In the present study, the electrocoagulation (EC) performance of a Mg-Mg system was applied for the industrial wastewater treatment, from an industrial park that covers different activities such as: food, automotive, pharmaceutical, chemistry and cosmetics, after primary clarification. The effects of major operating parameters such as pH, reaction time, and current density were investigated for chemical oxygen demand (COD), color, and turbidity removal efficiency. The batch system was found convenient, achieving 63.52% COD, 96% color, and 99.32% turbidity removal at optimized operating conditions of pH 7.12, reaction time of 75 min, and current density of 201.5 A/m 2 . On the other hand, for continuous EC, the process removed approximately 46.58%, 95.96%, and 87.19% of the COD, color, and turbidity respectively, at 90 min of retention time, current density 440 A/m 2 , and a rate of 20 mL/min. Additionally, concerning nutrient removal (N and P), the EC system with Mg electrodes was highly efficient; batch treatment removed 97% of total phosphorus and 67% of ammoniacal nitrogen, whereas the continuous treatment removed 98.5% of total phosphorus and 83% of ammoniacal nitrogen. The sludge characterization before and after EC treatment was made by SEM, EDS, Fluorescence spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy. Minerals such as chlorite, crossite, richterite, pyroaurite, langbeinite as weel as aliphatic and polysubstituted aromatics compounds, sulfates and phosphates inorganic ions, and organic phosphorus were reduced. The energy cost in the batch EC is US$0.05/m 3 . A numerical CFD model was used to estimate the velocity fields and guarantee the presence of turbulent kinetic energy within a continuous flow reactor.