
Showing total 18 results
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1. Securitizing Beijing through the maritime commons: the 'China threat' and Japan's security discourse in the Abe era.

2. Applications of Legal Psychology in Japan: Current Practice, Research Knowledge, and Future Directions.

3. Politics and space: Nakasone Yasuhiro and Japanese space programs.

4. تحول القوة في منطقة شرق آسيا بين الصعود الصيني والمأزق الياباني.

5. Earthquake detection capacity of the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquakes and Tsunamis (DONET).

6. Front-line guardian of the status quo: Japan under the Kishida government.

7. Comparison on the Origin and Development of Sophora flavescens in China and Japan.

8. The Changing Relationship between the Nonprofit Sector and the State in Japan: Case Studies of NPOs in Fukushima.

9. Fighting with Rotating Blades, Boomerangs, and Crushing Punches: A History of Mecha from a Robotics Point of View.

10. Moving house in migrant narratives: the morphology of housing pathways from an anthropological perspective.

11. Development and evaluation of a patient-reported outcome measure specific for Gaucher disease with or without neurological symptoms in Japan.

12. Young People's Interaction with Political Information in Japan.

13. Explaining depression in the language of burnout: Normative reasons for depression in place of deterministic causes.

14. Japan's new anti-harassment law and the ironic legitimation of workplace harassment against women managers.

15. Sense and sensibility in Japanese educational philosophy.

16. Modelling diffusion of innovation curves using radiocarbon data.

17. Revitalising rural areas through counterurbanisation: Community-oriented policies for the settlement of urban newcomers.

18. Hybridising counterurbanisation: Lessons from Japan's kankeijinkō.