The development of digital competence is undoubtedly an issue that has been subject of numerous research and development proposals at the institutional level in recent years (Punie and Breco, 2014, Pech and Prieto, 2017, Adell, 2010, Silva Mirada, Gisbert, Morales and Onetto, 2016), knowing its meaning and the relationship of this with the initial teacher training is essential because it allows to know the way in which teacher training schools face the challenge of forming competent citizens for life in the knowledge society (Lion, 2012). A quantitative research is presented, through an exploratory factorial analysis, whose objective is to identify the level of digital competence of the student and the factors associated with its development. A survey was applied to 248 students who are studying the Bachelor in Teaching and Learning in Telesecundaria. The results allow to identify different levels of competence. However, digital evidence shows a positive perception from students in the three dimensions established to measure their digital competence. Therefore it would be advisable to design an evaluation instrument that allows to contrast what students say they know how to do, with what they really do, as well as to observe the type of activities that are developed within a normal school in orden to obtain information regarding the educational policy implemented at the institutional level. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]