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1,313 results

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1. Deep Learning for 3D Reconstruction, Augmentation, and Registration: A Review Paper.

2. Real-Time Arabic Sign Language Recognition Using a Hybrid Deep Learning Model.

3. Systematic Review of Emotion Detection with Computer Vision and Deep Learning.

4. Vehicle Occupant Detection Based on MM-Wave Radar.

5. Deep Time Series Forecasting Models: A Comprehensive Survey.

6. Enhancing Fetal Electrocardiogram Signal Extraction Accuracy through a CycleGAN Utilizing Combined CNN–BiLSTM Architecture.

7. Editorial for the Special Issue "Machine Learning in Computer Vision and Image Sensing: Theory and Applications".

8. Mapping Method of Human Arm Motion Based on Surface Electromyography Signals.

9. An Adaptive Temporal Convolutional Network Autoencoder for Malicious Data Detection in Mobile Crowd Sensing.

10. Using a Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network with a Transformer Model for Tomato Leaf Disease Detection.

11. The Expansion Methods of Inception and Its Application.

12. An Effective Image Classification Method for Plant Diseases with Improved Channel Attention Mechanism aECAnet Based on Deep Learning.

13. A Time-Frequency Domain Mixed Attention-Based Approach for Classifying Wood-Boring Insect Feeding Vibration Signals Using a Deep Learning Model.

14. A Refined Wind Power Forecasting Method with High Temporal Resolution Based on Light Convolutional Neural Network Architecture.

15. Deep Learning Algorithm for Solving Interval of Weight Coefficient of Wind–Thermal–Storage System.

16. Advances in Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey of Methods, Benchmarks, Models, and Datasets.

17. Optimization of Internet of Things Remote Desktop Protocol for Low-Bandwidth Environments Using Convolutional Neural Networks.

18. Enhancing Stress Detection: A Comprehensive Approach through rPPG Analysis and Deep Learning Techniques.

19. A Novel Electricity Theft Detection Strategy Based on Dual-Time Feature Fusion and Deep Learning Methods.

20. Deep Learning Approach for Pitting Corrosion Detection in Gas Pipelines.

21. A Deep Learning Method for Bearing Cross-Domain Fault Diagnostics Based on the Standard Envelope Spectrum.

22. Bagging Improves the Performance of Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation with Limited Labeled Images: A Case Study of Crop Segmentation for High-Throughput Plant Phenotyping.

23. A Video Mosaicing-Based Sensing Method for Chicken Behavior Recognition on Edge Computing Devices.

24. TSSG-CNN: A Tuberculosis Semantic Segmentation-Guided Model for Detecting and Diagnosis Using the Adaptive Convolutional Neural Network.

25. Combining "Deep Learning" and Physically Constrained Neural Networks to Derive Complex Glaciological Change Processes from Modern High-Resolution Satellite Imagery: Application of the GEOCLASS-Image System to Create VarioCNN for Glacier Surges.

26. Age-Related Macular Degeneration Detection in Retinal Fundus Images by a Deep Convolutional Neural Network.

27. SGNet: Efficient Snow Removal Deep Network with a Global Windowing Transformer.

28. DMAF-NET: Deep Multi-Scale Attention Fusion Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Limited Samples.

29. Improving the Accuracy of Direction of Arrival Estimation with Multiple Signal Inputs Using Deep Learning.

30. SSAformer: Spatial–Spectral Aggregation Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution.

31. Changes in the Water Area of an Inland River Terminal Lake (Taitma Lake) Driven by Climate Change and Human Activities, 2017–2022.

32. Deep Learning-Based Design Method for Acoustic Metasurface Dual-Feature Fusion.

33. MEA-EFFormer: Multiscale Efficient Attention with Enhanced Feature Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification.

34. Learning in Deep Radial Basis Function Networks.

35. Object-Based Semi-Supervised Spatial Attention Residual UNet for Urban High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification.

36. Deep Reconstruction Transfer Convolutional Neural Network for Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis.

37. User Orientation Detection in Relation to Antenna Geometry in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks Using Deep Learning.

38. Data-Driven Techniques for Short-Term Electricity Price Forecasting through Novel Deep Learning Approaches with Attention Mechanisms.

39. Prediction of Sea Surface Temperature Using U-Net Based Model.

40. Ship Detection with Deep Learning in Optical Remote-Sensing Images: A Survey of Challenges and Advances.

41. Fire Detection in Urban Areas Using Multimodal Data and Federated Learning.

42. Electroencephalographic Signal Data Augmentation Based on Improved Generative Adversarial Network.

43. Deep Learning Detection and Segmentation of Facet Joints in Ultrasound Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Enhanced Data Annotation.

44. LighterFace Model for Community Face Detection and Recognition.

45. A Deep Learning Neural Network Method Using Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Schizophrenic EEG Data Classification.

46. Contactless Heart and Respiration Rates Estimation and Classification of Driver Physiological States Using CW Radar and Temporal Neural Networks.

47. Application of Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Combined with Single-Model Decision-Making Fusion Neural Networks in Structural Damage Recognition.

48. Efficient Underground Tunnel Place Recognition Algorithm Based on Farthest Point Subsampling and Dual-Attention Transformer.

49. Correction: Siddiqui, Z.A.; Park, U. A Drone Based Transmission Line Components Inspection System with Deep Learning Technique. Energies 2020, 13 , 3348.

50. Artificial Intelligence in Photovoltaic Fault Identification and Diagnosis: A Systematic Review.