Signal transduction pathways play crucial role in number of cellular processes including proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, apoptosis, and metabolic homeostasis. Among the major regulatory mechanisms controlling signal transduction is reversible phosphorylation, which employs multiple kinases and phosphatases. Contrary to kinases, which are now among classic therapeutic targets of carcinogenesis regulation, the field of phosphatase research is still young and the roles of individual phosphatases are only recently recognized in detail. Here we focus on novel aspects of signalling, detection, and targeting of both protein serine/threonine (PPs) and tyrosine (PTPs) phosphatases. The research on PPs is somewhat more advanced since the first discoveries of PPs in mid-60th years [1], whereas identification of the first genuine PTP was reported only as late as in 1988 by Nicholas Tonks and his colleagues [2]. The structures and functions of many PPs and PTPs and their mechanisms of regulation have already been defined. Some are specific for a particular substrate, while others are capable to dephosphorylate vast array of cellular proteins [3]. But only recently, the PPs and PTPs are recognized as not less important components of the same pathways that involve tyrosine or serine/threonine kinases. Even though we are still plagued by the problems of specificity and selectivity, the field significantly advanced forward and the PPs and PTPs holds much promise as future targets of anti-cancer agents. Here we focus on various areas of phosphatase research, which already uncovered findings with potential to improve patient care in terms of improved cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. Firstly, we focus on microcystins, potent PP inhibitors of growing interest (Fig. 1A). These toxins are produced naturally by blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), a diverse group of photosynthetic bacteria inhabiting wide range of aquatic and terrestrial environments, including drinking water reservoirs, recreational lakes, or coastal waters. H. Fujiki & M. Suganuma focus on the state-of-art knowledge about microcystins and their influence on carcinogenesis in humans, starting with their seminal discovery of tumor promoter function of microcystins in 1992 [4], and discussing the advances in the field until recent days. Despite the acute microcystin intoxication has only rarely fatal consequences, the reverse is true for the chronic exposures, and thus removal of microcystins is particularly important in water treatment plants utilizing water from surface water bodies. Thus, microcystin degradation and removal is subject of complementing paper by D. D. Dionysiou and his colleagues. The techniques described in their study have a potential to completely remove the contaminating microcystins from water even in turbid conditions. These techniques include biodegradation, photochemical degradation including titanium dioxide photocatalysis, sulphate-radical-based oxidation, sonolysis, ozonisation, and chlorination. Current WHO guidelines and local laws in most industrialized countries take in account the most widespread microcystin (microcystin-LR), however the other > 80 microcystin species are left aside without any limits even though they have comparable toxicity to microcystin-LR. Focus on other microcystins, verification of currently applied maximal acceptable limits, and improvement of both detection and elimination of microcystins in water treatment plants is highly desirable. Closely related to the above mentioned topics is review written by P. Kalev & A. A. Sablina, who explore the family of heterotrimeric serine-threonine phosphatases PP2A. This phosphatase family is responsible for the majority of serine/threonine phosphatase activity in mammalian cells, and is among major targets of the above mentioned microcystins. In their paper, they describe current approaches to modulate PP2A signalling in cancer, which includes both activation of PP2A activity, which downregulates major cancer-associated signalling pathways, and inhibition of PP2A activity, which was shown to support the effects of currently used chemotherapeutics due to abrogation cell cycle checkpoints and promotion of premature entry into mitosis. Next we focus on advances in detection of PPs and PTPs. Improved detection methods are crucial to determine the spatiotemporal localization and activity of individual molecules of interest. In first of the two papers, A. Ishida & I. Kameshita explore the current advances in the field of in-gel phosphatase assays. These methods are of great potential in basic and preclinical research as they allow detecting and discriminating between activity of several PPs or PTPs within each sample by incorporation of various substrates to the conventional SDSPAGE gel. Employment of fluorogenic instead of radioactive substrates makes them now more user-friendly and facilitates their wider use. However, compared to in-tube methods, the in-gel assays are still limited due to the necessary ability of the enzyme to renaturate after SDSPAGE, and are efficient only when used to detect the changes caused by covalent modifications (such as phosphorylation or oxidation). In the second paper on PTP detection, S. J. Chung and his colleagues focus on recent advances in development of chemical probes for PTPs, with focus on general and selective fluorescent activity probes. Some of these probes have high potential to be used in either screens for PTP inhibitors or activators, and as diagnostic and prognostic tools. Examples of their current use in basic and preclinical science are discussed. In the next review, K. V. S. Rao and his colleagues deal with interesting emerging phenomenon, regulatory cascades of PPs and PTPs. Broadly defined, these cascades comprise of a series of successive dephosphorylation reactions occurring within a cell and are catalyzed by sequentially activated phosphatases. Despite they closely resemble the very well-known cascades, such as MAPK/Erk pathway, their existence was recognized only recently. As there is frequent crosstalk between the already known phosphatase and kinase cascades, their targeting should definitely be among the major interests of future pharmaceutical research. Several papers in this issue focus in mechanisms of action of emerging cancer-associated PTPs, and evaluate their potential to serve as potential targets for anti-cancer therapy. Our knowledge about the role of PTPs in cancer shifted significantly forward during recent years [5]. Apart of classical target of PTP pharmacological research, PTP1B [6, 7], numerous inhibitors of various PTPs were recently described [8], allowing specific and selective modulation of PTP signaling in basic and preclinical research. However, since the termination of phase II clinical trial of ertiprotafib (Wyeth Research) due to unsatisfactory efficacy, dose-limiting site effects and inconsistency of data from in vivo treatments with the expected outcomes, the market is still waiting for its first clinically approved specific PTP inhibitor, despite several currently used drugs show some degree of PTP inhibitory activity. Among the recently emerging cancer-associated PTPs are PTPN13 / PTPBAS (Fig. 1B; reviewed here by G. Freiss & D. Chalbos), PTPN6 / SHP-1 (reviewed here by B. Colas and her colleagues), emerging marker of metastasis PRL-3 / PTP4A3 (Fig. 1C; reviewed here by K. Guzinska-Ustymowicz), and various MAPK phosphatases (Fig. 1D; reviewed here by R. Pulido and his colleagues). Some PTPs and their fragments may serve as important cancer diagnostic tools. In this regard, S. E. L. Craig and S. M. Brady-Kalnay elucidate here the very interesting phenomenon of shedding of extracellular domains of some receptor PTPs. These shed extracellular domains have a great potential to be used in non-invasive molecular imaging strategies to detect the main tumor. They may be used to mark the tumor margins, and possibly for molecular targeting of tumor cells to deliver therapeutics. Extracellular domain cleavage observed for receptor PTPs resembles those of Notch, where three proteases sequentially digest Notch to release biologically active protein fragments. S. M. Brady-Kalnay pioneered this area of research [9, 10] and offers here exciting state-of-art view of this important emerging subject of cancer research..........