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1. Girls, sexuality and playground‐assemblages in a South African primary school.

2. Considerations for paediatric student‐led telepractice in speech‐language therapy: A pilot observational study from South Africa.

3. Moving towards social inclusion: Engaging rural voices in priority setting for health.

4. Impact of carbon pricing on comparative advantage in environmental goods export in sub‐Saharan Africa: Evidence of asymmetries from South Africa.

5. Whose water crisis? How policy responses to acute environmental change widen inequality.

6. A multi‐year, multi‐site study of the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in South Africa.

7. Collaborative implementation of an evidence-based package of integrated primary mental healthcare using quality improvement within a learning health systems approach: Lessons from the Mental health INTegration programme in South Africa.

8. The prevalence and social determinants of multimorbidity in South Africa.

9. Progress of the social service professions in South Africa's developmental social welfare system: Social work, and child and youth care work.

10. Susceptibility of adult Phlyctinus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to entomopathogens: A first look at potential differences in a newly revised species complex.

11. Beyond the Grid: The Micropolitics of Off‐Grid Energy in Qandu‐Qandu, South Africa.

12. Experiences of South African speech–language therapists providing telepractice during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative survey.

13. Propagating Afrikaner nationalism: The Voortrekker stamps as icons of an ideology, c.1933–1949.

14. Structural forces shape xenophobia in South Africa: Looking beyond the human agent.

15. Black Belonging, White Belonging: Primitive Accumulation in South Africa's Private Nature Reserves.

16. Adultification, neglect and sexual abuse at home: Selected narratives of orphaned girls in KwaMashu, South Africa.

17. Determinants of Bias Perceptions in South Africa: The Case of A Highly Unequal Society.

18. Documentary analysis of the legal and policy framework of transracial adoption in South Africa.

19. Amplifying invisibility: COVID‐19 and Zimbabwean migrant farm workers in South Africa.

20. Terror at the front gate: Insurgency in Mozambique and its implications for the SADC and South Africa.

21. Examining the understandings of young adult South African men who stutter: The question of disability.

22. Memory Justice in Ordinary Urban Spaces: The Politics of Remembering and Forgetting in a Post‐Apartheid Neighbourhood.

23. The regulatory and policy variables influencing FDI in South Africa.

24. "Black, Queer, and Christian": Exploring Sexuality as an Emerging Contour of Black Theology.

25. Resettled but not redressed: Land restitution and post‐settlement dynamics in South Africa.

26. The influence of Opuntia ficus‐indica on human livelihoods in Southern Africa.

27. The involvement of a chemokine receptor antagonist CTCE‐9908 and kynurenine metabolites in cancer development.

28. Social accountability in local government: Lessons from Vuwani (South Africa) and Gweru (Zimbabwe).

29. South Africa's engagement with Russia in the era of the "new dawn".

30. Exploring settlement typologies in Post‐Apartheid South Africa.

31. Coloniality as a Barrier to Climate Action: Hierarchies of Power in a Coal‐Based Economy.

32. Epileptic spasms: A South African overview of aetiologies, interventions, and outcomes.

33. A methodology for class analysis: Agricultural investments and agrarian change in South Africa.

34. HIV responsibilisation: Stigma, disclosure, and care in the age of 90‐90‐90.

35. Karl and Tilla König and the creation of the Camphill Movement.

36. A request for e‐voting system in South Africa: A case of 2019 national elections.

37. Graphite and multilayer graphene detected on ~70,000‐year‐old stone tools: Geological origin or constituent of hafting resin?

38. 'I don't really know where I stand because I don't know if I took something away from her': Moral injury in South African speech–language therapists and audiologists due to patient death and dying.

39. A field experiment exploring disturbance‐and‐recovery, and restoration methodology of Zostera capensis to support its role as a coastal protector.

40. Neighbourhood change and spatial inequalities in Cape Town.

41. Has knowledge improved economic growth? Evidence from Nigeria and South Africa.

42. The role of stakeholder engagement in sustainable water resource management in South Africa.

43. "We have to create our own community": Addressing HIV/AIDS among Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) in the Neuropolis.

44. Mine closure, social disruption, and crime in South Africa.

45. Who's slipping through the cracks? A comprehensive individual, clinical and health system characterization of people with virological failure on first‐line HIV treatment in Uganda and South Africa.

46. The top‐down approach in intergovernmental relations in South Africa: Challenges and prospects.

47. Moving from crisis to critical praxis: Geography in South Africa.

48. Multiple group membership supports resilience and growth in response to violence and abuse.

49. Probing the Southern African Lithosphere With Magnetotellurics—Part I: Model Construction.

50. Knowledge exchange enhances engagement in ecological restoration and rehabilitation initiatives.