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1. EPOCHS Paper V. The dependence of galaxy formation on galaxy structure at z < 7 from JWST observations.

2. EPOCHS Paper – VIII. An insight into MIRI-selected galaxies in SMACS-0723 and the benefits of deep MIRI photometry in revealing AGN and the dusty universe.

3. Brightest group galaxies: stellar mass and star formation rate (paper I).

4. The evolutionary path of void galaxies in TNG300 simulation.

5. The origin of the metallicity distributions of the NE and W stellar shelves in the Andromeda Galaxy.

6. The structural properties of nearby dwarf galaxies in low-density environments – size, surface brightness, and colour gradients.

7. FLORAH: a generative model for halo assembly histories.

8. New Wolf–Rayet wind yields and nucleosynthesis of Helium stars.

9. Stochastic prior for non-parametric star-formation histories.

10. Bulge+disc decomposition of HFF and CANDELS galaxies: UVJ diagrams and stellar mass–size relations of galaxy components at 0.2 ≤ z ≤ 1.5.

11. The Uchuu-glam BOSS and eBOSS LRG lightcones: exploring clustering and covariance errors.

12. ARTEMIS emulator: exploring the effect of cosmology and galaxy formation physics on Milky Way-mass haloes and their satellites.

13. The size function of massive satellites from the Re–Rh and Mstar–Mh relations: constraining the role of environment.

14. congruents (COsmic ray, Neutrino, Gamma-ray, and Radio Non-Thermal Spectra) – I. A predictive model for galactic non-thermal emission.

15. Correction to: Neutron star mass in dark matter clumps.

16. Estimation of stellar mass and star formation rate based on galaxy images.

17. Electron-capture supernovae in NS + He star systems and the double neutron star systems.

18. The effect of thermal torques on AGN disc migration traps and gravitational wave populations.

19. First observational evidence of a relation between globular clusters' internal rotation and stellar masses.

20. King Ghidorah Supercluster: Mapping the light and dark matter in a new supercluster at z = 0.55 using the subaru hyper suprime-cam.

21. Shining light on the hosts of the nano-Hertz gravitational wave sources: a theoretical perspective.

22. ERGO-ML: comparing IllustrisTNG and HSC galaxy images via contrastive learning.

23. Search for brown dwarfs in IC 1396 with Subaru HSC: interpreting the impact of environmental factors on substellar population.

24. Structure and large-scale environment of galaxy pairs in the S-PLUS DR4.

25. Dark-ages reionization and galaxy formation simulation – XXI. Constraining the evolution of the ionizing escape fraction.

26. INSPIRE: INvestigating Stellar Population In RElics – V. A catalogue of ultra-compact massive galaxies outside the local Universe and their degree of relicness.

27. Jellyfish galaxies with the IllustrisTNG simulations – citizen-science results towards large distances, low-mass hosts, and high redshifts.

28. Scaling relations for globular cluster systems in early-type galaxies – III. The inner flattening of the radial distributions.

29. Bulge–disc decomposition of the Hydra cluster galaxies in 12 bands.

30. The first fireworks: A roadmap to Population III stars during the epoch of reionization through pair-instability supernovae.

31. On the core-collapse supernova explanation for LAMOST J1010 + 2358.

32. Neutron star mass in dark matter clumps.

33. EDGE: The direct link between mass growth history and the extended stellar haloes of the faintest dwarf galaxies.

34. The motivation for flexible star-formation histories from spatially resolved scales within galaxies.

35. MaNGA DynPop – IV. Stacked total density profile of galaxy groups and clusters from combining dynamical models of integral-field stellar kinematics and galaxy–galaxy lensing.

36. Predicting astrometric microlensing events from Gaia Data Release 3.

37. The Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey: extended and remastered data release.

38. The impact of stochastic modelling on the predictive power of galaxy formation simulations.

39. WALLABY pre-pilot survey: ultra-diffuse galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup.

40. "Four new compact triply eclipsing triples found with Gaia and TESS.

41. New evidence for a cosmological distribution of stellar mass primordial black holes.

42. Hα emission in the outskirts of galaxies at z = 0.4.

43. Atmospheric mass loss and stellar wind effects in young and old systems – II. Is TOI-942 the past of TOI-421 system?

44. First light and reionization epoch simulations (FLARES) X iii: the lyman-continuum emission of high-redshift galaxies.

45. SN 2020udy: an SN Iax with strict limits on interaction consistent with a helium-star companion.

46. Did Kepler-444 have a long-lived convective core?

47. On the likelihoods of finding very metal-poor (and old) stars in the Milky Way's disc, bulge, and halo.

48. Tidal debris from Omega Centauri discovered with unsupervised machine learning.

49. Starbursts in low-mass haloes at Cosmic Dawn. I. The critical halo mass for star formation.

50. The tiered radio extragalactic continuum (T-RECS) simulation II: H i emission and continuum-H i cross-correlation.