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1. Indirect dating of secondary cave burials in the Massim region of Papua New Guinea reveals last millennium reorganisation of social practices.

2. Stalked by the Malignant Father's Spirit: A Case of Patricide among the Yagwoia (PNG).

3. Hand stencils and communal history: A case study from Auwim, East Sepik, Papua New Guinea.

4. Gender Equality Theology and Essentialism: Catholic Responses to Gender‐Based Violence and Inequality in Papua New Guinea.

5. The Bougainville referendum through the eyes of the 'lost generation': Observations from Siwai.

6. Parliamentary Hansard records and epicentral influence in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

7. Market update: Sixty years of change in Papua New Guineaʼs fresh food marketplaces.

8. The path to kina convertibility: An analysis of Papua New Guineaʼs foreign exchange market.

9. Brideprice and Prejudice: An Audio‐Visual Ethnography on Marriage and Modernity in Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea.

10. The Principles and Ethics of Including Children with Disability in Child Research.

11. Sharing What Can Be Sold: Women Haus Maket Vendors in Port Moresby's Settlements.

12. Afterword: Dark Anthropology in Papua New Guinea?

13. "With AIDS I am happier than I have ever been before".

14. As Basket and Papu: Making Manus Social Fabric.

15. Gender diversity among 'boys' in Papua New Guinea: Memories of sameness and difference in early childhood.

16. Recent Advances in Self‐Powered Tribo‐/Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters: All‐In‐One Package for Future Smart Technologies.

17. Bridewealth a Pardon: New Relationships and Restoration of Good Daughters.

18. Universal access to safe, affordable, timely surgical and anaesthetic care in Papua New Guinea: the six global health indicators.

19. Charismatic Catholic Renewal in Bougainville: Revisiting the power of Marian devotion as a cultural and socio‐political force.

20. Forging alliances: Coffee grower and chain leader partnerships to improve productivity and coffee quality in Papua New Guinea.

21. Reforming men: Pentecostalism and masculinity in Papua New Guinea.

22. Haggling Highlanders: Marketplaces, Middlemen and Moral Economy in the Papua New Guinean Betel Nut Trade.

23. Morality and the Concept of the Market Seller among Gehamo.

24. Marketplaces and Morality in Papua New Guinea: Place, Personhood and Exchange.

25. The origins of the Kula Ring: Archaeological and maritime perspectives from the southern Massim and Mailu areas of Papua New Guinea.

26. Making the Baruya great again: From glorified great men to modern suffering subjects?

27. Solutions to poor service delivery in Papua New Guinea.

28. The clientelism trap in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, and its impact on aid policy.

29. Trade's Value: Relational Transactions in the Papua New Guinea Betel Nut Trade.

30. Managing inequality or managing stocks? An ethnographic perspective on the governance of small-scale fisheries.

31. After Papua New Guinea's Resource Boom: Is the Kina Overvalued?

33. Women, mobile phones, and M16s: Contemporary New Guinea highlands warfare.

34. Bloody time revisited: New observations on time in a Papua New Guinea Village.

35. Revisiting NFB: Ceramic technology in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea at 3200 calBP.

36. The Mothers' Union goes on strike: Women, tapa cloth and Christianity in a Papua New Guinea society.

37. The Garden and Beyond: the Dry Season, the Ok Tedi Shutdown, and the Footprint of the 2015 El Niño Drought.

38. Israeli Technicians and the Post-Colonial Racial Triangle in Papua New Guinea.

39. Babala and the Bible: Israel and a 'Messianic Church' in Papua New Guinea.

40. Style in New Ireland Art and Culture: Grasping the Native's Point of View.

41. A review of gall midges ( Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae) of Australia and Papua New Guinea: morphology, biology, classification and key to adults.

42. Fast Money Schemes Are Risky Business: Gamblers and Investors in a Papua New Guinean Ponzi Scheme.

43. Communication technology and social life: Transformation and continuity, order and disorder.

44. Christian Marriage, Money Scams, and Melanesian Social Imaginaries.