Emerging as a complementary analytical tool to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), LC-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LC-ICP-MS) brings added value to the determination of inorganic element containing molecules of biological importance with its high selectivity, superior sensitivity, and nearly matrix-effect free determination. This article discusses the important roles LC-ICP-MS speciation analysis can play in meeting exploratory analytical challenges in the life sciences. Two promising capabilities of LC-ICP-MS that have the potential to broaden its applications in the life sciences but have not been investigated intensively and widely appreciated are emphasized: element-selective screening and species-independent quantification of organic compounds that contain one or more inorganic element, either naturally present in the compounds or intentionally introduced as an ICP-MS tag, such as P, S, Br, I, Si, Se, As, and metals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]