1. Shortpulsed amplified highenergy laser effect on materials
- Author
Roos, Emanuel and Roos, Emanuel
- Abstract
High-energy fber lasers have opened avenues for continuing advancements in science and technology andhave seen a wide integration into the defense and commercial sectors. A combination of continuouswave (CW) and pulsed laser light could present signifcant advancements for both of these sectors.The combined laser would beneft from the continuous energy delivery by the CW laser andenhance it with the disrupting high peak power from the pulsed laser. This could increase theversatility and adaptability of high-powered laser system and enhance its efectiveness. For the defensesector, the potential to act on or neutralize targets using laser systems in long range distances isgrowing thanks to these new high energy fber lasers. Nevertheless this technology is fairly new andfurther research is of importance. In this master thesis, an experimental set-up combining a CW laser and a nanosecond (ns) pulsedlaser was built and effects of the combined laser light on several materials were studied. Efects ofcombined CW and nanosecond (ns) pulsed laser on aluminum, steel, glass fber and carbon fber wasstudied. Three modes of laser operation were tested CW, ns-pulsed and combined CW/nspulsed. Perforating times, ablation rates and temperature evolutions of the four materials under exposureto the three laser modes were tested quantitatively. During combined laser irradiation diferenttemporal(time), spatial(space) and CW laser powers combinations to characterize their effectson matter. The results showed that compared with the CW laser alone, the perforating time ofthe CW/ns combined mode is material dependent and can both decrease and increase in theaforementioned materials. In Aluminum the perforating times could be decreased by 90% in CW/nspulsed laser mode compared to CW laser mode. Temperature evolution varied with diferent lasermodes on targets and showed that a combined laser mode can decrease heating time in materials by60%. The results presented in this report are a small contr
- Published
- 2024