97 results on '"Echinoidea"'
Search Results
2. El género Coraster (Echinoidea, Cretácico sup.-Paleoceno) en la Zona Surpirenaica Central (Provincia de Huesca, España): nuevos datos
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
– From the study of abundant material from the Upper Cretaceous of the Central South Pyrenean Zone, the presence of Coraster vilanovae and Coraster margaritae is reported, both collected from the same site and stratigraphic level. This finding implies a new locality in the Iberian Peninsula for the first and confirms its presence in that locality for the second. New morphological data are provided to facilitate taxonomic differentiation between both species. Additionally, a paleoenvironment is proposed, and taphonomic reflections are presented., A partir del examen de abundante material procedente del Cretácico superior de la Zona Surpirenaica Central, se notifica la presencia de Coraster vilanovae y Coraster margaritae, recolectadas ambas en el mismo yacimiento y nivel estratigráfico. El hallazgo implica una nueva localidad en la Península Ibérica para la primera y la confirmación de su presencia en la misma localidad para la segunda. Se aportan nuevos datos morfológicos que facilitan la discriminación taxonómica entre ambas especies. Se propone un paleoambiente, y se exponen unas reflexiones tafonómicas.
- Published
- 2023
3. Primera cita de Adelopneustes ernsti Smith & Gallemí, 1999 (Echinoidea) en el Eoceno de España: nuevos datos
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
Se informa sobre la presencia de Adelopneustes ernsti en el Eoceno inferior de la zona Surpirenaica Central, constituyendo la primera cita de la especie en el Eoceno de España y la segunda para el género en el Eoceno europeo. Se amplía el conocimiento morfológico y se plantea una propuesta paleoambiental. Se comentan las condiciones ambientales necesarias para la supervivencia durante el evento de transición Paleoceno/Eoceno (P/E)., The presence of Adelopneustes ernsti in the Lower Eocene of the Central South Pyrenean Zone is reported, representing the first record of the species in the Eocene of Spain and the second for the genus in the Eocene of Europe. Morphological knowledge is expanded, and a proposal for the paleoenvironment is put forth. The environmental conditions necessary for survival during the Paleocene/Eocene transition (P/E) are discussed.
- Published
- 2023
4. Deep-sea echinoids from the Avilés Canyons System (Cantabrian Sea: North Atlantic Ocean)
- Author
Mitchell, S., García-Guillén, L.M., Saucède, T., Ríos, Pilar, Manjón-Cabeza, M.E., Mitchell, S., García-Guillén, L.M., Saucède, T., Ríos, Pilar, and Manjón-Cabeza, M.E.
- Abstract
The Avilés Canyons System (ACS) is located in the South of the Bay of Biscay (Northern Spain, Cantabrian Sea) and covers a total of 3,390 km2. It is composed of three canyons, reaching the abyssal plain at 4700 m depth. The mixing of diverse water masses generates gyres and upwellings that contribute to the enrichment in nutrient concentration at different depth and favour the settlement of benthic communities. The ACS has been declared Site of Community Importance (SCI: C ESZZ12003) within the Natura 2000 Network and recognized as a Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem where echinoderms play an important ecological role in benthic communities and habitats. The aim of the present study is to inventory and review the echinoid fauna collected during the INDEMARES project in the ACS, compare the new findings with previous studies Official Spanish Checklist (IEEM: “Inventario Español de Especies Marinas”, 2017, 2020) and update our knowledge of the diversity and distribution of echinoid species. During the surveys carried out within the project LIFE + INDEMARES-Avilés Canyons System (2010–2012), a total of 287 specimens of echinoids were sampled at 35 stations and depth ranging between 510 and 1476 m. Twelve species of echinoids were identified, the most frequent being Araeosoma fenestratum (Thomson, 1872) (48.57%), Cidaris cidaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (42.85%) and Phormosoma placenta Thomson, 1872 (28.57%). One species should be considered as a new record in Spanish waters, Gracilechinus affinis (Mortensen, 1903) and the species Echinocardium flavescens expands its known bathymetric range (from 325 to 552 m).
- Published
- 2022
5. Catopygus vilari sp. nov. (Echinoidea) de l’Aptià inferior de la conca del Maestrat
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric and Forner Valls, Enric
- Abstract
A diferència d’altres zones del món, la conca sedimentària del Maestrat (CM) no va rebre l’atenció dels equinòlegs durant el segles XIX i XX. Aquest article forma part d’un seguit d’investigacions de recerca activa al camp i publicacions de sistemàtica paleontològica, encetats a partir del 2014, que intenten suplir aquesta mancança. Aquestes investigacions tenen l’interès de poder anar completant la informació sobre la fauna de la classe Echinoidea durant el Cretaci Inferior a la CM, situada a mig camí entre les poblacions del nord d’Àfrica i les ben conegudes de França i Suïssa. Aquesta part oest del Tetis, durant aquell període, podia estar jugant un paper important en la diversificació d’alguns ordres d’equínids irregulars. Es descriu una espècie nova: Catopygus vilari, de l’Aptià inferior, formació Margues del Forcall, membre Margues de Morella la Vella; biozona Dufrenoyia furcata. El jaciment on s’han recol·lectat els tres exemplars d’aquest rar equínid es troba al municipi de Fuentes de Rubielos, comarca Gúdar-Javalambre, Aragó; subconca de Cedramán, península Ibèrica. Es conclou que cal conservar la distinció entre els gèneres Catopygus L. Agassiz, 1836 i Phyllobrissus Cotteau, 1860, prenen com a referència que la primera espècie té la part posterior recta o contraplomada per la qual cosa no es veu el periprocte en vista apical. Aquest treball suposa un petit avanç en la millora del coneixement de la fauna de la classe Echinoidea de la CM, en general, i de la subconca de Cedramán en concret. S’amplia el registre de l’ordre Cassiduloida L. Agassiz & Desor, 1847, grup molt biodivers però que per qüestions, probablement tafonòmiques, acostuma a estar representat amb molts pocs espècimens al registre fòssil., Unlike some other parts of the world, the Maestrat sedimentary basin (CM) did not receive the attention of equinologists during the 19th and 20th centuries. This article is part of a series of active field research projects and paleontological systematics publications, started in 2014, that try to address this shortcoming. These investigations are of interest to be able to complete the information on the fauna of the Echinoidea class during the Lower Cretaceous in the CM, located halfway between the populations of North Africa and the well- known ones of France and Switzerland. This western part of the Tethys, during that period, may have played an important role in the diversification of some orders of irregular echinoids. A new species is described: Catopygus vilari, from the lower Aptian, Margues del Forcall formation, Margues de Morella la Vella member; biozone Dufrenoyia furcata. The site where the three specimens of this rare equine have been collected is located in the municipality of Fuentes de Rubielos, Gúdar-Javalambre region, Aragon; of Cedramán sub-basin, Iberian Peninsula. It is concluded that the distinction between the genera Catopygus L. Agassiz, 1836 and Phyllobrissus Cotteau, 1860 must be preserved, taking as a reference that the first species has a straight or counter-plumb back so that the periprocte is not seen in apical view. This work represents a small step forward in improving the knowledge of the fauna of the Echinoidea class of the CM in general, and of the Cedraman sub-basin in particular. The register of the order Cassiduloida L. Agassiz & Desor, 1847, is extended, a very biodiverse group but which, probably for taphonomic reasons, is usually represented with very few specimens in the fossil record.
- Published
- 2022
6. Parasitisme en equinoïdeus de l’Albià (Cretaci Inferior) de la serralada Ibèrica
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Doménech, Rosa, Forner Valls, Enric, and Doménech, Rosa
- Abstract
Les comunitats biològiques estan constituïdes per poblacions de diferents espècies que interactuen entre elles, sovint formant complexes estructures ecològiques. Si bé és relativament elevat el nombre de treballs que han estudiat en el registre fòssil la depredació i la relació caçador-presa, mitjançant les marques que queden en les conquilles de la víctima, són menys freqüents els estudis sobre les relacions simbiòtiques en el passat. Es descriu el gènere nou Paleothyca per la família Eulimidae i una espècie nova, Paleothyca quinionarii del Cretaci Inferior. Un segon exemplar de gasteròpode no ha pogut ser identificat a nivell taxonòmic baix, tot i que temptativament s’atribueix a la família dels eulímids. És molt rar trobar una parella simbiòtica en el registre fòssil del Cretaci Inferior. Aquest treball permet estudiar- ne dos exemples, en els quals coincideixen l’edat (Albià) i l’hoste, Washitaster delgadoi (de Loriol, 1884), un equinoïdeu irregular. És també extraordinària la troballa de conquilles fines de petits gasteròpodes cretacis, per la qual cosa resulta molt interessant el seu estudi. S’ha identificat per primera vegada l’existència de gasteròpodes de la família dels eulímids a l’Albià inferior i es proposa que ja presentaven aquest hàbit de vida ectoparàsit sobre equinoïdeus, similar a l’actual. Per tant, aquest estudi permet endarrerir fins al Cretaci Inferior el coneixement de relacions simbiòtiques entre equínids i gasteròpodes eulímids i es constata que la família ja estava representada a l’Albià., Biological communities are made up of populations of different species that interact with each other, often forming complex ecological structures. Although studies of predation and the hunter-prey relationship in the fossil record, using the marks left on the victim’s shells, is relatively abundant, investigation into symbiotic relationships in the past is less frequent. The new genus Paleothyca of the Eulimidae family and a new species, Paleothyca quinionarii from the Early Cretaceous, are described. A second gastropod specimen has not been identified at the low taxonomic level, although it is tentatively attributed to the Eulimidae family. It is very rare to find a symbiotic pair in the Lower Cretaceous fossil record. This work allows us to study two examples, in which age (Albian) and the host Washitaster delgadoi (de Loriol, 1884), an irregular echinoid, coincide. The discovery of such fine shells of small Cretaceous gastropods is also extraordinary and which makes this study so interesting. The existence of gastropods of the eulimid family has been identified in the lower Albian for the first time and it is proposed that they already had an ectoparasitic echinoid life cycle, similar to the current one. Therefore, this study allows us to push back the presence of symbiotic relationships between echinoids and eulimid gastropods to the Lower Cretaceous and it is additionally confirmed that the Eulimidae family was already present during the Albian.
- Published
- 2022
7. Maestratina royoi (Echinoidea) en el Aptiense inferior de la cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica
- Author
García González, Carlos and García González, Carlos
- Abstract
El equínido Maestratina royoi (Lambert, 1928), de la familia Arbaciidae Gray, 1855, se había venido citando siempre, durante más de 90 años, en una zona muy limitada geográficamente, en los yacimientos de la Mola de la Garumba, (antiguamente conocido como Mola de Miró) y de la Mola d’en Camaràs, cercanos entre sí, dentro de la subcuenca de Morella, de la cuenca sedimentaria del Maestrat. Se consideraba un endemismo estricto de la cuenca. La prospección durante varios años del pequeño yacimiento del Cabo Prieto (Asturias; cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica), de la misma edad, Aptiense inferior, ha permitido la recolección de diversos ejemplares de M. royoi que motivan esta nota. Se dispone de cuatro ejemplares, algo deformados, pero que muestran los caracteres diagnósticos de la especie. Este hallazgo es concordante con la existencia de conexión entre las cuencas Vasco-Cantábrica y del Maestrat durante el Aptiense-Albiense, confirma la edad Aptiense inferior de la especie y anula la consideración de la especie M. royoi como endémica de la cuenca del Maestrat., The echinoid Maestratina royoi (Lambert, 1928), of the family Arbaciidae Gray, 1855, has been cited for more than 90 years and always in a very geographically limited area. Specifically, in the fossil localities of Mola de la Garumba, (formerly known as Mola de Miró) and Mola d’en Camaràs, both close to each other, within the Morella sub-basin, of the Maestrat sedimentary basin. It was considered a strict endemism of the basin. Prospecting for several years in the small deposit of Cabo Prieto (Asturias; Basque-Cantabrian basin), of the same age, Lower Aptian, has allowed the collection of various specimens of M. royoi that motivate this note. There are four specimens that are somewhat deformed but showing the diagnostic characteristics of the species. This finding is consistent with the existence of a connection between the Basque-Cantabrian and Maestrat basins during the Aptian-Albian, confirms the lower Aptian age of the species and cancels the consideration of the M. royoi species as endemic to the Maestrat basin.
- Published
- 2022
8. Morphological investigations of selected echinoids
- Author
Jaszkowiak, Katja, Hentschel, Sasha, Jaszkowiak, Katja, and Hentschel, Sasha
- Abstract
Echinoids have a radial pattern that is formed by sceletal plates which are fused to each other and form rows that run from the oral to the aboral surface. These plates can be divided into ambulacral and interambulacral plates. The ambulacral plates are perforated and therefore allow the ambulacral system within the animal a connection with its surrounding. Another important aspect of echinoid morphology is the digestive tract that is situated in a special way within the animal and can be used as a phylogenetic marker showing an additi- onal caecum in some echinoid groups (Ziegler et al., 2010). We also investigated the gonads as they where situated in different positions within the investigated species and also show a different morphology. There are numerous different studies into echinoid biology but many of them focus on very specialized aspects. By investigating three different species belonging to two different echinoid groups (Gracilechinus acutus (Lamarck, 1816), Echinus esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Echinidae (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Carin- acea ); Brissopsis lyrifera (Forbes, 1841) - (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Irregularia)) we tried to give a, Echinoide haben ein radiales Muster, das von Skelettplatten gebildet wird, die miteinander verschmolzen sind und Reihen bilden, die von der oralen zur aboralen Oberfläche verlaufen. Diese Platten können in ambulakrale und interambulakrale Platten unterteilt werden. Die Ambulakralplatten sind perforiert und ermöglichen somit dem Ambulakralsystem innerhalb des Tieres eine Verbindung mit seiner Umgebung. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt der Echinoid-Morphologie ist der Verdauungstrakt, der in besonderer Weise im Tier lokalisiert ist und als phylogenetischer Marker verwendet werden kann, der bei einigen Echinoid-Gruppen einen zusätzlichen Blinddarm aufweist (Ziegler et al., 2010). Wir haben auch die Gonaden untersucht, da sie sich innerhalb der untersuchten Art an unterschiedlichen Positionen befanden und auch eine andere Morphologie aufweisen. Es gibt zahlreiche verschiedene Studien zur Echinoidbiologie, aber viele von ihnen konzentrieren sich auf sehr spezielle Aspekte. Durch die Untersuchung von drei verschiedenen Arten, die zu zwei verschiedenen Echinoid-Gruppen gehören (Gracilechinus acutus (Lamarck, 1816), Echinus esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Echinidae (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Carinacea); Brissopsis lyrifera (Forbes, 1841) – (Echinodermata) – Echinoidea – Irregularia)) versuchten wir zu geben, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
9. Morphological investigations of selected echinoids
- Author
Jaszkowiak, Katja, Hentschel, Sasha, Jaszkowiak, Katja, and Hentschel, Sasha
- Abstract
Echinoids have a radial pattern that is formed by sceletal plates which are fused to each other and form rows that run from the oral to the aboral surface. These plates can be divided into ambulacral and interambulacral plates. The ambulacral plates are perforated and therefore allow the ambulacral system within the animal a connection with its surrounding. Another important aspect of echinoid morphology is the digestive tract that is situated in a special way within the animal and can be used as a phylogenetic marker showing an additi- onal caecum in some echinoid groups (Ziegler et al., 2010). We also investigated the gonads as they where situated in different positions within the investigated species and also show a different morphology. There are numerous different studies into echinoid biology but many of them focus on very specialized aspects. By investigating three different species belonging to two different echinoid groups (Gracilechinus acutus (Lamarck, 1816), Echinus esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Echinidae (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Carin- acea ); Brissopsis lyrifera (Forbes, 1841) - (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Irregularia)) we tried to give a, Echinoide haben ein radiales Muster, das von Skelettplatten gebildet wird, die miteinander verschmolzen sind und Reihen bilden, die von der oralen zur aboralen Oberfläche verlaufen. Diese Platten können in ambulakrale und interambulakrale Platten unterteilt werden. Die Ambulakralplatten sind perforiert und ermöglichen somit dem Ambulakralsystem innerhalb des Tieres eine Verbindung mit seiner Umgebung. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt der Echinoid-Morphologie ist der Verdauungstrakt, der in besonderer Weise im Tier lokalisiert ist und als phylogenetischer Marker verwendet werden kann, der bei einigen Echinoid-Gruppen einen zusätzlichen Blinddarm aufweist (Ziegler et al., 2010). Wir haben auch die Gonaden untersucht, da sie sich innerhalb der untersuchten Art an unterschiedlichen Positionen befanden und auch eine andere Morphologie aufweisen. Es gibt zahlreiche verschiedene Studien zur Echinoidbiologie, aber viele von ihnen konzentrieren sich auf sehr spezielle Aspekte. Durch die Untersuchung von drei verschiedenen Arten, die zu zwei verschiedenen Echinoid-Gruppen gehören (Gracilechinus acutus (Lamarck, 1816), Echinus esculentus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Echinidae (Echinodermata – Echinoidea – Carinacea); Brissopsis lyrifera (Forbes, 1841) – (Echinodermata) – Echinoidea – Irregularia)) versuchten wir zu geben, Peer Reviewed
- Published
- 2021
10. Segon registre d’Hyposalenia pauciperforata Archambeau, Rigollet & Néraudeau, 2015 (Echinoidea), del Cenomanià de Valdáliga (conca Basco-cantàbrica)
- Author
Díaz Isa, Manuel, Forner Valls, Enric, Gual Orti, Vicent, Díaz Isa, Manuel, Forner Valls, Enric, and Gual Orti, Vicent
- Abstract
Es publica el segon registre mundial d’Hyposalenia pauciperforata Archambeau, Rigollet & Néraudeau, 2015, un equínid de l’ordre Salenioida Delage & Hérouard, 1903 que fins ara només es coneixia al Cenomanià superior de Port-des-Barques, a Charente-Maritime (sud-oest de França). El material estudiat s’ha recollit del Cenomanià mitjà-superior, formació Altamira, del jaciment de la Rabia, situat al barri de Ceceño, a la localitat del Tejo, que pertany al terme municipal de Valdáliga (Cantabria, Espanya). S’identifica la fauna d’equinoïdeus d’acompanyament. La intenció del treball és la de millorar el coneixement de la fauna de la classe Echinoidea a la conca Basco-cantàbrica i la seua relació amb les conques pròximes. El jaciment és de reduïdes dimensions i només va ser temporalment accessible per unes obres públiques. Va donar només 10 exemplars, però amb notable biodiversitat: 5 espècies. El material s’ha mesurat i figurat. S’han completat algunes mesures, i els índexs que les relacionen, d’H. pauciperforata que no constaven en la descripció original de l’espècie. S’ha eixamplat la distribució geogràfica de l’espècie a la península Ibèrica. Es confirma la validesa de l’espècie i es constata, si més no, en allò que respecta al nord de la conca Basco-cantàbrica i l’inici del Cretaci Superior, la relació d’aquesta amb el sud-oest de França., The second world record for Hyposalenia pauciperforata Archambeau, Rigollet & Néraudeau, 2015, is published, an equinid of the order Salenioida Delage & Hérouard, 1903, which until now was only known from the upper Cenomanian of Port-des-Barques, in Charente-Maritime (southwest of France). The material studied was collected from the upper-middle Cenomanian, Altamira formation, from the Rabia site, located in the Ceceño district, in the town of Tejo, which belongs to the municipality of Valdáliga (Cantabria, Spain). The accompanying echinoid fauna is identified. The intention of the work is to better understand the Echinoidea class fauna in the Basque-Cantabrian basin and its relation to the nearby basins. The site is small and only temporarily accessible by public works, giving only 10 specimens but with significant biodiversity: 5 species. The material was measured and figured. Some measurements and indexes of H. pauciperforata that were not included in the original description of the species have been completed. The geographical distribution of the species in the Iberian Peninsula has been widened. The validity of the species is confirmed and, at least with respect to the north of the Basque-Cantabrian basin and the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous, its relationship with the southwest of France is confirmed.
- Published
- 2020
11. Primera cita en España de Gualtieria orbignyi Agassiz, 1847 (Echinoidea, Eoceno medio)
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
Se cita por primera vez en España la especie Gualtieria orbignyi Agassiz, 1847. Los ejemplares estudiados se hallaron en dos localidades de la provincia de Barcelona (NE de España) en capas del Eoceno medio, The first record in Spain of Gualtieria orbignyi Agassiz, 1847 is reported from the Middle Eocene beds in two localities of Barcelona province (NE of Spain).
- Published
- 2019
12. Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salomé, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Fabri-ruiz, Salomé, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, and Saucède, Thomas
- Abstract
Aim Species distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large‐scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography. Location Southern Ocean. Methods The impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence‐only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data available until 2015 including recent records from campaigns carried out during the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) and the International Polar Year (IPY) period (2005–2010). The accuracy of SDMs was tested using a ground‐truthing approach by comparing recent presence/absence data collected during the CAML and IPY period to pre‐CAML model predictions. Results Our results show the significance of the SDM approach and the role of abiotic factors as important drivers of species distribution at broad spatial scale. The addition of recent data to the models significantly improved the prediction of SDM and changed the respective contributions of environmental predictors. However, the intensity of change varied between models depending on sampling tools, species ecological niche width and biogeographic barriers to dispersal. Main conclusions We highlight the need for new data and the significance of the ground‐truthing approach to test the accuracy of SDMs. We show the importance of data collected through international initiatives, su ch as the CAML and IPY to the improvement of species distribution modelling at broad spatial scales. Finally, we discussed the relevance of SDM as a relevant marine conservation tool particularly in the context of climate change and the definition of Marine Protected Areas.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salomé, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Fabri-ruiz, Salomé, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, and Saucède, Thomas
- Abstract
Aim Species distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large‐scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography. Location Southern Ocean. Methods The impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence‐only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data available until 2015 including recent records from campaigns carried out during the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) and the International Polar Year (IPY) period (2005–2010). The accuracy of SDMs was tested using a ground‐truthing approach by comparing recent presence/absence data collected during the CAML and IPY period to pre‐CAML model predictions. Results Our results show the significance of the SDM approach and the role of abiotic factors as important drivers of species distribution at broad spatial scale. The addition of recent data to the models significantly improved the prediction of SDM and changed the respective contributions of environmental predictors. However, the intensity of change varied between models depending on sampling tools, species ecological niche width and biogeographic barriers to dispersal. Main conclusions We highlight the need for new data and the significance of the ground‐truthing approach to test the accuracy of SDMs. We show the importance of data collected through international initiatives, su ch as the CAML and IPY to the improvement of species distribution modelling at broad spatial scales. Finally, we discussed the relevance of SDM as a relevant marine conservation tool particularly in the context of climate change and the definition of Marine Protected Areas.
- Published
- 2019
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14. Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, and Saucède, Thomas
- Abstract
Aim Species distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large‐scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography. Location Southern Ocean. Methods The impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence‐only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data available until 2015 including recent records from campaigns carried out during the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) and the International Polar Year (IPY) period (2005–2010). The accuracy of SDMs was tested using a ground‐truthing approach by comparing recent presence/absence data collected during the CAML and IPY period to pre‐CAML model predictions. Results Our results show the significance of the SDM approach and the role of abiotic factors as important drivers of species distribution at broad spatial scale. The addition of recent data to the models significantly improved the prediction of SDM and changed the respective contributions of environmental predictors. However, the intensity of change varied between models depending on sampling tools, species ecological niche width and biogeographic barriers to dispersal. Main conclusions We highlight the need for new data and the significance of the ground‐truthing approach to test the accuracy of SDMs. We show the importance of data collected through international initiatives, su ch as the CAML and IPY to the improvement of species distribution modelling at broad spatial scales. Finally, we discussed the relevance of SDM as a relevant marine conservation tool particularly in the context of climate change and the definition of Marine Protected Areas.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, and Saucède, Thomas
- Abstract
Aim Species distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large‐scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography. Location Southern Ocean. Methods The impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence‐only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data available until 2015 including recent records from campaigns carried out during the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) and the International Polar Year (IPY) period (2005–2010). The accuracy of SDMs was tested using a ground‐truthing approach by comparing recent presence/absence data collected during the CAML and IPY period to pre‐CAML model predictions. Results Our results show the significance of the SDM approach and the role of abiotic factors as important drivers of species distribution at broad spatial scale. The addition of recent data to the models significantly improved the prediction of SDM and changed the respective contributions of environmental predictors. However, the intensity of change varied between models depending on sampling tools, species ecological niche width and biogeographic barriers to dispersal. Main conclusions We highlight the need for new data and the significance of the ground‐truthing approach to test the accuracy of SDMs. We show the importance of data collected through international initiatives, su ch as the CAML and IPY to the improvement of species distribution modelling at broad spatial scales. Finally, we discussed the relevance of SDM as a relevant marine conservation tool particularly in the context of climate change and the definition of Marine Protected Areas.
- Published
- 2019
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16. Primera cita del género Petalobrissus en Europa (NE de España)
- Author
Adell, Manuel and Adell, Manuel
- Abstract
After the study of an echinoid, collected in the Upper Cretaceous of Àger (Lérida Prov., NE Spain), the presence of the genus Petalobrissus is pointed out. For the first time, this genus is cited from Europe, De un equinoideo recolectado en el Cretácico superior de Àger, (Prov. de Lérida, NE de España) se deduce la presencia del género Petalobrissus, siendo la primera cita en Europa de este género
- Published
- 2019
17. Sobre la descripció d’espècies noves de la classe Echinoidea (Echinodermata) durant el període 2014-2018
- Author
Gual Orti, Vicent, Segura Navarro, Javier, Forner Valls, Enric, Gual Orti, Vicent, Segura Navarro, Javier, and Forner Valls, Enric
- Abstract
En el camp de la paleontologia el treball de descripció de les espècies que s'han conservat al registre fòssil està molt lluny d'haver conclòs. De manera que d'una manera dispersa i arreu del món hi ha un continu degoteig de publicacions on es descriuen espècies noves. Dins la paleontologia, l'equinologia, ocupa un paper significatiu tant a nivell científic com a nivell de col·leccionisme privat i museístic. Aquesta importància, potser està motivada per la bona conservació de la carcassa dels equínids, que està constituïda per calcita, cosa que afavoreix la seua fossilització i proporciona un registre fòssil ric de la classe Echinoidea. L'interés del treball és donar un visió global i actual dels treballs de descripció de la classe Echinoidea, de la qual no s'ha publicat cap treball de recopilació des de l'any 2008. Disposar d'una fotografia, una mostra, del que està passant ara. Per altra banda, es vol aprofundir en certs aspectes que sovint no són analitzats. Com el lloc geogràfic i les edats geològiques en les quals s'estan fent descripcions o en quines revistes científiques i per qui s'estan publicant les espècies noves. De l'estudi es conclou, atesos els treballs que s'ha pogut enregistrar, que durant els últims cinc anys, 2014-2018, s'han descrit al món 74 espècies noves d'equínids, per 77 autors, que s'han publicat en 30 revistes diferents, mitjançant 53 articles. Des de l'aspecte geogràfic, hi ha quatre punts calents de descripció d'espècies noves: la conca del Maestrat, Egipte, Itàlia i EUA. En l'aspecte estratigràfic l'índex de rarificació, que es defineix com el nombre d'espècies descrites per milió d'anys, s'ajusta a una corba logarítmica decreixent: tal com ens allunyem en el temps de les descripcions es fan més esparses. Això no obstant, el Cretaci és el període més fecund en termes absoluts. Les revistes científiques europees continuen jugant un paper preponderant en la publicacions dels estudis d'aquesta matèria. La contribució més important és la de, In the field of paleontology, the description work of the species that have been kept in the fossil record is very far from being completed. So that in a dispersed way and around the world there is a continuous dripping of publications where new species are described. Within paleontology, equinology plays a significant role both at the scientific level and at the level of private collecting or in museums. Importance, perhaps motivated by the good conservation of the tests of echinoids, which is constituted by calcite, which favors its fossilization and provides a rich fossil record of the Echinoidea class. The interest of the work is to give an overall and current view of the description work of the Echinoidea class, from which no compilation work has been published since 2008. To have a photograph, a sample, of the what in happening now. On the other hand, it is wanted to deepen certain aspects that are often not analyzed. As the geographic location and the geological age in which descriptions are being made or in which scientific journals and for whom species are being published. The study concludes, given the work that has been possible to record, that over the !ast five years, 2014-2018, 74 new species of echinoids have been described in the world, by 77 authors, that have been published in 30 different journals, through 53 articles. From the geographical point of view, there are four hot spots of description of new species: the Maestrat basin, Egypt, Italy and the USA. In the stratigraphic aspect, the index of rarefaction, defined as the number of species described per million years, is adjusted to a decreasing logarithmic curve: as we move away in time descriptions become more sparse. The Cretaceous, however, is the most fertile period in absolute terms. European scientific journals continue to play a leading role in the publications of the studies on this subject. The most important contribution is that of Great Britain, followed by that of the Catalan Countr
- Published
- 2019
18. Marques de depredació sobre Camerogalerus cylindricus (Echinoidea) del Cenomanià de la costa Basco-Cantàbrica
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Moreno, Txema, Nomdedeu Moreno, Xaro, Kruz Arbilla Karasatorre, José, Forner Valls, Enric, Moreno, Txema, Nomdedeu Moreno, Xaro, and Kruz Arbilla Karasatorre, José
- Abstract
Els forats a les conquilles produïts per depredadors perforadors és l'evidència millor preservada en el registre fòssil, i la més fàcil de quantificar, de les interrelacions caçador-presa de què disposem. Tot i això, el registre fòssil és sempre parcial, incomplet i sovint esbiaixat, característiques que s'agreugen tal com ens allunyem en el temps. Obtenir mostres estadísticament significatives d'una comunitat d'equínids fòssils és rar. Aquesta és la causa que siguen molt escassos els treballs sobre depredació en equínids més enllà del Miocè. L'interès del treball és aportar dades sobre la depredació d'Echinoidea a l'inici del Cretaci Superior (Cenomanià), període del qual quasi no existeix informació, i explorar una metodologia nova per extraure conclusions probables de mostres reduïdes. En l'estudi, es conclou que, en una comunitat fòssil d'Echinoidea del Cenomanià de la conca Basco-cantàbrica, s'ha constatat un índex alt de depredació sobre Camerogalerus cylindricus (Lamarck, 1816). Hi ha evidències que el caçador selecciona l'espècie que vol atacar. S'apunten algunes preferències sobre la selecció del lloc on perforar. Es formula hipòtesi sobre la possibilitat que el caçador fóra un gasteròpode de la superfamília Tonnoidea Suter, 1913 (1825). Aquest és el primer treball publicat sobre una comunitat fòssil d'equínids sotmesa a la depredació per la tècnica de la perforació de la conquilla del Cenomanià. Es constata, per primera vegada, la depredació per Oichnus sobre C. cylindricus. És l'estudi quantitatiu d'edat estratigràfica més antiga que s'ha publicat mai i, per tant, eixampla el coneixement sobre la interrelació caçador-presa entre gasteròpodes i equínids. S'aporta un nou mètode per poder avaluar dades obtingudes de mostres reduïdes mitjançant el càlcul de les probabilitats del ventall d'alternatives diferents de la hipòtesi explorada., The holes in the shells produced by drilling predators are the best preserved evidence in the fossil record and also the easiest to quantify predator-prey interactions that we have. However, the fossil record is always partial, incomplete and often biased, characteristics that are aggravated as we move back intime. Obtaining statistically significant samples of a fossil equinoid community is rare. This is the reason why work on depredation in echinoids beyond the Miocene is very scarce. The aim of the work is to provide data on the depredation of Echinoidea at the beginning of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian), a period for which there is almost no information, and to explore a new methodology to extract probable conclusions from reduced samples. In the study it is concluded that in a fossil community of Echinoidea from the Cenomanian of the BasqueCantabrian basin a high predation index has been found on Camerogalerus cylindricus (Lamarck, 1816). There is evidence that the predator selects the species that it wants to attack. lt is noted that there are preferences on the selection of the place to drill. It is hypothesised that the hunter was possibly a gastropod of the superfamily Tonnoidea Suter, 1913 (1825). This is the first work published on a fossil community of echinoids subjected to predation by the technique of shell drilling in the Cenomanian. The predation by Oichnus on C. cylindricus is shown for the first time. Is the oldest quantitative study by stratigraphic age ever published and therefore widens the knowledge about predator-prey interaction between gastropods and echinoids. A new method is provided to evaluate data obtained from reduced samples by calculating the probabilities of the range of alternatives other than the explored hypothesis.
- Published
- 2019
19. Publicaties
- Author
E.O. Colijn, S. van Leeuwen, J. Noordijk, R.M.J.C. Kleukers, E.O. Colijn, S. van Leeuwen, J. Noordijk, and R.M.J.C. Kleukers
- Published
- 2019
20. Primera cita de Rhabdobrissus Cotteau, 1889 (Echinoidea) en España.: Revisión de su presencia y distribución en el Eoceno
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
The occurrence of the genus Rhabdobrissus Cotteau, 1889, is confirmed in the Eocene and the species found in this period are reviewed. The relationship of this genus with Plagiobrissus is remembered and commented on. The specimens studied are the first record of the genus Rhabdobrissus (Echinoidea) in Spain and they are ascribed to the Rhabdobrissus fabianii (Lambert, 1910) species., Se confirma la presencia del género Rhabdobrissus Cotteau, 1889 en el Eoceno y se revisan las especies descritas en este período. Se recuerda y se comenta la relación de este género con Plagiobrissus. Los materiales estudiados constituyen la primera cita de Rhabdobrissus en España y se concluye que los ejemplares estudiados pertenecen a la especie Rhabdobrissus fabianii (Lambert, 1910).
- Published
- 2018
21. Toxicological Investigations on the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoid) from Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia): Evidence for the Presence of Pacific Ciguatoxins
- Author
Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, Chinain, Mireille, Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, and Chinain, Mireille
- Abstract
The sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoids) is a source of protein for many islanders in the Indo-West Pacific. It was previously reported to occasionally cause ciguatera-like poisoning; however, the exact nature of the causative agent was not confirmed. In April and July 2015, ciguatera poisonings were reported following the consumption of T. gratilla in Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas archipelago, French Polynesia). Patient symptomatology was recorded and sea urchin samples were collected from Anaho Bay in July 2015 and November 2016. Toxicity analysis using the neuroblastoma cell–based assay (CBA-N2a) detected the presence of ciguatoxins (CTXs) in T. gratilla samples. Gambierdiscus species were predominant in the benthic assemblages of Anaho Bay, and G. polynesiensis was highly prevalent in in vitro cultures according to qPCR results. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses revealed that P-CTX-3B was the major ciguatoxin congener in toxic sea urchin samples, followed by 51-OH-P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-4A, and P-CTX-4B. Between July 2015 and November 2016, the toxin content in T. gratilla decreased, but was consistently above the safety limit allowed for human consumption. This study provides evidence of CTX bioaccumulation in T. gratilla as a cause of ciguatera-like poisoning associated with a documented symptomatology.
- Published
- 2018
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22. Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of the Cassiduloid Echinoids
- Author
Alves Souto, Camilla, Marshall, Charles R.1, Alves Souto, Camilla, Alves Souto, Camilla, Marshall, Charles R.1, and Alves Souto, Camilla
- Abstract
Cassiduloids are rare and poorly known irregular echinoids, which include the sand dollars and heart urchins, that typically live buried in the sediment, where they feed on small organic particles. Cassiduloids evolved during the Marine Mesozoic Revolution, but despite their rich fossil record, species richness (diversity) is very low. The goal of this thesis is to improve our taxonomic knowledge of the group, propose hypotheses of relationship among its representatives and analyze their patterns of geographic distribution through time, thereby contributing to our understanding of their evolutionary history.In the first chapter , I used synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomography (SRµCT) images of type specimens to describe a new Cassidulus species and a new cassiduloid genus that could not have been discovered with traditional techniques. I also designate a neotype for the type species of the genus Cassidulus, Cassidulus caribaearum, provide remarks on the taxonomic history of each taxon, a diagnostic table of all living cassidulid species, and extend the known geographic and bathymetric range of two species. Besides rendering novel morphological data, the SRµCT images provided significant insights in the evolution of bourrelets of these cassiduloid echinoids. However, determining how the bourrelets have evolved, as well as the evolution of all the cassiduloid traits, requires a phylogenetic framework of the group.Therefore, in the second chapter, I reconstructed the phylogeny of the cassidulids using morphological characters and inferred their patterns of geographical distribution through time. Because morphological and geographic histories are erased by extinctions, unraveling phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic patterns based on only the living species can be challenging, especially for groups that have experienced extensive extinction such as the cassiduloids. Studies have shown that fossil taxa generally improve phylogenetic resolution becau
- Published
- 2018
23. Climate change and the threat of novel marine predators in Antarctica
- Author
Smith, Kathryn E., Aronson, Richard B., Steffel, Brittan V., Amsler, Margaret O., Thatje, Sven, Singh, Hanumant, Anderson, Jeff, Brothers, Cecilia, Brown, Alastair, Ellis, Daniel S., Havenhand, Jon N., James, William R., Moksnes, Per-Olav, Randolph, Allison W., Sayre-McCord, Thomas, McClintock, James B., Smith, Kathryn E., Aronson, Richard B., Steffel, Brittan V., Amsler, Margaret O., Thatje, Sven, Singh, Hanumant, Anderson, Jeff, Brothers, Cecilia, Brown, Alastair, Ellis, Daniel S., Havenhand, Jon N., James, William R., Moksnes, Per-Olav, Randolph, Allison W., Sayre-McCord, Thomas, and McClintock, James B.
- Abstract
© The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ecosphere 8 (2017): 10.1002/ecs2.2017, doi:10.1002/ecs2.2017., Historically low temperatures have severely limited skeleton-breaking predation on the Antarctic shelf, facilitating the evolution of a benthic fauna poorly defended against durophagy. Now, rapid warming of the Southern Ocean is restructuring Antarctic marine ecosystems as conditions become favorable for range expansions. Populations of the lithodid crab Paralomis birsteini currently inhabit some areas of the continental slope off Antarctica. They could potentially expand along the slope and upward to the outer continental shelf, where temperatures are no longer prohibitively low. We identified two sites inhabited by different densities of lithodids in the slope environment along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Analysis of the gut contents of P. birsteini trapped on the slope revealed them to be opportunistic invertivores. The abundances of three commonly eaten, eurybathic taxa—ophiuroids, echinoids, and gastropods—were negatively associated with P. birsteini off Marguerite Bay, where lithodid densities averaged 4280 ind/km2 at depths of 1100–1499 m (range 3440–5010 ind/km2), but not off Anvers Island, where lithodid densities were lower, averaging 2060 ind/km2 at these depths (range 660–3270 ind/km2). Higher abundances of lithodids appear to exert a negative effect on invertebrate distribution on the slope. Lateral or vertical range expansions of P. birsteini at sufficient densities could substantially reduce populations of their benthic prey off Antarctica, potentially exacerbating the direct impacts of rising temperatures on the distribution and diversity of the contemporary shelf benthos., Division of Polar Programs Grant Numbers: ANT-0838466, ANT-0838844, ANT-1141877, ANT-1141896; Vetenskapsrådet Grant Number: 824-2008-6429; H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant Number: 704895; U.S. National Science Foundation; European Commission; University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Published
- 2018
24. Climate change and the threat of novel marine predators in Antarctica
- Author
Smith, Kathryn E., Aronson, Richard B., Steffel, Brittan V., Amsler, Margaret O., Thatje, Sven, Singh, Hanumant, Anderson, Jeff, Brothers, Cecilia, Brown, Alastair, Ellis, Daniel S., Havenhand, Jon N., James, William R., Moksnes, Per-Olav, Randolph, Allison W., Sayre-McCord, Thomas, McClintock, James B., Smith, Kathryn E., Aronson, Richard B., Steffel, Brittan V., Amsler, Margaret O., Thatje, Sven, Singh, Hanumant, Anderson, Jeff, Brothers, Cecilia, Brown, Alastair, Ellis, Daniel S., Havenhand, Jon N., James, William R., Moksnes, Per-Olav, Randolph, Allison W., Sayre-McCord, Thomas, and McClintock, James B.
- Abstract
© The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ecosphere 8 (2017): 10.1002/ecs2.2017, doi:10.1002/ecs2.2017., Historically low temperatures have severely limited skeleton-breaking predation on the Antarctic shelf, facilitating the evolution of a benthic fauna poorly defended against durophagy. Now, rapid warming of the Southern Ocean is restructuring Antarctic marine ecosystems as conditions become favorable for range expansions. Populations of the lithodid crab Paralomis birsteini currently inhabit some areas of the continental slope off Antarctica. They could potentially expand along the slope and upward to the outer continental shelf, where temperatures are no longer prohibitively low. We identified two sites inhabited by different densities of lithodids in the slope environment along the western Antarctic Peninsula. Analysis of the gut contents of P. birsteini trapped on the slope revealed them to be opportunistic invertivores. The abundances of three commonly eaten, eurybathic taxa—ophiuroids, echinoids, and gastropods—were negatively associated with P. birsteini off Marguerite Bay, where lithodid densities averaged 4280 ind/km2 at depths of 1100–1499 m (range 3440–5010 ind/km2), but not off Anvers Island, where lithodid densities were lower, averaging 2060 ind/km2 at these depths (range 660–3270 ind/km2). Higher abundances of lithodids appear to exert a negative effect on invertebrate distribution on the slope. Lateral or vertical range expansions of P. birsteini at sufficient densities could substantially reduce populations of their benthic prey off Antarctica, potentially exacerbating the direct impacts of rising temperatures on the distribution and diversity of the contemporary shelf benthos., Division of Polar Programs Grant Numbers: ANT-0838466, ANT-0838844, ANT-1141877, ANT-1141896; Vetenskapsrådet Grant Number: 824-2008-6429; H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant Number: 704895; U.S. National Science Foundation; European Commission; University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Published
- 2018
25. Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography of the Cassiduloid Echinoids
- Author
Alves Souto, Camilla, Marshall, Charles R.1, Alves Souto, Camilla, Alves Souto, Camilla, Marshall, Charles R.1, and Alves Souto, Camilla
- Abstract
Cassiduloids are rare and poorly known irregular echinoids, which include the sand dollars and heart urchins, that typically live buried in the sediment, where they feed on small organic particles. Cassiduloids evolved during the Marine Mesozoic Revolution, but despite their rich fossil record, species richness (diversity) is very low. The goal of this thesis is to improve our taxonomic knowledge of the group, propose hypotheses of relationship among its representatives and analyze their patterns of geographic distribution through time, thereby contributing to our understanding of their evolutionary history.In the first chapter , I used synchrotron radiation-based micro-computed tomography (SRµCT) images of type specimens to describe a new Cassidulus species and a new cassiduloid genus that could not have been discovered with traditional techniques. I also designate a neotype for the type species of the genus Cassidulus, Cassidulus caribaearum, provide remarks on the taxonomic history of each taxon, a diagnostic table of all living cassidulid species, and extend the known geographic and bathymetric range of two species. Besides rendering novel morphological data, the SRµCT images provided significant insights in the evolution of bourrelets of these cassiduloid echinoids. However, determining how the bourrelets have evolved, as well as the evolution of all the cassiduloid traits, requires a phylogenetic framework of the group.Therefore, in the second chapter, I reconstructed the phylogeny of the cassidulids using morphological characters and inferred their patterns of geographical distribution through time. Because morphological and geographic histories are erased by extinctions, unraveling phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic patterns based on only the living species can be challenging, especially for groups that have experienced extensive extinction such as the cassiduloids. Studies have shown that fossil taxa generally improve phylogenetic resolution becau
- Published
- 2018
26. Toxicological Investigations on the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoid) from Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia): Evidence for the Presence of Pacific Ciguatoxins
- Author
Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, Chinain, Mireille, Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, and Chinain, Mireille
- Abstract
The sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoids) is a source of protein for many islanders in the Indo-West Pacific. It was previously reported to occasionally cause ciguatera-like poisoning; however, the exact nature of the causative agent was not confirmed. In April and July 2015, ciguatera poisonings were reported following the consumption of T. gratilla in Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas archipelago, French Polynesia). Patient symptomatology was recorded and sea urchin samples were collected from Anaho Bay in July 2015 and November 2016. Toxicity analysis using the neuroblastoma cell–based assay (CBA-N2a) detected the presence of ciguatoxins (CTXs) in T. gratilla samples. Gambierdiscus species were predominant in the benthic assemblages of Anaho Bay, and G. polynesiensis was highly prevalent in in vitro cultures according to qPCR results. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses revealed that P-CTX-3B was the major ciguatoxin congener in toxic sea urchin samples, followed by 51-OH-P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-4A, and P-CTX-4B. Between July 2015 and November 2016, the toxin content in T. gratilla decreased, but was consistently above the safety limit allowed for human consumption. This study provides evidence of CTX bioaccumulation in T. gratilla as a cause of ciguatera-like poisoning associated with a documented symptomatology.
- Published
- 2018
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27. Toxicological Investigations on the Sea Urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoid) from Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia): Evidence for the Presence of Pacific Ciguatoxins
- Author
Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, Chinain, Mireille, Darius, Helene Taiana, Roue, Melanie, Sibat, Manoella, Viallon, Jerome, Gatti, Clemence Mahana Iti, Vandersea, Mark W., Tester, Patricia A., Litaker, R. Wayne, Amzil, Zouher, Hess, Philipp, and Chinain, Mireille
- Abstract
The sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla (Toxopneustidae, Echinoids) is a source of protein for many islanders in the Indo-West Pacific. It was previously reported to occasionally cause ciguatera-like poisoning; however, the exact nature of the causative agent was not confirmed. In April and July 2015, ciguatera poisonings were reported following the consumption of T. gratilla in Anaho Bay (Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas archipelago, French Polynesia). Patient symptomatology was recorded and sea urchin samples were collected from Anaho Bay in July 2015 and November 2016. Toxicity analysis using the neuroblastoma cell–based assay (CBA-N2a) detected the presence of ciguatoxins (CTXs) in T. gratilla samples. Gambierdiscus species were predominant in the benthic assemblages of Anaho Bay, and G. polynesiensis was highly prevalent in in vitro cultures according to qPCR results. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analyses revealed that P-CTX-3B was the major ciguatoxin congener in toxic sea urchin samples, followed by 51-OH-P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-3C, P-CTX-4A, and P-CTX-4B. Between July 2015 and November 2016, the toxin content in T. gratilla decreased, but was consistently above the safety limit allowed for human consumption. This study provides evidence of CTX bioaccumulation in T. gratilla as a cause of ciguatera-like poisoning associated with a documented symptomatology.
- Published
- 2018
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28. Heteraster guali sp. nov. (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) de l'Aptià de la conca del Maestrat
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric and Forner Valls, Enric
- Abstract
Atesa la bona conservació, en general, de les conquilles de calcita dels Echinoidea fòssils, es poden estudiar amb relativa facilitat. Tot i això, el coneixement de la rica fauna dequínids de la conca del Maestrat està molt lluny de completar-se. Encara resulta més paradoxal que just l'ordre dels Spatangoida -que és, amb diferència, el més ric de la conca, en diversitat d'espècies i en nombre d'exemplars-, siga el més desconegut. Darrerament, però, sota l'impuls de dues institucions, Ateneu de Natura i l'Associació Paleontològica i Mineralògica d'Onda, estan proliferant els estudis i les publicacions sobre equinologia de la conca del Maestrat. S'han descrit 7 espècies noves d'equinoïdeus i s'ha millorat el coneixement sobre la classe. Però queda molta tasca per fer. Aquest estudi s'insereix en un projecte global d'estudiar tota la fauna fòssil d'Echinoidea de la conca del Maestrat. En aquest treball, es descriu una espècie nova del gènere Heteraster (Echinoidea: Spatangoida) de l'Aptià inferior de la subconca sedimentària de Morella: H. guali sp. nov. És la segona espècie fòssil d'equínid descrita al municipi de Vallibona. La descripció acaba amb assignacions incertes o indefinides sobre aquesta espècie i en precisa la distribució estratigràfica: Aptià inferior, formació Margues del Forcall, membre Margues de Morella Ja Vella; biozones d'ammonits: Deshayesites deshayesi i Dufrenoyia furcata i la distribució geogràfica a distints municipis dins de la subconca de Morella. El treball suposa una millora en el sentit que resol les incògnites sobre una espècie concreta. És un pas endavant. Tanmateix, l'objectiu ambiciós final continua sent establir un coneixement prou complert de la fauna d'equínids fòssils de la conca que permeta bastir en el futur una biozonació en base als equinoïdeus. També comporta un avanç en el coneixement de l'evolució del gènere Heteraster arreu del món, ja que, considerant el ric registre de la conca del Maestrat, aquest ha de jugar un paper cla, The generally good state of conservation of the calcite fossi! shells of Echinoidia allows them to be studied with relative ease. Despite this, our knowledge of the rich fauna of equinoids in the Maestrat Basin is far from complete. It is even more paradoxical that the order Spatangoida, by far the richest in terms of diversity of species and number of specimens found in the basin, is also the least understood. Lately, however, under the auspices of Ateneu de Natura and the Associació Paleontologica i Mineraligica d'Onda, studies and publications on equinology in the Maestrat Basin have been proliferating. 7 new species of equinoids have been described and our knowledge of the class has been enhanced, although there remains a lot of work to do. This paper forms part of a comprehensive project to study the entire fossi! fauna of Echinoidea in the Maestrat basin and specifically describes a new species of the Heteraster genus (Echinoidea: Spatangoida) from the early Aptian ofthe Morella sub-basin: H. guali sp. nov. It is the second species described from the municipality of Vallibona. The description ends with uncertain or indefinite assignments on this species and specifies the stratigraphic distribution: early Aptian, Marls of the Forcall formation, MarIs of Morella la Vella membre; ammonites biozones Deshayesites deshayesi i Dufrenoyia furcata and the geographical Distribution to diferent minicipalities within the Morella sub-basin. This work is a step forward in the sense that it resolves some questions on a specific species. However, the ambitious final objective is still to stablish a suffciently complete knowledge of the fossil equine fauna in the basin that would allow a biozonation based on equinoids to be constructed in the future. It also advances our understanding of the evolution of the Heterastes genus around the world and, given the rich record found in the Maestrat Basin, this must play a key role in its complete comprehension.
- Published
- 2018
29. Can we generate robust species distribution models at the scale of the Southern Ocean?
- Author
Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé, David, Bruno, Danis, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé, David, Bruno, Danis, Bruno, and Saucède, Thomas
- Abstract
Aim: Species distribution modelling (SDM) represents a valuable alternative to predict species distribution over vast and remote areas of the ocean. We tested whether reliable SDMs can be generated for benthic marine organisms at the scale of the Southern Ocean. We aimed at identifying the main large-scale factors that determine the distribution of the selected species. The robustness of SDMs was tested with regards to sampling effort, species niche width and biogeography. Location: Southern Ocean. Methods: The impact of sampling effort was tested using two sets of data: one set with all presence-only data available until 2005, and a second set using all data available until 2015 including recent records from campaigns carried out during the Census of Antarctic Marine Life (CAML) and the International Polar Year (IPY) period (2005–2010). The accuracy of SDMs was tested using a ground-truthing approach by comparing recent presence/absence data collected during the CAML and IPY period to pre-CAML model predictions. Results: Our results show the significance of the SDM approach and the role of abiotic factors as important drivers of species distribution at broad spatial scale. The addition of recent data to the models significantly improved the prediction of SDM and changed the respective contributions of environmental predictors. However, the intensity of change varied between models depending on sampling tools, species ecological niche width and biogeographic barriers to dispersal. Main conclusions: We highlight the need for new data and the significance of the ground-truthing approach to test the accuracy of SDMs. We show the importance of data collected through international initiatives, such as the CAML and IPY to the improvement of species distribution modelling at broad spatial scales. Finally, we discussed the relevance of SDM as a relevant marine conservation tool particularly in the context of climate change and the definition of Marine Protected Areas., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2018
30. Presencia de Rhabdocidaris tournali Desor, 1855 (Echinoidea, Eoceno) en España
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
It is expands the paleogeographic distribution of Rhabdocidaris tournali Desor, 1855 in Spain, and the quotes in S.W. of France and S.E. of Spain are thrown into question., Se amplía la distribución paleogeográfica de Rhabdocidaris tournali Desor, 1855 en España, y se pone en duda las citas de la especie en el S.W. de Francia y S.E. de España.
- Published
- 2017
31. Primera cita del género Globator (Echinoidea, Eoceno) en España: Nueva especie
- Author
Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco and Carrasco Corpas, José Francisco
- Abstract
Se cita por primera vez el género Globator Agassiz, 1840 en España y se describe una nueva especie., The genus Globator Agassiz, 1840 is recorded for the first time in Spain and a new species is described.
- Published
- 2017
32. Southern Ocean Echinoids database - An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Saucede, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Saucede, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, and David, Bruno
- Abstract
This database includes over 7,100 georeferenced occurrence records of sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) obtained from samples collected in the Southern Ocean (+180 degrees W/+180 degrees E; -35 degrees/78 degrees S) during oceanographic cruises led over 150 years, from 1872 to 2015. Echinoids are common organisms of Southern Ocean benthic communities. A total of 201 species is recorded, which display contrasting depth ranges and distribution patterns across austral provinces and bioregions. Echinoid species show various ecological traits including different nutrition and reproductive strategies. Information on taxonomy, sampling sites, and sampling sources are also made available. Environmental descriptors that are relevant to echinoid ecology are also made available for the study area (-180 degrees W/+180 degrees E; -45 degrees/-78 degrees S) and for the following decades: 1955-1964, 1965-1974, 1975-1984, 1985-1994 and 1995-2012. They were compiled from different sources and transformed to the same grid cell resolution of 0.1 degrees per pixel. We also provide future projections for environmental descriptors established based on the Bio-Oracle database (Tyberghein et al. 2012).
- Published
- 2017
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33. Southern Ocean Echinoids database - An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
- Author
Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Saucede, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Saucede, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, and David, Bruno
- Abstract
This database includes over 7,100 georeferenced occurrence records of sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) obtained from samples collected in the Southern Ocean (+180 degrees W/+180 degrees E; -35 degrees/78 degrees S) during oceanographic cruises led over 150 years, from 1872 to 2015. Echinoids are common organisms of Southern Ocean benthic communities. A total of 201 species is recorded, which display contrasting depth ranges and distribution patterns across austral provinces and bioregions. Echinoid species show various ecological traits including different nutrition and reproductive strategies. Information on taxonomy, sampling sites, and sampling sources are also made available. Environmental descriptors that are relevant to echinoid ecology are also made available for the study area (-180 degrees W/+180 degrees E; -45 degrees/-78 degrees S) and for the following decades: 1955-1964, 1965-1974, 1975-1984, 1985-1994 and 1995-2012. They were compiled from different sources and transformed to the same grid cell resolution of 0.1 degrees per pixel. We also provide future projections for environmental descriptors established based on the Bio-Oracle database (Tyberghein et al. 2012).
- Published
- 2017
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34. Equinoïdeus nous (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) del Campanià de Moyenne Moulouya, nord est del Marroc
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric and Forner Valls, Enric
- Abstract
Davant dels estudis esplèndids dels paleontòlegs francesos sobre els equínids d’Algèria, des de la segona meitat del segle XIX, hi ha relativament pocs articles publicats sobre el registre fòssil del Marroc, tot i que sembla que és d’una riquesa notable. Les últimes dècades, l’extracció de fòssils s’ha contemplat com un recurs econòmic, en certes comarques del Marroc, que s’ha destinat als turistes, d’una banda, i a museus i col·leccionistes particulars del mercat europeu i dels Estats Units d’Amèrica, de l’altra. L’estudi científic no és la prioritat d’aquestes excavacions i la classificació del material, per etiquetar el producte que es trau a la venda, no sempre és correcta. I més, davant la manca d’estudis previs. En aquest treball es classifica una part de la fauna del filum Equinodermata (Echinoidea) del Campanià superior, del jaciment de Merija, conegut amb el nom de Missour, situat al nord est del Marroc que, tot i estar àmpliament distribuïda a Europa, no ha estat mai objecte d’estudi. Es constata que la fauna d’equínids marroquins que circula pels mercats de fòssils i les col·leccions particulars sovint no ha estat acuradament classificada i en molts casos requereix una revisió. Un treball que hauria d’anar precedit d’una datació afinada dels nivells on s’ha recollit el material. L’estudi ha suposat la descripció de dues espècies noves: Goniopygus emmae i Petalobrissus ossoi. I, d’alguna manera, enceta i encoratja a noves publicacions sobre la matèria i l’àrea geogràfica., Looking at the splendid 19th century studies of French palaeontologists on echinoids from Algeria, there are relatively few published articles on Morocco’s fossil record despite the remarkable wealth of material that exists there. In some regions of Morocco, the extraction of fossils has become an essentially economic enterprise over the last few decades. They are provided to tourists on the one hand and to museums and private collectors in both Europe and the USA on the other. Rigorous scientific study is not a priority for these excavations and the classification of the material on the labelling is not always correct, which is somewhat understandable given the lack of previous studies. In this paper, a part of the Echinodermata phylum (Echinoidea) from the Upper Campanian is classified, taken from the Merija site (known as Missour) located in the north east of Morocco that, despite being widely distributed in Europe, has never been studied. It is found that the Moroccan equinoids that circulate around the fossil markets and private collections are often not carefully classified and in many cases require review. Such studies should be preceded by tuned dating of the levels where the material was collected. The study has produced the description of two new species: Goniopygus emmae and Petalobrissus ossoi. And, in some way, it starts and encourages new publications on the subject and the geographical area.
- Published
- 2017
35. Southern Ocean Echinoids database: An updated version of Antarctic, Sub-Antarctic and cold temperate echinoid database
- Author
Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé, Saucède, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, David, Bruno, Fabri-Ruiz, Salomé, Saucède, Thomas, Danis, Bruno, and David, Bruno
- Abstract
This database includes over 7,100 georeferenced occurrence records of sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) obtained from samples collected in the Southern Ocean (+180°W/+180°E; -35°/-78°S) during oceanographic cruises led over 150 years, from 1872 to 2015. Echinoids are common organisms of Southern Ocean benthic communities. A total of 201 species is recorded, which display contrasting depth ranges and distribution patterns across austral provinces and bioregions. Echinoid species show various ecological traits including different nutrition and reproductive strategies. Information on taxonomy, sampling sites, and sampling sources are also made available. Environmental descriptors that are relevant to echinoid ecology are also made available for the study area (-180°W/+180°E; -45°/-78°S) and for the following decades: 1955–1964, 1965–1974, 1975–1984, 1985–1994 and 1995–2012. They were compiled from different sources and transformed to the same grid cell resolution of 0.1° per pixel. We also provide future projections for environmental descriptors established based on the Bio-Oracle database (Tyberghein et al. 2012)., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2017
36. Echinoids of the Kerguelen Plateau – occurrence data and environmental setting for past, present, and future species distribution modelling
- Author
Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, Saucede, Thomas, Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, and Saucede, Thomas
- Abstract
The present dataset provides a case study for species distribution modelling (SDM) and for model testing in a poorly documented marine region. The dataset includes spatially-explicit data for echinoid (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) distribution. Echinoids were collected during oceanographic campaigns led around the Kerguelen Plateau (+63°/+81°E; -46°/-56°S) since 1872. In addition to the identification of collection specimens from historical cruises, original data from the recent campaigns POKER II (2010) and PROTEKER 2 to 4 (2013-2015) are also provided. In total, five families, ten genera, and 12 echinoid species are recorded in the region of the Kerguelen Plateau. The dataset is complemented with environmental descriptors available and relevant for echinoid ecology and SDM. The environmental data was compiled from different sources and was modified to suit the geographic extent of the Kerguelen Plateau, using scripts developed with the R language (R Core Team 2015). Spatial resolution was set at a common 0.1° pixel resolution. Mean seafloor and sea surface temperatures, salinity and their amplitudes, all derived from the World Ocean Database (Boyer et al. 2013) are made available for the six following decades: 1955–1964, 1965–1974, 1975–1984, 1985–1994, 1995–2004, 2005–2012. Future projections are provided for several parameters: they were modified from the Bio-ORACLE database (Tyberghein et al. 2012). They are based on three IPCC scenarii (B1, AIB, A2) for years 2100 and 2200 (IPCC, 4th report).
- Published
- 2016
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37. Echinoids of the Kerguelen Plateau – occurrence data and environmental setting for past, present, and future species distribution modelling
- Author
Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, Saucede, Thomas, Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, and Saucede, Thomas
- Abstract
The present dataset provides a case study for species distribution modelling (SDM) and for model testing in a poorly documented marine region. The dataset includes spatially-explicit data for echinoid (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) distribution. Echinoids were collected during oceanographic campaigns led around the Kerguelen Plateau (+63°/+81°E; -46°/-56°S) since 1872. In addition to the identification of collection specimens from historical cruises, original data from the recent campaigns POKER II (2010) and PROTEKER 2 to 4 (2013-2015) are also provided. In total, five families, ten genera, and 12 echinoid species are recorded in the region of the Kerguelen Plateau. The dataset is complemented with environmental descriptors available and relevant for echinoid ecology and SDM. The environmental data was compiled from different sources and was modified to suit the geographic extent of the Kerguelen Plateau, using scripts developed with the R language (R Core Team 2015). Spatial resolution was set at a common 0.1° pixel resolution. Mean seafloor and sea surface temperatures, salinity and their amplitudes, all derived from the World Ocean Database (Boyer et al. 2013) are made available for the six following decades: 1955–1964, 1965–1974, 1975–1984, 1985–1994, 1995–2004, 2005–2012. Future projections are provided for several parameters: they were modified from the Bio-ORACLE database (Tyberghein et al. 2012). They are based on three IPCC scenarii (B1, AIB, A2) for years 2100 and 2200 (IPCC, 4th report).
- Published
- 2016
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38. Echinoids of the Kerguelen Plateau – occurrence data and environmental setting for past, present, and future species distribution modelling
- Author
Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, Saucede, Thomas, Guillaumot, Charlene, Martin, Alexis, Fabri-ruiz, Salome, Eleaume, Marc, and Saucede, Thomas
- Abstract
The present dataset provides a case study for species distribution modelling (SDM) and for model testing in a poorly documented marine region. The dataset includes spatially-explicit data for echinoid (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) distribution. Echinoids were collected during oceanographic campaigns led around the Kerguelen Plateau (+63°/+81°E; -46°/-56°S) since 1872. In addition to the identification of collection specimens from historical cruises, original data from the recent campaigns POKER II (2010) and PROTEKER 2 to 4 (2013-2015) are also provided. In total, five families, ten genera, and 12 echinoid species are recorded in the region of the Kerguelen Plateau. The dataset is complemented with environmental descriptors available and relevant for echinoid ecology and SDM. The environmental data was compiled from different sources and was modified to suit the geographic extent of the Kerguelen Plateau, using scripts developed with the R language (R Core Team 2015). Spatial resolution was set at a common 0.1° pixel resolution. Mean seafloor and sea surface temperatures, salinity and their amplitudes, all derived from the World Ocean Database (Boyer et al. 2013) are made available for the six following decades: 1955–1964, 1965–1974, 1975–1984, 1985–1994, 1995–2004, 2005–2012. Future projections are provided for several parameters: they were modified from the Bio-ORACLE database (Tyberghein et al. 2012). They are based on three IPCC scenarii (B1, AIB, A2) for years 2100 and 2200 (IPCC, 4th report).
- Published
- 2016
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39. Stekelhuidigen (Echinodermata – Echinoidea, Asteroidea, Crinoidea en Ophiuroidea) van Winterswijk-Miste
- Author
John W.M. Jagt and John W.M. Jagt
- Abstract
Verschillende soorten stekelhuidigen die in Winterswijk gevonden worden, worden hier kort beschreven.
- Published
- 2016
40. The taxonomic challenge posed by the Antarctic echinoids Abatus bidens and Abatus cavernosus (Schizasteridae, Echinoidea)
- Author
David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Chenuil, Anne, Steimetz, Emilie, De Ridder, Chantal, David, Bruno, Saucède, Thomas, Chenuil, Anne, Steimetz, Emilie, and De Ridder, Chantal
- Abstract
Cryptic species have been repeatedly described for two decades among the Antarctic fauna, challenging the classic model of Antarctic species with circumpolar distributions and leading to revisit the richness of the Antarctic fauna. No cryptic species had been so far recorded among Antarctic echinoids, which are, however, relatively well diversified in the Southern Ocean. The R/V Polarstern cruise PS81 (ANT XXIX/3) came across populations of Abatus bidens, a schizasterid so far known by few specimens that were found living in sympatry with the species Abatus cavernosus. The species A. cavernosus is reported to have a circum-Antarctic distribution, while A. bidens is only recorded with certainty in South Georgia and at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. Based on genetic and morphological analyses, our results clearly show that A. bidens and A. cavernosus are two distinct species. The analyzed specimens of A. bidens group together in two haplogroups separated from one another by 2.7 % of nucleotide differences. They are located in the Weddell Sea and in the Bransfield Strait. Specimens of A. cavernosus form one single haplogroup separated from haplogroups of A. bidens by 5 and 3.5 % of nucleotide differences, respectively. The species was collected in the Drake Passage and in the Bransfield Strait. Morphological analyses differentiate A. bidens from A. cavernosus. In contrast, the two genetic groups of A.bidens cannot be differentiated from one another based on morphology alone, suggesting that they may represent a case of cryptic species, common in many Antarctic taxa, but not yet reported in Antarctic echinoids. This needs to be confirmed by complementary analyses of independent genetic markers., SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 2016
41. Rethinking competence in marine life cycles: ontogenetic changes in the settlement response of sand dollar larvae exposed to turbulence.
- Author
Hodin, Jason, Hodin, Jason, Ferner, Matthew C, Ng, Gabriel, Lowe, Christopher J, Gaylord, Brian, Hodin, Jason, Hodin, Jason, Ferner, Matthew C, Ng, Gabriel, Lowe, Christopher J, and Gaylord, Brian
- Abstract
Complex life cycles have evolved independently numerous times in marine animals as well as in disparate algae. Such life histories typically involve a dispersive immature stage followed by settlement and metamorphosis to an adult stage on the sea floor. One commonality among animals exhibiting transitions of this type is that their larvae pass through a 'precompetent' period in which they do not respond to localized settlement cues, before entering a 'competent' period, during which cues can induce settlement. Despite the widespread existence of these two phases, relatively little is known about how larvae transition between them. Moreover, recent studies have blurred the distinction between the phases by demonstrating that fluid turbulence can spark precocious activation of competence. Here, we further investigate this phenomenon by exploring how larval interactions with turbulence change across ontogeny, focusing on offspring of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus (Eschscholtz). Our data indicate that larvae exhibit increased responsiveness to turbulence as they get older. We also demonstrate a likely cost to precocious competence: the resulting juveniles are smaller. Based upon these findings, we outline a new, testable conception of competence that has the potential to reshape our understanding of larval dispersal and connectivity among marine populations.
- Published
- 2015
42. Revisió d'Orthopsis royoi Lambert, 1935 (Echinoidea) del Cretaci Inferior de Vallibona (els Ports, conca del Maestrat, NE de la península Ibèrica)
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Gual Orti, Vicent, Gombau, Emili, Forner Valls, Enric, Gual Orti, Vicent, and Gombau, Emili
- Abstract
Es completa la descripció d’Orthopsis royoi Lambert, 1935 i se’n dóna una diagnosi. Se n’amplia la distribució estratigràfica i geogràfica. Es figura per primera vegada el sistema apical i el peristoma de topotips. Es canvia l’assignació genèrica originalment dins Orthopsis Cotteau, 1864 al gènere Parorthopsis Smith & Rader, 2009. Es dipositen topotips en diferent museus., Review of Orthopsis royoi Lambert, 1935 (Echinoidea) from the Lower Cretaceous of Vallibona (els Ports, Maestrat Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula). A complete description of Orthopsis royoi Lambert, 1935 and its diagnosis are given. The species stratigraphic and geographic distribution are expanded. For the first time both the apical system and the peristome of topotypes are figured. The original generic allocation in Orthopsis Cotteau, 1864 is revised and the species is included in genus Parorthopsis Smith & Rader, 2009. Some topotypes are deposited in several museums.
- Published
- 2015
43. The echinoderms of Mauritanian deep bottoms
- Author
Calero, Belén, Ramil, Francisco, Ramos, Ana, Calero, Belén, Ramil, Francisco, and Ramos, Ana
- Abstract
El conocimiento de los Equinodermos de aguas profundas en el NW de África es, hasta el momento, escaso y fragmentario a pesar de que constituyen uno de los principales grupos faunísticos en el seno de las comunidades bentónicas profundas. Referidos en particular a las costas de Mauritania solamente existen los trabajos de Koehler y Vaney (1906) sobre el conjunto de los equinodermos, y los de Hérouard (1929) y Massin (1993) ambos sobre Holothuroideos, centrados todos ellos en la plataforma continental al norte de Cabo Timiris. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados obtenidos del estudio de los equinodermos recogidos durante las 4 campañas ‘MAURIT’ realizadas entre los años 2007 y 2010, en aguas de ZEE de Mauritania, incluyendo además datos sobre su abundancia y biomasa así como sobre sus patrones de distribución batimétrica y geográfica. Durante las campañas se muestrearon 291 estaciones entre 80 y 2000 metros de profundidad mediante una red de arrastre comercial tipo Lofoten, siguiendo un modelo de muestreo estratificado aleatorio. Asimismo, se muestrearon 25 estaciones con un bou de vara a lo largo de 5 transectos perpendiculares a la línea de costa sobre cinco estratos batimétricos y se realizaron 26 arrastres con una draga de roca en bordes de cañones, el arrecife de coral y una montaña submarina. Los equinodermos recolectados en cada arrastre fueron separados a nivel de morfoespecies y contados y pesados para obtener los datos de abundancia y biomasa. A continuación se procedió a fotografiar cada una de las especies en vivo y finalmente las muestras se fijaron en alcohol al 70% para posteriormente llevar a cabo su estudio taxonómico en el laboratorio. En base a los datos cuantitativos obtenidos en las campañas se elaboraron las matrices de abundancias numéricas y biomasas, estandarizadas a 0.1 km2, y se realizó un análisis de similaridad entre estaciones. Durante las campañas se recogieron equinodermos en el 78% de las estaciones muestreadas, identificándose
- Published
- 2014
44. Primera cita de Pygurus (Pygurus) montmollini (L. Agassiz, 1836) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) a Ares del Maestrat
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric and Forner Valls, Enric
- Abstract
Es fa la primera cita per a Ares del Maestrat (l'Alt Maestrat) de Pygurus (P.) montmollini (L. Agassiz, 1836), equínid de la família dels pigúrids, de l'Hauterivià-Barremia. L'exemplar es descriu i es donen les mesures. Aquesta és la segona cita a la península Iberica., This is the first mention of Pygurus (P.) montmollini (L. Agassiz, 1836) in Ares del Maestrat (l'Alt Maestrat, NE Spain). This species is an Hauterivian-Barremian echinoid representative of the so-called "Family pygurids': recorded here for the second time in the Iberian Peninsula. The specimen is described and measurements are given.
- Published
- 2014
45. Bioestratigrafía de macrofósiles del Cenomaniense Superior-Turoniense Inferior en el área de Satamera y Riofrío del Llano (Guadalajara, España)
- Author
Berrocal-Casero, Mélani, Barroso Barcenilla, Fernando, Callapez, Pedro, García Joral, Fernando, Segura, Manuel, Berrocal-Casero, Mélani, Barroso Barcenilla, Fernando, Callapez, Pedro, García Joral, Fernando, and Segura, Manuel
- Abstract
Se ha realizado un estudio bioestratigráfíco y sistemático de los materiales y fósiles del Cenomaniense superior-Turoniense inferior (Formación Picofrentes) en el área de Santamera y Riofrío del Llano, al norte de Guadalajara, España. Se han identificado los siguientes fósiles:el braquiópodo Phaseolina phaseolina (Valenciennes in Lamarck, 1819); los bivalvos Chlamys cf. guerangeri (Farge in Couffon, 1936), Cerastostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss, 1833), Ilymatogyra pseudoafricana (Choffat, 1902), Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck, 1801), Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis (Sharpe 1850), ?Pholadomya sp., Granocardium cf. productum (Sowerby, 1832), ?Granocardium sp., Trigonarca sp., ?Proveniella sp. y Durania arnaudi (Choffat, 1891); los gasterópodos Harpagodes sp., Tylostoma ovatum Sharpe, 1849, Tylostoma torrubiae Sharpe, 1849, Drepanocheilus sp. y Cimolithium tenouklense (Coquand, 1862); los ammonites Vascoceras durandi (Thomas y Péron, 1889), Vascoceras kossmati Choffat, 1898, Choffaticeras (Choffaticeras) quaasi (Péron, 1904), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) sp. Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) cf. obliquus (Karrenberg, 1935); y los equinoideos etragramma variolare (Brongniart, 1822), Holaster sp., Hemiaster bufo Desor, 1847, Hemiaster sp., Mecaster cf. scutiger (Forbes in Sharpe, 1849) y Mecaster palpebratus (Loriol, 1888). Las facies y las asociaciones identificadas revelan que estos materiales corresponden a paleomedios nerítico-litorales., A biostratigraphic and systematic study on the upper Cenomanian-lower Turonian (Picofrentes Formation) outcrops of the Santamera and Riofrío del Llano area (Guadalajara, Spain) is presented. The following taxa have been identified: the brachiopod Phaseolina phaseolina (Valenciennes in Lamarck, 1819); the bivalves Chlamys cf. guerangeri i (Farge in Couffon, 1936), Cerastostreon flabellatum (Goldfuss, 1833), Ilymatogyra pseudoafricana (Choffat, 1902), Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck, 1801), Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis (Sharpe, 1850), ?Pholadomya sp., Granocardium cf. productum (Sowerby, 1832),?Granocardium sp., Trigonarca sp.,?Proveniella sp. and Durania arnaudi (Choffat, 1891); ; the gastropods Harpagodes sp., Tylostoma ovatum Sharpe, 1849, Tylostoma torrubiae Sharpe, 1849, Drepanocheilus sp. and Cimolithium tenouklense (Coquand, 1862); the ammonites Vascoceras durandi (Thomas and Péron, 1889), Vascoceras kossmati Choffat, 1898, Choffaticeras (Choffaticeras) quaasi (Péron, 1904), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) sp. and Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) cf. obliquus (Karrenberg, 1935); and the echinoids Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, 1822), Holaster sp., Hemiaster bufo Desor, 1847, Hemiaster sp., Mecaster cf. scutiger (Forbes in Sharpe, 1849) and Mecaster palpebratus (Loriol, 1888). The sedimentary facies and the fossil assemblages identified correspond to a neritic-coastal palaeoenvironment., Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Fac. de Ciencias Geológicas, TRUE, pub
- Published
- 2013
46. Revisió de Botriopygus royoi Lambert, 1935, un equinoïdeu de l'Aptià de Cinctorres (els Ports)
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, Gual Orti, Vicent, Saura Vilar, Manuel, Forner Valls, Enric, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, Gual Orti, Vicent, and Saura Vilar, Manuel
- Abstract
This paper reviews the species Botriopygus royoi Lambert, 1935. The generic assignment and type stratum are discussed. The mouth, phillodes and bourrelets are described for the first time. A diagnosis and a complete description are made, Es revisa l'espècie Botriopygus royoi, Lambert, 1935 es discuteix l'assignació genèrica i l'estrat tipus. Es figura per primera vegada la boca, els filodis i els burrelets. Es fa a una diagnosi i es completa la descripció.
- Published
- 2013
47. Large-scale distribution analysis of Antarctic echinoids using ecological niche modelling
- Author
Pierrat, Benjamin, Saucede, Thomas, Laffont, Remi, De Ridder, Chantal, Festeau, Alain, David, Bruno, Pierrat, Benjamin, Saucede, Thomas, Laffont, Remi, De Ridder, Chantal, Festeau, Alain, and David, Bruno
- Abstract
Understanding the factors that determine the distribution of taxa at various spatial scales is a crucial challenge in the context of global climate change. This holds particularly true for polar marine biota that are composed of both highly adapted and vulnerable faunas. We analysed the distribution of 2 Antarctic echinoid species, Sterechinus antarcticus and S. neumayeri, at the scale of the entire Southern Ocean using 2 niche modelling procedures. The performance of distribution models was tested with regard to the known ecology of the species. The respective contributions of environmental parameters are discussed along with the putative roles played by biotic interactions and biogeographic processes. Depth was the parameter that contributed most to both distribution models, whereas sea ice coverage and sea surface temperature had significant contributions for S. neumayeri only. Suitability maps of the 2 species were mostly similar, with a few notable differences. The Campbell Plateau and Tasmania were predicted as suitable areas for S. antarcticus only, while S. neumayeri was restricted to the south of the Ant arctic Polar Front. However, numerous sampling data attest that S. antarcticus is absent from the Campbell Plateau and from Tasmania. Different hypotheses are formulated to explain the mismatch between observed and modelled distribution data. They stress the putative roles played by both oceanographic barriers to dispersal (Antarctic Polar Front), biotic factors (species exclusion patterns) and biogeographic processes (ongoing dispersal).
- Published
- 2012
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48. Possible effects of global environmental changes on Antarctic benthos: a synthesis across five major taxa
- Author
Ingels, Jeroen, Vanreusel, Ann, Brandt, Angelika, Catarino, Ana I., David, Bruno, De Ridder, Chantal, Dubois, Philippe, Gooday, Andrew J., Martin, Patrick, Pasotti, Francesca, Robert, Henri, Ingels, Jeroen, Vanreusel, Ann, Brandt, Angelika, Catarino, Ana I., David, Bruno, De Ridder, Chantal, Dubois, Philippe, Gooday, Andrew J., Martin, Patrick, Pasotti, Francesca, and Robert, Henri
- Abstract
Because of the unique conditions that exist around the Antarctic continent, Southern Ocean (SO) ecosystems are very susceptible to the growing impact of global climate change and other anthropogenic influences. Consequently, there is an urgent need to understand how SO marine life will cope with expected future changes in the environment. Studies of Antarctic organisms have shown that individual species and higher taxa display different degrees of sensitivity to environmental shifts, making it difficult to predict overall community or ecosystem responses. This emphasizes the need for an improved understanding of the Antarctic benthic ecosystem response to global climate change using a multitaxon approach with consideration of different levels of biological organization. Here, we provide a synthesis of the ability of five important Antarctic benthic taxa (Foraminifera, Nematoda, Amphipoda, Isopoda, and Echinoidea) to cope with changes in the environment (temperature, pH, ice cover, ice scouring, food quantity, and quality) that are linked to climatic changes. Responses from individual to the taxon-specific community level to these drivers will vary with taxon but will include local species extinctions, invasions of warmer-water species, shifts in diversity, dominance, and trophic group composition, all with likely consequences for ecosystem functioning. Limitations in our current knowledge and understanding of climate change effects on the different levels are discussed.
- Published
- 2012
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49. Dinàmica poblacional de dos equinoïdeus irregulars de l'Aptià de Cinctorres (conca del Maestrat)
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, Sansano Ten, José Pablo, Jurado Sánchez, Daniel, Gual Orti, Vicent, Forner Valls, Enric, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, Sansano Ten, José Pablo, Jurado Sánchez, Daniel, and Gual Orti, Vicent
- Abstract
S'estudia la tafonomia i la comunitat d'un jaciment de l'Aptià de Cinctorres (Conca sedimentaria del Maestrat, Serralada Ibèrica). S'analitza la dinàmica poblacional d'Heteraster oblongus (Brongniart 1821) i Pliotoxaster collegnii (Sismonda 1843). Les conclusions més importants són que es tracta d'una paleobiocenosi, però presenta un biaix estratinòmic a favor d'espècies infàuniques en contra de les epifàuniques i un altre biaix fossildiagenètic a favor dels éssers amb conquilla composta de calcita davant els que tenen la closca d'aragonita. Que l'estudi de les poblacions permet constatar l'existència de dos equinoïdeus detritívors amb poblacions pròsperes explotant un mateix recurs alimentari., The taphonomy and the fossil community of the one site from Aptian of the Cinctorres (sedimentary basin Maestrat, Iberian Chain) is studied. The population dynamics of Heteraster oblongus (Brongniart 1821) and Pliotoxaster collegnii (Sismondi 1843) are analysed. The most important conclusions is that this is a paleobiocenosis, but has a biostratinomic bias in favour of infaunal species against epifaunal and a diagenetic bias in favour of shells composed of calcite against the shell of aragonite. The study populations can confirm the existence of two detritivores equinoids with prosperous populations, exploiting the same food resource
- Published
- 2012
50. Estudi de la població d'un equinoïdeu irregular de l'Aptià de la subconca del Penyagolosa (serralada Ibèrica oriental)
- Author
Forner Valls, Enric, Adelantado, Jorge, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, Castany, Carme, Forner Valls, Enric, Adelantado, Jorge, Castany Àlvaro, Joan, and Castany, Carme
- Abstract
S'ha avaluat l'estructura d'edat d'una població d'un equinoïdeu irregular, Pliotoxaster sp. L'estudi s'ha fet mitjançant una mostra aleatòria d'un jaciment de l'Aptià inferior, de la subconca del Penyagolosa, conca del Maestrat, Serralada Ibèrica, Mediterrània occidental, que s'ha interpretat com una paleobiocenosi. S'ha considerat que els intervals de la longitud màxima representen els estadis de creixement. Es conclou que l'estructura d'edat és la normal d'una espècie en bones condicions, però s'interpreta que els primers estadis del creixement estan infrarepresentats a causa dels processos estratinòmics. L'espècie és infàunica, viu sempre colgada en el substrat tou, la qual cosa facilita que romangui enterrada després de la mort i la seua fossilització. Però nosaltres apuntem la hipòtesi que els exemplars més joves estan colgats molt superficialment i per tant més sotmesos a la bioturbació i l'onatge. Això impediria que els juvenils arribaren a quedar enterrats de forma definitiva en una proporció similar als d'edat més avançada. Existiria una probabilitat de fossilitzar directament proporcional a la profunditat en la qual estan colgats en vida fins assolir una certa fondària on la probabilitat tendirà al màxim assolit i hi romandria sense variacions., The age structure of an irregular echinoid population, Pliotoxaster sp. has been evaluated. The study was conducted by random sampling in a bed belonging to the inferior Aptian from Penyagolosa sub-basin (Maestrat basin, Iberian Chain), Western Mediterranean, that was interpreted to be a palaeobiocenosis. We considered growth stages based on length intervals. We concluded that the age structure was that of a population in good condition, but the earliest growth stages are underrepresented due to biostratinomy processes. Pliotoxaster sp. is infaunal, developing the life cycle buried in a soft substratum, which facilitates fossilization after death. We point to the hypotheses that younger specimens are very superficially buried and therefore more subject to bioturbation and wave action. That would prevent younger echinoids to get permanently buried in a ratio similar to adults. The fossilizing probability would be directly proportional to the depth at which echinoids are buried in life, until reaching a certain threshold of depth where the probability will tend to be the highest and would remain without variations.
- Published
- 2012
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