This article presents abstracts of studies on international management. The paper "Regional Strategies for Service Sector Multinationals," examined the intra-regional sales of all 49 multinational enterprises (MNE) in the retail sector. Data is not available for most other service sector MNEs, especially in insurance and banking. Only one of these 49 retail MNEs is global, defined as operating with at least 20 percent of its sales in each part of the triad. The paper "Market Equilibrium, Cartel or Lack of Strategy? Entry Level Compensation in Japanese Firms," examined the determinants of base pay for entry level college graduates in Japanese firms. In a sense, Japanese firms' compensation strategy for college hiring is to behave as a cartel and to minimize wage competition. The paper "A Comparative Analysis of Indian and Chinese Negotiating Behavior," highlighted the similarities and differences between Indian and the Chinese negotiating behavior. While a lot has been written about the Chinese approach to negotiations the literature on Indian negotiating behavior is relatively sparse. This paper attempts to fill this gap in the literature by providing a comparative contrast of the negotiating styles in these countries. The starting premise of the paper is that institutional environments affect the ease with which value is created, sustained or amplified over time.