
Showing total 21 results
21 results

Search Results

1. Health equity related challenges and experiences during the rapid implementation of virtual care during COVID-19: a multiple case study.

2. Counting what counts: a systematic scoping review of instruments used in primary healthcare services to measure the wellbeing of Indigenous children and youth.

3. Doing primary care integration: a qualitative study of meso-level collaborative practices.

4. Improving access to primary health care: a cross-case comparison based on an a priori program theory.

5. Barriers to the use of trained interpreters in consultations with refugees in four resettlement countries: a qualitative analysis using normalisation process theory.

6. An implementation history of primary health care transformation: Alberta's primary care networks and the people, time and culture of change.

7. Exploring patient-reported barriers to advance care planning in family practice.

8. Specialist LINK and primary care network clinical pathways - a new approach to patient referral: a cross-sectional survey of awareness, utilization and usability among family physicians in Calgary.

9. Understanding competing discourses as a basis for promoting equity in primary health care.

10. Implementation and maintenance of patient navigation programs linking primary care with community-based health and social services: a scoping literature review.

11. What systemic factors contribute to collaboration between primary care and public health sectors? An interpretive descriptive study.

12. Ceiling effect in EMR system assimilation: a multiple case study in primary care family practices.

13. An international cross-sectional survey on the Quality and Costs of Primary Care (QUALICO-PC): recruitment and data collection of places delivering primary care across Canada.

14. Tinkering at the margins: evaluating the pace and direction of primary care reform in Ontario, Canada.

15. Closing the health equity gap: evidence-based strategies for primary health care organizations.

16. Harm reduction, methadone maintenance treatment and the root causes of health and social inequities: An intersectional lens in the Canadian context.

17. Differences between immigrant and non-immigrant groups in the use of primary medical care; a systematic review.

18. Patient safety and safety culture in primary health care: a systematic review.

19. Underutilized and undertheorized: the use of hospitalization for ambulatory care sensitive conditions for assessing the extent to which primary healthcare services are meeting needs in British Columbia First Nation communities.

20. Disruption as opportunity: Impacts of an organizational health equity intervention in primary care clinics.

21. Nutrition care practices of primary care providers for weight management in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada - a qualitative study.