Pirrie, S., Wheldon, C., Kokalova, Tz., Bishop, J., Hertenberger, R., Wirth, H. -F., Bailey, S., Curtis, N., Dell'Aquila, D., Faestermann, Th., Mengoni, D., Smith, R., Torresi, D., and Turner, A.
The determination of absolute branching ratios for high-energy states in light nuclei is an important and useful tool for probing the underlying nuclear structure of individual resonances: for example, in establishing the tendency of an excited state towards $\alpha$-cluster structure. Difficulty arises in measuring these branching ratios due to similarities in available decay channels, such as ($\mathbf{^{18}}$O,$\mathbf{n}$) and ($\mathbf{^{18}}$O,$\mathbf{2n}$), as well as differences in geometric efficiencies due to population of bound excited levels in daughter nuclei. Methods are presented using Monte Carlo techniques to overcome these issues., Comment: Submission to Scipost (for EFB24 conference proceedings), 10 pages, 6 figures