63 results on '"Bambang Juanda"'
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2. Desain Kelembagaan Pengelolaan Mandiri Teluk Kiluan Provinsi Lampung
- Author
Muhammad Guntur, Bambang Juanda, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
kelembagaan, wilayah pesisir, pengelolaan pesisir ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Kawasan Teluk Kiluan sebagai kawasan konservasi juga ditetapkan sebagai kawasan pariwisata Provinsi Lampung. Hadirnya Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 yang menghapus kewenangan pengelolaan pesisir oleh Kabupaten/Kota berdampak terjadinya perubahan kelembagaan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun desain kelembagaan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir Teluk Kiluan, yang mengarah kepada pengelolaan secara mandiri sebagai kawasan pariwisata oleh desa. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan instrumen pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Kewenangan pengelolaan pesisir Teluk Kiluan dilakukan oleh pemerintah Provinsi Lampung dan dapat ditugasperbantuan langsung kepada pemerintah desa. Desain kelembagaan disusun berdasarkan tugas dan peran dari setiap sektor terkait, dengan koordinator pengelola yang berasal dari Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Lampung. Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) dibentuk sebagai pelaksana kebijakan, yang telah disusun untuk dapat dilaksanakan dalam pengelolaan pesisir. Dalam hal ini terbagi atas tiga UPT di Provinsi Lampung. Pengelolaan Teluk Kiluan direkomendasikan untuk dikelola secara mandiri oleh Pekon (Desa) Kiluan Negeri di bawah pelaksana teknis UPT Regional Dua. Pengelolaan Teluk Kiluan sebagai kawasan pariwisata oleh Pekon Kiluan Negeri dilaksanakan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dengan tetap memperhatikan peran partisipasi masyarakat, keterkaitan antar wilayah dan pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Analysis of rural peat environmental risk using PROMETHEE method in Riau province, Indonesia
- Author
Ardika Perdana Fahly, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
Analysis ,QA299.6-433 ,Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic. Including tables, etc. ,HF5691-5716 - Abstract
Future global economic stability is under significant threat from environmental risks. Rural peat areas are particularly susceptible due to their elevated levels of hazard, vulnerability, and limited capacity. Acknowledging these risks is pivotal for fostering a low-carbon development trajectory. This study analyzes the environmental risk in rural peat areas within Riau Province. The PROMETHEE method, incorporating Shannon Entropy weighting for data analysis, was employed. The findings reveal that four regencies are exhibiting favorable environmental risk conditions and five regencies facing adverse conditions. The criteria influencing the environmental risk of rural peat in Riau Province showcase various positive and negative contributions across each regency. The sensitivity analysis underscores the resilience of forest fires and the social forest program in three regencies. Recognizing environmental risk can serve as a foundation for decision-makers to formulate sustainable development policies.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Policy framework for updating and utilizing poverty data using MULTIPOL method in Bekasi Regency, Indonesia
- Author
Beny Cahyadie, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Rilus A. Kinsen
- Subjects
Analysis ,QA299.6-433 ,Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic. Including tables, etc. ,HF5691-5716 - Abstract
Poverty is a complex and multidimensional social problem faced by almost all countries including Indonesia. Poverty alleviation efforts require accurate and up-to-date data to ensure that social welfare programs can effectively run and target appropriate beneficiaries. Bekasi Regency, as one of the regions that faces significant challenges in managing poverty, needs the right strategy in updating and utilizing poverty data to support social welfare programs. This study analyzes a policy framework for updating and utilizing the poverty data. The data were collected from focus group discussions with experts and stakeholders who were competent in updating and utilizing the poverty data. MULTIPOL method was used to analyze the data. The results of the study show that the best strategy for updating and utilizing poverty data in the scenario is to integrate scenarios with priority policy with digital budgeting policy, as well as priority actions providing incentives. This study makes an important contribution to regional development planning, especially poverty alleviation strategies based on accurate and integrative data.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Pengaruh Industri Mikro dan Kecil terhadap Kemiskinan di Wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
- Author
Mishbahuddin Dhiyaa'ulhaq, Sahara Sahara, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
industri mikro dan kecil, investasi, kemiskinan, tenaga kerja ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Kemiskinan masih menjadi masalah utama dalam pembangunan bagi setiap daerah, termasuk Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Kemiskinan sendiri terjadi salah satunya karena disebabkan oleh tingginya tingkat pengangguran, ketimpangan pembangunan antara daerah perdesaan dan perkotaan ikut menjadi penyebab semakin tingginya tingkat kemiskinan di daerah perdesaan. Industri mikro dan kecil merupakan sektor yang dapat tumbuh di seluruh wilayah dan menyerap tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pola penyebaran kemiskinan dan pengaruh indsutri mikro dan kecil terhadap kemiskinan di wilayah D.I. Yogyakarta. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Moran’s I, Moran’s Scatterplot, Local Indicator of Spatial Autocorrelation (LISA), dan analisis model regresi Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). Hasil analisis memperlihatakan adanya pola hubungan spasial persentase penduduk miskin antar kecamatan, dengan tiga pola hubungan, yaitu High-High (HH), Low-Low (LL), dan Low-High (LH). Tenaga kerja dan investasi industri mikro dan kecil secara siginifikan dapat mengurangi persentase kemiskinan di sebagian besar kecamataan di D.I. Yogyakarta, kecuali di kecamatan yang berada di wilayah Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya.
- Published
- 2023
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6. Dynamic Relationship of Macro Variables and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Subsidy Transformation Program
- Author
Eddy Prabowo, Harianto Harianto, Bambang Juanda, and Dikky Indrawan
- Subjects
macro variables ,liquefied petroleum gas (lpg) ,subsidy transformation program ,Social Sciences ,Commerce ,HF1-6182 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Most Indonesians rely on liquefied petroleum gas as one of their primary sources of energy. Liquefied petroleum gas is classified into subsidized and non-subsidized. Subsidized liquefied petroleum gas is primarily used by low-income households, small businesses, as well as poor fishermen and farmers for cooking. However, no exit strategy has been established to overcome the increase in government spending on subsidized kerosene introduced in 2008. The problem is that macro variables may influence liquefied petroleum gas economic prices. The research aimed to identify the relationship between macro variables that might affect liquefied petroleum gas economic prices. It applied a quantitative method with Vector Auto Regression (VAR) and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The results demonstrate that inflation rate have a significant impact on the economic price of liquefied petroleum gas. Then, gross domestic product, inflation rate, and world gas price have positive correlations to the economic prices in liquefied petroleum gas. Meanwhile, currency exchange and world oil price have negative coefficients. The regression model indicates that a rise in inflation increases market prices in liquefied petroleum gas. Furthermore, the increased subsidized fuel means more poor people cannot afford liquefied petroleum gas. It is because high inflation reduces purchasing and potentially increases the number of poor people.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Analisis Distribusi dan Analisis Peringkat Data Kemiskinan dari Tiga Sumber Data di Kabupaten Bekasi
- Author
Beny Cahyadie, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Rilus A. Kinseng
- Subjects
tiga sumber data ,peringkat data ,data presisi ,PROMETHEE ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 - Abstract
Dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan berbasis bukti, perlu didukung oleh data kemiskinan yang tepat, akurat, dan konsisten. Tujuannya agar berbagai bantuan seperti bansos, PKH, sembako, prakerja, dan subsidi lainnya dapat tepat sasaran bagi masyarakat yang mengalami kemiskinan. Keragaman sumber data kemiskinan akan berimplikasi pada ketidaktepatan sasaran penerima bantuan sosial. Hingga saat ini, masih terdapat tiga sumber data kemiskinan, yaitu Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) dengan Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan Sosial (DTKS), dan TNP2K yang kini berada di bawah Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Kemenko PMK) yang juga mengeluarkan data yang menyasar pada target Percepatan Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Ekstrim (P3KE). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sebaran data kemiskinan dan analisis pemeringkatan data kemiskinan dari tiga sumber data di Kabupaten Bekasi. Metode analisis menggunakan perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.4 dan shapefile peta administrasi wilayah Kabupaten Bekasi. Pada analisis pemeringkatan data kemiskinan dari tiga sumber data di setiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi, digunakan metode Preference Ranking Organization Methods For Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebaran data P3KE sebanyak 1.317.098 jiwa tersebar pada desil-1 hingga desil-4 di seluruh kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi. Data BPS sebanyak 229.367 jiwa yang tersebar di setiap kecamatan, dan jumlah DTKS di Kabupaten Bekasi sebanyak 1.035.402 jiwa, dengan sebaran data terbanyak berada di Kecamatan Babelan, yaitu sebanyak 110.867 jiwa dari 34.009 jiwa. Sedangkan peringkat terbaik dari ketiga sumber data kemiskinan tersebut adalah Cikarang Pusat, Kecamatan Pebayuran (0.7273), Tambun Utara (0.6364), Cibitung dan Karang Bahagia (0. 4242), Cikarang Utara (0.3939), Tambun Selatan (0.3636), Sukatani (0.2121), Serang Baru (0.1515), Cikarang Barat (0.1212), Tarumajaya (0.0909), Cikarang Timur (0.0606).
- Published
- 2023
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8. Evaluasi Pembangunan Berkelanjutan dengan Rendah Karbon pada Sektor Pertanian Padi
- Author
Dwi Sartika Adetama, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Dedi Budiman Hakim
- Subjects
pembangunan berkelanjutan, pertanian, padi, rap_withoutlcd, rendah karbon ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan yang selama ini dilakukan oleh pemerintah tingkat keberhasilannya masih belum dinikmati oleh setiap provinsi di Indonesia, sebagian didominasi di Pulau Jawa. Pembangunan selama ini menggunakan skenario business as usual (BAU) diukur berdasarkan aspek pertumbuhan ekonomi tapi tidak memperhitungkan dampak lingkungan. Permasalahan mulai muncul disaat terdapat ketimpangan antara dimensi ekonomi dengan dampak lingkungan yaitu emisi gas rumah kaca. Penelitian ini mengusulkan pendekatan dalam mengevaluasi pembangunan nasional BAU dengan rendah karbon menggunakan Teknik Rap_withoutLCD berdasarkan Multi Dimensional Scalling (MDS). Objek penelitian pada tanaman padi, data yang dianalisis adalah data sekunder tahun 2014-2018, beberapa literature dan penelitian lain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai tukar petani, konsumsi beras, produksi padi, penduduk buta huruf, persebaran penduduk, persentase penduduk miskin, percetakan sawah, curah hujan, suhu, tekonologi informasi, pompa air, Rice Milling Unit, penggunaan pupuk organik, peraturan rendah karbon, dan emisi gas rumah kaca merupakan atribut yang sensitif terhadap pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan. Artinya jika atribut tersebut dihilangkan maka akan berdampak pada status keberlanjutan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil evaluasi eksisting pembangunan konsep BAU dengan rendah karbon didominasi antara kurang (less sustainable) dan cukup (quite sustainable) di setiap provinsi sehingga pemerintah perlu menerapkan kebijakan transformasi pembangunan pertanian rendah karbon yang dapat menunjang produktivitas pertanian dan juga pembangunan nasional di Indonesia.
- Published
- 2023
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9. Analysis of Economic Vulnerability to Disaster Threats in Batu City
- Author
Firre An Suprapto, Bambang Juanda, Ernan Rustiadi, and Khursatul Munibah
- Subjects
disaster-resilient tourism area, disaster vulnerability index, economic vulnerability, tourism sector ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
Geographically, Indonesia is located on three of the world's main tectonic plates and has 127 active volcanoes, making it highly vulnerable to natural disasters. In addition to natural disasters, Indonesia is also facing the Covid-19 disaster, which has greatly affected the tourism sector. Batu City is one of the leading tourism areas. Because Batu City is prone to disasters, this will certainly have an impact on the economy of the people of Batu City. Therefore, this study aims to analyze economic vulnerability due to disasters and the role of institutions in dealing with them. This research is a case study that uses a quantitative and qualitative approach, using the results of respondent interviews, ArcMap 10.3, ILWIS software, and MACTOR. The results obtained are that the disasters that have the most severe impact on the economic vulnerability of Batu City are droughts and earthquakes. In addition, other results also show that the role of institutions has not been good enough in creating institutional strategies in Batu City. Based on the modeling results using MACTOR, it is known that the disaster management efforts carried out by the tourism object and the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) agree and support the implementation of these efforts.
- Published
- 2022
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10. Pengaruh Lahan Kosong terhadap Kemiskinan di Kota Bengkulu
- Author
harmes harmes, Bambang Juanda, Ernan Rustiadi, and Baba Barus
- Subjects
penataan ruang, lahan kosong, kemiskinan, ekonometrika spasial, variasi pengaruh ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Penataan ruang di Indonesia sudah diimplemetasikan sejak tahun 2007, namun pengaruhnya terhadap kemiskinan belum banyak dikaji dan diteliti. Sejak perda Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) provinsi dan kabupaten/kota banyak ditetapkan ada kecederungan terjadi perlambatan angka penurunan kemiskinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan. Statistik yang biasa digunakan untuk menyelidiki adanya keterkaitan secara spasial sebuah variabel penelitian adalah indeks moran, sedangkan pengaruh antar variabel yang menyelidiki sampai pada setiap unit amatan biasa digunakan ekonometrika spasial yakni regresi terboboti spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan kosong dan kemiskinan memiliki autokorelasi spasial yang mengelompok dengan nilai indeks moran masing-masing 0,203 dan 0,331. Kebaikan model dilihat dari R2 sebesar 0,218, yang berarti model ini hanya dapat menjelaskan variasi kemiskinan yang terjadi sebesar 21,8%. Pengaruh antara lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan bergradasi secara kontinum dari bagian utara kota, pusat dan bagian selatan kota, semakin ke arah selatan pengaruhnya semakin besar. Pengaruh terkecil adalah 0.056, di Kelurahan Kandang Limun sedangkan terbesar adalah 0.342 di Kelurahan Teluk Sepang. Nilai ini menjelaskan apabila luas lahan kosong meningkat 1%, maka jumlah penduduk miskin akan bertambah antara 0,56% sampai 34,2%. Re-rata koefisien regresinya adalah 0,145 artinya rata-rata pengaruh lahan kosong terhadap kemiskinan mencapai 14,5% per kenaikan 1 % lahan.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Analisis Spasial Karakteristik Kawasan Strategis Ekonomi Koridor Barat-Timur dalam Pengembangan Wilayah Provinsi Sumatera Barat
- Author
Siska Amelia, Ernan Rustiadi, Baba Barus, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
pengembangan wilayah, karakteristik wilayah, pca ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Salah satu upaya dalam mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan adalah dengan pengembangan wilayah yang disesuaikan dengan potensi, permasalahan dan kondisi eksisting wilayah yang bersangkutan. Setiap wilayah memiliki karakteristik masing-masing yang membedakan wilayah tersebut dengan wilayah lainnya. Karakteristik yang berbeda pada setiap wilayah menyebabkan potensi dan permasalahan pada wilayah tersebut juga berbeda sehingga strategi pengembangan wilayah juga berbeda. Koridor barat - timur merupakan salah satu dari sebelas kawasan strategis ekonomi provinsi yang ada di Sumatera Barat. Koridor barat - timur yang melingkupi sembilan kabupaten/kota dan 65 kecamatan mempunyai karakteristik dan tipologi yang beragam, sehingga strategi pengembangan koridor barat - timur juga beragam. Dalam penelitian ini ingin melihat karagaman karakteristik dan tipologi kawasan strategis ekonomi provinsi koridor barat - timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan teknik analisis Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Pengelompokkan karakteristik dan tipologi wilayah berdasarkan pada dimensi potensi ekonomi, struktur wilayah, lingkungan, dan topografi. Dimensi potensi terdiri dari 12 variabel pengamatan ekonomi menghasilkan 4 komponen utama yang dikelompokkan menjadi 1) perdagangan dan jasa wisata, 2) peternakan dan perikanan, 3) pertanian dan perkebunan, 4) wisata. Hasil dimensi potensi ekonomi adalah perdagangan dan jasa wisata 38 kecamatan, peternakan dan perikanan 15 kecamatan, pertanian dan perkebunan 7 kecamatan dan wisata 4 kecamatan. Dimensi struktur wilayah dari 11 variabel pengamatan menghasilkan 2 komponen utama yang dikelompokkan menjadi 1) perkotaan, 2) pedesaan. Hasil dimensi struktur wilayah adalah perkotaan 49 kecamatan, pedesaan 16 kecamatan. Dimensi lingkungan dikelompokkan menjadi 1) kawasan rawan bencana, 2) kawasan tidak rawan bencana. Dimensi topografi dikelompokkan menjadi 1) dataran rendah, 2) dataran tinggi.
- Published
- 2022
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12. Classification and prediction of rural socio-economic vulnerability (IRSV) integrated with social-ecological system (SES)
- Author
Dedy Yuliawan, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Analysis ,QA299.6-433 ,Business mathematics. Commercial arithmetic. Including tables, etc. ,HF5691-5716 - Abstract
Vulnerability is one of the prominent features of rural areas due to their distinctive characteristics, such as remoteness, geographical conditions, and socio-economic dependence on primary sectors. Addressing the vulnerability of rural areas in terms of the rural development paradigm is both urgent and relevant. This study aims to address this issue using the current state-of-the-art machine learning method, using the socio-ecological framework and integrated vulnerability index of villages in Lampung Province in Indonesia. The study attempts to predict and classify villages' vulnerability to be applied for better planning and rural development. Based on random forest classification and decision tree algorithm, the results show that the village governance system represented by rural water management and the level of education of village leaders are suitable prediction variables related to the low vulnerability index. This study can draw lessons learned to improve rural development in developing countries.
- Published
- 2022
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13. The Economic Price of Liquid Petroleum Gas, Poverty and Subsidy Removal Compensation Scenario in Indonesia
- Author
Eddy Prabowo, Harianto, Bambang Juanda, and Dikky Indrawan
- Subjects
economic price, liquid petroleum gas, poverty, subsidy removal, VAR ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Energy industries. Energy policy. Fuel trade ,HD9502-9502.5 - Abstract
Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest population in the world, implicating the higher energy needs for consumption. LPG is one of the most important energies consumed by the majority of Indonesians since 2008. There is a programme for LPG in Indonesia, namely the LPG subsidy price. However, it is not implemented accurately in order to keep Indonesians, particularly those living below the poverty line able to purchase LPG. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between the economic price of LPG and poverty, as well as the subsidy removal compensation in Indonesia. Vector Auto Regression (VAR) first difference was applied in this research, and the findings show that statistically LPG economy prices have a unilateral relationship with a significant impact on poverty. Two subsidies removal compensation scenarios result shows that approximately subsidy of minimum IDR 52 thousand per month will keep the poor beneficiaries just above the poverty line. There is a potential government saving per year for LPG subsidies removal.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Analisis Pengaruh Alokasi DAK Masing-Masing Bidang Terhadap Tingkat Kemiskinan di Kabupaten Pandeglang dan Kabupaten Lebak
- Author
Asti Yayuk Wahyuni, Bambang Juanda, and Yeti Lis Purnamadewi
- Subjects
gwr ,poverty ,the specific allocation fund (dak) ,undeveloped villages ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 - Abstract
Fiscal decentralization is one of the government’s strategies to improve people’s welfare. The fiscal decentralization policy instrument that can directly affect the quality of local government spending is The Specific Allocation Fund (DAK). The DAK management in the financial aspect has a few problems, nonoptimal regional government performance and mismatched allocation and government needs. Proposal based The Specific Allocation Fund (DAK) hopefully could adjust the development priorities determined by regional conditions, government needs, and undeveloped villages with high-level poverty. Pandeglang and Lebak Regency are the region with the highest poverty level in Banten Province. This study aims to analyze the DAK effect of each sector on poverty in Pandeglang and Lebak Regency. The analysis used Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) with DAK data for each field in 2018 and poverty data in 2019. The result showed that DAK variables in education, health, and agriculture tended not to reduce poverty rates. The DAK variable in the housing and settlement sector, the marine and fisheries sector, the tourism sector, and the market sector tended to reduce poverty. At the same time, the DAK variable in Road, sanitation, and village funds tended to reduce poverty levels in most districts. Based on the study, the poverty alleviation program in each district is adjusted to each of the DAK sectors that are influential. However, the result indicated that the adjustment of DAK sectors influenced the poverty alleviation program in every district in Pandeglang and Lebak Regency.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Good Corporate Governance on Stock Prices of Companies Listed in the KOMPAS 100 Index 2014-2018
- Author
Jiwana Christian, Bambang Juanda, and Bayu Bandono
- Subjects
good corporate governance ,stock price ,panel data ,Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
This research aimed to analyze the effect of good corporate governance on stock prices. It was conducted on companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which were included in the KOMPAS100 Index in 2014-2018 by using a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used was a panel data regression method with a fixed-effect model - least square dummy variable. The results of the study show that the number of board of the commissioner meetings, return on assets, earnings per share, and price to book value had significant effects on stock prices in a positive direction; the number of directors, education/training for corporate secretaries, and price to earnings ratio had positive but insignificant effects; the number of independent commissioners and the number of board of the director meetings had negative but insignificant effects on share prices. The novelty in this study was the addition of the variable of company secretary as an indicator of corporate governance, which was not found in previous studies. Besides, this study added a dummy interaction to see the effect of the level of corporate compliance on corporate governance.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Integrated rural socio-economic vulnerability analysis in Lampung Province
- Author
Dedy Yuliawan, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Akhmad Fauzi
- Subjects
Entropy ,Rural development ,TOPSIS ,Vulnerability ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
One of the common characteristics of rural areas is their vulnerability to socio-economic and environmental shocks. Therefore, rural development policies should consider these features to take full advantage of the benefits of rural development. This study aims to develop a pastoral assessment based on the TOPSIS-Etropy-Inhomogeneity Method. This research was conducted in Lampung Province using data at the regency level. The data uses village data from the 2018 Village Potential Survey (PODES). The results show that rural areas' exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity factors play an essential role in rural development regarding vulnerability and resilience. Pesisir Barat, Mesuji, and Tulang Bawang Regencies are highly susceptible to low adaptation factors such as difficult access to health centers, inadequate credit facilities from the government, quiet village anticipation and mitigation, and a lack of security systems. The lowest vulnerabilities are in Tanggamus and North Lampung Regencies with common sensitivity factors, where people with malnutrition, persons with disabilities, households living in slums, and the habit of not using river water or the like for drinking or cooking have lower scores. In addition, other factors contribute to vulnerability, and these factors should be considered in rural development policies
- Published
- 2022
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17. A study on tax compliance in tax amnesty policy
- Author
Bambang Juanda, Lukytawati Anggraeni, Putri Mahestyanti, and Benny Robby Kurniawan
- Subjects
Experimental approach ,Tax amnesty ,Tax Compliance ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
The Indonesian Government implemented the tax amnesty policy in 2016 with several objectives, among others, to achieve tax revenue targets in the short-term, while in the long term it is to improve tax compliance, especially for the wealthier Indonesian citizens, while also accelerating tax reforms to increase tax participation’s rate. This paper examines the effects of factors (wealth, tariff period system, tax fines, audit probability, and taxpayers’ expectation of future tax amnesty) on tax compliance. Tax compliance is measured by the percentage of assets unit, the percentage of assets value reported by taxpayers, and the taxpayer participation rate in tax amnesty policy. This behavioral economics study uses an experimental approach because it is impossible to use conventional methods. The result showed that the taxpayers with higher wealth have lower compliance and prefer to participate in tax amnesty programs at the lowest tariff rate. The government's effort to impose fines and audits shows a greater effect on tax compliance. The tax amnesty policy should only be implemented once because if people expect a similar policy to be applied in the future, they will wait for the policy so that tax compliance is low. A tax amnesty policy—while it can increase tax revenues in the short term—could reduce tax compliance, especially if the government imposes a second tax amnesty in the future.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Rural development policy and strategy in the rural autonomy era. Case study of Pandeglang Regency – Indonesia
- Author
Eka Purna Yudha, Bambang Juanda, Lala M. Kolopaking, and Rillus A. Kinseng
- Subjects
village budget ,village development index ,village financial management ,village typology ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
In 2014, the Indonesian government passed Law No. 6/2014 with the intention of reconstructing village financial and asset management arrangements to accelerate inclusive and sustainable rural development. Pandeglang Regency in Banten Province as one of the underdeveloped district is a very interesting study because 96% of villages are still underdeveloped. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a village typology model and develop a village development strategy in Pandeglang Regency. The strategy to improve the status of the Village Development Index is to reallocate village financial management based on the status of the village typology and its supporting composite index.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Migrasi Desa-Kota di Indonesia: 'Risk Coping Strategy VS Investment'
- Author
Joan Marta, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
migrasi desa kota ,motif migrasi ,kebijakan pembangunan wilayah ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
The study aims to analyses the reasons behind migrations motives among rural household based on household and area origin characteristic. The study used IFLS data of 2007 and 2014 consisting 2,581 household samples spreading in 13 provinces. Binomial and multinomial logit model was used to estimate probability to migrate based on migration motive. We found the contradictory effect of household income on decision to migrate between motives. Income has negative effect in risk coping as migration motives, otherwise have positive effect in investment motive. --------------------------------------- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alasan dibalik motif migrasi di antara rumah tangga perdesaan berdasarkan karakteristik rumah tangga dan karakteristik daerah asal. Penelitian ini menggunakan data IFLS tahun 2007 dan 2014 yang terdiri dari 2.581 sampel rumah tangga yang tersebar di 13 provinsi. Model binomial dan multinomial logit digunakan untuk memperkirakan probabilitas untuk bermigrasi berdasarkan motif migrasi. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan efek kontradiktif dari pendapatan rumah tangga pada keputusan untuk bermigrasi di antara motif. Pendapatan memiliki efek negatif dalam mengatasi risiko sebagai motif migrasi, sebaliknya memiliki efek positif dalam motif investasi.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Implementation of Capm, Fama-French Three-Factor, and Five-Factor in Indonesia Stock Exchange and Cement Industry Sector
- Author
Dewa Nyoman Wiryasantika Wedagama, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Trias Andati
- Subjects
Valuation ,WACC ,Cost of equity ,CAPM ,Fama-French Three Factors ,Fama-French Five Factors ,Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Weighting Average Cost of Capital (WACC) plays a critical role as a discounting factor of the corporate valuation process's estimated future free cash flow by highly influencing the valuation process. It consists of three components, namely cost of debt, cost of equity, and proportion of capital structure. Costs of debt and capital structure are easily calculated due to data stability and less volatility. Meanwhile, the cost of equity is difficult to determine due to assumption, the period taken, the method applied, and complexity. Many assets pricing methods are used to determine the required rate of return in equity, namely CAPM, Fama French Three-Factor (FF3F), and Fama French Five-Factor (FF5F). These three asset pricing models are used to determine the models with strong explanatory factors on equity return to portfolios developed from sorting FF5F factors and individual equity of four cement companies publicly listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).
- Published
- 2022
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21. Metric-Based Approach for Quantifying Urban Expansion Impact on Urban Form Changes in the JBMUR South Conurbation Corridor
- Author
Anoraga Jatayu, Ernan Rustiadi, Bambang Juanda, and Didit Okta Pribadi
- Subjects
land-use change ,spatial pattern ,urban form ,spatial metric ,spatial planning ,Agriculture - Abstract
The formation of the Jakarta Bandung Mega-Urban Region (JBMUR) has created a rapidly urbanized corridor, the JBMUR south conurbation corridor. Due to its geographical location, the expansion process in the JBMUR south conurbation corridor has caused significant social, economic, and environmental problems. This study explores and quantifies the impact of the urban expansion of the JBMUR on its south corridor, mainly on the spatial pattern and the form dynamics based on the land-use changes process, using landscape metrics and its implications on planning policy. The metrics used in this study describes a few patterns and form characteristics: density, clustering, connectivity, and shape. Those metrics are then quantitatively measured using the FRAGSTATS Urban Expansion Intensity to measure the expansion rate in four of the JBMUR South Conurbation Corridor urban areas. The result shows that the urban areas grow significantly from the core area and expand outside with the following pattern: increased urban density, less compact, and the two urban areas becoming closer/more connected. This growth intensity and pattern are happening due to the misalignment of the planning policies in the municipalities of the south corridor. It is needed for any future planning policies to mitigate these problems and create a robust plan to maintain the sustainability of the JBMUR South Conurbation Corridor as a whole.
- Published
- 2023
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22. Determinants of Performance and Structural Relationships of Rice Processing Industry Performance: Resources Based View Approach
- Author
T. Saiful Bahri, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Sahara Sahara
- Subjects
performance ,rice milling ,RBV ,SEM-PLS ,Management. Industrial management ,HD28-70 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Purpose: Attention to the capacity of rice milling companies is very important because this company is the main business actor that creates added value. This study aims: (1) to identify the determinants of the performance of the rice milling industry based on the Resources Based View (RBV) framework and (2) to formulate the structural relationship that occurs between the resources of rice milling companies on business performance. Methodology/Approach: RBV framework and formulate the structural relationships that occur between company resources and business performance Through the SEM-PLS method. Findings: Structurally, the results of the analysis show that the performance of rice mills is directly determined by reputation with the largest path coefficient of 0.856 and is then followed by marketing differentiation 0.184 and human capital 0.1822, while tangible assets directly have a negative relationship (-0.236) but indirectly through the latent variable the reputation as a mediator has a greater (0.558) and significant positive relationship. Research Limitation/Implication: The research has empirical implications that not all RBV dimensions can predict the performance of the rice industry, especially organizational variables. This illustrates that in reality in the manufacturing industry, organizational function variables do not really affect the produced. Originality/Value of paper: This article becomes an important for policymakers in Aceh Province to develop the rice milling industry based on the RBV.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Analisis Kemiskinan Spasial dan Kaitannya dengan Sertifikasi dan Penggunaan Lahan Pertanian di Kabupaten Mamuju
- Author
Ade Irawadi, Bambang Juanda, and Khursatul Munibah
- Subjects
gwr ,land certification ,land use ,poverty ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
The poverty is still a strategic issue in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi. In 2015 the poverty rate is 6.7%, but the decline of every year is still very slow. Understanding the relationship between poverty and the factors that influence it is important to determine the right policies for poverty alleviation in Mamuju Regency. This study aims to: (1) analyze spatial patterns of poverty; and (2) analyze the relationship of poverty with factors that influence spatially. This study used cross sectional village level data of 97 villages/kelurahan in the Mamuju Regency. The data used are poverty, land certification, agricultural land use, labor in industrial sector, distance to capital and village fund. A spatial analysis of poverty uses Moran Index approach to find out spatial pattern of poverty in Mamuju Regency. Analysis of the relationship between the poverty level of each village/kelurahan with the factors influence it using the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) approach. The result of spatial analysis of poverty indicates that the poverty level of the village/kelurahan in Mamuju Regency is clustered. The result of GWR analysis shows that the land certificates, the percentage of land area of plantation, paddy field, fields area, and fishpond, percentage of labor in micro and small industry sector, distance to the capital and village fund proved to have significant effect varying to village poverty level.
- Published
- 2020
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24. Understanding migration motives and its impact on household welfare: evidence from rural–urban migration in Indonesia
- Author
Joan Marta, Akhmad Fauzi, Bambang Juanda, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
rural–urban migration ,migration motives and patterns ,difference-in-differences approach ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 - Abstract
Rural–urban migration is a common demographic phenomenon in developing countries. Over the last four decades, Indonesia has had the highest rate of urbanization among Asian countries, which has been driven primarily by rural–urban migration. This type of migration has strong economic and social impacts on individuals at both the origins and the destinations. The study analyses the patterns and impacts of rural–urban migration based on the migration motives of rural households. The difference-in-differences approach is applied to identify migration’s impact on the welfare of migrant households in rural areas based on migration motives. The study uses Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data from 2007 and 2014, which consists of 2007 household samples spread over 13 provinces. Migration is found to have a positive and significant impact on migrant household welfare based on investment motives, but an insignificant result regarding the impact of migration based on risk-coping motives. Also found is the difference in migration patterns between the two migration motives.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
S Sukanto, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
autocorrelation spatial ,gwr ,poverty ,sub-district ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Poverty is the main problem both at the national and regional development. Existing poverty alleviation programs have not paid attention to the spatial aspect. Thus the policies are often poorly targeted. This study aims to find spatial patterns of poverty in Pandeglang and Lebak districts. Geographically weighted regression (GWR) is used to analyze the poverty data in 2016. Based on the analysis, positive spatial autocorrelation is found and clustered in 25 sub-districts. Net enrollment rates tend to reduce poverty in all sub-districts. Meanwhile, village funds, electricity, and roads tend to reduce poverty rates in more than 80% of sub-districts. Independent variables have a different response in each sub-district. Therefore, the poverty alleviation program of each sub-district is adjusting to its influencing factor.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Efficiency and sustainability of microfinance: Study case agribusiness microfinance institutions in Bogor
- Author
Triane Widya Anggriani, R. Nunung Nuryartono, Bambang Juanda, and Jaenal Effendi
- Subjects
efficiency ,microfinance institution ,rural finance ,sustainability ,sfa ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
Microfinance is one of the solutions in poverty alleviation in rural areas. The existence of financial access in a rural area, with hope, low-income society can increase their revenues and eventually able to escape the circle of poverty. The agribusiness microfinance institution is the institution that provides financing services to farmers in rural areas. However, agribusiness microfinance institution is facing sustainability problems. We analyzed financial sustainability in terms of the cost-efficiency of the Agribusiness Microfinance Institution (AMFI). The study utilized a parametric approach method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, namely AMFI possessing two years of financial reports (in the year 2016-2017) around Bogor District, there were fifteen AMFIs qualified. The result indicates AMFIs' efficiency value in Bogor District almost approaching 100%. It means that the AMFIs' financial performance in Bogor District was highly efficient. Labor cost is a very responsive variable in the total cost. However, AMFIs' labor cost was low. This matter caused administrator performance in servicing their customers to become not optimal, thus impacting the unsustainability of AMFI.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Adi Artino, Bambang Juanda, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
village funds ,poverty, spatial autocorrelation ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Poverty is one of the indicator of development performance, in terms of community welfare. Cause of poverty due to uneven distribution of income and inequality of development. Village funding programs for each village provide positive implications for community welfare. This study aims to see the relationship of village funds to poverty in North Lombok Regency. The method used is geographically weighted regression (GWR). Village funds can reduce poverty in each village in North Lombok Regency, but it does not have a significant effect in reducing poverty because the resulting model is still influenced by other variables outside the model. The variable coefficient of the number of bachelor and paddy fields in each village can reduce poverty and some can increase poverty. So there is a need for policy variation to reduce poverty in each village.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Muhammad Iqbal, Amzul Rifin, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
region ,economic development ,infrastructure ,disparity ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Infrastructure development is an important aspect of economic growth. Good infrastructure development will ensure efficiency, facilitate the movement of goods and services, and increasing the added value of the economy, as well as factors driving the productivity of the area. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of inequality between regions and analyze the effect of infrastructure availability on regional inequality in Aceh Province. The analysis method used is Williamson Index and Panel Data. The results showed that the significant variables can affect the imbalance of economic development of the region in Aceh province is the variable of electricity that has an effect of -0.012594 and the influential educational variables of -0.060347. Variables that have no significant effect is the road effect of -0.009463 and health variables affecting 0.046067.
- Published
- 2019
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29. Study of Disaster Susceptibility and Economic Vulnerability to Strengthen Disaster Risk Reduction Instruments in Batu City, Indonesia
- Author
Firre An Suprapto, Bambang Juanda, Ernan Rustiadi, and Khursatul Munibah
- Subjects
disaster susceptibility ,flood ,landslide ,meteorological drought ,land fire ,COVID-19 ,Agriculture - Abstract
Batu City in East Java has a thriving tourist area, which is not exempt from disaster susceptibility and economic vulnerability. These weaknesses have led to the strengthening of the disaster resilience system becoming a priority in terms of the Batu government’s disaster risk reduction. The main objective of this study is to improve disaster risk management through the reinforcement of the disaster risk reduction instrument, which can improve the alertness and the mitigation capability of DRR. This research analyzed the susceptibility levels of five disasters—flood, landslide, drought, land fire, and COVID-19—using a quantitative method with panel data and a survey questionnaire. The influence variable was disaster susceptibility, which quantified economic vulnerability through ArcGIS and ILWIS analysis to generate the disaster susceptibility rate. Economic vulnerability was analyzed using static panel data in STATA/R, which generated the economic vulnerability index. The results of this research indicate that there are five villages in the high level of vulnerability category, three villages in the moderate level of vulnerability category, and another sixteen villages/urban villages in the low level of vulnerability category. Furthermore, static panel analysis found that local economic vulnerability in Batu is significantly influenced by three of the five disasters discussed in this research.
- Published
- 2022
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30. The Effect of Transfer Funds on District/Municipality Development Performance in West Java Province Indonesia
- Author
Otong Suhyanto, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Regional autonomy intended to enhance the level of community involvement in the development process, the distribution of development outcomes fairly, and pay more attention to the potential and diversity of the region. The implementation of regional autonomy will further accelerate the achievement of development goals because local governments have the authority to plan programs that are tailored to the needs of the community by taking into account the potential in the area. Development performance is the variable used to measure the results of the development process. This study expects to examine the variables of per capita (GDP) gross regional domestic product with constant prices in 2010, open unemployment rate (%), the poverty rate (%), human development index (HDI), and Gini index. The objectives of the present study, to reveal the effect of intergovernmental transfers on district/municipality development performance in West Java Province, the effect of transfer funds is not directly, but through regional spending. Panel data regression analysis used to analyze the indirect effect of transfer funds on regional development performance. The results show that the general block grants (Dana Alokasi Umum-DAU) is a transfer fund that has the greatest impact on the performance of regional development, while in terms of expenditure, which has the most significant effect on the performance of regional development is education spending followed by spending on goods and services. Keywords: development performance, intergovernmental transfers, panel data regression, regional autonomy. JEL Classifications: C33, H11, H50, H76 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijefi.9399
- Published
- 2021
31. Optimal Maturity Level Development for Government Goods/Services Procurement Organizations (UKBPJ) in Indonesia
- Author
M Lucky Akbar, Arif Imam Suroso, Bambang Juanda, and Anggraini Sukmawati
- Subjects
Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
The establishment of the Goods/Services Procurement Unit (UKPBJ) is part of the program to increase the Procurement of Goods/Services as an indicator of an efficient and corruption-free Government procurement system. The changes are expected to be implemented in the form of a permanent and structural organization based on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) theory. The purpose of this study is to build a conceptual model of change management to increase the UKPBJ Maturity Level. This research uses a combination research method approach (mixed methods research) and the analysis of the data used in this study is Logical Framework Analysis (LFA). To manage organizational change, a recommended conceptual model of organizational change is needed, namely the Strategic Model Change Management. Where external and internal influences of the organization are input into changes driven by leadership, culture, and human resources factors. Through the UKPBJ Strategic Model Change Management, change strategies can be managed to increase UKPBJ maturity. Variables that influence the success of UKPBJ organizational maturity include organizational variables, human resources, business processes and information systems. Keywords: public sector, change management, logical framework analysis (LFA), organizational improvement, good government
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Otong Suhyanto, Bambang Juanda, Akhmad Fauzi, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
IPM ,dana transfer ,data panel ,fixed effect model ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Indeks Pembangunan Manusia/IPM bisa mengambarkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia di suatu daerah. IPM menyatakan bagaimana sekelompok anggota masyarakat dapat mengakses hasil pembangunan berupa pendidikan, standar hidup layak, dan kesehatan. Skor IPM Jawa Barat secara umum selalu memperlihatkan tren naik dari tahun ke tahun, tetapi skornya selalu di bawah dari rata-rata nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk manganalisis pengaruh pendapatan daerah berupa dana trasfer dan PAD terhadap indeks pembangunan manusia/IPM, dan menganalisis dana transfer yang pengaruh totalnya paling tinggi terhadap IPM. Metode yang digunakan analisis regresi data panel model fixed effect, dengan terlebih dahulu data ditranforamasikan secara logaritma agar diperoleh nilai elastisitas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahuid bahwa semua dana transfer berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan IPM, begitu juga dengan pendapatan asli daerah. Pendapatan daerah yang pengaruh totalnya paling besar terhadap IPM secara berurutan adalah DAU, PAD, dan DAK. Pemerintah daerah harus membelanjakan dana trasfer untuk kegiatan yang bersifat produktif serta harus menggali potensi daerah untuk meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah.
- Published
- 2020
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33. Empowerment of rural community through the development of renewable electricity
- Author
Dessy Rachmawatie, Ernan Rustiadi, Akhmad Fauzi, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Electricity beneficiaries ,Empowerment ,Rural community development ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the empowerment of electricity beneficiaries through community empowerment activities following the use of wind and solar renewable energy (PLTH) in Pantai Baru. To achieve these objectives, the data collection in this study was carried out using a structured research questionnaire to 68 PLTH electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru, where they are also managers of tourism business in Pantai Baru.This study uses a frequency distribution analysis method to identify: (1) the profile of renewable electricity beneficiaries and (2) determine the extent of empowerment renewable energy electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru. The results showed that the characteristics of the beneficiaries were generally of a mature age, had a clear direction of life and goals, and had and adequate level of education. Furthermore, in terms of the empowerment indicators used in this study, they are rated as high. Thus, this study indicates that the community empowerment activities through the development of renewable energy have an impact to the empowerment of PLTH electricity beneficiaries in Pantai Baru.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Kajian Kebijakan Pengampunan Pajak dengan Pendekatan Eksperimental
- Author
Benny Robby Kurniawan, Bambang Juanda, and Toni Bakhtiar
- Subjects
ekonomi eksperimental ,kepatuhan pajak ,pengampunan pajak ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
This research was conducted because the uncertainty in the tax amnesty policy. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of taxpayer’s expectation of future tax amnesty, tariff period system, tax penalty and audit towards tax compliance in tax amnesty policy, using experimental economics. The result shows that, a tax amnesty followed by strict audit and tax penalties will rise tax compliance. Tax amnesty policy is best applied once in a lifetime, because the expectation of the taxpayers towards future tax amnesty will result in lowering the compliance. Taxpayers prefer the lowest rate on tariff period. ======================== Penelitian ini dilakukan karena ketidakpastian keberhasilan dari kebijakan pengampunan pajak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari faktor ekspektasi masyarakat akan adanya pengampunan pajak di kemudian hari, sistem tarif pengampunan, denda, dan pemeriksaan pajak terhadap kepatuhan pada kebijakan pengampunan pajak dengan menggunakan metode ekonomi ekperimental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengampunan pajak diikuti dengan penerapan denda dan pemeriksaan yang ketat akan meningkatkan kepatuhan pajak. Kebijakan pengampunan pajak sebaiknya diterapkan satu kali saja karena jika masyarakat berekspektasi akan adanya kebijakan serupa di kemudian hari, wajib pajak akan menunggu kebijakan tersebut dan tetap tidak patuh. Wajib pajak umumnya menyukai tarif pengampunan terendah.
- Published
- 2019
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35. The Effect of Systematic and Fundamental Factors on The Valuation of Cement Manufacturers in Indonesia
- Author
Dewa Nyoman Wiryasantika Wedagama, Dedi Budiman Hakim, Bambang Juanda, and Trias Andati
- Subjects
Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
There are two kinds of factors that influenced companies’ valuation: systematic factors and fundamental factors. The relationship between the company valuation of cement companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and several systematic factors and fundamental factors need to be identified to know determinant factors of the valuation. The valuation of each company from 2013 to 2019 was examined to four systematic factors: the excess capacity of each company (idle capacity), market share, government infrastructure spending, and excess supply of cement in the market. As a result of the panel data regression between valuation as the dependent variable and the four systematic factors in this research, the market share has a greater influence on the valuation than the other three factors, the government infrastructure spending, the excess capacity of each company, and the oversupply of cement in the market. Fundamental factors as valuation determinants have been examined and identified, then through relative valuation-multiples, the panel data regression of valuation as the dependent variable and fundamental factors showed companies fundamental factors have a higher influence on the valuation of SMCB, SMGR and INTP, meanwhile, non-fundamental factors have a higher influence on SMCB and SMCB and SMBR valuation. Keywords: valuation, infrastructure budget, oversupply of cement market, company’s excess capacity
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Aan Nurhasanah, Bambang Juanda, and Eka Intan Kumala Putri
- Subjects
regional development ,regional proliferation ,economic potential ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
ABSTRACT Bogor District as one of large region and large number of population has any problems related to accesibility and equity welfare. Regional proliferation considered as a way to overcome that problems. The study used scoring method based on PP no. 78 2007 with descriptive analysis, location quotient analysis, and Klassen Tiphology. This study was aimed to analyzed feasibility of regional proliferation and to formulate regional development strategy based on economic potentials in eastern Bogor District region. In general the result showed that eastern Bogor District region appropriate to organize as an autonomous region. High economic potential and fiscal cappacity of eastern Bogor region can be made as main factor to recommended eastern Bogor District region as an autonomous region. Thus, the selected strategies are how to develop backward regions base on leading sector, support primary sector development such as agricultural. Goverment policy is important to optimize natural resources management, spread out infrastructure development mainly to support rural area development. The implication of policy directed base on each region characters such as social, culture, spatial, basic sector. Furthermore regional development analysis can be set base on sub-district region.
- Published
- 2018
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37. The Implication of Spatial Ecology Dependence on Spatial Arrangement in Boundary Area
- Author
Werenfridus Taena, Lala M. Kolopaking, Baba Barus, Rizaldi Boer, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
land use changes ,spatial-ecology dependence ,boundary area ,spatial planning ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Land use changes in upstream cause flooding in the middle and downstreams so that appropriate spatial planning is required. The study aims to (1) analyze the forest management in ecologycal region percpective community, unilateral and bilateral on the boundary areas of Indonesia and Timor Leste, (2) analyze dependence of spatial-ecology with income farmers, and (3) analyze descriptively the spatial planning of border regions. The data used were secondary and primary data which were obtained from Indonesia and Timor Leste. Primary data sampling technique using multistage sampling, namely cluster sampling for the sample village representing the upstream, middle, and downstream of the watershed; while the sample of farmers using purposive sampling. The analysis used was a descriptive analysis which was used to analyze the management of forest in the ecological region on boundary area. Then, the spatial Durbin model was used to analyze the dependence effect of spatial-ecology on farmer income in a transboundary watershed. The spatial Durbin model showed that farmers’ income in the downstream of the transboundary watershed will be reduced because patterns of farming on upper stream transboundary watershed tends to be exploitative. This implication required administrative and spatial ecology perspective in boundary spatial planning.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Pitri Yandri and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
urban, bias perkotaan, permukiman kumuh, migrasi, kemiskinan struktural ,Economic theory. Demography ,HB1-3840 - Abstract
Conceptually, there are many views in viewing the concept of poverty. So the issues may include social, economic, cultural and even political aspects. In spatial aspect, National Statistics Bureau (BPS) has also made distinctions between rural and urban poverty since 1999. This variance sometimes makes it difficult for undergraduate researchers to conduct an assessment of this issue. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze and strive to understand the character of urban poverty by using fourteen measures used by BPS. Fourteen indicators were then tested in the field using survey and observation methods. The results of the survey and observation are discussed further in this article
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Eka Purna Yudha, Bambang Juanda, Lala M Kolopaking, and Rilus A Kinseng
- Subjects
apbdes ,performance ,rural development ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
In 2014, the Government enacted Law No. 6/2014 on Villages with a view to reconstructing village financial and asset management arrangements to accelerate the inclusive and sustainable development of rural areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of village financial management on the performance of rural development. The study was conducted on 326 Villages in Pandeglang District. The analytical tool of the study using Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) modeling will look at how the village expenditure is included in the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes). Expenditure of development (infrastructure) of the village has the greatest impact on the performance of village development with the value of elasticity of 0.637. The influence of village expenditure on the GWR model is strongly influenced by the geographical, demographic, and socio-economic conditions of rural communities, resulting in varying outcomes in each village.
- Published
- 2018
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40. Dampak Redenominasi terhadap Kinerja Perekonomian: Pendekatan Ekonomi Eksperimental
- Author
Nur Siti Annazah, Bambang Juanda, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
Redenominasi ,Inflasi ,Pertumbuhan Ekonomi ,Eksperimen ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
Impact of Redenomination on Economic Perspective: An Experimental Economic Approach There is persistent debate between theoretical and empirical findings on the impact of redenomination on economic performance. Hence, this study aims to analyze the impacts of inflation, economic growth, reducing reducing digit (zero number), and stages of redenomination to changes in transaction prices and the number of the transactions using experimental methods. The result showed redenomination could decrease the transaction prices and transaction value. The best conditions to applied redenomination policy was directly in low inflation and high growth. Keywords: Redenomination; Inflation; Economic Growth; Experiment Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya teori dan hasil empiris yang masih menjadi perdebatan mengenai dampak kebijakan redenominasi terhadap kinerja perekonomian. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak inflasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, penghilangan jumlah angka nol, serta tahapan redenominasi terhadap perubahan harga dan jumlah transaksi menggunakan metode ekperimental. Redenominasi secara keseluruhan dapat menurunkan harga transaksi dan jumlah transaksi. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan bahwa kondisi yang ideal untuk melaksanakan redenominasi adalah secara langsung pada kondisi inflasi rendah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang tinggi.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Edwin Aldrianto, Bambang Juanda, Sri Mulatsih, and Ernan Rustiadi
- Subjects
Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
This study aims to analyze the structural relationship between travel constraints and destination image on tourist loyalty. This was conducted in July-August 2019 in Tenjolaya Subdistrict and Pamijahan Subdistrict. The analysis using the PLS SEM method gives the result that the X3 construct (travel constraint) has a significant negative effect (-0.443) in influencing the X8 construct (visitor loyalty) as reflected in the interest in returning visits. This negative value is greater than the structural effect of the X4 construct (sense of place) which is only 0.390. It can be concluded that the destination that only relies on natural conditions has no significant effect on tourists' interest in making return visits if they have traveling constrain to the site. Keywords: destination, rural, tourism, travel constraints
- Published
- 2021
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42. Linkage of Credit on BI Rate, Funds Rate, Inflation and Government Spending on Capital
- Author
Mangasa Augustinus Sipahutar, Rina Oktaviani, Hermanto Siregar, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
banks credit, inflation, BI rate, funds rate, government spending on capital ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
Linkage of credit on BI rate, funds rate, inflation, and government spending on capital provides evidence from Indonesia. This paper found advance explanation about banks credit as monetary transmission channel and its role on Indonesian economy. We used credit depth as a ratio of banks credit to GDP nominal, to explain the role of credit in Indonesian economy. We developed a VAR model to measure the response of credit to BI rate, funds rate and inflation rate, and OLS method to find out how banks credit response to government spending on capital. This paper revealed bi-direction causality between credit and BI rate, credit and funds rate, and credit and inflation. There is trade-off between credit and BI rate, credit and funds rate, and credit and inflation, but government spending on capital promotes credit depth. We found that Indonesian banking is bank view, allocated their credit based on their performance, not merely on the monetary policy determined by central bank. For bank view perspectives, we analyzed the link between LDR as an indicator of credit channel mechanism to NPLs and CAR. We found that there is no significant effect of CAR to LDR, but has a strong negatively relationship between NPLs to LDR. This evidence indicates that commercial banks in Indonesia allocated their credit do not related to their capital but merely to the quality of their credit portfolio.
- Published
- 2017
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43. Impact of economic growth on regional development in Jambi Province
- Author
Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Firdaus, Bambang Juanda, and Dedi Budiman Hakim
- Subjects
Cluster analysis ,Economic growth ,Regional inequality ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Finance ,HG1-9999 - Abstract
This research work aims to, firstly, analyze the structure of economic growth based on regency/city typology in Jambi Province in 2008-2007, and secondly, to analyze regional development inequality in Jambi Province in 2008-2017. The analytical methods used are cluster analysis and Williamson Index. In this study, regions are grouped based on similar characteristics of economic growth in Regency/City in Jambi Province using cluster analysis in the period 2008 to 2007. The results of the cluster analysis generated three regional groups with different economic characteristics each year. Through Williamson Index it is found that the average value of development inequality in Jambi Province in 2008-2017 is 0.389, indicating that Jambi Province’s inequality index is in the intermediate level. The results of panel data regression analysis show that HDI and Expenditure on Goods and Services have a significant effect on economic growth.
- Published
- 2020
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44. The Factors of Initial Return Related to IPO Companies on The Indonesia Stock Exchange
- Author
Glynae Widyawati, Bambang Juanda, and Trias Andati
- Subjects
Financial variables ,initial return behavior ,investor behavior ,non-financial variables ,underpricing ,The family. Marriage. Woman ,HQ1-2044 ,Marketing. Distribution of products ,HF5410-5417.5 - Abstract
Companies that conduct IPOs will increase company’s value with an optimal capital structure. Initial return is a profit that investors can obtain from the initial share price is lower than the opening price of the secondary shares on the first day. Underpricing conditions occurs because the initial stock price is lower than the secondary stock price on the first day. This study aimed to analyze factors that impact initial returns on companies that conduct IPOs on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, analyze the effects of financial factors (ROE, DER, and BI Rate) and non-financial factors (professional auditors and underwriters) on initial returns to companies conducting IPOs in IDX, and how the behavior of investors towards those analysis. The linear regression data processing using SPSS 16 produced result that only the BI Rate variable which affected the initial return on the seven days, 30 days, and one year after the IPO observation period. The statistical results show the best r-square value is 17.6 percent, which means that the independent variables can be used to explain the effect to the initial return on 17.6 percent.
- Published
- 2019
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45. Peramalan Penyediaan dan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak Indonesia dengan Model Sistem Dinamik
- Author
Ana Fitriyatus Sa'adah, Akhmad Fauzi, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Bahan Bakar Minyak ,Sistem Dinamik ,Peramalan ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
Prediction of Fuel Supply and Consumption in Indonesia with System Dynamics Model This study contributes to the existing literature of oil industries in Indonesia by examining fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia. The objectives of this research were to predict fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia in the future. The model formed in this research was system dynamic. The simulation result showed that until 2016, fuel oil supply can meet the fuel oil consumption. From 2017 to 2025, fuel oil supply cannot meet domestic fuel oil consumption. In 2025, fuel oil supply is estimated up to 651.092 million barrel and fuel oil consumption is up to 719.048 million barrel. Keywords: Fuel; System Dynamic; Simulation Abstrak Penelitian ini memperkaya kajian industri perminyakan di Indonesia dengan menganalisis penyediaan dan konsumsi bahan bakar minyak (BBM) Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meramalkan penyediaan dan konsumsi BBM masa mendatang. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model sistem dinamik. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa sampai tahun 2016 penyediaan BBM dapat memenuhi kebutuhan BBM. Pada tahun 2017 sampai 2025, penyediaan BBM tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan BBM dalam negeri. Pada tahun 2025, diperkirakan penyediaan BBM mencapai 651.092 juta barel dan konsumsi BBM mencapai 719.048 juta barel.
- Published
- 2017
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46. Determinant of Local Expenditure Quality Model and Relation with Local Development in East Java
- Author
Yufita Listiana, Bambang Juanda, and Sri Mulatsih
- Subjects
Expenditure Quality, Local Development, Accountability, Transparency, Structural Equation Modelling ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
This research aim is to analyze local expenditure quality in East Java based on five construct variables. Each construct variables consist of 40 indicators. This research use secondary data is Local Government Management Evaluation Report each region in East Java. Data of local development use poverty, unemployment, Gini index, economic growth, GDP per capita, and Human Development Index. This research uses analysis Structural Equation Modeling. It uses to know appropriate indicators to improve spending quality. The result shows that from 40 indicators just there are 21 indicators which have reached criteria good expenditure quality. Effectively has influence to expenditure quality more than 50% to describe model variation in local expenditure quality. It means that East Java has high financial effectively in increase public service because quality expenditure increasing continuously each year.
- Published
- 2016
47. Evaluating Impact of Land Use Changes and Climate Variability on Economic Efficiency of Farming in Transboundary Watershed of Timor Island
- Author
Werenfridus Taena, Lala M. Kolopaking, Bambang Juanda, Baba Barus, and Rizaldi Boer
- Subjects
land use change ,climate variability ,flood and drought ,economic efficiency of farming ,Indonesia and Timor-Leste transboundary watershed ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Environmental sciences ,GE1-350 - Abstract
Indonesia and Timor-Leste development of border regions in Timor Island has brought land use changes, and when combined with climate variability it may cause flooding, drought, and impact of economic efficiency of farm crop. The research aimed to analyze: (i) the effect of land use changes and climate variability on the floods and drought on the Tono Watershed, (ii) the impact of flood, drought and production factors in yield and the economic efficiency of food crop farming. The analysis applied logit method for flood and drought. Frontier analysis to evaluate economic efficiency of farming. Logit analysis showed that the increase in the monthly rainfall and mix dryland farming, along with the decrease of forestry and paddy fields increase the flooding on Tono Watershed. The result further suggested by this analysis showed drought has caused by the increase of mix dryland farming and monthly temperature, and decrease of monthly rainfall. This led to a reduction in yield and economic efficiency of farm crops. Frontier analysis confirms the low economic efficiency of farming, whereas monoculture farming was 0.36 (affected by floods and drought) and multicrop farming was 0.30 (affected by drought) which is far from the efficiency standard ≥ 0.8.
- Published
- 2016
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48. Analisis Potensi Pajak Daerah untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Fiskal Kabupaten dan Kota di Sulawesi Utara
- Author
Sherly Ering, Dedi Budiman Hakim, and Bambang Juanda
- Subjects
Pajak Daerah ,Potensi Pajak ,Kapasitas Fiskal ,Data Panel ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Regional economics. Space in economics ,HT388 - Abstract
An Analysis on North Sulawesi’s Local Tax Potential to Strengthening Its Fiscal Capacity Despite recording double digit growth since 2005, North Sulawesi’s tax to GDRP ratio has been fairly stable at about 0,24% on average (6,89% to total revenue). This paper cataloques a range of factors that may account for the local tax potential of North Sulawesi’s to strengthen its fiscal capacity. Calculation on local tax potency especially on restaurant tax confirm gap between real revenues and its potency about Rp1.06 billion. By using panel data through econometric methodologies, the paper assesses the statistical significance of a number of potential determinants of local tax revenue, using data from 15 regions in North Sulawesi over the period 2009–2014. The results indicate that, among the variables that exert a statistically significant influence on local tax potential are per capita GDRP, agriculture sectors, and high school number, while the employee has no statistically significance. Keywords: Local Tax; Tax Potential; Fiscal Capacity; Panel Data Abstrak Meskipun terjadi pertumbuhan sebesar dua digit sejak tahun 2005, rasio pajak daerah terhadap PDRB di Sulawesi Utara cukup stabil di 0,25% secara rata-rata (6,89% terhadap total pendapatan). Penelitian ini mengkaji faktor-faktor yang dapat menjelaskan potensi pajak di Sulawesi Utara yang dapat memperkuat kapasitas fiskalnya. Berdasarkan perhitungan potensi pajak daerah, khususnya pajak restoran, didapatkan bahwa penerimaan riil masih berada di bawah potensi sebesar 1.061 miliar rupiah. Analisis data panel menggunakan data 15 kabupaten dan kota di Sulawesi Utara selama periode tahun 2009–2014. Ditemukan bahwa sejumlah faktor penentu potensi pajak daerah yaitu pendapatan per kapita, sektor pertanian, dan jumlah siswa SMA, sedangkan jumlah pekerja tidak signifikan.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Wulan Metafurry, Bambang Juanda, and Eka Intan Kumala Putri
- Subjects
role, coal, community, welfare ,Regional planning ,HT390-395 ,City planning ,HT165.5-169.9 - Abstract
Community development (comdev) is a form of corporate social responsibility program to increase community welfare. On the other side, comdev also aims to minimize the impact arising from mining activities. The present study aims to analyze the benefit of comdev and to calculate comdev contribution to increase community welfare. The method used to answer the research are Second Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis (2nd CFA) and Multiple Linier Regression with Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The result show that benefit of comdev was perceived by community in Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan. Comdev also contributes positively to increase human resource development in Tanah Bumbu, but comdev not enough to compensate for the negative impact of mining especially enviromental issues.
- Published
- 2016
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50. An Institutional Model of bo Watershed Management Trans undary Toward Sustainable Development
- Author
Werenfridus Taena, Lala M Kolopaking, Bambang Juanda, Baba Barus, and Rizaldi Boer
- Subjects
watershed management ,Indonesia and Timor-Leste ,sustainable development institutio ,Forestry ,SD1-669.5 - Abstract
Th to the institutional of watershed management in border area of Indonesia e objective of this study were evaluate and Timor Leste, and design a bo watershed management institution for Indonesia and - to model of trans undary Timor-Leste. method used the institutional Weighting of internal and external factors was to evaluate transboundary watershed management analytical hierarchy process s to , while was u ed compute the institutional model of transboundary The internal factors watershed management. consists of: the commitment of the stakeholder in watershed management, institutional cooperation, the development priorities at border area, the limited land use changes are international environmental agenda on development country, . The external factors : international conferences that supported the countries collaboration toward sustainable development achievement, supporting culture in forest and water resources protection, slash and burn cultivation activities, conflicts, lack of eco . logical The result showed that weighting of internal and external factors on quadrant III is alternaltive institutional model of transboundary watershed management. The priority alternatives model also for institutional and road map sustainable development re of transboundary management transboundary watershed a collaboration agreement , forum, autonomous undary alternatives has relation with and transbo watershed management. The institutional the development phase, condition of local community and environmen . t
- Published
- 2016
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