The free envelope of a finite commutative semigroup was defined by Grillet [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 149 (1970), 665-682] to be a finitely generated free commutative semigroup $ F(S)$ $ \alpha :\,S\, \to \,F(S)$ $ \alpha (S)$? We prove this is indeed the case. It follows as a result of two lemmas. Lemma 1: Given a full rank proper subgroup H of a finitely generated free Abelian group F and a basis X of F there exists a surjective homomorphism $ f:\,F\, \to \,{\textbf{Z}}$f is positive on X and $ {f_{\left\vert H \right.}}$F is contained in the positive cone of some basis of F. The following duality theorem is also proved. Let $ {S^{\ast}}\, \cong \,\operatorname{Hom} (S,\,N)$N is the nonnegative integers under addition. Then $ S\, \cong \,{S^{{\ast}{\ast}}}$S is isomorphic to a unitary subsemigroup of a finitely generated free commutative semigroup with identity.