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220 results

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101. The role of NGOs in global health research for development.

102. Describing the longitudinal course of major depression using Markov models: Data integration across three national surveys.

103. Health care priority setting: principles, practice and challenges.

104. Scoping review about the professional integration of internationally educated health professionals.

105. Building research capacity in child welfare in Canada.

106. Moving towards a new vision: implementation of a public health policy intervention.

107. Lone parents, health, wellbeing and welfare to work: a systematic review of qualitative studies.

108. Investigating patients with an immigration background in Canada: relationships between individual immigrant attitudes, the doctor-patient relationship, and health outcomes.

109. Acceptability of tick control interventions to prevent Lyme disease in Switzerland and Canada: a mixed-method study.

110. A qualitative study on Canadian youth's perspectives of peers who smoke: an opportunity for health promotion.

111. Introducing the chronic disease self-management program in Switzerland and other German-speaking countries: findings of a cross-border adaptation using a multiple-methods approach.

112. Magnesium sulphate for fetal neuroprotection: benefits and challenges of a systematic knowledge translation project in Canada.

113. Portrait of rural emergency departments in Québec and utilization of the provincial emergency department management Guide: cross sectional survey.

114. Validity of the Aboriginal children's health and well-being measure: Aaniish Naa Gegii?

115. Feasibility and acceptability of patient partnership to improve access to primary care for the physical health of patients with severe mental illnesses: an interactive guide.

116. The Population Health Model (POHEM): an overview of rationale, methods and applications.

117. Complicating the dominant morality discourse: mothers and fathers' constructions of substance use during pregnancy and early parenthood.

119. Correlates of objectively measured sedentary time and self-reported screen time in Canadian children.

120. Factors influencing H1N1 vaccine behavior among Manitoba Metis in Canada: a qualitative study.

121. Unexplained health inequality -- is it unfair?

122. An international cross-sectional survey on the Quality and Costs of Primary Care (QUALICO-PC): recruitment and data collection of places delivering primary care across Canada.

123. A cross-sectional survey of supports for evidenceinformed decision-making in healthcare organisations: a research protocol.

124. Sociodemographic correlates of 25-hydroxyvitamin D test utilization in Calgary, Alberta.

125. Operationalizing the RE-AIM framework to evaluate the impact of multi-sector partnerships.

126. Modernising physician resource planning: a national interactive web platform for Canadian medical trainees.

127. Adolescent outcomes and opportunities in a Canadian province: looking at siblings and neighbors.

128. Using an integrated knowledge translation approach to build a public health research agenda.

129. Remote population-based intervention for disruptive behavior at age four: study protocol for a randomized trial of Internet-assisted parent training (Strongest Families Finland-Canada).

130. Multi-criteria decision analysis as an innovative approach to managing zoonoses: results from a study on Lyme disease in Canada.

131. Canada and access to medicines in developing countries: intellectual property rights first.

132. Decision maker perceptions of resource allocation processes in Canadian health care organizations: a national survey.

133. No personalization without participation: on the active contribution of psychiatric patients to the development of a mobile application for mental health.

134. Should we feed back research results in the midst of a study?

135. Tinkering at the margins: evaluating the pace and direction of primary care reform in Ontario, Canada.

136. Gender variations in the relationship between social capital and mental health outcomes among the Indigenous populations of Canada.

137. Evidence-informed recommendations for constructing and disseminating messages supplementing the new Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines.

138. Making the links: do we connect climate change with health? A qualitative case study from Canada.

139. HIV risk perception and distribution of HIV risk among African, Caribbean and other Black people in a Canadian city: mixed methods results from the BLACCH study.

140. "I have to do what I believe": Sudanese women's beliefs and resistance to hegemonic practices at home and during experiences of maternity care in Canada.

141. An evaluation of data quality in Canada's Continuing Care Reporting System (CCRS): secondary analyses of Ontario data submitted between 1996 and 2011.

142. Promoting social responsibility amongst health care users: medical tourists' perspectives on an information sheet regarding ethical concerns in medical tourism.

143. Growth curves in short supply: a descriptive study of the availability and utility of growth curve data in adolescents with eating disorders.

144. A qualitative descriptive study on the alignment of care goals between older persons with multi-morbidities, their family physicians and informal caregivers.

145. Field validation of secondary data sources: a novel measure of representativity applied to a Canadian food outlet database.

146. Hope against hope: exploring the hopes and challenges of rural female caregivers of persons with advanced cancer.

147. A cross-country comparison of intensive care physicians' beliefs about their transfusion behaviour: A qualitative study using the theoretical domains framework.

148. Nursing home administrators' perspectives on a study feedback report: a cross sectional survey.

149. Translating evidence into practice: the role of health research funders.

150. It Can't Hurt to Ask; A Patient-Centered Quality of Service Assessment of Health Canada's Medical Cannabis Policy and Program.