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1. SAGES White Paper on the importance of diversity in surgical leadership: creating the fundamentals of leadership development (FLD) curriculum.

2. Where do incarcerated trans women prefer to be housed and why? Adding nuanced understandings to a complex debate through the voices of formerly incarcerated trans women in Australia and the United States.

3. Promoting breastfeeding in women with gestational diabetes mellitus in high-income settings: an integrative review.

4. Optimising a clinical decision support tool to improve chronic kidney disease management in general practice.

5. Global overview of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children and adolescents over the past 20 years: a bibliometric analysis.

6. A collaboration between adult protective services and forensic accounting examiners to investigate complex financial exploitation: formative evaluation findings.

7. Living with multimorbidity: A qualitative exploration of shared experiences of patients, family caregivers, and healthcare professionals in managing symptoms in the United States.

8. A bibliometric analysis of studies on technology‐supported learning environments: Hot topics and frontier evolution.

9. Chronic cough diagnosis, treatment, and referral practices among family physicians in the United States: a survey study.

10. The "dirty work" of last responders: Occupational stigma risk and protective factors.

11. 'Sins of their fathers': Social groups parental incarceration and positive psychological outcomes across time in the US and UK.

12. Recognize & Resist: An Online Health Intervention to Promote Writing About Sexual Consent and Egalitarian Gender Roles Among One Direction Fanfiction Writers.

13. Trauma and Incarceration: A Latent Class Analysis of Lifetime Trauma Exposures for Individuals in Prison.

14. Lessons learned: Implementing and adapting a multimedia campaign to promote heart health to college students.

15. How are pornography and sexual sensation seeking related?

16. Leveraging performance and feedback‐seeking indicators from a digital learning platform for early prediction of students' learning outcomes.

17. Implementation Lessons Learned: Distress Behaviors in Dementia Intervention in Veterans Health Administration.

18. How Helpful Is Bystander Intervention? Perspectives of Dating and Sexual Violence Survivors.

19. A pilot trial examining the effects of veteran voices and visions, an adaptation of hearing voices groups for a large public health system in the United States.

20. A Scoping Review of Cancer Interventions with Arab Americans.

21. Cost of illness studies in COVID-19: a scoping review.

22. 'Sick with stress': perspectives on airport travel from persons living with dementia and their travel companions.

23. Moral thinking and communication competencies of college students and graduates in Taiwan, the UK, and the US: a mixed-methods study.

24. Faith-based organizations and poverty alleviation: a scoping review on definitions and terminology (2010–2021).

25. Integration of Dementia Systems in Central America: A Social Network Approach.