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1. Using clustered data to develop biomass allometric models: The consequences of ignoring the clustered data structure.

2. Model uncertainties do not affect observed patterns of species richness in the Amazon.

3. Organic farming enhances soil microbial abundance and activity—A meta-analysis and meta-regression.

4. Niche shifts and the potential distribution of Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) under climate change.

5. Statistical Downscaling of General Circulation Model Outputs to Precipitation Accounting for Non-Stationarities in Predictor-Predictand Relationships.

6. Effect of Tree-to-Shrub Type Conversion in Lower Montane Forests of the Sierra Nevada (USA) on Streamflow.

7. Multispecies Fisheries in the Lower Amazon River and Its Relationship with the Regional and Global Climate Variability.

8. Using clustered data to develop biomass allometric models: The consequences of ignoring the clustered data structure

9. Trait-based plant ecology a flawed tool in climate studies? The leaf traits of wild olive that pattern with climate are not those routinely measured.

10. Climate drivers of malaria at its southern fringe in the Americas.

11. Climate change impacts on aflatoxin B1 in maize and aflatoxin M1 in milk: A case study of maize grown in Eastern Europe and imported to the Netherlands.

12. Projected heat stress challenges and abatement opportunities for U.S. milk production.

13. A mark–recapture approach for estimating population size of the endangered ringed seal (Phoca hispida saimensis).

14. Potential impacts of climate-related decline of seafood harvest on nutritional status of coastal First Nations in British Columbia, Canada.

15. Different grain-filling rates explain grain-weight differences along the wheat ear.

16. Temperature-driven response reversibility and short-term quasi-acclimation of Daphnia magna.

17. Climatic factors shaping intraspecific leaf trait variation of a neotropical tree along a rainfall gradient.

18. Identifying riparian climate corridors to inform climate adaptation planning.

19. Identification of factors affecting rice yield gap in southwest China: An experimental study.

20. Predicted distribution of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesi on the Scotian Shelf and its persistence in the face of climatic variability.

21. Threat of establishment of non-indigenous potato blackleg and tuber soft rot pathogens in Great Britain under climate change.

22. Effects of climatically-modulated changes in solar radiation and wind speed on spring phytoplankton community dynamics in Lake Taihu, China.

23. An R package for simulating growth and organic wastage in aquaculture farms in response to environmental conditions and husbandry practices.

24. Conservation planning under uncertainty in urban development and vegetation dynamics.

25. Linking deep convection and phytoplankton blooms in the northern Labrador Sea in a changing climate.

26. Climatic shocks associate with innovation in science and technology.

27. Reduced spore germination explains sensitivity of reef-building algae to climate change stressors.

28. Estimating future temperature maxima in lakes across the United States using a surrogate modeling approach.

29. Potential worldwide distribution of Fusarium dry root rot in common beans based on the optimal environment for disease occurrence.

30. Assessing the combined effects of climatic factors on spring wheat phenophase and grain yield in Inner Mongolia, China.

31. Incorporating abundance information and guiding variable selection for climate-based ensemble forecasting of species' distributional shifts.

32. Microhabitats and canopy cover moderate high summer temperatures in a fragmented Mediterranean landscape.

33. Simulated bat populations erode when exposed to climate change projections for western North America.

34. Optimization of black-box models with uncertain climatic inputs—Application to sunflower ideotype design.

35. Predicting and understanding law-making with word vectors and an ensemble model.

36. A fine structure genetic analysis evaluating ecoregional adaptability of a Bos taurus breed (Hereford).

37. A new explanation for unexpected evolution in body size.

38. Assessing Mammal Exposure to Climate Change in the Brazilian Amazon.

39. Humic Acid Composition and Characteristics of Soil Organic Matter in Relation to the Elevation Gradient of Moso Bamboo Plantations.

40. Hell and High Water: Diminished Septic System Performance in Coastal Regions Due to Climate Change.

41. Effects of Temperature on Development and Voltinism of Chaetodactylus krombeini (Acari: Chaetodactylidae): Implications for Climate Change Impacts.

42. Climate Change Impairs Nitrogen Cycling in European Beech Forests.

43. Human Impacts and Climate Change Influence Nestedness and Modularity in Food-Web and Mutualistic Networks.

44. Impacts of Climate Change on the Global Invasion Potential of the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis.

45. Transcriptomic Characterization of Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Cuvier, 1818) Exposed to Three Climate Change Scenarios.

46. An Objective Approach to Select Climate Scenarios when Projecting Species Distribution under Climate Change.

47. Bayesian Space-Time Patterns and Climatic Determinants of Bovine Anaplasmosis.

48. Extensive Acclimation in Ectotherms Conceals Interspecific Variation in Thermal Tolerance Limits.

49. Forecasting Large-Scale Habitat Suitability of European Bustards under Climate Change: The Role of Environmental and Geographic Variables.

50. Soil Respiration and Bacterial Structure and Function after 17 Years of a Reciprocal Soil Transplant Experiment.