82 results on '"CBS"'
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2. Multi-Agent Trajectory Planning for Nonholonomic UAVs
- Author
Maass, Oscar, Vallgren, Theodor, Maass, Oscar, and Vallgren, Theodor
- Abstract
The rising interest in autonomous systems has emphasized the significance of effective path and motion planning, particularly in coordinating multiple Unmanned Areal Vehicles (UAVs) in missions. An important research field is the problem of Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF), in which the objective is to find collision-free paths for multiple agents simultaneously. Various algorithms, categorized into optimal, bounded sub-optimal, and unbounded sub-optimal solvers, have been investigated in order to address MAPF problems. However, recent attention has shifted towards MAPF with kinematic constraints, particularly focusing on nonholonomic agents like cars and fixed-wing UAVs. These nonholonomic agents, distinguished by their motion constraints, require specialized methods for trajectory planning. To investigate the potential of MAPF with nonholonomic agents, two MAPF algorithms have been implemented, incorporating the kinematic constraints of a fixed-wing UAV. The first algorithm is a UAV-like Conflict-Based Search (CBS) algorithm, belonging to the optimal MAPF solver class, and is based on a Car-like CBS algorithm. The second algorithm is a Prioritized Planner, belonging to the search-based MAPF solver class. Both algorithms utilize a common single-agent search algorithm, the Spatiotemporal Hybrid A* (SHA*), which has been enhanced to incorporate a kinematic bicycle model. This enhancement allows for a greater variety of motions, creates feasible paths for fixed-wing UAVs, and enables control over acceleration and steering rates. A comparison of the two MAPF algorithms was conducted for three different map instances. Furthermore, the use of weighted heuristics, resampling and distance-based priority have been implemented and simulated with the Prioritized Planner. Additionally, two methods of simultaneous arrival have been implemented using the UAV-like CBS, where agents have a fixed time of arrival and a variable time of arrival. The results from the simulations confi
- Published
- 2024
3. Towards a theory of computer-based support to SSM practice
- Author
Wilson, Robert J.
- Subjects
658 ,CBS ,Soft Systems Methodology - Published
- 2000
4. Trends Reptielen & Amfibieën
- Author
- Published
- 2023
5. Topdagen
- Author
Chris van Swaay, Martin Poot, Bram Borkent, Chris van Swaay, Martin Poot, and Bram Borkent
- Abstract
We kennen ze allemaal: de verhalen over ‘héle’ grote gevangen vissen, of in ons geval, de verhalen over ‘héél’ veel vlinders. Toen de vertellers nog jong waren meestal. De soorttrends geven een echt beeld over hoe het met soorten gaat, maar daar kunnen natuurlijk ook topdagen tussen gezeten hebben. En omdat die keurig volgens de vaste methode geteld zijn, kunnen we ook echt kijken hoe het zat en ze vergelijken in de tijd.
- Published
- 2023
6. The determination and environmental significance of planar aromatic compounds in the marine environment
- Author
Hess, Philipp
- Subjects
628.168 ,PCDDs ,PCDFs ,CBs ,Marine environment monitoring - Published
- 1998
7. 25 jaar Meetprogramma Amfibieën
- Author
E. Goverse, G. Smit, A. Groenveld, E. Goverse, G. Smit, and A. Groenveld
- Published
- 2022
8. Neglect syndrom u pacientů s cévní mozkovou příhodou
- Author
Mandysová, Petra, Ehler, Edvard, Hubková, Kristýna, Mandysová, Petra, Ehler, Edvard, and Hubková, Kristýna
- Abstract
Diplomová práce pod názvem "Neglect syndrom u pacientů s cévní mozkovou příhodou" se skládá ze dvou částí: teoretické a průzkumné. Teoretická část práce se z počátku zabývá charakteristikou onemocnění cévní mozková příhoda, jejími příčinami, příznaky, diagnostikou a léčbou. Dále charakteristikou neglect syndromu jako následkem nemoci, jeho projevy, možnostmi rehabilitace, a také vlivem na každodenní činnosti. Na konci teoretické části je popsána charakteristika standardizovaných testů, z nichž některé jsou využity k průzkumnému šetření. Druhá, průzkumná část zjišťuje pomocí vybraných testů a škály CBS, v jaké míře je zkoumaný respondent postižen neglect syndromem, a v jaké oblasti činností je nejvíce intenzivní. Dále bude zjišťován vzájemný vztah mezi hodnocením škály CBS pohledem pacienta, hodnocením škály CBS pohledem sestry za dobu 12hodinové směny a vztah k testům typu papír x tužka. Z tohoto průzkumného šetření vyplynulo, že nejvíce přínosnými testovacími bateriemi pro tento průzkum byly-test kroužkování hvězd (Star cancellation), test vyškrtávání čar (Albert´s test) a úžeji na jednotlivé deficity zaměřená CBS škála. Porovnáním škály vyplněné pacientem a škály vyplněné sestrou se objevila vzájemná kompatibilita., The diploma thesis entitled "neglect syndrome by patients with stroke" consists of two parts: theoretical and exploratory. The theoretical part of the work deals with the characteristics of the disease stroke, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, the characteristics of neglect syndrome as a result of the disease, its manifestations, rehabilitation options, and also the impact on daily activities. At the end of the theoretical part, the characteristics of standardized tests are described, some of which are used for exploratory research. The second, exploratory part uses selected tests and the CBS scale to determine to what extent the surveyed respondent is affected by the neglect syndrome, and in which area of activities it is most intense. Furthermore, the relationship between the evaluation of the CBS scale from the patient's point of view, the evaluation of the CBS scale from the nurse's view during a 12-hour shift and the relationship to paper-pencil tests will be determined. This survey found that the most useful test batteries for this survey were the star cancellation test, the albert´ test, and the more narrowly focused CBS scale. A comparison of the scale completed by the patient and the scale completed by the nurse revealed compatibility., Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Žádné doplňující otázky pro obhajobu závěrečné práce. Obhajoba diplomové práce s prezentací dobrá., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2022
9. Adapting CBM to optimize the Sum of Costs
- Author
Baauw, Robbin (author) and Baauw, Robbin (author)
- Abstract
In the Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Matching (MAPFM) problem, agents from a team are matched with and routed towards one of their team's goals without colliding with other agents. The sum of path costs of all agents is minimized. In prior works, Conflict Based Min-Cost-Flow (CBM) has been proposed. This algorithm solves a similar problem that instead minimizes the maximum path length. In this paper, an extension upon CBM is presented, called CBMxSOC. It consists of several changes to CBM that allow it to minimize the sum of path costs. CBMxSOC is experimentally compared to other MAPFM solvers and is shown to be able to scale to many agents when there are few conflicts between different teams., CSE3000 Research Project, Computer Science and Engineering
- Published
- 2021
10. When the News is the News: A Textual Analysis of NBC and CBS networks' Response to Sexual Harassment Allegations in the Wake of the #MeToo Movement
- Author
Cline, Morgan Paige and Cline, Morgan Paige
- Abstract
As the #MeToo movement swept the nation from Hollywood to Washington, within less than a week's time in November of 2017, longstanding news anchors, Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose were fired from their respective news networks because of sexual harassment allegations. As a result, each network had to grapple with repairing a destroyed image while simultaneously fulfilling the duty to report on news objectively. This qualitative analysis examined NBC and CBS's response to the allegations of sexual harassment against each anchor, allegations of withholding information and allegations of ignoring complaints through the lens of image repair theory in order to identify if any of the strategies were present in the networks' response. Applications of image repair discourse to news media organizations is a relatively novel examination and it highlights the complex duality of an organization's right to uphold its image but obligation to present the news objectively, even when it has become the news.
- Published
- 2020
11. Leveraging a service oriented architecture for automatic retrieval and processing of COMTRADE files for analysis needs of maintenance of circuit breakers
- Author
Ferro, Federica, Utterbäck, Oscar, Gliniewicz, V., Nordström, Lars, Ferro, Federica, Utterbäck, Oscar, Gliniewicz, V., and Nordström, Lars
- Abstract
Maintenance of power system components is fundamental to ensure high quality operations and avoid malfunctioning. Given the crucial role of the circuit breakers (CBs) in ensuring quality of power systems operation, this paper presents work on implementation of an automatic retrieval and processing of COMTRADE recordings with the aim to compute quantities relevant for maintenance and preventive maintenance of the CBs. For this purpose, a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) implemented as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is developed on top of the COMTRADE repository system. This architecture is then connected with two applications able to automatically retrieve, decode and use the recordings of the fault to obtain specific indicators on the health of some parts of the CBs. The approach filters data and utilises the Wavelet Transform analysis to identify anomalies in the COMTRADE recordings. Based on this analysis, it is possible to compute the duration of the fault and assess its impact on CBs. Even if lack of common metadata for fault recordings prevents generalization on the topic and excludes the possibility of applying machine learning techniques, the project shows that the resulting layered architecture composed of power system, SOA and applications, allows to automatically obtain indicators on the state of the CBs' components. Consequently, decision making for maintenance of the circuit breakers is enhanced. Moreover, the flexible nature of the implemented structure, utilising a Service Oriented Architecture, allows for future extensions and improvements applicable also for wider scenarios., QC 20210909
- Published
- 2020
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12. İnternet servis sağlayıcılarının maliyet optimizasyonu
- Author
Çaşkurlu, Buğra, Karakaş, Mehmet Emin, Çaşkurlu, Buğra, and Karakaş, Mehmet Emin
- Abstract
Fast, reliable and affordable internet is a necessity of our age. In this thesis, the productivity of internet service provider(ISP) companies' in Turkey is examined. We studied how ISPs can lower the expenses to provide cheaper and faster service for their customers and our study revealed that excavation costs make up more that ninety percent of the total infrastructure costs. Thus, setting up the network so that the excavation costs are minimized would significantly reduce the infrastucture costs. The problem is modelled as the Steiner Tree Problem, which is known to be NP-hard. Since our graph is huge, using superpolynomial algorithms to solve the problem optimally would be computationally infeasible. Therefore; we used Prim's heuristic, which guarantees a solution within a factor of 2 of the optimum and runs rather fast. PostgreSQL relational database management system and Python programming language are the technologies we used in our implementation. In this work, real data obtained from one of the pioneer ISPs in Turkey is utilized. We have determined that 14.776 km long excavation is sufficient to serve all the customers of the ISP whose data we utilized. This is a significant improvement over their existing 24.868 km long network., Hızlı, güvenilir ve satın alınabilir internet çağımızın gerekliliklerindendir. Bu kapsamda Türkiye'deki internet servis sağlayıcı(İSS) firmaların ağ kurma verimlilikleri incelenmiştir. İSS'lerin kullanıcılara daha ucuz ve hızlı hizmet sağlamaları için maliyetlerinin nasıl düşürüleceği konusu araştırılmış ve belirleyici noktanın kazı maliyetleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. İSS' lerin hizmet götürmek istedikleri yerler için en az kazı yaparak, ideal ağı oluşturmaları hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda problem Steiner Ağacı Problemi(SAP) olarak modellenmiş ve problemin çözümü için Prim'in yakınsama faktörü 2 olan algoritması kullanılmıştır. Algoritmanın performansını test etmek için coğrafi data PostgreSQL veritabanı yönetim sistemi ve Python kullanılarak işlenebilir hale getirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda Türkiye'nin önde gelen İSS'lerinden birinden alınan gerçek veriler kullanılmıştır. İSS tarafından fiziksel olarak oluşturulmuş, kullanımda olan ağ ile geliştirmiş olduğumuz programın çıktıları karşılaştırılmıştır. Yapılan kazıların uzunluğunun yüzde kırk oranında azaldığı görülmüştür. ISS tarafından oluşturulan ağda 24.868 km kazı çalışması yapılmıştır, programın çıktısına göre ise 14.776 km kazı çalışması yapılmasının yeterli olacağı ortaya çıkmıştır.
- Published
- 2019
13. A modified Taylor Galerkin scheme for turbulent compressible flow simulation
- Author
Burbridge, Horacio Pedro, Scarabino, Ana Elena, Awruch, Armando Miguel, Burbridge, Horacio Pedro, Scarabino, Ana Elena, and Awruch, Armando Miguel
- Abstract
As already demonstrated by different authors, the Taylor-Galerkin (TG) scheme, in the context of the Finite Element Method (FEM), is particularly suitable for the solution of supersonic flows. The TG scheme, using hexahedral finite elements with analytical evaluation of element matrices, is applied in this work. Tools to avoid locking and a shock capturing technique for the solution of supersonic viscous and non-viscous compressible flows are also employed. However, TG scheme usually presents instabilities in subsonic flows. Even in cases in which the free stream Mach number corresponds to supersonic flows, there are always flow regions, specifically near the walls of the immersed obstacles, where the speed is lower, and the local Mach number corresponds to a subsonic flow. The Characteristic Based Split (CBS) scheme was developed in order to obtain a single method to improve the behavior with respect to TG method in subsonic and supersonic regimes. In the last two decades some works have shown advantages in convergence rates of the CBS method when compared to the TG algorithm. However, simulation time increases in the CBS method since split operations, typical of this algorithm, imply in additional element loops. In this paper a hybrid algorithm called Modified-Taylor-Galerkin scheme (MTG) is proposed. This algorithm presents advantages with respect to TG and CBS schemes in terms of convergence properties and computational processing time. In order to get an efficient algorithm, the element matrices are analytically integrated. This is performed with two different approaches. In the first approach the inverse matrix and the determinant of the Jacobian matrix at element level are evaluated with a reduced integration form, using the point located in the center of the element for mass, convective, diffusive and stabilization element matrices; all these matrices are integrated analytically. In the second approach, mass and convective matrices are calculated by a comple, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2019
14. Spiegeldikkopje nog niet uit de gevarenzone - Meetnet Vlinders
- Author
Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, and Martin Poot
- Published
- 2018
15. Bont zandoogje: van bos naar buiten - Meetnet Vlinders
- Author
Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, and Martin Poot
- Published
- 2018
16. Meetnet vlinders - Wat is er aan de hand met de koninginnenpage?
- Author
Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, and Martin Poot
- Published
- 2017
17. Niet te vaak maaien voor het zwartsprietdikkopje
- Author
Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, and Martin Poot
- Published
- 2017
18. Meetnet vlinders - Worden de vlinders op de hei steeds gewoner?
- Author
Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, and Chris Van Swaay
- Published
- 2016
19. Desarrollo de tienda electrónica de compra-venta de artículos de seguna mano
- Author
Buendía García, Félix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Informática de Sistemas y Computadores - Departament d'Informàtica de Sistemes i Computadors, Rocher Coves, Josefa María, Buendía García, Félix, Universitat Politècnica de València. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Informática de Sistemas y Computadores - Departament d'Informàtica de Sistemes i Computadors, and Rocher Coves, Josefa María
- Abstract
[ES] Todos en mayor o menor medida, tenemos en casa cosas que ya no nos son útiles o que por diversos motivos ya no podemos utilizar. En una época en la que cada vez damos más importancia al cuidado del medio ambiente y a darles una segunda vida a los productos, este tipo de negocios ha despertado un gran interés. El presente Trabajo de Final de Grado trata sobre el diseño y la implementación sobre el CBS PrestaShop, de un portal web de comercio electrónico en el que los usuarios podrán comprar productos de segunda mano que el propietario de la página ponga a la venta. Los usuarios podrán poner a la venta sus propios productos para que otros usuarios que estén interesados los puedan adquirir.
- Published
- 2016
20. Arviointidiskrepanssit dementiapotilaiden ja omaisten arvioissa potilaiden mielialasta ja elämänlaadusta: omaiset mukana musiikki-interventiossa
- Author
Helsingin yliopisto, Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta, Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Helsingfors universitet, Beteendevetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för beteendevetenskaper, Moberg, Nora, Helsingin yliopisto, Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta, Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Helsingfors universitet, Beteendevetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för beteendevetenskaper, and Moberg, Nora
- Abstract
Musiikki-interventiot, joihin osallistuvat omaiset, ovat viimeaikoina nousseet dementiapotilaita koskevan kuntoutustutkimuksen keskiöön. Dementia on omaisille psyykkisesti kuormittavaa ja heikentää potilaiden ja omaisten välistä suhdetta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia 1) ilmenevätkö dementiapotilailla usein havaitut oiretiedostavuuden ongelmat eroissa omaisten ja potilaiden arvioissa potilaiden masentuneisuudesta ja elämänlaadusta vai selittyvätkö erot pääasiassa omaisten taakalla ja 2) voiko musiikki-interventio, johon myös omaiset osallistuvat, vähentää eroavaisuuksia potilaiden ja omaisten arvioissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa 89 potilas-omainen-paria jaettiin satunnaisesti kolmeen ryhmään: lauluryhmään, musiikinkuunteluryhmään ja kontrolliryhmään. Potilaiden kognitiota, mielialaa ja elämänlaatua mitattiin tutkimuksen alussa, heti tutkimuksen jälkeen ja kuusi kuukautta tutkimuksen jälkeen. Potilaiden ja omaisten mieliala- ja elämänlaatuarvioista (Cornell-Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia, CBS; Quality of Life in Alzheimer's Disease, QOL-AD) laskettiin erotus, nk. diskrepanssipisteet. Diskrepanssipisteiden, intervention vaikutusten sekä potilaiden ja omaisten lähtötason ominaisuuksien välille laskettiin korrelaatiot. Lisäksi tutkittiin interventioryhmien eroa CBS- ja QOL-AD-diskrepansseissa sekamalli-ANOVA:illa. QOL-AD-diskrepanssit olivat yhteydessä dementian vakavuusasteeseen lähtötasolla. CBS-diskrepanssit olivat säännönmukaisesti yhteydessä omaisten kokemaan taakkaan: korkeammat diskrepanssipisteet vastasivat korkeampaa taakkaa. Interventioryhmien välillä ei ollut eroa diskrepanssipisteiden muutoksessa sekamalli-ANOVA:issa. Lisätutkimuksia paremmilla mittareilla tarvitaan, jotta voidaan selvittää, voivatko omaisten kanssa toteutetut musiikki-interventiot parantaa oiretiedostavuutta ja/tai vähentää arviointidiskrepansseja sekä mitä kautta intervention vaikutus arviointidiskrepansseihin välittyy., Music interventions carried out by caregivers of persons with dementia (PWDs) have lately become the focus of music rehabilitation in dementia research. Dementia can be burdening for caregivers and it may disrupt the relationship between PWDs and caregivers. The aim of this thesis was to determine whether 1) awareness deficits frequently observed in PWDs manifest in rating discrepancies between PWDs and their caregivers when rating mood and quality of life of PWDs or if these differences are primarily explained by caregiver burden and 2) a caregiver-based music intervention can attenuate the rating discrepancies. In the current study, 89 PWD-caregiver dyads were randomly allocated in three groups: singing group, music listening group, and control group. Cognition, mood, and quality of life of the PWDs were assessed at baseline, immediately after the intervention, and 6 months after intervention. Discrepancy scores were calculated between the PWDs’ and caregivers’ ratings in Cornell-Brown Scale for Quality of Life in Dementia (CBS) and Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease (QOL-AD). Correlations of the discrepancy scores to intervention outcomes and baseline PWD and caregiver characteristics were examined. Differences between intervention groups in CBS and QOL-AD discrepancies were analyzed with ANOVA. QOL-AD discrepancy was associated with dementia severity at baseline. CBS discrepancies were consistently associated with caregiver burden, higher discrepancies corresponding to higher burden. The intervention groups did not show any differences in change in the discrepancy scores in mixed-model ANOVAs. Further research with more focused measures is needed to determine whether music interventions can alleviate awareness deficits and/or PWD-caregiver discrepancies and, regarding the latter, to reveal the exact route of the effect.
- Published
- 2016
21. Niet alles is wat het lijkt
- Author
Martin Poot, Chris Van Swaay, Martin Poot, and Chris Van Swaay
- Published
- 2016
22. Grote modderkruipers, marmergrondels en opdrachtgevers
- Author
I. Janssen and I. Janssen
- Published
- 2015
23. 25 jaar vlinders tellen bij de Galgenberg
- Author
Harm Werners and Harm Werners
- Published
- 2015
24. Meetnet Vlinders - Groentje
- Author
Chris van Swaay, Strien van Arco, Chris van Swaay, and Strien van Arco
- Published
- 2015
25. Meetnet Vlinders - Uit het dal?
- Author
Chris van Swaay, Arco van Strien, Chris van Swaay, and Arco van Strien
- Published
- 2015
26. Libellen: is de grootste winst voorbij?
- Author
Tim Termaat, Arco van Strien, Tim Termaat, and Arco van Strien
- Published
- 2015
27. Evaluation of the prevalence of severe hyperhomocysteinemia in adult patients with thrombosis who underwent screening for thrombophilia
- Author
Lussana, F, Betti, Silvia, D'Angelo, A, De Stefano, Valerio, Fedi, S, Ferrazzi, P, Legnani, C, Marcucci, R, Palareti, G, Rota, Ll, Sampietro, F, Squizzato, A, Prisco, D, Cattaneo, M., De Stefano, Valerio (ORCID:0000-0002-5178-5827), Lussana, F, Betti, Silvia, D'Angelo, A, De Stefano, Valerio, Fedi, S, Ferrazzi, P, Legnani, C, Marcucci, R, Palareti, G, Rota, Ll, Sampietro, F, Squizzato, A, Prisco, D, Cattaneo, M., and De Stefano, Valerio (ORCID:0000-0002-5178-5827)
- Abstract
Treatment with B-vitamins and betaine reduces the high risk of thrombosis in patients with homocystinuria, a metabolic syndrome that is characterized by severe hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy). In contrast, there is no clear demonstration that B-vitamins reduce the risk of thrombosis in patients with mild HHcy: for this reason, many question the clinical utility of measuring total Hcy (tHcy) in patients with thrombosis. However, thrombosis may be the first clinical manifestation of homocystinuria in patients reaching adulthood without signs and symptoms of the syndrome.
- Published
- 2013
28. Meetnet vlinders - Boerenlandvlinders meer stads dan boers
- Author
Chris van Swaay, Calijn Plate, Chris van Swaay, and Calijn Plate
- Published
- 2013
29. Nieuwsflits: 2013 goede vlinderzomer, maar trend gaat naar beneden; Vleermuiskasten; Veertig jaar Wierhaven; Licht herstel biodiversiteit; Goede vogeltrek.
- Author
Anonymus and Anonymus
- Abstract
Nieuws over vlinderjaar 2013; vogeltrek 2013; onderzoek gebruik vleermuiskasten; natuurvereniging Wierhaven en licht herstel biodiversiteit
- Published
- 2013
30. Screening of benzothiazoles, benzenediamines, dicyclohexylamine and benzotriazoles 2009
- Author
Brorström-Lundén, Eva, Remberger, Mikael, Kaj, Lennart, Hansson, Katarina, Holmquist, Hanna, Haglund, Peter, Andersson, Rolf, Liljelind, Per, Grabic, Roman, Brorström-Lundén, Eva, Remberger, Mikael, Kaj, Lennart, Hansson, Katarina, Holmquist, Hanna, Haglund, Peter, Andersson, Rolf, Liljelind, Per, and Grabic, Roman
- Abstract
En screeningundersökning av bensotiazoler, bensendiaminer, dicyclohexylamin och bensotriazoler har genomförts inom ramen för Naturvårdsvekets screeningprogram. Avsikten med en screeningundersökning är att bestämma koncentrationer av de utvalda substanserna i olika delar av den svenska miljön och därigenom belysa viktiga emissions- och transportvägar. Denna undersökning har genomförts i sammarbete med forskningsprogrammet ChEmiTecs “Organic Chemicals Emitted from Technosphere Articles" (www.chemitecs.se) finansierat av Naturvårdsverket. Målet med Chemitecs är att öka kunskapen om emissioner av organiska ämnen från varor. Resultaten ska stödja utvecklingen av svenska och europeiska handlingsprogram som ska minska riskerna med särskilt farliga ämnen. Bensotiazolerna MBT, CBS, DBS och DBD fanns i en eller flera av de undersökta provtyperna. Detektionsfrekvenserna varierade både mellan substanserna och provtyperna. Fördelningsmönstret påverkades troligen både av föreningarnas egenskaper, såsom kemisk stabilitet och tendens att fördelas mellan olika faser, och av användningen. MBT hade högst detektionsfrekvens medan de andra bensotiazolerna hittades mera sporadiskt. En viktig spridningsväg till miljön för MBT är via reningsverk vilket pekar på diffusa emissioner från konsumentprodukter. Förekomst i dagvatten indikerar trafik-relaterade emissioner. MBT och övriga bensotiazoler förekom främst i vattenmiljön medan lufttransport verkar vara av mindre betydelse. Bensendiaminen DPP hittades i vissa fall i till exempel ytvatten, dagvatten och reningsverksslam.DCHA var vanligt förekommande i alla provtyper utom i gröda. Att DCHA återfinns i luft och deposition indikerar att substansen emitteras till luft och att lufttransport är en viktig spridningsväg. Förekomsten i dagvatten och i jord visar att trafikrelaterade emissioner är viktiga. DCHA hittades emellertid inte i gröda insamlad i närheten av trafikerade vägar. En annan viktig spridningsväg för DCHA är via reningsverk vilket, A screening study of benzothiazoles, benzenediamines, dicycyclohexylamine,and benzotriazoles has been carried out in the framework of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency´s screening program.The overall objective of a screening study is to determine the concentrations of the selected substances in a variety of media in the Swedish environment. Additional aims are to assess the possible emission sources and to highlight important transport pathways in the environment.This screening has been carried out in collaboration with the research program ChEmiTecs “Organic Chemicals Emitted from Technosphere Articles" (www.chemitecs.se, financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency). The aim of ChEmiTecs is to increase the scientific understanding of the magnitude of the problem regarding emissions of organic substances from articles with the objective to support policy development in Sweden and Europe.The benzothiazoles MBT, CBS, DBS and DBD were found in one or more of the sample matrices. The detection frequencies varied both among the substances and the different media. The distribution pattern was most likely affected both by substance properties, i.e. the chemical stability and the tendency of a substance to partition to a certain media, and the use and emission pattern. MBT had the highest detection frequency while the other benzothioazoles were more occasionally found. An important pathway of MBT to the environment is via WWTPs, an indication that the occurrence is due to diffuse emission from e.g. consumer products. The occurrence in storm water indicates traffic related emissions. MBT and the other benzothiazoles did mainly occur in the aquatic environment. Air transport seems to be of minor importance.The benzenediamine DPP was occasionally detected in some of the matrices e.g surface water, storm water and sludge. DCHA was widespread in the environment and it occurred in all sample types except crops. The findings of DCHA in air and deposition indi
- Published
- 2012
31. De laatste loodjes wegen het zwaarts. Stand van zaken van het verspreidingsonderzoek reptielen en amfibieën 2011
- Author
J. Herder and J. Herder
- Published
- 2012
32. Postmodern Censorship of Pacifist Content on Television and the Internet
- Author
Travis, Hannibal and Travis, Hannibal
- Abstract
This Essay, a contribution to a symposium on censorship and the media, explores the legal history of the censorship of antiwar speech. It devotes particular attention to postmodern techniques for chilling the production of pacifist content, or reducing the total output of it. Pacifist speech is defined broadly, as speech advocating peaceful alternatives to war or militarism, articulating doctrines or principles which urge forswearing war or violence in international disputes, or expressing reasons to oppose specific military episodes or entire wars. A fundamental assumption of democratic governance is that the public keeps informed of important news and points of view by exposure in the press, whether print or electronic. Yet the public is often denied complete information by governments and private media conglomerates acting in close concert. While legal scholars frequently condemn direct censorship by the federal government, they too often neglect the extent to which private parties may be mobilized by the government to foment false beliefs and propagate misleading portraits of vital public policy issues. This Essay explores postmodern censorship of pacifist expression. Postmodern censorship is distinguishable from its pre-modern or modern counterparts by its immaterial, seemingly nonviolent ways of watching and influencing apparently private activity, in contrast to a modern way of censoring speech by using violence as an ostentatious tyrant would. While still sculpting citizens’ beliefs and behaviors, postmodern power applies itself to private technologies and the enjoyment of what seems to be leisure time or tools such as television or radio. Postmodern regulation directs itself at privatized implementation of governmental objectives, including the lies and crimes of governments. It simulates real events in spectacles of illusion and artifice. In the postmodern era, everything is increasingly artificial, real events are excluded from the public spectacle, and t
- Published
- 2011
33. Life Cycle Costing in the evaluation process of new production lines
- Author
Ludvigsson, Rebecka and Ludvigsson, Rebecka
- Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a Life Cycle Cost model that could be used for investment, budgeting and comparing alternatives. An evaluation of existing models concluded that there was a need for a model that was easy to use and understand but in the same way economical and technical complex. Theoretical and empirical information was gathered in accordance with the purpose and made a base of the model. The model highlights operative, energy and maintenance costs. A case study to test the model has been carried out and selected company for this has been Swedwood International AB which is a part of IKEA. Swedwood currently works with pay back calculations which could lead to wrong decisions during the life length of the investment. The developed LCC model was tested on different techniques for applying an edge on a substrate. The result of the report is that the user will have a clear and structured overview of an investment during its economical life length. A final investment decision demands further tests and evaluations, for example technical test and MCDM. Further researches for the LCC model could be to investigate if the model lacks any critical aspects that should be included. A recommendation for Swedwood is to follow up the developed standards for collecting data at the factories in order to facilitate when investigating for new techniques and comparing between investment options., Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en livscykelkostnadsmodell som kan användas vid investeringar, budgeteringar och jämförelser. Efter en utvärdering av tillgängliga modeller konstaterades det att behov fanns för en modell som var ekonomisk och teknisk avancerad men ändå användarvänlig. Teori och empiri insamlades i enlighet med syftet och bildade en grund för modellen. Modellen belyser speciellt kostnadsaktiviteter så som operativa, energi och underhållskostnader. En fallstudie för att testa modellen har genomförts och fallföretaget var Swedwood International AB som är en del av IKEA. Swedwood arbetar nu med payback kalkyler vilket kan leda till fel beslut sett till hela investeringens livslängd. Den framtagna LCC modellen testades på olika tekniker för att applicera en kant på ett arbetstycke. Resultatet av rapporten är genom att använda modellen får man en klar och tydlig översikt av alla kostnader under en investerings ekonomiska livslängd. Ett investeringsbeslut kräver ytterligare tester och utvärderingar så som tekniska tester och MCDM. En fortsatt utveckling av modellen kan vara att undersöka om den saknar någon kritisk del som ska var inkluderad. En rekommendation till Swedwood är att följa upp de centralt utvecklade standarder på fabrikerna så att alla samlar in data på samma sätt, vilket skulle underlätta vid implementering av nya tekniker och vid jämförelser av investeringar.
- Published
- 2010
34. BotBlog: una propuesta de integración de bitácoras y agentes
- Author
González Moreno, Juan Carlos, Ramos Valcárcel, David, Fajardo Toro, Carlos Hernán, González Moreno, Juan Carlos, Ramos Valcárcel, David, and Fajardo Toro, Carlos Hernán
- Abstract
La adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior es un hecho que debe ser asumido por todos y cuyo proceso se está llevando a cabo. Para proceder a esta adaptación será necesaria la adopción de nuevos sistemas pedagógicos apoyados en la utilización de nuevas tecnologías informáticas. En este artículo se ofrece una propuesta basada en el desarrollo dinámico de un portal temático mediante la integración de agentes conversacionales (chatterbots) con bitácoras (blogs). El portal se construye y evoluciona en la propia ventana del navegador del cliente, con base en las preguntas que se formulan, a las contestaciones diseñadas, a los contenidos proporcionados por búsquedas en la red y a aquella que se añade o se puede extraer de las bitácoras vinculadas., The adaptation to european space for higher education is a fact that should be assumed by everybody and whose process is being carried out. To proceed in this adaptation will be mandatory the implementation of new pedagogical systems supported on new informatics tools. This paper proposes the dynamic development of a thematic portal through chatterbots with blogs. The portal is built and evolves on the client browser window based on the questions asked, the pre-established answers, the contents provided by internet search and by the linked blogs.
- Published
- 2010
35. BotBlog: A Blogs and Agents Integration Proposal
- Author
González Moreno, Juan Carlos, Ramos Valcárcel, David, Fajardo Toro, Carlos Hernán, González Moreno, Juan Carlos, Ramos Valcárcel, David, and Fajardo Toro, Carlos Hernán
- Abstract
The adaptation to european space for higher education is a fact that should be assumed by everybody and whose process is being carried out. To proceed in this adaptation will be mandatory the implementation of new pedagogical systems supported on new informatics tools. This paper proposes the dynamic development of a thematic portal through chatterbots with blogs. The portal is built and evolves on the client browser window based on the questions asked, the pre-established answers, the contents provided by internet search and by the linked blogs., La adaptación al espacio europeo de educación superior es un hecho que debe ser asumido por todos y cuyo proceso se está llevando a cabo. Para proceder a esta adaptación será necesaria la adopción de nuevos sistemas pedagógicos apoyados en la utilización de nuevas tecnologías informáticas. En este artículo se ofrece una propuesta basada en el desarrollo dinámico de un portal temático mediante la integración de agentes conversacionales (chatterbots) con bitácoras (blogs). El portal se construye y evoluciona en la propia ventana del navegador del cliente, con base en las preguntas que se formulan, a las contestaciones diseñadas, a los contenidos proporcionados por búsquedas en la red y a aquella que se añade o se puede extraer de las bitácoras vinculadas.
- Published
- 2010
36. Resultaten 1996-2007
- Author
E. Goverse, T. van der Meij, G. Smit, E. Goverse, T. van der Meij, and G. Smit
- Published
- 2008
37. Burling Library Takeover Commemoration, 2006
- Abstract
This photograph was taken in 2006 at an event commemorating the 1971 takeover of Burling Library by CBS (Concerned Black Students).
- Published
- 2006
38. Analys av en meddelandetjänst vid krissituationer baserat på CBS-tekniken(Cell Broadcast Service)
- Author
Nutti, Anders, Ekman, Mats, Nutti, Anders, and Ekman, Mats
- Abstract
Uppdragsgivare för detta examensarbete är Länsstyrelsen Dalarna. Målet är att undersöka hur lämplig tekniken med CBS (Cell Broadcast Service) baserade textmeddelande är vid viktigt meddelande till allmänheten (VMA-larm). En tjänst som utnyttjar CBS-tekniken kan rädda liv om allmänheten i ett tidigt skede får reda på vad som hänt och vart de ska bege sig.Rapporten visar på hur man kan använda SMS då en krissituation uppstår. Med hjälp av CBS-tekniken skickas meddelandet till specifikt valda basstationer och alla mobiltelefoner som är uppkopplade mot den. Det positiva är att bara de som behöver få veta vad som hänt får meddelandet.Enligt specifikationerna (ETSI) på GSM och 3G-näten i Sverige finns det stöd för utskick av CBS-meddelanden inbyggt i de befintliga näten. Det finns dock vissa problem vid införandet av CBS-tekniken i operatörsnäten. Operatörerna måste implementera en Cell Broadcast Center (CBC) i näten, denna del av infrastrukturen kommunicerar med basstationerna och sköter utskicken av CBS-meddelanden. Ett ytterligare problem med CBS-tekniken är att användarna måste aktivera mobiltelefonen för att ta emot CBS-meddelanden.Enligt Telia och Vodafone används CBS inte i Sverige idag men vi bedömer att tjänsten för att varna allmänheten kan använda sig av CBS-tekniken om den implementeras i operatörsnäten. Vi har i detta arbete använt oss av en generell kvalitativ metod kompletterat med Siegels metod. Med den kvalitativa metoden har vi intervjuat Telia och Vodafone på ingående fakta om CBS-tekniken. Vid design av teknisk lösning har vi använt oss av Siegels två första faser.
- Published
- 2004
39. CBS stabilization in dynamics of solids using explicit time integration
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GMNE - Grup de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria, Rojek, Jerzy, Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio, Taylor, R L, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GMNE - Grup de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria, Rojek, Jerzy, Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra, Eugenio, and Taylor, R L
- Abstract
The characteristic based split (CBS) stabilization procedure developed originally in fluid mechanics has been adapted successfully to solid mechanics problems. The CBS algorithm has been implemented within a finite element program using an explicit time integration scheme. Volumetric locking of linear triangular and tetrahedral elements has been successfully eliminated. The performance of the numerical algorithm is illustrated with numerical results. Comparisons with an alternative stabilization technique based on the Finite Calculus method also are given., Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2004
40. Control informativo y medios de comunicación en Estados Unidos : un caso de censura en la CBS
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Periodismo II, Labio-Bernal, Aurora, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Periodismo II, and Labio-Bernal, Aurora
- Published
- 2003
41. Het CBS kijkt naar buiten
- Author
Lecq, S.G. (Fieke) van der and Lecq, S.G. (Fieke) van der
- Abstract
Jan Tinbergen schijnt te hebben gezegd dat economen "naar buiten moeten kijken": dat ze oog moeten hebben voor wat er in de wereld om hen heen gebeurt. Tinbergen wordt dan ook beschreven als iemand die niet alleen enorme bijdragen leverde aan het kwantitatieve onderzoek, maar ook actief participeerde in beleidsdebatten. Volgens hem bepaalt de beleidsmaker de prioriteiten en reikt de econoom de instrumenten aan om deze te realiseren 1. De samenwerking tussen het CBS op basis van retrospectieve data, het CPB op basis van het prospectieve modelmatige instrumentarium en de beleidsmakers als gebruikers van deze instrumenten, vormt een reflectie van de loopbaan en oriëntatie van Tinbergen.
- Published
- 2001
42. “Die koren onthoudt, wordt gevloekt onder het volk...” De zwarte markt in voedingswaren 1940-1948’
- Author
Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein) and Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein)
- Abstract
Article in: Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 115 (2000) 4, In dit artikel wordt de zwarte markt, de zwarthandel en het zwarte prijspeil in Nederland tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog onderzocht. Er wordt geconcludeerd dat zwarthandel een reactie is op toenemende belastingdruk en regulering en geen uiting is van verzet. Dat verklaart ook dat de zwarte markt tot 1948 intact bleef en in sommige sectoren zelfs nog groeide. Er worden berekeningen gemaakt van de zwarte agrarische productie, van de ontwikkeling van de zwarte prijsindex en van de gevolgen die dit had voor de welvaart van stedelingen en boeren. Daarmee komen ook de sociale gevolgen van zwarthandel aan de orde.
- Published
- 2000
43. “Belangrijke gebeurtenissen vonden niet plaats...” De Nederlandse industrie 1938-1948’
- Author
Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein) and Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein)
- Abstract
Article in: in, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 114 (1999) 4, De bezetting was voor de Nederlandse industrie niet slechts negatief. De Duitse vraag resulteerde in 1940 en ’41 in stijgende werkgelegenheid, winsten en investeringen. Pas vanaf eind 1941 werd de exploitatie geïntensiveerd. Dit ging gepaard met nauwkeurige economische planning en het naar Duitsland halen van overtollige productiefactoren, waaronder arbeiders. Hierdoor ontstond niet slechts de frictie bekend uit planeconomieën en de daarmee samenhangende lage productiviteit, maar de arbeidsinzet veroorzaakte ook een massale onderduik. De legale productie nam af, de zwarthandel toe. Niettemin was bij de bevrijding, door de forse investeringen in de eerste oorlogsjaren, het industriële apparaat groter dan ooit.
- Published
- 1999
44. Laminarisation in Flows of Concentrated Benthic Suspensions: Computations with a Low-Re Mixing-Length Model
- Author
Kranenburg, C. (author) and Kranenburg, C. (author)
- Abstract
In quiescent water bodies that form part of estuarine or coastal water systems, such as harbours and access channels, fine sediments may deposit to form concentrated benthic suspensions (CBS). The flow velocities in these mud layers may become low, and the viscosities may become large, so that the Reynolds number decreases below a critical value and a transition from turbulent to laminar flow, designated herein as laminarisation, takes place. In this report laminarisation of CBS, modelled as a Newtonian fluid, is simulated using the Prandtl mixing-length turbulence model supplemented with a modified Van Driest model of low-Reynolds-number flow, and a transition criterion based on the concept of a critical value of the turbulence Reynolds number. This criterion is calibrated with experimental data obtained from the literature. The model is shown to reproduce the vertical distribution of the mean velocity at low Reynolds numbers quite well, Larninarisation in a slowly decelerating layer of CBS is found to take place at a Reynolds number of 1020, where the Reynolds number is defined as the product of mean velocity and layer depth divided by the kinematic viscosity. The inability of mixing-length models of reproducing memory effects, which actually do occur in laminarising flows, and effects of non-Newtonian CBS properties are briefly discussed., Hydraulic Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geosciences
- Published
- 1999
45. Entraining Flow of a Concentrated Benthic Suspension: Computations with the Prandtl Mixing-Length Model
- Author
Kranenburg, C. (author) and Kranenburg, C. (author)
- Abstract
The Prandtl mixing-length model of turbulent exchange of mass and momentum is applied to calculate the entrainment of overlying water into a layer of suspended fine sediment at a horizontal bed. In the field the flow and turbulence in such a concentrated benthic suspension (CBS) are driven by a streamwise pressure gradient resulting from the tide. However, in this report a proposed laboratory experiment is simulated in which flow and turbulence in the CBS are driven by a movable bottom screen which is started instantaneously from rest. The aims of the calculations are to show the feasibility of this laboratory experiment, to carry out a sensitivity analysis and, in future work, to compare with experimental results. Damping functions accounting for the reduction in turbulent exchange caused by density stratification are calibrated using results of entrainment experiments with two-fluid systems reported in the literature. The adopted modelof the rheological behaviour of the CBS is of the Herschel-Bulkley type. In addition, the effects of hindered settling and sidewall friction are included. Entrainment rates are found to be particularly sensitive to the speed of the screen and the excess weight of the sediment, whereas the rheological model has little influence., Hydraulic Engineering, Civil Engineering and Geosciences
- Published
- 1999
46. Discussie. Landbouw tijdens de oorlog en slachtofferschap in de historiografie
- Author
Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein) and Klemann, H.A.M. (Hein)
- Abstract
Knibbe berekeningen bevestigen dat Klemanns cijfers betreffende de landbouw in de jaren 1938-1948 (http://www.neha.nl/publications/1997/1997_11klemann.pdf) goeddeels juist zijn. Alleen voor 1945 komt hij met fundamenteel lagere cijfers doordat hij dan terugvalt op oude CBS-gegevens, waardoor het juist toen enorme illegale deel van de productie niet in de cijfers terechtkomt. Clandestiene productie en zwarthandel gingen evenwel door tot de Marshallhulp de aanvoer verbeterde. Knibbe's bewering dat Klemann het Nederlandse slachtofferschap ontkent, is onjuist. Wat Klemann slechts duidelijk maakt, is dat de nadruk op het slachtofferschap in de historiografie het inzicht in de bezettingsjaren eerder in de weg heeft gestaan dan bevorderd.
- Published
- 1998
47. Evaluatie van het CBS-RIVM samenwerkingsverband in het kader van het OverMORGEN-project (HES deel A)
- Author
CCM, Viet AL, Steenbrink-van Woerden JA, Seidell JC, van Stiphout WAHJ, Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE, CCM, Viet AL, Steenbrink-van Woerden JA, Seidell JC, van Stiphout WAHJ, and Conyn-van Spaendonck MAE
- Abstract
RIVM rapport:Zowel het RIVM als het Centraal Bureau voor Statistiek (CBS) hebben tot taak gegevens te verzamelen over de gezondheidssituatie van de Nederlandse bevolking. Door het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport is een samenwerkingsverband voorgesteld tussen het CBS en het RIVM om een efficientere combinatie te kunnen maken tussen Health Interview Survey (HIS) en Health Examination Survey (HES). Dit verslag betreft de resultaten van de haalbaarheid van de HIS-HES combinatie en de logistieke consequenties van het lichamelijke onderzoek (HES)., The Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport has proposed to combine public health research tasks of RIVM and Statistics Netherlands (CBS). A pilot project has been executed to test the feasibility of combining Health Interview Survey (HIS) and Health Examiniation Survey HES). Results and logistic consequences of physical examination are presented.
- Published
- 1997
48. Bericht van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek
- Author
A. van Strien, B. Daemen, A. van Strien, and B. Daemen
- Published
- 1994
49. Christmas card, Southern California, 1940
- Author
Dick Whittington Studio and Dick Whittington Studio
- Subjects
- 1940, United States., California., California, Southern., Californie., Californie (Sud), California., Southern California., United States.
- Abstract
Photograph of Buckalew family Christmas card, Southern California, 1940. "Subject: Xmas Card; Client: Ed Buckalew, C.B.S.; Original Print Order: 100, 20; Size: Buff - Same as layout - Print 2 up on 1 - 8x10; Finish: cards; Year: 1940; Job: 012-14-86" -- on card front.
- Published
- 1940
50. Benefit Basketball Game
- Abstract
Photograph of CBS (Concerned Black Students) Benefit Basketball Game. Left to right: Unknown, Howard Ward '69, Henry Wingate '69, Roy Walker '69, and Ernest Rose.
- Published
- 1968
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