1. Izrada i upotreba neolitskog glačanog kamenog oruđa sa sečicom - eksperimentalna istraživanja i komparativne traseološke analize
- Author
Vuković, Jasna, Tripković, Boban, Tasić, Nenad, Antonović, Dragana, Dimić, Vidan, Vuković, Jasna, Tripković, Boban, Tasić, Nenad, Antonović, Dragana, and Dimić, Vidan
- Abstract
Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije jeste izrada i upotreba neolitskog glačanog kamenog oruđa sa sečicom: sekira, tesli i dleta. Pri tome, fokus je s jedne strane stavljen na operativni lanac izrade i upotrebe ovog oruđa, dok je s druge strane, istraživanje fokusirano na traseološke markere, odnosno specifična oštećenja koja se na sečicama oruđa formiraju tokom njihove upotrebe. Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja je da se upotrebom dva komplementarna istraživačka metoda: eksperimentalne arheologije i traseoloških analiza oformi referentna zbirka/kolekcija drvodeljskih tragova upotrebe, putem koje bi u budućnosti bilo moguće vršiti komparaciju i identifikaciju pomenutih tragova na sečicama neolitskih glačanih kamenih alatki. Takođe, cilj istraživanja je i da se tokom izvođenja arheološkog eksperimenta, zabeleže i dokumentuju svi podaci koji proizilaze iz takvog jednog direktnog i iskustvenog pristupa, a koji u budućnosti mogu služiti verodostojnijoj interpretaciji operativnog lanca, odnosno različitih procesa u okviru upotrebnog veka ovog oruđa. Na osnovu podataka iz arheološke literature, a putem arheološkog eksperimenta, izvršena je rekonstrukcija svih segmenata operativnog lanca u okviru procesa proizvodnje i upotrebe glačanih kamenih alatki sa sečicom. U izradi oruđa korišćene su neolitske tehnike obrade sirovine, kao i sirovine koje su dominantne u neolitu Srbije: sitnozrne i finozrne metamorfne stene i „laka bela stena“ – magnezit. Izvršena je rekonstrukcija dominantnih tipova sekira, tesli i dleta, koje su potom testirane u različitim poslovima, u radu na drvetu različite vrste, tvrdoće i stanja. Sprovođenjem sukcesivnih traseoloških analiza (low power approach – stereo mikroskop manjih uvećanja 7,5-60×), identifikovani su i dokumentovani tehnološki tragovi (tragovi izrade) i tragovi upotrebe koji se na ovom oruđu mogu uočiti nakon sprovođenja drvodeljskih poslova. Pri tome, u razmatranje su uzeti različiti parametri poput vrste sirovine, vrste alatke, The subject of research of this doctoral thesis is the manufacture and use of Neolithic stone tools with a cutting edge: axes, adzes, and chisels. The focus is from one side placed on the operational chain of manufacture and use of these tools, while on the other the research is focused on traceological markers, i.e., specific damages (traces) on the cutting edges that were being formed during use. The primary goal of this research is to create a reference collection of wood-working traces of use by using two complementary methods: experimental archaeology and traceological analyses, in order to enable future comparisons and identification of these traces on the working edges of Neolithic ground stone tools. Also, the goal of this research is to record and to document all the evidence created during the performance of the archaeological experiment that are outcome from such direct and experience-based approach, that may also be used for future research of the operational chain, i.e., different processes within the life-span of use of these tools. The reconstruction of all segments of operational chain within the process of manufacture and use of ground stone tools with cutting edge is made following the data from the archaeological literature and through an archaeological experiment. In the manufacture Neolithic techniques of processing the raw materials were employed, and the raw materials used were those predominant in the Neolithic in Serbia: fine-grained metamorphic rocks and „light white stone“ – magnesite. The reconstruction of the predominant types of axes, adzes, and chisels was made, subsequently tested on different tasks, in working on woods of different species, hardness and state. By conducting successive traceological analyses (low power approach – stereo microscope with lower magnification 7,5-60×), technological traces (traces of manufacture) were identified and documented, as well as traces of use that may be visible on these tools after performing w
- Published
- 2020