Vituratella termitophila (Champion, 1927) (Fig. 1A–F) Mysthrix termitophilum Champion, 1927: 278. Löbl 1992, 1999; Rougemont 1996. Specimens Examined. 1♂ (holotype), Haldwani Dist./ Kumaon / India. H.G.C.// G.C. Champion Coll./ B.M. 1927-409.// Type H.T.// SYN-TYPE// Mysthrix termitophilum Champ. / R. J. W. Aidridge det. 1975/ SYNTYPE// In termite comb/ T. obesus?// Mysthrix / termitophila Ch. / type (BMNH). 1♀, Indonesia, Sulawesi Utara / Dumoga-Bone N.P./ 24. February. 1985// Flight interception trap 3// Plot A, ca 200m / Lowland forest// R. Ent. Soc. Lond./ PROJECT WALLACE/ B.M. 1985-10 (1) (BMNH); 1♀, same data as (1) but / Flight interception trap 2 (BMNH); 1♂, same data as (1) but / Lowland forest 200–300m / Malaise trap 8/ 31 –3 [pink] (BMNH); 1♂ 1♀, same data as (1) but / 9–16. May. 1985 / Malaise Trap/ Lowland forest ca 200m (BMNH); 1♀, same data as (1) but / 13–20. March. 1985/ Plot B, ca. 200m, Lowland forest/ 31 –3 [pink]; 1♀, same data as (1) but / November. 1985/ ‘Hog’ s Back’ Camp Lowland forest 492m / Malaise Trap (BMNH); 1♀, same data as (1) but / March 1985 / Huntuk Trail Plateau 1100m / Malaise Trap (BMNH); 1♂, same data as (1) but / Lowland forest ca. 200m / Malaise Trap (BMNH). 1♂ 1♀, N. Sulawesi, Prov. Gorontalo, Pegunugan Tilongkabila, Bogani Nani Warta Bone N. P., 16. Feb.–16. Mar. 2010, malaise trap, K. Takasuka leg. (EUMJ); 1♂, INDONESIA, Sulawesi, –11. 85, Coll. H. R. Last (MHNG); 4 exs, S. CELEBES, Rante Pao, VI. 1984, Rougemont leg. (MHNG); 2exs. same data but 9, 10. VI. 1984 (MHNG); 1♂, Mt. (Gunung) Mekongga, Wawo, Indonesia, alt. ca. 400m, 3°38′31S, 121°05.42E, F.I.T (set up on 23. IV. 2014, collected in 25. IV. 2014), R. Ogawa leg. (EUMJ); 1♂, Mt. Tilongkabila, N. Sulawesi, Indonesia, alt. ca. 800m, 0°34′28.52N, 123°11′30.61E, F.I.T (set up in 25. I. 2013, collected in 27. I. 2013), R. Ogawa leg (EUMJ). Distribution. China: Hong Kong; Nepal; India: Uttar Pradesh (Kumaon); Indonesia: Sulawesi (new island record). Remarks. This species is very similar to V. kistneri from Sumatra. According to Löbl (1979), V. kistneri may be distinguished from V. termitophila by the much paler coloration of the abdomen and the denser punctation of the lateral portions of the metaventrite. The first author identified the species from Sulawesi as V. termitophila based on a comparison with the holotype of V. termitophila deposited in the BMNH., Published as part of Ogawa, Ryo & Maeto, Kaoru, 2015, The Termitophilous Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia, pp. 301-304 in The Coleopterists Bulletin 69 (2) on pages 301-304, DOI: 10.1649/0010-065X-69.2.301,, {"references":["Champion, G. C. 1927. Some Indian Coleoptera (24). The Entomologist' s Monthly Mangazine 63: 267 - 279.","Lobl, I. 1992. The Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera) of the Nepal Himalaya. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 99 (3): 471 - 627.","Lobl, I. 1999. A review of the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of the People' s Republic of China, I. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 106 (3): 691 - 744.","Rougemont, G. de. 1996. Scaphidiids in Hong Kong. Porcupine! (15): 12.","Lobl, I. 1979. Two new Sumatran Scaphidiidae associated with termites and one new species of the genus Scaphisoma Leach from Java (Coleoptera). Sociobiology 4 (3): 321 - 328."]}