13 results on '"Lasius"'
Search Results
2. Ant-like Traits in Wingless Parasitoids Repel Attack from Wolf Spiders
- Author
UCL - SST/ELI/ELIB - Biodiversity, Harvey, Jeffrey A., Visser, Bertanne, Lammers, Marl, Marien, Janine, Gershenzon, Jonathan, Ode, Paul J., Heinen, Robin, Gols, Rieta, Ellers, Jacintha, UCL - SST/ELI/ELIB - Biodiversity, Harvey, Jeffrey A., Visser, Bertanne, Lammers, Marl, Marien, Janine, Gershenzon, Jonathan, Ode, Paul J., Heinen, Robin, Gols, Rieta, and Ellers, Jacintha
- Abstract
A recent study showed that a wingless parasitoid, Gelis agilis, exhibits a suite of ant-like traits that repels attack from wolf spiders. When agitated, G. agilis secreted 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (sulcatone), which a small number of ant species produce as an alarm/panic pheromone. Here, we tested four Gelis parasitoid species, occurring in the same food chain and microhabitats, for the presence of sulcatone and conducted two-species choice bioassays with wolf spiders to determine their degree of susceptibility to attack. All four Gelis species, including both winged and wingless species, produced sulcatone, whereas a closely related species, Acrolyta nens, and the more distantly related Cotesia glomerata, did not. In two-choice bioassays, spiders overwhelmingly rejected the wingless Gelis species, preferring A. nens and C. glomerata. However, spiders exhibited no preference for either A. nens or G. areator, both of which are winged. Wingless gelines exhibited several ant-like traits, perhaps accounting for the reluctance of spiders to attack them. On the other hand, despite producing sulcatone, the winged G. areator more closely resembles other winged cryptines like A. nens, making it harder for spiders to distinguish between these two species. C. glomerata was also preferred by spiders over A. nens, suggesting that other non-sulcatone producing cryptines nevertheless possess traits that make them less attractive as prey. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Cryptinae reveals that G. hortensis and G. proximus are ‘sister’species, with G. agilis, and G.areator in particular evolving along more distant trajectories. We discuss the possibility that wingless Gelis species have evolved a suite of ant-like traits as a form, of mimicry to repel predators on the ground.
- Published
- 2018
3. Do Holarctic ant species exist? Trans-Beringian dispersal and homoplasy in the Formicidae
- Author
Schär, Sami, Talavera, Gerard, Espadaler, Xavier, Rana, Jignasha, Andersen, Anne, Cover, Stefan P., Vila, Roger, Schär, Sami, Talavera, Gerard, Espadaler, Xavier, Rana, Jignasha, Andersen, Anne, Cover, Stefan P., and Vila, Roger
- Published
- 2018
4. Nuevos datos sobre dos especies de Pselaphinae mirmecófilos (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) de Lugo (Galicia, España) y sus hospedadores (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
- Author
Viñolas, Amador, García García, Federico, Viñolas, Amador, and García García, Federico
- Abstract
New data on the presence of the myrmecophilous Pselaphinae Batrisus formicarius Aubé, 1833 and Claviger (Clavifer) piochardi piochardi Saulcy, 1874 in the province of Lugo (Galicia, Spain) are given. Lasius grandis Forel, 1909 is reported for the first time as host of C. (C.) piochardi piochardi. Their distribution, biology and relationship with its host is discussed. The habitus of the two species and the Claviger’s ant host are also given., Se aportan nuevos datos sobre la presencia de los Pselaphinae mirmecófilos Batrisus formicarius Aubé, 1833 y Claviger (Clavifer) piochardi piochardi Saulcy, 1874 en la provincia de Lugo (Galicia, España). Se cita por primera vez a Lasius grandis Forel, 1909 como hospedante de C. (C.) piochardi piochardi. Se comenta su distribución, biología y relación con su hospedante. Se acompaña el habitus de las dos especies y del Formicidae hospedante de C. (C.) piochardi piochardi.
- Published
- 2018
5. Ant-like Traits in Wingless Parasitoids Repel Attack from Wolf Spiders
- Author
Harvey, Jeffrey A., Visser, Bertanne, Lammers, Marl, Marien, Janine, Gershenzon, Jonathan, Ode, Paul J., Heinen, Robin, Gols, Rieta, Ellers, Jacintha, Harvey, Jeffrey A., Visser, Bertanne, Lammers, Marl, Marien, Janine, Gershenzon, Jonathan, Ode, Paul J., Heinen, Robin, Gols, Rieta, and Ellers, Jacintha
- Abstract
A recent study showed that a wingless parasitoid, Gelis agilis, exhibits a suite of ant-like traits that repels attack from wolf spiders. When agitated, G. agilis secreted 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (sulcatone), which a small number of ant species produce as an alarm/panic pheromone. Here, we tested four Gelis parasitoid species, occurring in the same food chain and microhabitats, for the presence of sulcatone and conducted two-species choice bioassays with wolf spiders to determine their degree of susceptibility to attack. All four Gelis species, including both winged and wingless species, produced sulcatone, whereas a closely related species, Acrolyta nens, and the more distantly related Cotesia glomerata, did not. In two-choice bioassays, spiders overwhelmingly rejected the wingless Gelis species, preferring A. nens and C. glomerata. However, spiders exhibited no preference for either A. nens or G. areator, both of which are winged. Wingless gelines exhibited several ant-like traits, perhaps accounting for the reluctance of spiders to attack them. On the other hand, despite producing sulcatone, the winged G. areator more closely resembles other winged cryptines like A. nens, making it harder for spiders to distinguish between these two species. C. glomerata was also preferred by spiders over A. nens, suggesting that other non-sulcatone producing cryptines nevertheless possess traits that make them less attractive as prey. Phylogenetic reconstruction of the Cryptinae reveals that G. hortensis and G. proximus are ‘sister’species, with G. agilis, and G.areator in particular evolving along more distant trajectories. We discuss the possibility that wingless Gelis species have evolved a suite of ant-like traits as a form, of mimicry to repel predators on the ground.
- Published
- 2018
6. Ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae) and Food Industry: Observations in Factory Premises in Central Italy
- Author
Nicoli Aldini, Rinaldo, Anaclerio, Matteo, Cravedi, Piero, Nicoli Aldini, Rinaldo (ORCID:0000-0002-4175-6678), Anaclerio, Matteo (ORCID:0000-0002-2342-766X), Nicoli Aldini, Rinaldo, Anaclerio, Matteo, Cravedi, Piero, Nicoli Aldini, Rinaldo (ORCID:0000-0002-4175-6678), and Anaclerio, Matteo (ORCID:0000-0002-2342-766X)
- Abstract
Research on ants (Hymenoptera Formicidae) in a food factory in the province of Latina (Lazio, central Italy) was carried out over several years up to 2013. The investigation started during the 1990s, and was conducted principally by examining specimens caught in light traps placed indoors on the factory premises. A smaller number of ants was collected directly during periodical inspections. The present work focuses on the observations made on specimens collected during 2007 and 2008 using light traps. Besides some ant genera and species which are well known as being typical pests of the food industry, some other more unusual and sporadic species were found. Among these latter, females of the ponerine ant Hypoponera punctatissima were sometimes collected in dozens or hundreds during single weeks of sampling using light traps. Many specimens of Pheidole pallidula (males, females, workers and soldiers) and Lasius spp. (males) were also collected using traps. H. eduardi, Cremastogaster scutellaris, Solenopsis fugax and Linepithema humile were scarce or extremely scarce in the traps, as were species of Myrmica, Aphaenogaster, Messor, Tetramorium, and Camponotus. The causes of their presence in the food factory may differ according to genera and species, and deserve to be studied in depth.
- Published
- 2014
7. Lasius Neglectus : De plaagmier in Nederland
- Author
Loon, A.J. van and Loon, A.J. van
- Abstract
De plaagmier Lasius Neglectus Van Loon, Boomsma & Andrásfalvy, 1990 is een zich soms invasief gedragende mier die na zijn ontdekking (in Boedapest, Hongarije, in de vroege jaren 1970) en beschrijving (Van Loon et al. 1990, Boomsma et al. 1990) inmiddels op een groot aantal plekken in Europa en West-Azië is gevonden. Nog steeds werden er nieuwe vindplaatsen gemeld. Bent u hem al tegengekomen?
- Published
- 2009
8. Nieuwe mier stond al 23 jaar op de plank
- Author
Kleis, R. and Kleis, R.
- Abstract
Mabelis kreeg de mier in 1986 in handen toen hij door bewoners van een wijk in Leiden werd ingeschakeld. De bewoners hadden last van een forse kolonie kleine mieren. Volgens een rapporteur van de Hoofdinspectie Milieuhygiene ging het om Lasius alienus. Maar Mabelis zag meteen dat dat niet klopte. Dat kwartje viel een paar jaar later toen André van Loon van het European Invertebrate Survey Nederland een artikel schreef over een nieuwe mierensoort die hij had ontdekt in Boedapest. 'Toen was het me duidelijk: dat is 'm.' Pas veel later meldde hij zijn vondst.
- Published
- 2009
9. Biologia, ecologia i efectes de la formiga invasora Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) en comunitats d'artròpodes
- Author
Espadaler, Xavier, Rey i Planellas, Sònia, Espadaler, Xavier, and Rey i Planellas, Sònia
- Abstract
Consultable des del TDX, Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada, Aquest treball de tesis doctoral tracta sobre la formiga invasora Lasius neglectus i els seus efectes sobre altres artròpodes en comunitats envaïdes al Nord-est de la Península Ibèrica. S'han estudiat: a) trets de la seva biologia reproductiva i ecologia b) els efectes que la invasió provoca sobre altres espècies de formigues natives i sobre els altres artròpodes que coexisteixen amb la colònia de L. neglectus; aquest darrer aspecte s'ha estudiat en tres poblacions. També es va fer un assaig de control de la plaga amb un tractament clàssic amb insecticides de contacte i una elevada persistència. Pels estudis sobre la seva biologia reproductiva es va constatar el seu caràcter poligínic en tota la supercòlonia, amb una gran densitat de reines per supercolònia que es trobaven isolades o bé en grups de 2 o més reines dins de cada niu i sempre amb obreres. Per les dades en increment en pes sec i contingut de greixos des del naixement fins al moment de l'aparellament es va demostrar que les reines de L. neglectus es poden reproduir mitjançant fundació dependent tot i que el valor obtingut de la proporció del mesosoma de reines i obreres (relació entre el volum del tòrax de reines i obreres=23.83±0.15) coincideix amb el de les espècies que fan fundacions independents. Al laboratori també es van obtenir obreres a partir de reines joves acabades de fecundar (fundacions independents, haplo i pleometrótiques). Per les dades en contingut de carbohidrats es demostra que les reines tenen valors entremitjos entre les reines d'espècies que fan vols nupcials i les que no són capaces de volar, tot i que per l'àrea relativa de les ales les reines de L. neglectus han de ser capaces de volar. Tanmateix mai s'ha documentat cap vol nupcial en L. neglectus fins ara. Les reines joves alades fan fecundació intranidal i aquestes reines joves fecundades són adoptades per les reines velles i les obreres dins del mateix niu. Aquesta estratègia evita la depredació de reines joves fecundades despr, The aim of this work is to study: a) the reproductive biology and ecology of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus and b) its effects over other native arthropod communities in invaded communities from Northeast Spain; this last aspect has been studied on three populations. A large scale insecticide treatment of the plague was also made with contact and high persistence insecticides. Its polygynic character was ascertained by the studies about its reproductive biology, with a great density of queens that were found isolated or in groups of 2 or more queens per nest, always with workers. From data obtained in increase in dry weight and fat contents from eclosion until mating time, it was demonstrated that L. neglectus queens can reproduce through dependent colony founding even though the value obtained from the proportion of the mesosome ratio from queens and workers (queen/worker thorax volume=23.83±0.15) coincides with the independent colony founding species. Workers were also obtained, at the laboratory, from newly mated queens (haplo- and pleometrotic independent foundations). From data in carbohydrate content, queens have intermediate values among the flying queens and those not capable to perform nuptial flights, even though for the relative area of the wings, L. neglectus queens are capable of flying. However it has never been documented a nuptial flight in L. neglectus until now. Queens reproduce by intranidal mating and these fertilized young queens are adopted by the old queens and workers into the same nest. This strategy avoids the possible predation of young fertilized queens after the nuptial flight, a critical moment for the expansion of the colony. Therefore they expand by budding or through passive human transport. The egg laying rates of old queens are two fold than that of young mated queens, with a total development time from egg to worker double than from egg to nanitic for young queens. The most significant effect of the invasion of L. neglec
- Published
- 2007
10. Biologia, ecologia i efectes de la formiga invasora Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) en comunitats d'artròpodes
- Author
Espadaler, Xavier, Rey i Planellas, Sònia, Espadaler, Xavier, and Rey i Planellas, Sònia
- Abstract
Consultable des del TDX, Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada, Aquest treball de tesis doctoral tracta sobre la formiga invasora Lasius neglectus i els seus efectes sobre altres artròpodes en comunitats envaïdes al Nord-est de la Península Ibèrica. S'han estudiat: a) trets de la seva biologia reproductiva i ecologia b) els efectes que la invasió provoca sobre altres espècies de formigues natives i sobre els altres artròpodes que coexisteixen amb la colònia de L. neglectus; aquest darrer aspecte s'ha estudiat en tres poblacions. També es va fer un assaig de control de la plaga amb un tractament clàssic amb insecticides de contacte i una elevada persistència. Pels estudis sobre la seva biologia reproductiva es va constatar el seu caràcter poligínic en tota la supercòlonia, amb una gran densitat de reines per supercolònia que es trobaven isolades o bé en grups de 2 o més reines dins de cada niu i sempre amb obreres. Per les dades en increment en pes sec i contingut de greixos des del naixement fins al moment de l'aparellament es va demostrar que les reines de L. neglectus es poden reproduir mitjançant fundació dependent tot i que el valor obtingut de la proporció del mesosoma de reines i obreres (relació entre el volum del tòrax de reines i obreres=23.83±0.15) coincideix amb el de les espècies que fan fundacions independents. Al laboratori també es van obtenir obreres a partir de reines joves acabades de fecundar (fundacions independents, haplo i pleometrótiques). Per les dades en contingut de carbohidrats es demostra que les reines tenen valors entremitjos entre les reines d'espècies que fan vols nupcials i les que no són capaces de volar, tot i que per l'àrea relativa de les ales les reines de L. neglectus han de ser capaces de volar. Tanmateix mai s'ha documentat cap vol nupcial en L. neglectus fins ara. Les reines joves alades fan fecundació intranidal i aquestes reines joves fecundades són adoptades per les reines velles i les obreres dins del mateix niu. Aquesta estratègia evita la depredació de reines joves fecundades despr, The aim of this work is to study: a) the reproductive biology and ecology of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus and b) its effects over other native arthropod communities in invaded communities from Northeast Spain; this last aspect has been studied on three populations. A large scale insecticide treatment of the plague was also made with contact and high persistence insecticides. Its polygynic character was ascertained by the studies about its reproductive biology, with a great density of queens that were found isolated or in groups of 2 or more queens per nest, always with workers. From data obtained in increase in dry weight and fat contents from eclosion until mating time, it was demonstrated that L. neglectus queens can reproduce through dependent colony founding even though the value obtained from the proportion of the mesosome ratio from queens and workers (queen/worker thorax volume=23.83±0.15) coincides with the independent colony founding species. Workers were also obtained, at the laboratory, from newly mated queens (haplo- and pleometrotic independent foundations). From data in carbohydrate content, queens have intermediate values among the flying queens and those not capable to perform nuptial flights, even though for the relative area of the wings, L. neglectus queens are capable of flying. However it has never been documented a nuptial flight in L. neglectus until now. Queens reproduce by intranidal mating and these fertilized young queens are adopted by the old queens and workers into the same nest. This strategy avoids the possible predation of young fertilized queens after the nuptial flight, a critical moment for the expansion of the colony. Therefore they expand by budding or through passive human transport. The egg laying rates of old queens are two fold than that of young mated queens, with a total development time from egg to worker double than from egg to nanitic for young queens. The most significant effect of the invasion of L. neglec
- Published
- 2007
11. breedschubmier Lasius (Chthonolasius) sabularum en de steppemier L. (C.) distinguendus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Nederland
- Author
Boer, P. and Boer, P.
- Abstract
Gele parasietmieren van het genus Lasius, subgenus Chthonolasius, zijn tijdelijke sociale parasieten bij grauwe mieren van het subgenus Lasius s.str. en in mindere mate bij weidemieren van het subgenus Cautolasius. In Nederland komen zeven soorten gele parasietmieren voor. Twee van deze worden sinds kort tot de Nederlandse fauna gerekend, de steppemier L. distinguendus en de breedschubmier L. sabularum, Seventy years ago Lasius sabularum was considered to occur in the Netherlands. Due to taxonomic changes the species was synonymized and, as a consequence, the name disappeared from the Dutch faunalist. Seifert revised the subgenus Chthonolasius and re-established L. sabularum as a valid species. Lasius distinguendus is recorded for the first time from the Netherlands
- Published
- 2005
12. A quantitative comparison of the behavioral reactions of lasius flavus ant workers (Formicidae) toward the guest beetle claviger testaceus (pselaphidae), ant larvae, intruder insects and cadavers
- Author
Cammaerts, Roger and Cammaerts, Roger
- Abstract
The frequency and duration of the behavioral reactions of the Losius flavus ant workers toward the inquiline guest beetle Claviger testaceus were compared with those toward the ant's larvae, non-myrmecophilous insects and insect cadavers. The study shows that the workers behave in a similar manner to the Claviger beetle as they do with a few hours old insect cadaver, i.e. in a condition to be eaten by the brood. They lick the Claviger beetle, bite it, regurgitate ingluvial fluid on it and transport it as much as they do with an edible cadaver. Furthermore, they bite the Claviger in the same manner as they dismember dead prey. Wounded ant larvae, also, are bitten in a similar manner. The observations also indicate that the L. flavus workers do not treat the Claviger guest beetle as a social partner. The workers lick, bite and transport a Claviger beetle more frequently and for a longer duration than they do for a healthy congener worker or worker larva. Healthy gyne larvae, however, are licked as much or even more than Claviger beetles. On the other hand, healthy worker and gyne larvae, appear to benefit from more regurgitations per licking session than Claviger beetles or insect corpses. Moreover, when a worker does bite a healthy member of the society, it does so in a less severe manner than with a Claviger or a cadaver. Contrary also to Claviger beetles and insect cadavers, healthy live worker larvae are never and gyne larvae only very rarely the target of gaster flexions. When a Claviger is newly introduced in a L. flavus colony (in this case the beetle is referred to as an alien) it is the target of a high number of gaster flexions, similar to the quantity seen for non-myrmecophilous intruder insects (fruit flies and free-living soil beetles) newly introduced in a nest. When a Claviger has been present for some time in a L. flavus colony (in this case being referred to as a resident), it is the target of a lower number of gaster flexions, similar to the number r, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 1999
13. A quantitative comparison of the behavioral reactions of lasius flavus ant workers (Formicidae) toward the guest beetle claviger testaceus (pselaphidae), ant larvae, intruder insects and cadavers
- Author
Cammaerts, Roger and Cammaerts, Roger
- Abstract
The frequency and duration of the behavioral reactions of the Losius flavus ant workers toward the inquiline guest beetle Claviger testaceus were compared with those toward the ant's larvae, non-myrmecophilous insects and insect cadavers. The study shows that the workers behave in a similar manner to the Claviger beetle as they do with a few hours old insect cadaver, i.e. in a condition to be eaten by the brood. They lick the Claviger beetle, bite it, regurgitate ingluvial fluid on it and transport it as much as they do with an edible cadaver. Furthermore, they bite the Claviger in the same manner as they dismember dead prey. Wounded ant larvae, also, are bitten in a similar manner. The observations also indicate that the L. flavus workers do not treat the Claviger guest beetle as a social partner. The workers lick, bite and transport a Claviger beetle more frequently and for a longer duration than they do for a healthy congener worker or worker larva. Healthy gyne larvae, however, are licked as much or even more than Claviger beetles. On the other hand, healthy worker and gyne larvae, appear to benefit from more regurgitations per licking session than Claviger beetles or insect corpses. Moreover, when a worker does bite a healthy member of the society, it does so in a less severe manner than with a Claviger or a cadaver. Contrary also to Claviger beetles and insect cadavers, healthy live worker larvae are never and gyne larvae only very rarely the target of gaster flexions. When a Claviger is newly introduced in a L. flavus colony (in this case the beetle is referred to as an alien) it is the target of a high number of gaster flexions, similar to the quantity seen for non-myrmecophilous intruder insects (fruit flies and free-living soil beetles) newly introduced in a nest. When a Claviger has been present for some time in a L. flavus colony (in this case being referred to as a resident), it is the target of a lower number of gaster flexions, similar to the number r, SCOPUS: ar.j, info:eu-repo/semantics/published
- Published
- 1999
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