahun akademik 2022/2023 dengan melibatkan siswa kelas 7 (tujuh). Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan demonstrasi penggunaan alat peraga yang diberi nama ’papan aljabar’. Alat peraga papan aljabar merupakan alat peraga konkrit hasil pengembangan dari alat peraga semi konkrit yaitu garis bilangan yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat. Evaluasi keberhasilan hasil kegiatan pembelajaran didasarkan dari nilai pre test dan post test yang diberikan kepada siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan alat peraga papan aljabar. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai siswa meningkat sebesar 64,7 % untuk materi penjumlahan bilangan bulat dan 39,1 % untuk materi pengurangan bilangan bulat.
- Published
- 2022
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26. Penerapan Mesin Teknologi Tepat Guna Penggiling Bumbu Pecel Kapasitas 5 Kg/Jam Bagi UMKM Sambi Kerep Surabaya
- Author
Wahyu Nugroho, Slamet Riyadi, and Siswadi Siswadi
- Abstract
Indonesia is a tropical country with a very strategic geographical location. Therefore, Indonesia has a variety of delicious culinary delights to serve. Pecel is a culinary dish that has a long history in Indonesian history. Pecel is a favorite food of the Indonesian people, so the number of pieces traders is vast in several areas today. It is making relatively traditional peace seasoning that has inspired researchers to produce appropriate technology products for pecel grinders with a capacity of 5 kg/hour with an electric power of 0.2 kW, which is needed as big as for SMEs in the Sambi Keep area of Surabaya. This TTG machine can increase the amount of pecel seasoning production capacity.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Investigasi Efek Debit Fluida Dan Karakteristik Pembebanan Disk Valve Terhadap Performa Water Hammer
- Author
Alfi Nugroho, Navik Kholili, Slamet Riyadi, Siswadi Siswadi, Gatot Setyono, and Dwi Khusna
- Abstract
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang studi eksperimental pengaruh variasi beban dan variasi aliran terhadap efek water hammer. Dimana efek ini akan mempengaruhi tekanan air yang akan dihasilkan jika setelah pembebanan dan perubahan bukaan valve yang diberikan akan menghasilkan efek water hammer yang lebih baik atau cenderung lebih buruk bila tidak memiliki kedua efek tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan studi eksperimental yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tekanan yang terjadi pada saat air mengalir dan kemudian ditutup secara tiba-tiba oleh katup pembuangan yang dihubungkan dengan aliran pipa dengan diameter 1,5 inci setelah beban dan variasi bukaan katup. Pada uji efek water hammer dengan sistem pompa water hammer hidrolik ini dimungkinkan untuk mengubah bukaan katup pemasukan air dengan perubahan beban katup yang diberikan untuk menentukan tekanan water hammer maksimum 378334,64 Pa setelah menerima katup bukaan 80 derajat dan tambahan beban 250 gr, dan efek water hammer terkecil dengan nilai 321376,44 Pa pada bukaan katup 50 derajat dan beban 150 gr. Saat menginvestigasi pompa hydraulic ram ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ukuran bukaan valve atau jumlah air yang masuk dan besarnya beban pada discharge valve yang akan mempengaruhi tekanan akan meningkat.
- Published
- 2022
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28. High electric current and hours can increase layer thickness and decrease white rust corrosion using Zn2+ electroplating
- Author
null Slamet Riyadi, null Yanuar Zulardiansyah Arief, null Antonius Darma Setiawan, null Agung Pangestu, and null Rosyid Ridlo Al-Hakim
- Abstract
Electroplating was the process of coating metal surfaces using the electrochemical method. We used alkaline zinc (Zn2+) plating that was anti-corrosion coating, cheapest, evenly adhesion, as well as better-looking crushing. This study aims to test and measure the thickness of the layer on spark plugs with variations in different electrical currents 300, 400, and 500A and increased hours during the coating process, investigate the corrosion resistance of white rust on the surface and analyze the changes in alkaline zinc concentration and temperature that affect the thickness of the layer, respectively. The results, such as 1st sample 13 pcs, 300A, and thickness of 7.26-micron with white rust 9 pcs. 2nd sample 13 pcs, 400A, and thickness of 9.15-micron white rust 5 pcs. 3rd sample 13 pcs, 500A, and thickness of 12.75-micron white rust 3 pcs. The high electric current (500A) and 45 hours of the experiment would influence the lowest white rust corrosion level. The high alkaline zinc solution with an optimum 36°C solution temperature and 500A electric current would undoubtedly deposit the white rust until 3 pcs.
- Published
- 2022
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29. Consumer Protection in the Retail and Financial Services Sectors against the Practice of Exoneration Clauses
- Author
null Anna Maria Tri Anggraini, Megawati Simanjuntak, Arief Safari, Rizal E. Halim, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
The rapid development of the business world has resulted in several changes to business actors in carrying out their business activities. This encourages the emergence of standard agreements as practicality in conducting transactions. This study aims to analyze consumer protection law and apply the principles of freedom of contract in standard agreements in online and retail financial services businesses—the descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques using in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Informants were selected by purposive sampling. The results show that standard clauses have been regulated in Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law. However, in practice, clauses are still found that violate and transfer responsibility to the detriment of consumers. Furthermore, regarding consumer dispute resolution, there is an overlap issue between the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK). Therefore, if viewed from the principle of freedom of contract, the standard agreement cannot fulfill the principle of freedom of contract, and consumer protection, so especially in the financial services sector and retail, needs to increase preventive and repressive supervision by providing several alternatives dispute resolutions for disadvantaged consumers.
- Published
- 2022
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30. Effect of Cutting Parameter Toward The Surface Roughness Applied In Turning Tool Steel Material
- Author
null Gatot Setyono, null Slamet Riyadi, null Muharom, null Ong Andre Wahyu Riyanto, and null Sigit Pratama
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
In this study, the effect of the tool-tip radius and cutting process parameters on the quality of the machining process experimentally on the use of SKD 11 tool steel material. Several radius (0.80 mm, 1.20 mm, 1.60 mm) and the parameters of the cutting process, specifically feed rate, cutting speed, and depth of cut. The ANOVA method used in this study aims to analyze the cutting process parameters on the surface quality of the workpiece and the cutting force. The analysis of this research results in certain conditions in which the feed rate significantly affects surface quality. However, this is contrary to the depth of cut parameter, which affects the cutting force. This study also observed the effect of the tooltip radius on the optimal surface quality when using a 0.80 mm radius. The second-order regression modeling used in this analysis shows a very good level of accuracy, with the correlation value of accuracy ranging from 96% to 98%.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Minhāj Ta’līm al-Lugah al-‘Arabīyyah Jāmi’ah Dākhilīyyah fī Jāmi’ah al-Sunnah Deli Serdang Indonesia
- Author
Amiruddin Siahaan, null Muhammad Iqbal, null Suriya Jaya, null Awaluddin, Rozaanah Rozaanah, null Slamet Riyadi, Ade Muhammad Ritonga, and null Ahmad Zaky
- Abstract
This study aims to find out how the Arabic Language Education Curriculum Management at STAI As-Sunnah Deli Serdang is the only strata 1 university in Sumatra that requires all students to apply. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data were collected by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The findings of this study are a. Arabic Language Education Curriculum Planning; B. Implementation of the Arabic Language Education Curriculum. What this as-sunnah university does can be a model for other universities that have a similar vision, especially in the development of foreign language skills, especially Arabic.
- Published
- 2022
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32. The Effect of Composite Brushing with Different Types of Toothpaste on Stain Due to Immersion in Coffee, Tea and Cuko Pempek Water
- Author
Karin Tika Fitria and Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
komposit ,kopi ,teh ,cuko pempek ,CIE LAB ,food and beverages ,General Medicine - Abstract
Composite is a tooth-colored filling material that can change color by extrinsic staining such as coffee, tea and cuko pempek. Abrasive toothpaste can reduce stains but increase surface roughness. This study aims to determine the effect of the type of toothpaste for brushing on the formation of stains caused by coffee, tea and cuko pempek. This research is a quasi-experimental with pre and post control group design. 39 composite discs with a diameter of 1 cm and a thickness of 5 mm were prepared and divided into several groups, 1 group of negative control without treatment, 3 groups of immersion. Each immersion group was divided into 4 brushing groups, namely without brushing, brushing without toothpaste, brushing with abrasive paste and brushing with non-abrasive paste. Pre and post treatment discs were photographed and color changes were assessed using the CIE L*a*b and E system. Friedman, Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney U non-parametric analysis test was used to compare color values and color differences within groups and between groups. Based on this study, it can be concluded that there were significant color changes before and after the soaking treatment with coffee, tea and cuko pempek. The color change in coffee was significantly greater than that of tea and cuko pempek. There was no significant difference in color change between tea and cuko pempek. Conclusion: Brushing with toothpaste Keywords: composite; coffee; tea; cuko pempek; CIE LAB
- Published
- 2022
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33. Rancang Bangun Sliding Cutting Jig Guna Mengoptimalkan Fungsi Kerja Mesin Gerinda Tangan Sebagai Alat Potong Plat Lembaran
- Author
Eko Slamet Riyadi and Erlina Kusumawati
- Abstract
The process of cutting sheet steel plates is a mandatory work that must be done in a manufacturing process that uses plate-based materials. Cutting of sheet steel plates is usually done using a shearing machine, a cutting grinding machine, plate scissors and weld cutting. The purpose of this study focuses on improving the performance capability of the machine / tool, especially in hand grinding machines so that their function is not only limited to cutting workpieces under the hand, but its function can be maximized to cut sheet plates, box pipes, hollows more easily and quickly by adding jig components as supporting components. The stages that must be done are including design, cutting materials in accordance with the design plan, parakitan (Asembly), finishing, the next stage is testing the working ability of the tool. As for the manufacturing site, testing of the working method of the tool is carried out in the laboratory of bench work and plate majoring in mechanical engineering of Banyuwangi State Polytechnic. From the test results, the plate cutting time using a sliding cutting jig tool becomes faster at approximately 2 -3 minutes than a grinder without being installed on the aid tool. From the results of research that has been done, it is seen that the function of tool performance from hand grinding becomes more optimal and able to contribute to the lecture practicum of bench and plate work in the laboratory of bench and plate work department of Mechanical Engineering Banyuwangi State Polytechnic.
- Published
- 2022
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34. The Development of Adolescent Wirid Models in Fostering Character Using Local Wisdom Approaches in the City of Padang
- Author
Slamet Riyadi, Syafruddin Nurdin, and Duski Samad
- Abstract
Wirid teenagers in the city of Padang exist as a non-formal educational institution to overcome the problem of the lack of hours of religious and moral learning in formal schools. The Mayor of Padang Instruction Number 451,286 of 2012 is the legal basis for youth wirid activities in Padang, with obligations imposed on students of SMP/MTs in the city of Padang. This youth wirid activity is expected to improve the practice of Islam and character in the lives of teenagers who are centered in the mosque. This is in line with the concept of the Minangkabau people's life, which is rich with local wisdom; to shape the character of the younger generation, it is necessary to develop youth wirid activities in shaping character. With a local wisdom approach in the city of Padang. This development is carried out in the form of its application both from the curriculum, materials, methods, and adolescent wirid its relation to religion at school and home, from two places as control and experimental classes—adolescent character, which is following Minangkabau customs.
- Published
- 2022
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35. Dirasah Ma Ba’da al-Waqi’ah Laday Thullab al-Shaf al-Tsanawiy ‘An Uslub al-Muhakah li Tarqiyyah Isti’ab al-Mufradat
- Author
Rozaanah Rozaanah, Slamet Riyadi, and Hidayatul Fikri
- Abstract
The purpose of this study was to know the student's Arabic vocabulary mastery in the class that did not use simulation methods and classes that used simulation methods, and to what degree the effectiveness of the methods used to increase student's Arabic vocabulary mastery of the XI class in Pondok Pesantren Modern Ta 'dib al-Syakirin, Medan Johor. The research method used is an ex post facto quantitative study method. The results of this study indicate that for mastery of the student's Arabic vocabulary when not using the practice of simulation are obtained with an average of 64.72, where 4 students are "excellent", 2 people who are "good",7 people who are predicated "enough", and 5 people who are predicated "less". While the student's Arabic vocabulary mastery when using simulation methods is obtained with an average value of 83.61, which are 5 students on a "satisfactory" predicate, 10 on "excellent", 2 on a "good" predicate, and 1 person on a "less" predicate. As well as analysis of data, it has been found that the use of simulated methods is effective to increase student's Arabic vocabulary mastery with a level of effectiveness given by 0.54 based on n - gain tests by "moderate" since n-gain values are in the range of 0.30. < g < 0.70.
- Published
- 2022
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36. Utilization of online media as an emergency alternative for implementing community service activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Author
null Slamet Riyadi, Syahri Ramadona Bunda Taqiyya, null Bahrul Ulum, null Zulham Effendi, and Arbonas Lubis
- Abstract
Community service activities are a routine agenda for every college in Indonesia. although constrained by the pandemic which limits the space for carrying out social activities in the community, it must still be carried out. One solution to overcome the limited space for movement is to carry out community service activities online. By utilizing various kinds of existing social media, community service activities can also run as effectively as activities that go directly to the field. On the one hand, there are indeed many obstacles when interacting with the public through social media, but on the other hand, there is an advantage that is no less important: a much more comprehensive range of locations. Community service activities has been held in Desa Manis, Desa Bangkolak II, Medan Area, Kambu, Desa Atu Kapur, Kadia, Kumpeh Jambi, Manokwari, for two weeks starting on April 19 to May 2, 2021. Starting from the problem of the lack of public interest in studying the Al-Qur'an and familiarizing the recitations of the Al-Qur'an. At this Community service activity, we raised the theme Ramadhan with Al-Qur'an. The Community service activities begin with a village observation process to explore the villages and see the village's potential, which will be the main target in implementing the Community service activities. The programs are designed sequentially starting with discussions between Community service activities groups and lecturers. And it was found that this Community service activities activity would be carried out in two ways, directly and online. The implementation of the Community service activities program is carried out in a balanced manner, starting with planning, implementation, and evaluation at the end of each program. The results achieved from the entire Community service activities program include increased interest in the recitation of the Qur'an for online Community service activities participants and village communities with the holding of recitation presence programs every day. In the social sector, the Islamic book and magazine spread program is one of the programs to introduce and educate rural communities in literacy. Then it was closed with a competition program to increase enthusiasm for Community service activities participants and the community and as an appreciation for their participation in the Community service activities program that we have implemented
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Sugeng Priyanto Sugeng Priyanto, Dicky Arisudhana, Syaiful Anwar, M N Farid Thoha, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Pos Binaan Terpadu (POSBINDU) di wilayah RW 1 Kelurahan Petukangan Selatan merupakan sarana untuk kegiatan Posyandu dan Bank Sampah. Untuk mendukung kegiatan tersebut diperlukan tambahan dana agar kegiatan dapat berkelanjutan, karena hal tersebut sangat bermanfaat bagi warga dan mendukung program pemerintah. Upaya mencari tambahan dana untuk keberlangsungan kegiatan Pos Bindu, diusulkan solusi berupa budi daya lele sangkuriang dengan sistem bioflok. Hal ini, mengingat, masih terdapat lahan yang tidak produktif di lokasi Posbindu dan memanfaatkan spanduk bekas dari sampah yang dikirim warga. Selain itu juga mendidik masyarakat untuk berwirausaha dengan budi daya lele dengan sistem bioflok karena berbagai keuntungan yang diperoleh, antara lain mudah dilakukan, biaya murah dan cepat memberikan hasil dalam jangka waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Dengan program wirausaha ini, dapat mengembangkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan, perilaku, kemampuan, kesadaran, serta memanfaatkan sumberdaya melalui penetapan kebijakan, program, kegiatan, dan pendampingan yang sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat. Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan berwirausaha merupakan suatu pembelajaran dalam upaya meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pendapatan masyarakat. Pelatihan kewirausahaan merupakan suatu langkah penting dan perlu dilakukan dalam rangka membentuk sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas. Setelah dua setengah bulan, panen perdana lele sangkuriang. Hasil yang diperoleh masih jauh dari harapan. Hal ini karena belum adanya personal yang sepenuhnya mengelola budidaya, mengingat adanya proses pembersihan kolam, proses sortir lele agar tidak terjadi kanibalisme.
- Published
- 2022
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38. Peningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Agama Islam Siswa Kelas XI Di SMA Ekasakti Padang Dengan Metode Pembelajaran Demonstration Berbasis Discussion Process
- Author
Slamet Riyadi and Adilah, Nur
- Subjects
hasil belajar ,demonstration ,discussion process ,pendidikan agama islam - Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) setelah diterapkannya metode pembelajaran demonstration berbasis discussion process. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilakukan di SMA EKASAKTI Padang pada kelas XI. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah: observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan tes. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1). kesiapan siswa dalam menerima pelajaran sebelum dilakukan tindakan 39,06%, setelah siklus I 70,31%, dan setelah siklus II 86,23%. (2). keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran sebelum dilakukan tindakan 23,18%, setelah siklus I 67,97%, dan setelah siklus II 85,41%. (3). persentase siswa yang mendapatkan nilai tuntas di atas 70 sebelum dilakukan tindakan 31,75%, setelah siklus I 68,25%, dan setelah siklus II 87,75%. (4). terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan antara masing-masing indikator pada setiap siklus, hal tersebut dapat di lihat dari peningkatan kesiapan, keaktifan, dan hasil belajar siswa pada saat sebelum dilakukan tindakan, pada siklus I dan pada siklus II. Pada siklus II semua indikator telah melampaui target persentase indikator keberhasilan yang telah ditetapkan. Sehingga siklus penelitian dapat dihentikan pada siklus II dan dapat di tarik kesimpulan bahwa metode pembelajaran demonstration berbasis discussion process berhasil serta lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode ceramah., {"references":["Budianto, Arif, Ngadiman, N., Sumaryati, Sri. (2013). Upaya Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Melalui Pembelajaran Metode Demonstrasi Denganmedia Dokumen Transaksi. Jupe UNS, 1(2), 1-9.","Dakhi, O. (2022). 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- Published
- 2022
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39. The spectrum on prism graph using circulant matrix
- Author
Triyani Triyani, Mashuri Mashuri, Bunga Tirai Anarkis, and Slamet Riyadi
- Subjects
Computer Networks and Communications ,Hardware and Architecture ,Software - Abstract
Spectral graph theory discusses about the algebraic properties of graphs based on the spectrum of a graph. This article investigated the spectrum of prism graph. The method used in this research is the circulant matrix. The results showed that prism graph P2,s is a regular graph of degree 3, for s odd and s ≥ 3, P2,s is a circulantt graph with regular spectrum.
- Published
- 2022
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40. Penilaian Kinerja Perusahaan Jasa Kontruksi PT. Ganesha Praptama Karya Berdasarkan Pendekatan Metode Balance Scorecard
- Author
Mohammad Dian Aryono, Slamet Riyadi, and Sunu Priyawan
- Abstract
Ganesha Praptama Karya. Perusahaan kontraktor masih sangat tradisional melihat aspek keuangan saja dalam penilaian kinerjanya. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah merancangan kinerja perusahaan jasa kontruksi PT. Ganesha Praptama Karya yang dinilai berdasarkan metode BSC tentang perspektif pelanggan, perspektif keuangan, perspektif bisnis internal serta perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode random sampling. Sampel pada masing-masing kuisoner adalah 32 sampel untuk kuisioner pelanggan dan 58 orang untuk karyawan internal. Berdasarkan kinerja perusahaan perspektif keuangan menunjukkan mampu menutupi utang jangka pendeknya sebelum jatuh tempo dengan aktiva lancarnya serta mampu menutupi biaya-biaya yang di keluarkan dengan pendapatan yang diperoleh. Kinerja perusahaan perspektif pelanggan menunjukkan mampu bekerja dengan baik dalam hal memberi pelayanan yang baik pada pelanggan sehingga berdampak positif bagi perusahaan. Kinerja perusahaan perspektif bisnis internal dapat dikatakan cukup baik hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan mampu menyediakan peralatan serta sarana dan prasarana yang cukup bagi karyawan. Kinerja perusahaan perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan dapat dikatakan cukup baik hal ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan melalui pelatihan serta kesempatan pendidikan lanjutan serta lingkungan kerja yang kondusif.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Muklis Muklis, Riyadi Nugroho, and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Purpose. The purpose of this study is to prove and analyze the performance of employees at the head office of the Yatim Mandiri National Amil Zakat Institution in Surabaya. This study uses four variables, namely transformational leadership, work motivation, job satisfaction, and employee performance. Design. With a population of 170 and a sample of 140, respondents were calculated using the Slovin formula. The sampling method is an intentional sampling from the sampling group with low probability. This study uses a survey method to collect quantitative data by using a questionnaire data analysis used by SEM in the Amos 26 program. Findings. According to this study, it shows that: 1) transformational leadership affects employee job satisfaction. 2) Transformational leadership affects employee performance. 3) Work motivation is very influential on employee job satisfaction. 4) Work motivation affects employee performance. 5) Job satisfaction affects employee performance. To find out that transformational leadership has the strongest influence on employee performance. Implications. The results of this study imply that when leaders carry out management well, the indicators of work motivation variables may have a strong effect on increasing employee job satisfaction. In addition, in a good management process by dividing the indicators of transformational leadership variables and indicators of work motivation variables that are adjusted to the characteristics of employees also has a strong effect on improving employee performance. In addition, the indicator of job satisfaction variable carried out in carrying out good management also has a strong effect on improving employee performance. Recommendation. The following researchers are encouraged to conduct research on the effect of transformational leadership, work motivation, job satisfaction, and employee productivity.
- Published
- 2022
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42. Strategi Peningkatan Produksi UKM Di Sidoarjo Dengan Mesin Pembuat Dodol Multifungsi Kapasitas 5 Kg
- Author
Siswadi Siswadi, Slamet Riyadi, and Reko Alparazi
- Abstract
Dodol adalah salah satu makanan khas indonesia yang sulit dalam pembuatannya karena diperlukan waktu yang cukup lama dan energi yang besar untuk mengaduk adonan hingga mempunyai kekentalan tertentu. Selain itu, kecepatan pengaduk adonan dodol diusahakan konstan agar menghasilkan dodol berkualitas baik dengan tingkat kematangan merata. Sebagai solusi, prinsip kerja yang dulu alat pengaduknya di gunakan secara manual tetapi sekarang menjadi otomatis dengan di tambahi motor listrik sebagai motor penggerak. Selain itu alat pengaduk jenang otomatis ini juga bisa menghasilkan suatu tingkat kematangan yang sempurna, karena dengan motor listrik tersebut kita juga menghitung daya yang dibutuhkan pada suatu mesin tersebut, supaya bisa mendapatkan kematangan yang sempurna dan merata.
- Published
- 2022
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43. Pengembangan Sistem Kelistrikan Motor Brushless Direct Current Speed Uwp V2.2 Kapasitas 2000 Watt
- Author
Slamet Riyadi, Muhammad Rizaldi Bukhori, Achmad Aji Pamungkas, Moh Aji Surya Pangestu, and Robertus Bayu Purnama
- Abstract
This final project aims to realize an environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient vehicle. The increasing need for fuel oil causes several obstacles to the use of oil; for that, one way to overcome the limitations and dependence on fuel is the use of vehicles with electric energy. One solution is to use electrical energy as a source of electrical energy in transportation such as electric cars, electric motorcycles, electric trains, and many others. The electrical system has an important role in the comfort and safety of the driver of the DC motor, lithium battery, and controller as the main components. In finding the maximum load for the rider on the bicycle, 250 kg is obtained. Electric bicycles can go up to a maximum speed of 90 km/h. Furthermore, cover the maximum distance with a full battery charge of 40 km. The 72V-30Ah battery can safely drive an electric motor powered by a 2000 watt motor and a rotational speed of 1000 rpm.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Yoga Permana and Slamet Riyadi
- Abstract
Di wilayah Kabupaten Ciamis pada Dusun Cikembang sebagian besar masyarakat penghasilan ekonominya di peroleh dari bekerja pada UKM pengolahan makanan ringan. Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) RR memproduksi makanan ringan sebagian besar prosesnya dengan sistem di goreng. Kripik singkong atau kripik pisang yang di pak atau di kemas mengalami penjamuran, bau tengi, tidak renyah di akibatkan karena masih ada kadar minyak yang menempel di kripik singkong tersebut. Melihat permasalahan yang ada pada Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) RR Maka diperlukanlah sebuah mesin peniris minyak agar kualitas produk terjamin. Dalam melakukan perancangan, metode yang digunakan merupakan metode wawancara dan studi literatur. Dalam melakukan perancangan menggunakan software solidworks dan FEM untuk menghasilkan gambar desain 2D atau 3D dan analisis kekuatan materialnya. Hasil perancangan ini merupakan mesin peniris minyak dengan sistem putar kapasitas 4 kg. Selanjutnya hasil perancangan dapat direalisasikan menjadi mesin peniris minyak yang siap dipakai oleh UKM RR.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Adrian Denar Wahyu Nugraha, Slamet Riyadi, and Sunu Priyawan
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
This study is to prove and analyze the effect of health protocols, work from home and information technology systems on the work life balance and employee performance at the Bank Indonesia Representative Office in East Java Province. The method used in this study is quantitative and explanatory in nature, namely a study that highlights between variables and tests a hypothesis that has been formulated in the form of causality (influence) that examines the effect (determinant) of one or more independent variables on one or more dependent variables.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Auliaillah Ilmi Rahadianto, Slamet Riyadi, and Riyadi Nugroho
- Abstract
Performance can be influenced by the encouragement or motivation of employees to be willing to work harder, work ethic in accordance with loyalty or a strong sense of love for the values and goals of the organization, and organizational culture that can trigger or stimulate employee performance to be better. Robbins and Judge (2015: 358) state that a strong culture will have a great influence on the behavior of its members because the high level of togetherness and intensity creates an internal climate of high behavioral control. The analysis data technique used in this research is a quantitative analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model or Structural Equation Model with AMOS 23.0 program. The result of this research is the regression between organizational culture and work motivation, the CR value (Critical Ratio) is 5.720. The regression between organizational culture and employee performance has a CR (Critical Ratio) value of 2,508. Between work ethic and work motivation, the CR (Critical Ratio) value is 2,345. Between work ethic and employee performance, the CR (Critical Ratio) value is 1.961. Between work motivation and employee performance, the CR (Critical Ratio) value is 4.298.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Bahauddin Ilham Rahadianto, Slamet Riyadi, and Riyadi Nugroho
- Abstract
Human resources have an important role in a company, therefore human resources. Humans should get special attention to knowing the indicators and get employees who are qualified to minimize the occurrence of problems or unwanted incidents within the company. Therefore, human resources are an important asset in the company, in this case, PT. Elnusa Petrofin engaged in distributing fuel oil at one price throughout Indonesia According to Hasibuan (2002: 160), employee performance is a result of work achieved by a person in carrying out his duties on skills, efforts, and opportunities. A person's commitment according to Luthans (2006:249) to the organization is one guarantee to maintain the continuity of the organization. Sinungan, (2008: 146-147) work discipline is a mental attitude that is reflected in the actions or behavior of individuals, groups, or communities in the form of compliance or obedience to the rules and regulations set. This study aims to determine the effect of organizational commitment, occupational health safety, on work discipline and employee performance at PT. Elnusa Petrofin Integrated Terminal Makassar. The data analysis technique used in this research is quantitative analysis with a sample of 162 respondents. Collecting data using a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS to test the validity and reliability. Test the research model using SEM with the AMOS version 23 application program. The results of the study prove that organizational commitment, occupational safety, and health have a positive effect on work discipline and employee performance.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Anggih Ardianto, Slamet Riyadi, and Sunu Priyawan
- Abstract
This study aims to determine the effect of the principal's leadership style and school environment on teacher performance with motivation as the intervening variable at the Yohanes Gabriel Krian Education Foundation. So that the problem that can be formulated in this study is whether there is a significant influence on the principal's leadership style, school environment, and work motivation on teacher performance. The data used in this study were 60 teachers who worked at the Yohanes Gabriel Krian Education Foundation. This study collected data using a questionnaire given to all respondents. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive analysis using the application smartPLS 3.0. The results obtained are that there is a significant influence of the principal's leadership style on work motivation, there is a significant influence of the work environment on work motivation, there is an insignificant influence of the principal's leadership style directly on teacher performance, there is an insignificant influence of the school environment directly on teacher performance, and there is a significant effect of work motivation on teacher performance.
- Published
- 2022
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49. Influence of Service Quality and Information Systems on Customer Satisfaction Indihome PT. Telkom Sorong with Trust And Perceived Risk as Moderating Variables
- Author
Jalmijn Tindage, Slamet Riyadi, and Abdul Halik
- Subjects
Service Quality, Information Systems, Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Risk, Trust - Abstract
This study investigates the influence of service quality and information systems quality on customer satisfaction at Indihome PT. Telkom Sorong, with perceived trust and perceived risk as moderating variables. A quantitative approach was employed, using a purposive sampling method to gather data from 172 respondents. The results indicate that both service quality and information systems quality have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, perceived trust significantly moderates the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, while perceived risk substantially mediates the relationship between information systems quality and customer satisfaction. These findings provide valuable insights for Indihome PT. Telkom Sorong to enhance customer satisfaction levels by focusing on improving service quality, information systems quality, addressing perceived risks, and fostering trust among customers. Future research could explore other potential moderating variables and conduct longitudinal studies to examine the dynamics between these variables over time.
- Published
- 2023
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50. Implementation of Collaborative Learning Based Onenvironmental Projects Building Solution of Students Learning Cracter for Covid-19 Pandemic Time in Padangsidimpuan City
- Author
Darwis ., Slamet Riyadi, Abubakar ., Abdul Muin Sibuea, Efendi Napitupulu, and Putoro Dongoran
- Abstract
This study aims to determine the implementation of environmental project-based collaborative learning as a solution to building student learning character. The Covid-19 pandemic period had a negative impact on the learning process of students with less awareness of students in studying at home and the use of the surrounding environment for learning media. Environmental project-based collaborative learning will build new enthusiasm and awareness in learning in the home environment. The research method used was experimental. Sampling was done bymethodrandom sampling. The problem in this study is that the character of student learning is reduced during the Covid-19 pandemic in Padangsidimpuan City. Learning challenges for students during the Covid-19 pandemic are by studying online. The results of character research and student awareness are very good with the application of environmental project-based collaborative learning. Student learning character improves after environmental project-based collaborative learning. There were changes in student learning during the Covid-19 pandemic after collaborative learning treatment. The conclusion is that collaborative learning based on environmental projects is very good to be used to develop the learning character of students during the Covid-19 pandemic in Padangsidimpuan City. Keywords: Collaborative learning; covid-19 pandemic; learning media
- Published
- 2023
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