Friesen, Ward, Lado, Cleophas, Yong-Sook Lee, Rigg, Jonathan, Richter, Linda, and Navaneetham, Kannan
Books reviewed in this article: Edvard Hviding and Tim Bayliss–Smith, Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, Logging and Eco–Tourism in Solomon Islands Uwen E. Ite, Global Thinking and Local Action: Agriculture, Tropical Forest Loss and Conservation in Southeast Nigeria Anthony Gar–On Yeh and Mee Kam Ng (eds.), Planning for a Better Urban Living Environment in Asia Yao Souchou (ed.), House of Glass: Culture, Modernity and the State in Southeast Asia Peggy Teo, T.C. Chang and K.C. Ho (eds.), Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia Paul Harrison and Fred Pearce, AAAS Atlas of Population and Environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]