1. En studie av Netanyahus förändrade retorik efter 7:e oktober2023
- Author
Soltani, Abolfazl and Soltani, Abolfazl
- Abstract
This study examines the transformation of the Israeli prime minister’s rhetoric following theevents of October 7, 2023 through the lens of securitization theory. Since October 7, Netanyahu’rhetoric has moved from broad warnings and defensive stances to quick specific battle plans. Henow stresses the need for big military moves and taking over Gaza. This study focuses on PrimeMinister Netanyahu's speeches and how he has reframed threats to Jewish identity as dangers toIsrael's very existence. Netanyahu has illustrated Hamas as an existential threat to both Israel'sstate and Jewish identity. His words highlight the killing of Israeli civilians, invasions of landand war. He frames these acts as severe threats that call for unusual military steps. By bringingup Jewish history and identity, Netanyahu has strengthened the idea that Jewish identity key toIsrael's ethnic-national character is under attack. The study highlights how non-existential threatsto Jewish identity can be constructed and rapidly communicated as existential to influence publicopinion and justify actions that would otherwise not be legitimate under normal circumstances.
- Published
- 2024