31 results on '"Knowledge Management Principles"'
Search Results
2. Knowledge management - principles and practices:teaching material from Research Methodology Course in Malawi 2009
- Author
Furu, Peter and Furu, Peter
- Published
- 2009
3. An approach to the quality assessment of higher education institutions via knowledge management principles
- Author
Štefánková, Jana, Moravčík, Oliver, Štefánková, Jana, and Moravčík, Oliver
- Abstract
Quality assurance of higher education institutions and the objective evaluation of quality is an actual and open issue today. This problem is of interest to all developed and developing countries which are connecting their economic and educational futures with a modern, efficient higher educational system. Today's world is dominated by a generally accepted and recognized by the ranking and rating system of the Anglo-Saxon environment which is largely determined by scientometric indicators. In Europe, there are still countries that do not apply this system by deliberately ignoring it. From a knowledge management perspective it is therefore interesting to analyze the system used for evaluating colleges and universities. There have been attempts toapply holistic and systematic approaches to governing strategic, operational and crisis management, physically and financially together with elusive asset flows of university organizations and leadership within science, research, education as well as management and administrative institutions. One of the key principles of "knowledge management" is to effectively link those who know with those who need to know in order to transfer personal knowledge and individual expertise to the organization. In doing so, one of the aims of knowledge management is to measure and compare in order to create incentives to accelerate the learning process and to also create a cultural change within the organization. In this paper we analyze the concept of the quality of universities/higher education institutions - which are evaluated and measured in individual evaluation systems, why it is handled in the system with this tool and what the weaknesses of the tool are in the system. We point out the Common Assessment Framework - CAF as a tool to enhance knowledge management in a university institution, the collection and sharing of information, practices, drawing conclusions, self evaluation and external evaluation by the example of our faculty, whi more...
- Published
- 2012
4. Video Intelligence as a component of a Global Security system
- Author
Verdejo, Dominique, Mercier-Laurent, Eunika, Verdejo, Dominique, and Mercier-Laurent, Eunika
- Abstract
This paper describes the evolution of our research from video analytics to a global security system with focus on the video surveillance component. Indeed video surveillance has evolved from a commodity security tool up to the most efficient way of tracking perpetrators when terrorism hits our modern urban centers. As number of cameras soars, one could expect the system to leverage the huge amount of data carried through the video streams to provide fast access to video evidences, actionable intelligence for monitoring real-time events and enabling predictive capacities to assist operators in their surveillance tasks. This research explores a hybrid platform for video intelligence capture, automated data extraction, supervised Machine Learning for intelligently assisted urban video surveillance; Extension to other components of a global security system are discussed. Applying Knowledge Management principles in this research helps with deep problem understanding and facilitates the implementation of efficient information and experience sharing decision support systems providing assistance to people on the field as well as in operations centers. The originality of this work is also the creation of "common" human-machine and machine to machine language and a security ontology. more...
- Published
- 2022
5. Investigating The Adoption of Knowledge Management in a Non-Govermental Organization in Malaysia
- Author
Kalid, Khairul Shafee, Saide, Saide, Kalid, Khairul Shafee, and Saide, Saide
- Abstract
Non-governmental organizations use knowledge extensively in humanitarian efforts, engagements with organizations concerning the welfare of the people and other activities. The knowledge in nongovernmental organizations are mostly tacit. Nevertheless, little is known about knowledge management practices in non-governmental organizations.The aim of this study is to investigate the adoption of knowledge management in a nongovernmental organization.This study adopts a case study research design. Data was collected through a survey sent to a non-governmental organization.The questionnaire was based on the four pillars of knowledge management namely management and organization, people and culture, content and processes and infrastructure. A total of 31 respondents from one NGO participated in the survey.The data was analyzed using descriptive analyses.The findings indicate that knowledge is widely acknowledge as important in non-governmental organizations.To a certain extent, knowledge management principles have been practiced in the organization.However, non-governmental organizations have yet to establish an organization wide knowledge management strategy.The study provides an understanding of how knowledge management is perceived by the non-governmental organizations and provide valuable insights to the practice of knowledge management in nongovernmental organizations. more...
- Published
- 2018
6. Управление знаниями на промышленных предприятиях : магистерская диссертация
- Author
Kelchevskaya, N. R., Кельчевская, Н. Р., УрФУ. Институт "Высшая школа экономики и менеджмента", Кафедра экономики и управления на металлургических и машиностроительных предприятиях, Kolyasnikov, M. S., Колясников, М. С., Kelchevskaya, N. R., Кельчевская, Н. Р., УрФУ. Институт "Высшая школа экономики и менеджмента", Кафедра экономики и управления на металлургических и машиностроительных предприятиях, Kolyasnikov, M. S., and Колясников, М. С. more...
- Abstract
One of the key problems of modern economic management systems is accelerating the obsolescence of knowledge, mainly provoked by the increase in the volume of information and generating a number of negative effects, including a mismatch of competencies of staff requirements of competition, confusion in decision making and response to external shocks, the inability to identify emerging opportunities. In such circumstances, the initial uncertainty are the most relevant issues of the definition of the status and effectiveness of the current knowledge of management, as a result will determine the appropriate way of building a corporate culture of knowledge management principles, structural reforms and the development of information infrastructure. The scientific novelty of the thesis is to develop a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of knowledge management in industrial plants, based on the analysis of the functioning of the environment, characterized in that it can take into account the specifics of the industrial enterprises and to evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge management as a whole, as well as its constituent processes., Одной из ключевых проблем управления современными экономическими системами является ускоряющееся устаревание знаний, главным образом провоцируемое увеличением объема информации и порождающее ряд негативных явлений, в числе которых несоответствие компетенций сотрудников требованиям конкуренции, заторможенность в принятии решений и реакции на внешние шоки, неумение распознать возникающие возможности. В подобных условиях первоначальной неопределенности наиболее актуальными являются вопросы определения состояния и эффективности текущего управления знаниями, что в результате позволит определить пути выстраивания соответствующей принципам менеджмента знаний корпоративной культуры, структурных преобразований и развития информационной инфраструктуры. Научная новизна диссертации заключается в разработке методики оценки эффективности управления знаниями на промышленных предприятиях, базирующейся на анализе среды функционирования, отличающейся тем, что может учитывать специфику промышленных предприятий и позволяющей оценить эффективность управления знаниями в целом, а также составляющих его процессов. more...
- Published
- 2016
7. Gestão do conhecimento aplicada a bibliotecas digitais: estudo de caso no Ministério da Saúde e na Infraero
- Author
Miranda, Roberto Campos da Rocha, Teixeira, Sandra C, Filizola, Adriana R, Miranda, Roberto Campos da Rocha, Teixeira, Sandra C, and Filizola, Adriana R
- Abstract
Study shows the importance of using knowledge management approach in digital libraries context. Using two different government entities, Ministry of Health and Infraero - Brazilian Airports, both cases are treated under knowledge management principles, particularly measure of knowledge and socialization. The methodology applied involved two surveys in different groups: a survey to identify the existence of knowledge management parameters applied to the library employees and a survey to validate a digital library proposition applied to managers and decision makers. Results showed that knowledge management tools are not completely applied in libraries and there is a large worked field to be done, mainly in digital libraries., Este estudo se propõe a mostrar a importância da gestão do conhecimento como método de abordagem às bibliotecas digitais -BD. Justifica-se a pesquisa uma vez que o tratamento das BD como somente repositórios de informação e dados é inadequado em virtude das inúmeras possibilidades de ampliação do processo de criação de conhecimento. Assim, são tomadas para estudo as aplicações em duas diferentes organizações governamentais: o Ministério da Saúde – MS e a Infraero - Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária. No MS, aplicam-se os métodos de mensuração do conhecimento e, na Infraero, avalia-se o processo de socialização do conhecimento. A pesquisa de caráter descritivo envolveu a realização de método qualitativo e quantitativo no levantamento e tratamento dos dados. A metodologia empregada abarca a realização de pesquisa de campo em grupos diferenciados: um survey aplicado aos colaboradores da BD/MS para verificar a existência de parâmetros de gestão do conhecimento para medir a produção da biblioteca e, outro, aplicado a gestores e tomadores de decisão da Infraero para validar a necessidade de criação da BD. Os resultados mostraram que as ferramentas de mensuração de conhecimento na BD/MS apontaram a possibilidade de priorização de demandas e que é possível otimizar o aproveitamento do conhecimento, explícito e tácito, da Infraero utilizando-se dos recursos de uma Biblioteca Digital. more...
- Published
- 2016
8. Marine Forces Reserve: Accelerating Knowledge Flow through Asynchronous Learning Technologies
- Author
NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA, Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, Davis, Anthony, NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA, Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, and Davis, Anthony
- Abstract
Most scholars agree that knowledge is key to competitive advantage. Organizations able to move dynamic knowledge quickly can outperform their rivals, peers and counterparts. The US Marine Corps is clearly a knowledge organization, and Marine Forces Reserve (MFR) is an organization exemplifying the need for rapid knowledge movement. Indeed, a key component to MFR success is the knowledge of Active Duty Inspector Instructors (I-Is), but a great number of them are required to take charge quickly although most lack prior training and experience working with the unique and dynamic challenges of the Reserves and their extant knowledge flows are relegated principally to questionably effective presentation slideshows and error-prone on the job training. Leveraging deftly the power of information technology in conjunction with knowledge management principles, methods and techniques we employ a class of systems used principally for distributed and remote learning, and we engage key subject matter experts at MFR Headquarters to accelerate the knowledge flows required for effective I-I performance. Preliminary results point to huge return on investment in terms of cost, and early indications suggest that training efficacy can be just as effective as if not better than accomplished through previous methods. This sets the stage for even more effective use of I-I personnel time and energy when they gather for their annual conference in New Orleans, and it highlights enhanced opportunities for continuing our acceleration of knowledge flows through online training and support both for I-I personnel and across other MFR training populations. Further research, implementation and assessment are required, but results to date are impressive and encouraging., The original document contains color images. more...
- Published
- 2014
9. 'Customer' knowledge management in healthcare
- Author
Vivas, Carla, Sequeira, Pedro, McCracken, Sara, Edwards, John, Vivas, Carla, Sequeira, Pedro, McCracken, Sara, and Edwards, John
- Abstract
This paper reports on a work-in-progress project on the management of patient knowledge in a UK general hospital. Greater involvement of patients is generally seen as crucial to the effective provision of healthcare in the future. However, this presents many challenges, especially in the light of the ageing population in most developed countries and the consequent increasing demand for healthcare. In the UK, there have been many attempts to increase patient involvement by the systematisation of patient feedback, but typically they have not been open to academic scrutiny or formal evaluation, nor have they used any knowledge management principles. The theoretical foundations for this project come first from service management and thence from customer knowledge management. Service management stresses the importance of the customer perspective. Healthcare clearly meets the definitions of a service even though it may also include some tangible elements such as surgery and provision of medication. Although regarding hospital patients purely as "customers" is a viewpoint that needs to be used with care, application of the theory offers potential benefits in healthcare. The two main elements we propose to use from the theory are the type of customer knowledge and its relationship to attributes of the quality of the service provided. The project is concerned with investigating various knowledge management systems (KMS) that are currently in use (or proposed) to systematise patient feedback in an NHS Trust hospital, to manage knowledge from and to a lesser extent about patients. The study is a mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) action research investigation intended to answer the following three research questions: • How can a KMS be used as a mechanism to capture and evaluate patient experiences to provoke patient service change • How can the KMS assist in providing a mechanism for systematising patient engagement? • How can patient feedback be used to stimulate i more...
- Published
- 2014
10. Marine Forces Reserve: accelerating knowledge flow through asynchronous learning technologies
- Author
Information Sciences (IS), Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, Davis, Anthony, Information Sciences (IS), Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, and Davis, Anthony
- Abstract
Most scholars agree that knowledge is key to competitive advantage. Organizations able to move dynamic knowledge quickly can outperform their rivals, peers and counterparts. The US Marine Corps is clearly a knowledge organization, and Marine Forces Reserve (MFR) is an organization exemplifying the need for rapid knowledge movement. Indeed, a key component to MFR success is the knowledge of Active Duty Inspector Instructors (I-Is), but a great number of them are required to take charge quickly—although most lack prior training and experience working with the unique and dynamic challenges of the Reserves—and their extant knowledge flows are relegated principally to questionably effective presentation slideshows and error-prone on the job training. Leveraging deftly the power of information technology—in conjunction with knowledge management principles, methods and techniques—we employ a class of systems used principally for distributed and remote learning, and we engage key subject matter experts at MFR Headquarters to accelerate the knowledge flows required for effective I-I performance. Preliminary results point to huge return on investment in terms of cost, and early indications suggest that training efficacy can be just as effective as—if not better than—accomplished through previous methods. This sets the stage for even more effective use of I-I personnel time and energy when they gather for their annual conference in New Orleans, and it highlights enhanced opportunities for continuing our acceleration of knowledge flows through online training and support—both for I-I personnel and across other MFR training populations. Further research, implementation and assessment are required, but results to date are impressive and encouraging. more...
- Published
- 2014
11. Applying knowledge principles to requirements management.
- Author
Noordveld, P.T.F., Helms, R.W. (Thesis Advisor), Jansen, S., Noordveld, P.T.F., Helms, R.W. (Thesis Advisor), and Jansen, S.
- Abstract
Requirements management is gathering, defining, modeling, analyzing, documenting, communicating and managing of all stakeholder wishes and needs into a software product. The field of requirements management is full of challenges. Both practitioners and scientists are struggling with challenges, including questions like “how to improve requirements transferability?”, “how to define requirements generic?”, “how to make requirements understandable for different stakeholders?”, and “how to track requirements during software development?”. 80% of outsourcing projects fail because of poor requirements management. Software development depends on requirements management. Incorrect or missing requirements lead to incorrect or missing functionality. Applying principles of knowledge management to requirements management has a potential to increase readability, understandability, correctness, completeness, and transferability of requirements. Furthermore, scientists have indicated a potential to elicit and define requirements faster, and at reduced costs when applying knowledge management principles. This is achieved by making requirements management including processes, steps, techniques, and deliverables more efficient, correct, and inline with stakeholder wishes and needs. more...
- Published
- 2013
12. The Interaction of Organisational, Human and Technology Factors on the Effectiveness of Safety Management Systems and the Value Achieved from Deploying New Technology
- Author
Wilson, Eric and Wilson, Eric
- Abstract
In this research, factors influencing organisational growth and commercial arrangements, together with human factors considerations in safety management systems, are drawn together to establish the foundation for improved management and regulatory approaches to aerospace technologies throughout their product life cycle. The research investigated development of a risk-to-value based management framework founded on cognitive and knowledge management principles. Enterprises can apply the solution developed in this research to build resilience by avoiding negative risk eroding safety and value and converting positive risk into value when satisfying continuing technical integrity requirements in the operation of a fleet of aerospace platforms for the duration of their product life cycle. The framework guides executives in making decisions in a complex environment by: 1) addressing the technical risks they face; 2) through an investment management program to maximize the value associated with retaining and supporting aircraft throughout their life cycle; 3) employing a systems approach to technology development and sustainment using; 4) management strategies tailored to their business strategy where; 5) vision and values are employed in; 6) architecting systems that acknowledge the interaction of technology, organisational and human factors through; 7) leadership strategies for development and retention of the competencies they will need to maintain their technologies and configuration with the potential for; 8) unintended consequences minimised by employing cognitive based decision techniques founded on developing and sustaining a high performance culture and its associated mindfulness in the; 10) extended enterprise in an evolving organisational environment. more...
- Published
- 2012
13. The effect of learning-based distinctive competencies on firm performance: a study of spanish hospitality firms
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Organización de Empresas - Departament d'Organització d'Empreses, Palacios Marqués, Daniel, Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo, Gil Pechuán, Ignacio, Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Organización de Empresas - Departament d'Organització d'Empreses, Palacios Marqués, Daniel, Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo, and Gil Pechuán, Ignacio more...
- Abstract
In spite of the importance of knowledge assets, few empirical studies have examined how knowledge is generated in organizations and the effect of knowledge management on learning-based competencies. This research studies the effect of introducing knowledge management programs in the development of learning-based distinctive competencies as these factors relate to a firm¿s performance. Based on responses from managers at 193 Spanish hospitality firms, the study concludes that the introduction of knowledge management principles and practices promotes creation of learning-based distinctive competencies, which, in conjunction with a knowledge management approach, has a positive causal relationship with firm performance. Learning-based distinctive competencies are essential to this model of organizational success, because the direct relationship between knowledge management and firm performance is not significant. It is worth noting that applying knowledge management practices weighs more heavily in the balance than does adoption of principles. Those practices are orientation towards the development, transfer, and protection of knowledge; continuous learning; an understanding of the organization as a global system; development of an innovative culture; an approach based on people; and competence development and management based on competencies. more...
- Published
- 2011
14. Moderní management znalostí
- Author
Švarcová, Jena, Petříková, Růžena, Zelený, Milan, Švarcová, Jena, Petříková, Růžena, and Zelený, Milan
- Abstract
Kniha se zaměřuje na moderní management znalostí, principy, procesy, příklady dobré praxe v rámci holdingu ČEZ., The monograph is focused on the modern knowledge management, principles, processes and best practises of the Czech enterprise CEZ. more...
- Published
- 2010
15. The role of knowledge management in assisting key stakeholders in making informed decisions in delivering sustainable retrofitted building projects
- Author
Maduka, Nnamdi Stanley, Greenwood, David, and Osborne, Allan
- Subjects
658.4 ,H200 Civil Engineering ,H300 Mechanical Engineering ,K200 Building - Abstract
The global attention given to climate change that led to the clamour for sustainable development in the 21st century is a laudable development. The efforts of different governments worldwide geared towards mitigating climate change effects are widespread. The construction industry has taken centre stage in driving sustainable development through sustainable construction due to its impacts on society. Nevertheless, it is widely accepted that the 80% target reduction of greenhouse gas emissions required in the UK by 2050 can only be realised if the industry recognises the need for sustainable retrofitted building projects and that this represents one of the most critical approaches to achieving sustainable development in the construction industry. However, the challenges of delivering sustainable retrofitted building projects are enormous and complex, mainly due to key stakeholders' lack of knowledge in making informed and appropriate decisions. This has arguably made decision-making difficult for key stakeholders because the lessons learned from sustainable retrofit projects are not captured. This can improve if the industry recognises the need to adopt knowledge management (KM) to enable key stakeholders to make informed decisions in the delivery of sustainable retrofitted building projects. This research conducted a comprehensive investigation of the literature followed by the collection of empirical data using a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative) approach. An exploratory industry survey of 86 respondents was followed by multiple-case studies involving 12 semistructured interviews, each with a representative of a different construction organisation. The survey data were subjected to descriptive, reliability, factor and correlation analysis using SPSS, while the case study interviews were analysed using NVivo and qualitative content analysis. The mixed-method approach assisted in answering 11 research questions and among the key findings were (1) 9 barriers, and 3 enabling factors to embark upon and delivering sustainable retrofits projects were revealed through factor analysis; (2) 6 critical enablers and barriers to sustainable retrofit project delivery were revealed through case studies; (3) an optimal approach is recommended for knowledge capture in retrofit project delivery as well as criteria for easy and difficult decision-making in retrofit project delivery. The research findings assisted in developing sustainable retrofitted building process (SRBP) to guide key stakeholders on the steps needed. The findings and the SRBP contributed to a proposed sustainable retrofitted building decisionsupport framework (SRBDSF) with knowledge management principles and procedures, and 9 objectives were employed to deliver this aim. The SRBDSF promotes the systematic management of project knowledge, thus enhancing the decision-making capabilities of key stakeholders. Finally, the SRBDSF framework was validated by industry practitioners who found that the SRBDSF was fit for purpose, easy to use and relevant to making informed decisions in the delivery of sustainable retrofit projects. Suggestions and recommendations from the validation contributed to the research recommendations and future work. more...
- Published
- 2017
16. Using the knowledge management discourse as a framework for the self examination of a school administrator's professional practice
- Author
Dillon, Paul Joseph and Dillon, Paul Joseph
- Abstract
Popular management literature routinely presents management discourses that offer managers with strategies or 'recipes' for organisational improvement. Practitioners often uncritically accept and implement strategies prescribed within these discourses. Management discourses are constantly evolving to seemingly provide newer and better solutions to organisations' problems. The evolutionary pressures are evidenced through the limited life spans of many of the strategies proffered in the various management discourses. So short have been the life spans of some of these management strategies that the question of faddism has been raised (Birnbaum, 2001). Over recent years knowledge management has filtered from the broader management discourse into the discourse of educational administration. Knowledge management practices are said to enable individuals within an educational organisation to add value to the information and knowledge that an organisation possesses. This research used self-study to examine the effectiveness of a school administrator attempting to model explicit knowledge management principles within his professional practice. A focus of the research was the critical investigation of knowledge management as a management fad or a framework for sustainable management behaviour. Employing the living theory approach to action research allowed me to ask questions about 'how' to improve my practice and to provide evidence to support my answers. It allowed me to examine my professional practice as an educational administrator who valued knowledge, its creation and use critically. My research learnings been have presented as propositions related to the 'how' of my professional practice and its influence on the creation and management of knowledge. The propositions are as follows. * Proposition 1: As an administrator my practices when working with knowledge are a reflection of my ontology and epistemology. To consciously vary my professional practices to facilitate kn more...
- Published
- 2007
17. The systematic improvement of advice given by public sector call centres
- Author
Schefe, Neville Lindsay and Schefe, Neville Lindsay
- Abstract
The persistent demand for increased accountability and value for money in the public sector from both the public and governments raises the issue of quality of service in advice-giving by governmental agencies. The goal of this study is to develop a model to validate frameworks able to contribute to improved advice-giving through the application of knowledge management principles. Zack's (2001) Four Knowledge Problem Model, Brogowicz, Delene, and Lyth's (1990) Synthesised Service Quality Model, and Markus's (2001) Theory of Knowledge Reuse are used to examine knowledge strategies in advice-giving through the application of a case study methodology. Two Queensland public-sector call centres are investigated. This study confirms that although the studied call centres operate under differing business drivers, agents have developed strategies generally consistent with those suggested by Zack (2001) to deal with uncertain, complex, and ambiguous problem types. No equivocal problems were encountered in the study. The solution of the former problem pair of uncertainty and complexity relies on knowledge that is codified and stored in databases, while the latter equivocality and ambiguity, seeks out experts who apply both technical and functional knowledge to the problem resolution. Roles performed by call-centre agents predominantly align with those described by Markus (2001), with the opportunity to enhance performance through contribution by shared-work producers to knowledge repositories. The problem-solving strategies employed by agents and the technical capabilities of the call centres combine to deliver a level of service quality which, although meeting client expectations, has been able to be improved through the application of knowledge strategies targeting efficient problem resolution through knowledge reuse. more...
- Published
- 2006
18. The Role of Knowledge Management in Enhancing Knowledge Pull in the Construction Organisations to Deliver Innovation: A Case Study
- Author
Khosrowshahi, Farzad, Maqsood, Tayyab, Walker, Derek H.T., Finegan, Andrew D., Khosrowshahi, Farzad, Maqsood, Tayyab, Walker, Derek H.T., and Finegan, Andrew D.
- Abstract
Knowledge pull has become an essential requirement for construction organizations to survive in this knowledge era. As more and more industries are becoming knowledge based recognizing knowledge as a vital sustainable asset, construction industry cannot afford to lag behind for long. This paper argues that implementing knowledge management principles in the organisation would generate forces with in the organisation enabling the pull of knowledge from outside the organisation to within and exploit it to deliver innovation. This would pave the way for external sources of knowledge and innovation like universities or research centres to work closely with the industry and would ensure that useful and beneficial academic research would not go unnoticed. The paper provides an account of the event where a certain construction organisation has benefited by the effort of its employee who constantly strived to establish a link with the external innovative knowledge by attending research conferences and brought external knowledge of a certain innovative product within the organisation and used it on a construction project to deliver amazing innovation leading to profitability. Soft System Methodology (SSM) has been used to deliver this case study and to develop deeper understanding of the issues involved. The paper argues that such links with the external research and knowledge bodies should be regulated and knowledge management provides the organisation with such an interface. more...
- Published
- 2005
19. Motivators and Inhibitors for Managing IT Project Knowledge: Findings from Three Exploratory Case Studies
- Author
Wei, C P, Jewels, Tony, Underwood, Barney, Gregor, Shirley, de Pablos Heredero, Carmen, Wei, C P, Jewels, Tony, Underwood, Barney, Gregor, Shirley, and de Pablos Heredero, Carmen
- Abstract
Managing knowledge on IT projects is an important factor in contributing towards project success. The focus of this research is based around how individual 'knowledge workers' within 'IT project teams', might contribute to their organizational units becoming 'knowledge management enabled', i.e. 'having a propensity towards applying knowledge management principles in their activities, procedures, and processes'. Findings from three exploratory case studies are discussed in an attempt to understand what motivates knowledge workers to engage in knowledge sharing activities and what factors inhibit them from doing so. more...
- Published
- 2004
20. The Effect of an Integrated Knowledge Management Architecture on Organizational Performance and Impact: The Case of the World Bank
- Author
Fonseca, Ana Flavia and Fonseca, Ana Flavia
- Abstract
Using the World Bank as Case Study, this dissertation investigates the impact of knowledge management programs on the organization performance by using a combination of three methods: Records Analysis, Interviews and Outcome Mapping. The study had two phases: quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis. The Knowledge Management Program of the World Bank has had a direct and beneficial impact on its operations. The Program changed internal staff behavior, improved the sharing of information and knowledge within the organization, and promoted the design and application of participatory knowledge strategies in the countries. New knowledge products as well as strong country participation and ownership to the projects studied resulted from these changes. However, the study also shows that this impact is far from being sufficiently significant to influence or help make the knowledge management program fully integrated with the organization core processes and products. The gap between the KM Program architecture and other programs and initiatives focusing on making this concept operational within the Bank remains an issue. In spite of the fact that knowledge management principles are being mainstreamed in core services, the difference is still very wide between the overall goals of the Knowledge Bank and their translation into the implementation of knowledge products and services in the countries. The research did confirm previous research in the field of knowledge management and validated the findings from other case studies. The results of the study also allowed for the identification of 10 criteria for mainstreaming knowledge management programs within organizations and identified characteristics of knowledge delivery processes that were effective for knowledge absorption . . The importance of "how to" and "procedural knowledge"; the importance "horizontal knowledge exchanges" and a number of other elements, were confirmed as factors affecting knowledge absorption an more...
- Published
- 2003
21. Knowledge management for SMEs with particular emphasis on the tourism industry
- Abstract
Knowledge Management has captured the attention of management and IT vendors are hastily bringing products to market. The interest in Knowledge Management is understandable given the moves towards knowledge based economies and workplaces. Large organisations have begun to understand the value of the knowledge held within their organisation. Nowadays, the value of an organisation may be based on its intellectual capital and this is demonstrated by organisations being sold for many times its worth in terms of hard assets. The concept of being able to store and use the 'knowledge' that is generated inside an organisation has obvious appeal. However, the management of this 'knowledge' and the ability to use it for an advantage requires careful planning and an understanding of knowledge inside the organisation and its workers. This process requires a mix of organisational, cultural and technology understanding. Current research and vendor interest is focussing on large organisations. However, Small to Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) also have an explicit need to manage their intellectual capital. Research interest in large organisations is strong, but SMEs cannot always use the findings that are targeted to large organisations and will probably be unable to afford the specific Knowledge Management tools offered by vendors. Nevertheless, SMEs can use the knowledge in their organisations to gain an advantage. In particular, the tourism industry has a significant knowledge component and Knowledge Management could provide substantial benefits. Many Knowledge Management principles apply to organisations irrespective of their size. How these can be implemented within a SME is the subject of this thesis. more...
- Published
- 1999
22. Knowledge management for SMEs with particular emphasis on the tourism industry
- Abstract
Knowledge Management has captured the attention of management and IT vendors are hastily bringing products to market. The interest in Knowledge Management is understandable given the moves towards knowledge based economies and workplaces. Large organisations have begun to understand the value of the knowledge held within their organisation. Nowadays, the value of an organisation may be based on its intellectual capital and this is demonstrated by organisations being sold for many times its worth in terms of hard assets. The concept of being able to store and use the 'knowledge' that is generated inside an organisation has obvious appeal. However, the management of this 'knowledge' and the ability to use it for an advantage requires careful planning and an understanding of knowledge inside the organisation and its workers. This process requires a mix of organisational, cultural and technology understanding. Current research and vendor interest is focussing on large organisations. However, Small to Medium size Enterprises (SMEs) also have an explicit need to manage their intellectual capital. Research interest in large organisations is strong, but SMEs cannot always use the findings that are targeted to large organisations and will probably be unable to afford the specific Knowledge Management tools offered by vendors. Nevertheless, SMEs can use the knowledge in their organisations to gain an advantage. In particular, the tourism industry has a significant knowledge component and Knowledge Management could provide substantial benefits. Many Knowledge Management principles apply to organisations irrespective of their size. How these can be implemented within a SME is the subject of this thesis. more...
- Published
- 1999
23. Methodological framework to support implementation of waste minimisation strategies from a knowledge management perspective
- Author
Cordoba, Adriana Paola Reyes
- Subjects
363.72 - Abstract
Modem understanding about waste management has provided a general hierarchy to deal with waste, with a priority in the reduction or minimisation of the amount of waste generated. Different methodologies have been devised to aid the process of implementing waste minimisation in the process industries. However, waste minimisation methodologies are still underestimated or disregarded due to several misconceptions about their applicability. One reason believed to cause this is the lack of an accurate way to identify suitable waste reduction techniques. This arises from a mismatch between the existing methodologies and the information available at the time of the study. An appropriate approach to overcome this situation must consider a more efficient manipulation and analysis of the available information, optimising the cost and time required to obtain the critical missing data. The structured organisation of the knowledge about a process regarding its description, environmental concerns and available resources provides an effective way to identify the areas which need attention for the purpose of waste minimisation and facilitates the definition of activities that have to be performed to implement the devised solutions. The approach presented in this contribution considers the use of knowledge management tools to support the assessment of information required for a reliable waste minimisation study. The study presents a methodological framework based on knowledge management principles aimed to support the generation and implementation of waste minimisation strategies. This consists of a methodology that includes a collection of information management tools to support generation and evaluation of waste minimisation options in process industries. The overall framework is based on ontological principles that enable a more structured and targeted management of information (e.g. collection, generation, use, reuse or storage). The information is classified in four different domains embedded in a knowledge management structure: process description, environmental requirements, available documentation and waste minimisation methodologies. The approach enables the classification and retrieval of available information in a more efficient way, providing a more structured framework to support the identification and development of waste minimisation strategies. The research project provides a platform to successfully introduce knowledge management for the efficient implementation of waste minimisation strategies. The provided framework facilitates the gathering of information required to represent the process towards the goal of waste minimisation more...
- Published
- 2009
24. Návrh systému znalostního managementu
- Author
Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, Novohradský, Marek, Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, and Novohradský, Marek
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku využití znalostního managementu v malé organizaci, na identifikaci znalostních zdrojů a potřeb a nenásilném začlenění zásad znalostního managementu do každodenní práce organizace. Teoretická část této práce objasňuje základní pojmy a premisy znalostního managementu a nastiňuje jej jako disciplínu, která se prolíná ostatními manažerskými oblastmi. Praktická část práce se zabývá analýzou současné situace organizace, především pak z pohledu využívání znalostních zdrojů a jejich ohodnocení, a návrhem vhodného systému pro správu znalostí v dané organizaci., This master’s thesis deals about Knowledge management in a small organization, and identification of knowledge resources and needs and the integration of knowledge management principles into the daily work of the organization. The theoretical part explains the basic terms and assumptions of knowledge management and shows a multidisciplinary overlap of knowledge management. The practical part deals with analysis of current situation of organization, especially in terms of utilization of knowledge resources and their evaluation, and design an appropriate system for managing knowledge in the organization. more...
25. Návrh systému znalostního managementu
- Author
Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, Novohradský, Marek, Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, and Novohradský, Marek
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku využití znalostního managementu v malé organizaci, na identifikaci znalostních zdrojů a potřeb a nenásilném začlenění zásad znalostního managementu do každodenní práce organizace. Teoretická část této práce objasňuje základní pojmy a premisy znalostního managementu a nastiňuje jej jako disciplínu, která se prolíná ostatními manažerskými oblastmi. Praktická část práce se zabývá analýzou současné situace organizace, především pak z pohledu využívání znalostních zdrojů a jejich ohodnocení, a návrhem vhodného systému pro správu znalostí v dané organizaci., This master’s thesis deals about Knowledge management in a small organization, and identification of knowledge resources and needs and the integration of knowledge management principles into the daily work of the organization. The theoretical part explains the basic terms and assumptions of knowledge management and shows a multidisciplinary overlap of knowledge management. The practical part deals with analysis of current situation of organization, especially in terms of utilization of knowledge resources and their evaluation, and design an appropriate system for managing knowledge in the organization. more...
26. Návrh systému znalostního managementu
- Author
Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, Koráb, Vojtěch, and Vodička, Tomáš
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku využití znalostního managementu v malé organizaci, na identifikaci znalostních zdrojů a potřeb a nenásilném začlenění zásad znalostního managementu do každodenní práce organizace. Teoretická část této práce objasňuje základní pojmy a premisy znalostního managementu a nastiňuje jej jako disciplínu, která se prolíná ostatními manažerskými oblastmi. Praktická část práce se zabývá analýzou současné situace organizace, především pak z pohledu využívání znalostních zdrojů a jejich ohodnocení, a návrhem vhodného systému pro správu znalostí v dané organizaci., This master’s thesis deals about Knowledge management in a small organization, and identification of knowledge resources and needs and the integration of knowledge management principles into the daily work of the organization. The theoretical part explains the basic terms and assumptions of knowledge management and shows a multidisciplinary overlap of knowledge management. The practical part deals with analysis of current situation of organization, especially in terms of utilization of knowledge resources and their evaluation, and design an appropriate system for managing knowledge in the organization. more...
27. Návrh systému znalostního managementu
- Author
Koráb, Vojtěch, Vodička, Tomáš, Koráb, Vojtěch, and Vodička, Tomáš
- Abstract
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku využití znalostního managementu v malé organizaci, na identifikaci znalostních zdrojů a potřeb a nenásilném začlenění zásad znalostního managementu do každodenní práce organizace. Teoretická část této práce objasňuje základní pojmy a premisy znalostního managementu a nastiňuje jej jako disciplínu, která se prolíná ostatními manažerskými oblastmi. Praktická část práce se zabývá analýzou současné situace organizace, především pak z pohledu využívání znalostních zdrojů a jejich ohodnocení, a návrhem vhodného systému pro správu znalostí v dané organizaci., This master’s thesis deals about Knowledge management in a small organization, and identification of knowledge resources and needs and the integration of knowledge management principles into the daily work of the organization. The theoretical part explains the basic terms and assumptions of knowledge management and shows a multidisciplinary overlap of knowledge management. The practical part deals with analysis of current situation of organization, especially in terms of utilization of knowledge resources and their evaluation, and design an appropriate system for managing knowledge in the organization. more...
28. Marine Forces Reserve: accelerating knowledge flow through asynchronous learning technologies
- Author
Information Sciences (IS), Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, Davis, Anthony, Information Sciences (IS), Nissen, Mark, McGuiness, Robert, and Davis, Anthony
- Abstract
"Further distribution of all or part of this report is authorized.", Most scholars agree that knowledge is key to competitive advantage. Organizations able to move dynamic knowledge quickly can outperform their rivals, peers and counterparts. The US Marine Corps is clearly a knowledge organization, and Marine Forces Reserve (MFR) is an organization exemplifying the need for rapid knowledge movement. Indeed, a key component to MFR success is the knowledge of Active Duty Inspector Instructors (I-Is), but a great number of them are required to take charge quickly—although most lack prior training and experience working with the unique and dynamic challenges of the Reserves—and their extant knowledge flows are relegated principally to questionably effective presentation slideshows and error-prone on the job training. Leveraging deftly the power of information technology—in conjunction with knowledge management principles, methods and techniques—we employ a class of systems used principally for distributed and remote learning, and we engage key subject matter experts at MFR Headquarters to accelerate the knowledge flows required for effective I-I performance. Preliminary results point to huge return on investment in terms of cost, and early indications suggest that training efficacy can be just as effective as—if not better than—accomplished through previous methods. This sets the stage for even more effective use of I-I personnel time and energy when they gather for their annual conference in New Orleans, and it highlights enhanced opportunities for continuing our acceleration of knowledge flows through online training and support—both for I-I personnel and across other MFR training populations. Further research, implementation and assessment are required, but results to date are impressive and encouraging., Marine Forces Reserve, Marine Forces Reserve, Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. more...
29. Definition of an it project portfolio management methodology for a pharmaceutical company
- Author
Pardo Martínez, Clara Inés, Giraldo, Milton Cesar, Pardo Martínez, Clara Inés, and Giraldo, Milton Cesar
- Abstract
Con la creciente popularidad de las soluciones de IT como factor clave para aumentar la competitividad y la creación de valor para las empresas, la necesidad de invertir en proyectos de IT se incrementa considerablemente. La limitación de los recursos como un obstáculo para invertir ha obligado a las empresas a buscar metodologías para seleccionar y priorizar proyectos, asegurándose de que las decisiones que se toman son aquellas que van alineadas con las estrategias corporativas para asegurar la creación de valor y la maximización de los beneficios. Esta tesis proporciona los fundamentos para la implementación del Portafolio de dirección de Proyectos de IT (IT PPM) como una metodología eficaz para la gestión de proyectos basados en IT, y una herramienta para proporcionar criterios claros para los directores ejecutivos para la toma de decisiones. El documento proporciona la información acerca de cómo implementar el IT PPM en siete pasos, el análisis de los procesos y las funciones necesarias para su ejecución exitosa. Además, proporciona diferentes métodos y criterios para la selección y priorización de proyectos. Después de la parte teórica donde se describe el IT PPM, la tesis aporta un análisis del estudio de caso de una empresa farmacéutica. La empresa ya cuenta con un departamento de gestión de proyectos, pero se encontró la necesidad de implementar el IT PPM debido a su amplia cobertura de procesos End-to-End en Proyectos de IT, y la manera de asegurar la maximización de los beneficios. Con la investigación teórica y el análisis del estudio de caso, la tesis concluye con una definición práctica de un modelo aproximado IT PPM como una recomendación para su implementación en el Departamento de Gestión de Proyectos., With the increased popularity of IT solutions as key factor for increasing competitiveness and creation of value for companies, the need to invest in IT projects is considerably increased. The limitation of resources as a constraint to invest has forced the companies to look for methodologies to select and prioritize projects, making sure that the decisions made are those aligned with the corporate strategies to assure the creation of value and maximization of benefits. This dissertation provides the fundamentals for the implementation of the IT Project Portfolio Management (IT PPM) as an efficient methodology for managing IT-Based Projects, and a tool for providing transparent criteria to the executive managers for the decision making process. The document provides the information about how to implement the IT PPM in seven steps, analyzing the processes and the roles needed for its successful execution. Additionally, provides different methods and criteria for the project selection and prioritization. After the theoretical part where the IT PPM is described, the dissertation brings an analysis of the study case a Pharmaceutical Company. The company has already a project management department but they find the necessity to implement the IT PPM due to the wider coverage of the end to end IT Projects processes, and the way to assure maximization of benefits. With the theoretical research, and the analysis of the study case, the dissertation ends with a practical definition of an IT PPM rough model as a recommendation for the implementation in the Project Management Department., Compañía Analizada more...
- Published
- 2015
30. Envisioning Future Academic Library Services: Initiatives, ideas and challenges
- Author
McKnight, Sue, editor
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
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31. Learner's Dictionary for Students and Professionals: English for European Public Health
- Author
Czabanowska, Katarzyna, editor
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