Twelve major papers delivered during this conference on agricultural education in the northeastern states are included in this volume: (1) "Status of Pennsylvania Special Needs Students in Vocational Agriculture: Phase III--Placement for Training and Employment," by Connie Baggett, Dennis Scanlon, Anthony Mallilo, and Sam Curtis; (2) "Competencies Needed by Full-Time Employees to Enter the Apple Production Industry in Adams County, Pennsylvania," by George Hamilton and James Mortensen; (3) "Teacher Perception: FFA Membership with Non-Enrollment in Vocational Agriculture Courses," by Regina Smick and Ronald Seibel; (4) "The Relationship between Characteristics of Colorado's American Farmer Degree Recipients from 1968 to 1977 and Their Current Occupational Status," by Stacy Gartin; (5) "The Effect of a Floral Merchandising and Design Record Book on Student Achievement," by Joel Simmons and James Mortensen; (6) "Factors Influencing Student Selection of The Pennsylvania State University's College of Agriculture," by Kerry Odell; (7) "The Affective Work Competency Development of Vocational Agriculture Students Involved in SOE Programs in New York State," by Patrice Dugan and Dean Sutphin; (8) "A Comparison of New York BOCES and Central High School Teacher Perceptions, Concerning the Status and Importance of Supervised Occupational Experience Programs," by Dean Sutphin; (9) "An Analysis of Research Methodology Used in Agricultural Education, 1974-1982," by Alfred Mannebach, Paul McKenna, and Geeta Pfau; (10) "Success of Former Vocational Agriculture Students in College of Agriculture Curricula," by Layle Lawrence; (11) "Instructional Status of Agricultural Mechanics Competencies Needed and Possessed by Teachers of Vocational Horticulture in Pennsylvania," by Richard Makin and Richard Stinson; and (12) "Identification and Development of Guidelines, Strategies and Materials to Improve Supervised Occupational Experience Programs in the Northeast," by Arthur Berkey and Dean Sutphin. (KC)