109 results on '"Aznar, F."'
Search Results
2. Increased rupture of cypress pollen type due to atmospheric water in central and southeastern Spain
- Author
Aznar, F., Negral, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Costa, I., Lara, B., Romero-Morte, J., Rojo, J., Rodríguez-Arias, R.M., Fernández-González, F., Pérez-Badia, R., and Moreno, J.M.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Cannabis, an emerging aeroallergen in southeastern Spain (Region of Murcia)
- Author
Aznar, F., Negral, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Elvira-Rendueles, B., Costa-Gómez, I., and Moreno, J.M.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Status of the TREX-DM experiment at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory
- Author
Aznar, F, Castel, J, Cebrian, S, Coarasa, I, Dafni, T, Galan, J, Garza, JG, Iguaz, FJ, Irastorza, IG, Luzon, G, Mirallas, H, de Solorzano, A Ortiz, Ruiz-Choliz, E, and Villar, JA
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
The TREX-DM experiment is conceived to look for low mass WIMPs by means of a gas time projection chamber equipped with novel micromegas readout planes at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory. The detector can hold 20 l of pressurized gas up to 10 bar, which corresponds to 0.30 kg of Ar, or alternatively, 0.16 kg of Ne. The micromegas will be read with a self-triggered acquisition, allowing for effective thresholds below 0.4 keV (electron equivalent). The preliminary background model, following a complete material screening program, points to levels of the order of 1-10 counts keV-1 kg-1 d-1 in the region of interest, making TREX-DM competitive. The status of the commissioning, description of the background model and the corresponding WIMP sensitivity will be presented here., Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the XV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP2017) at Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
- Published
- 2017
5. Phenological and seismological impacts on airborne pollen types: A case study of Olea pollen in the Region of Murcia, Mediterranean Spanish climate
- Author
Negral, L., Aznar, F., Galera, M.D., Costa-Gómez, I., Moreno-Grau, S., and Moreno, J.M.
- Published
- 2022
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6. The potential of discrimination methods in a high pressure xenon TPC for the search of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Xe-136
- Author
Iguaz, F. J., Aznar, F., Castel, J. F., Cebrian, S., Dafni, T., Galan, J., Garza, J. G., Irastorza, I. G., Luzon, G., Mirallas, H., and Ruiz-Choliz, E.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
In the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of $^{136}$Xe, a high pressure xenon time projection chamber (HPXe-TPC) has two advantages over liquid xenon TPCs: a better energy resolution and the access to topological features, which may provide extra discrimination from background events. The PandaX-III experiment has recently proposed a 200 kg HPXe-TPC based on Micromegas readout planes, to be located at the Jinping Underground Laboratory in China. Its detection concept is based on two results obtained within the T-REX project: Micromegas readouts can be built with extremely low levels of radioactivity; and the operation in xenon-trimethylamine at 10 bar in realistic experimental conditions has proven an energy resolution of 3% FWHM at the region of interest. In this work, two discrimination methods are applied to simulated signal and background data in a generic 200 kg HPXe-TPC, based on two well-known algorithms of graph theory: the identification of connections and the search for the longest path. Rejection factors greater than 100 are obtained for small pixel sizes and a signal efficiency of 40%. Moreover, a new observable (the blob charge density) rejects better surface contaminations, which makes the use of a trigger signal ($T_0$) not imperative in this experiment., Comment: Proceedings of the XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 2016), held in London (U.K.), 4-9 July 2016
- Published
- 2016
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7. The effects of continentality, marine nature and the recirculation of air masses on pollen concentration: Olea in a Mediterranean coastal enclave
- Author
Negral, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Galera, M.D., Elvira-Rendueles, B., Costa-Gómez, I., Aznar, F., Pérez-Badia, R., and Moreno, J.M.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Epibiotic fauna of the Antarctic minke whale as a reliable indicator of seasonal movements
- Author
Ten, S., Konishi, K., Raga, J. A., Pastene, L. A., and Aznar, F. J.
- Published
- 2022
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9. TREX-DM: a low background Micromegas-based TPC for low-mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F. J., Garza, J. G., Aznar, F., Castel, J. F., Cebrian, S., Dafni, T., Garcia, J. A., Irastorza, I. G., Lagraba, A., Luzon, G., and Peiro, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Dark Matter experiments are recently focusing their detection techniques in low-mass WIMPs, which requires the use of light elements and low energy threshold. In this context, we describe the TREX-DM experiment, a low background Micromegas-based TPC for low-mass WIMP detection. Its main goal is the operation of an active detection mass $\sim$0.3 kg, with an energy threshold below 0.4 keVee and fully built with previously selected radiopure materials. This work describes the commissioning of the actual setup situated in a laboratory on surface and the updates needed for a possible physics run at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC) in 2016. A preliminary background model of TREX-DM is also presented, based on a Geant4 simulation, the simulation of the detector's response and two discrimination methods: a conservative muon/electron and one based on a neutron source. Based on this background model, TREX-DM could be competitive in the search for low-mass WIMPs. In particular it could be sensitive, e.g., to the low-mass WIMP interpretation of the DAMA/LIBRA and other hints in a conservative scenario., Comment: Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2015), 7-11 September 2015, Torino, Italy
- Published
- 2016
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10. Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: Results from the T-REX project. I. Double beta decay
- Author
Irastorza, I. G., Aznar, F., Castel, J., Cebrián, S., Dafni, T., Galán, J., García, J. A., Garza, J. G., Gómez, H., Herrera, D. C., Iguaz, F. J., Luzón, G., Mirallas, H., Ruiz, E., Seguí, L., and Tomás, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
As part of the T-REX project, a number of R&D and prototyping activities have been carried out during the last years to explore the applicability of gaseous Micromegas-read TPCs in rare event searches like double beta decay (DBD), axion research and low-mass WIMP searches. In both this and its companion paper, we compile the main results of the project and give an outlook of application prospects for this detection technique. While in the companion paper we focus on axions and WIMPs, in this paper we focus on the results regarding the measurement of the DBD of $^{136}$Xe in a high pressure Xe (HPXe) TPC. Particularly relevant are the results obtained in Xe + TMA mixtures with microbulk Micromegas, showing very promising results in terms of gain, stability of operation, and energy resolution at pressures up to 10 bar. TMA at levels of $\sim$1\% reduces electron diffusion by a factor of 10 with respect to pure Xe, improving the quality of the topological pattern, with a positive impact on the discrimination capability. Operation with a medium size prototype (30 cm diameter and 38 cm drift) of 1 kg of Xe at 10 bar in the fiducial volumen has allowed to test the detection concept in realistic experimental conditions. Microbulk Micromegas are able to image the DBD ionization signature with high quality while, at the same time, measuring its energy deposition with a resolution of at least $\sim$3% FWHM @ Q$_{\beta\beta}$, and probably down to $\sim$1% FWHM. In addition, first results on the topological signature information show promising background discrimination capabilities out of reach of other experimental implementations. Moreover, microbulk Micromegas have very low levels of intrinsic radioactivity, and offer cost-effective scaling-up options. All these results demonstrate that Micromegas-read HPXe TPC is a very competitive technique for the next generation DBD experiments., Comment: prepared for submission to JCAP
- Published
- 2015
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11. Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: Results from the T-REX project. II. Dark matter
- Author
Irastorza, I. G., Aznar, F., Castel, J., Cebrián, S., Dafni, T., Galán, J., García, J. A., Garza, J. G., Gómez, H., Herrera, D. C., Iguaz, F. J., Luzón, G., Mirallas, H., Ruiz, E., Seguí, L., and Tomás, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
As part of the T-REX project, a number of R&D and prototyping activities have been carried out during the last years to explore the applicability of Micromegas-read gaseous TPCs in rare event searches like double beta decay (DBD), axion research and low-mass WIMP searches. While in the companion paper we focus on DBD, in this paper we focus on the results regarding the search for dark matter candidates, both axions and WIMPs. Small ultra-low background Micromegas detectors are used to image the x-ray signal expected in axion helioscopes like CAST at CERN. Background levels as low as $0.8\times 10^{-6}$ c keV$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ have already been achieved in CAST while values down to $\sim10^{-7}$ c keV$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$ have been obtained in a test bench placed underground in the Laboratorio Subterr\'aneo de Canfranc. Prospects to consolidate and further reduce these values down to $\sim10^{-8}$ c keV$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$will be described. Such detectors, placed at the focal point of x-ray telescopes in the future IAXO experiment, would allow for 10$^5$ better signal-to-noise ratio than CAST, and search for solar axions with $g_{a\gamma}$ down to few 10$^{12}$ GeV$^{-1}$, well into unexplored axion parameter space. In addition, a scaled-up version of these TPCs, properly shielded and placed underground, can be competitive in the search for low-mass WIMPs. The TREX-DM prototype, with $\sim$0.300 kg of Ar at 10 bar, or alternatively $\sim$0.160 kg of Ne at 10 bar, and energy threshold well below 1 keV, has been built to test this concept. We will describe the main technical solutions developed, as well as the results from the commissioning phase on surface. The anticipated sensitivity of this technique might reach $\sim10^{-44}$ cm$^2$ for low mass ($<10$ GeV) WIMPs, well beyond current experimental limits in this mass range., Comment: Published in JCAP. New version with erratum incorporated (new figure 14)
- Published
- 2015
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12. TREX-DM: a low-background Micromegas-based TPC for low-mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F. J., Garza, J. G., Aznar, F., Castel, J. F., Cebrián, S., Dafni, T., García, J. A., Irastorza, I. G., Lagraba, A., Luzón, G., and Peiró, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
If Dark Matter is made of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) with masses below $\sim$20 GeV, the corresponding nuclear recoils in mainstream WIMP experiments are of energies too close, or below, the experimental threshold. Gas Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) can be operated with a variety of target elements, offer good tracking capabilities and, on account of the amplification in gas, very low thresholds are achievable. Recent advances in electronics and in novel radiopure TPC readouts, especially micro-mesh gas structure (Micromegas), are improving the scalability and low-background prospects of gaseous TPCs. Here we present TREX-DM, a prototype to test the concept of a Micromegas-based TPC to search for low-mass WIMPs. The detector is designed to host an active mass of $\sim$0.300 kg of Ar at 10 bar, or alternatively $\sim$0.160 kg of Ne at 10 bar, with an energy threshold below 0.4 keVee, and is fully built with radiopure materials. We will describe the detector in detail, the results from the commissioning phase on surface, as well as a preliminary background model. The anticipated sensitivity of this technique may go beyond current experimental limits for WIMPs of masses of 2-8 GeV., Comment: Manuscript submitted to Eur. Phys. J. C. Major revision following the comments by the referee
- Published
- 2015
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13. A Micromegas-based low-background x-ray detector coupled to a slumped-glass telescope for axion research
- Author
Aznar, F., Castel, J., Christensen, F. E., Dafni, T., Decker, T. A., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Garcia, J. A., Giomataris, I., Gracia, J. G., Hailey, C. J., Hill, R. M., Iguaz, F. J., Irastorza, I. G., Jakobsen, A. C., Luzon, G., Mirallas, H., Papaevangelou, T., Pivovaroff, M. J., Ruz, J., Vafeiadis, T., and Vogel, J. K.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We report on the design, construction and operation of a low background x-ray detection line composed of a shielded Micromegas (micromesh gaseous structure) detector of the microbulk technique. The detector is made from radiopure materials and is placed at the focal point of a $\sim$~5 cm diameter, 1.3 m focal-length, cone-approximation Wolter I x-ray telescope (XRT) comprised of thermally-formed (or "slumped") glass substrates deposited with multilayer coatings. The system has been conceived as a technological pathfinder for the future International Axion Observatory (IAXO), as it combines two of the techniques (optic and detector) proposed in the conceptual design of the project. It is innovative for two reasons: it is the first time an x-ray optic has been designed and fabricated specifically for axion research, and the first time a Micromegas detector has been operated with an x-ray optic. The line has been installed at one end of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) magnet and is currently looking for solar axions. The combination of the XRT and Micromegas detector provides the best signal-to-noise ratio obtained so far by any detection system of the CAST experiment with a background rate of 5.4$\times$10$^{-3}\;$counts per hour in the energy region-of-interest and signal spot area., Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures
- Published
- 2015
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14. Comissioning of TREX-DM, a low background Micromegas-based Time Projection Chamber for low mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F. J., Garza, J. G., Aznar, F., Castel, J. F., Cebrian, S., Dafni, T., Garcia, J. A., Irastorza, I. G., Lagraba, A., Luzon, G., and Peiro, A.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
Dark Matter experiments are recently focusing their detection techniques in low-mass WIMPs, which requires the use of light elements and low energy threshold. In this context, we describe the TREX-DM experiment, a low background Micromegas-based Time Projection Chamber for low-mass WIMP detection. Its main goal is the operation of an active detection mass $\sim$0.3 kg, with an energy threshold below 0.4~keVee and fully built with previously selected radiopure materials. This work focuses on the commissioning of the actual setup situated in a laboratory on surface. A preliminary background model of the experiment is also presented, based on Geant4 simulations and two discrimination methods: a conservative muon/electron and one based on a $^{252}$Cf source. Based on this model, TREX-DM could be competitive in the search for low mass WIMPs and, in particular, it could be sensitive to the WIMP interpretation of the DAMA/LIBRA hint., Comment: Contributed to the 11th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, Zaragoza, June 22 to 26, 2015
- Published
- 2015
15. Accurate gamma and MeV-electron track reconstruction with an ultra-low diffusion Xenon/TMA TPC at 10 atmospheres
- Author
Gonzalez-Diaz, Diego, Alvarez, V., Borges, F. I. G., Camargo, M., Carcel, S., Cebrian, S., Cervera, A., Conde, C. A. N., Dafni, T., Diaz, J., Esteve, R., Fernandes, L. M. P., Ferrario, P., Ferreira, A. L., Freitas, E. D. C., Gehman, V. M., Goldschmidt, A., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Gutierrez, R. M., Hauptman, J., Morata, J. A. Hernando, Herrera, D. C., Irastorza, I. G., Labarga, L., Laing, A., Liubarsky, I., Lopez-March, N., Lorca, D., Losada, M., Luzon, G., Mari, A., Martin-Albo, J., Martinez-Lema, G., Martinez, A., Miller, T., Monrabal, F., Monserrate, M., Monteiro, C. M. B., Mora, F. J., Moutinho, L. M., Vidal, J. Munoz, Nebot-Guinot, M., Nygren, D., Oliveira, C. A. B., Perez, J., Aparicio, J. L. Perez, Querol, M., Renner, J., Ripoll, L., Rodriguez, J., Santos, F. P., Santos, J. M. F. dos, Serra, L., Shuman, D., Simon, A., Sofka, C., Sorel, M., Toledo, J. F., Torrent, J., Tsamalaidze, Z., Veloso, J. F. C. A., Villar, J. A., Webb, R., White, J. T., Yahlali, N., Azevedo, C., Aznar, F., Calvet, D., Castel, J., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Garcia, J. A., Giomataris, I., Gomez, H., Iguaz, F. J., Lagraba, A., Coguie, A. Le, Mols, J. P., Sahin, O., Rodriguez, A., Ruiz-Choliz, E., Segui, L., Tomas, A., and Veenhof, R.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
We report the performance of a 10 atm Xenon/trimethylamine time projection chamber (TPC) for the detection of X-rays (30 keV) and gamma-rays (0.511-1.275 MeV) in conjunction with the accurate tracking of the associated electrons. When operated at such a high pressure and in 1%-admixtures, trimethylamine (TMA) endows Xenon with an extremely low electron diffusion (1.3 +-0.13 mm-sigma (longitudinal), 0.8 +-0.15 mm-sigma (transverse) along 1 m drift) besides forming a convenient Penning-Fluorescent mixture. The TPC, that houses 1.1 kg of gas in its active volume, operated continuously for 100 live-days in charge amplification mode. The readout was performed through the recently introduced microbulk Micromegas technology and the AFTER chip, providing a 3D voxelization of 8mm x 8mm x 1.2mm for approximately 10 cm/MeV-long electron tracks. This work was developed as part of the R&D program of the NEXT collaboration for future detector upgrades in the search of the 0bbnu decay in 136Xe, specifically those based on novel gas mixtures. Therefore we ultimately focus on the calorimetric and topological properties of the reconstructed MeV-electron tracks.
- Published
- 2015
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16. Lessons from the operation of the 'Penning-Fluorescent' TPC and prospects
- Author
Gonzalez-Diaz, Diego, Aznar, F., Castel, J., Cebrian, S., Dafni, T., Garcia, J. A., Garza, J. G., Gomez, H., Herrera, D. C., Iguaz, F. J., Irastorza, I. G., Lagraba, A., Luzon, G., Rodriguez, A., Ruiz-Choliz, E., Segui, L., Ferrer-Ribas, A. Tomas E., and Giomataris, I.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
We have recently reported the development of a new type of high-pressure Xenon time projection chamber operated with an ultra-low diffusion mixture and that simultaneously displays Penning effect and fluorescence in the near-visible region (300 nm). The concept, dubbed `Penning-Fluorescent' TPC, allows the simultaneous reconstruction of primary charge and scintillation with high topological and calorimetric fidelity.
- Published
- 2015
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17. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) aggressive behavior towards other cetacean species in the western Mediterranean
- Author
Crespo-Picazo, J. L., Rubio-Guerri, C., Jiménez, M. A., Aznar, F. J., Marco-Cabedo, V., Melero, M., Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J. M., Gozalbes, P., and García-Párraga, D.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Development of a novel segmented mesh MicroMegas detector for neutron beam profiling
- Author
Diakaki, M., Berthoumieux, E., Papaevangelou, T., Gunsing, F., Tsiledakis, G., Dupont, E., Anvar, S., Audouin, L., Aznar, F., Belloni, F., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Dafni, T., Desforge, D., Geralis, T., Giomataris, Y., Heyse, J., Iguaz, F.J., Jourde, D., Kebbiri, M., Paradela, C., Sizun, P., Schillebeeckx, P., Tassan-Got, L., and Virique, E.
- Published
- 2018
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19. Contributors
- Author
Acevedo-Gutiérrez, Alejandro, primary, Adam, Peter J., additional, Aguilar, Alex, additional, Amano, Masao, additional, Anderson, Paul K., additional, Archer, Frederick I., additional, Arnould, John P.Y., additional, Atkinson, Shannon, additional, Au, Whitlow W.L., additional, Aurioles-Gamboa, David, additional, Javier Aznar, F., additional, Baird, Robin W., additional, Baker, C. Scott, additional, Ballance, Lisa T., additional, Balbuena, Juan A., additional, Bannister, John L., additional, Barlow, Jay, additional, Barton, Sheri L., additional, Bearzi, Giovanni, additional, Beasley, Isabel, additional, Bekoff, Marc, additional, Ben-David, M., additional, Bengtson, John L., additional, Berta, Annalisa, additional, Bérubé, Martine, additional, Bester, Marthán N., additional, Bianucci, Giovanni, additional, Bjørge, Arne, additional, Black, Nancy A., additional, Bodkin, J.L., additional, Bonde, Robert K., additional, Borger, Jill, additional, Borrell, Asuncion, additional, Boveng, Peter, additional, Bowen, W.D., additional, Boyd, Ian L., additional, Braulik, Gillian T., additional, Brown, Alexander M., additional, Brownell, Robert L., additional, Buckland, Stephen T., additional, Burns, John J., additional, Cabrera, Andrea A., additional, Campagna, Claudio, additional, Cantor, Mauricio, additional, Cárdenas-Alayza, Susana, additional, Cárdenas-Hinojosa, Gustavo, additional, Castellini, Michael, additional, Cerchio, Salvatore, additional, Champagne, Cory D., additional, Chilvers, B. Louise, additional, Chivers, Susan J., additional, Cipriano, Frank, additional, Clapham, Phillip J., additional, Constantine, Rochelle, additional, Cooper, Lisa N., additional, Corkeron, Peter, additional, Costa, Daniel P., additional, Costidis, Alexander M., additional, Cowan, Daniel F., additional, Cranford, Ted, additional, Crespo, Enrique A., additional, Crocker, Daniel E., additional, Croll, Donald A., additional, da Silva, Vera M.F., additional, Danil, Kerri, additional, Darling, Jim, additional, Dawson, Stephen M., additional, de Muizon, Christian, additional, de Vos, Asha, additional, Dehnhardt, Guido, additional, DeMaster, Douglas P., additional, Deméré, Thomas A., additional, Dendrinos, Panagiotis, additional, Dill, Lawrence M., additional, Dizon, Andrew E., additional, L. Dolar, M. Louella, additional, Domning, Daryl P., additional, Donovan, G.P., additional, Dudzinski, Kathleen M., additional, Duffield, Deborah A., additional, Dyer, Michael P., additional, Ellis, Richard, additional, Eskelinen, Holli, additional, Estes, James A., additional, Evans, Peter G.H., additional, Fernández, Mercedes, additional, Fertl, Dagmar, additional, Fettuccia, Daniela de Castro, additional, Fiedler, Paul C., additional, Fish, Frank E., additional, Flores, Paulo A.C., additional, Forcada, Jaume, additional, Ford, John K.B., additional, Fordyce, R. Ewan, additional, Forestell, Paul H., additional, Forney, Karin A., additional, Fowler, Charles W., additional, Frankel, Adam S., additional, Friedlaender, Ari S., additional, Frohoff, Toni, additional, Frost, Kathryn J., additional, Galatius, Anders, additional, García-Vernet, Raquel, additional, Geisler, Jonathan H., additional, Gelatt, Thomas S., additional, Gentry, Roger, additional, George, J. Craig, additional, Gerrodette, Tim, additional, Goldbogen, Jeremy A., additional, Goldsworthy, Simon D., additional, P. Goodall, R. Natalie, additional, Goodman, Simon J., additional, Gregg, Justin D., additional, Hall, Ailsa J., additional, Hammill, Mike O., additional, Hammond, Philip S., additional, Hanke, Frederike D., additional, Hartman, Karin L., additional, Hazen, Elliott, additional, Heide-Jørgensen, M.P., additional, Heithaus, Michael R., additional, Herman, Louis M., additional, Herzing, Denise L., additional, Hewitt, Roger P., additional, Hindell, Mark A., additional, Hoelzel, A. Rus, additional, Hofmeyr, G. J. Greg, additional, Hohn, Aleta A., additional, Hooker, Sascha K., additional, Horstmann, Lara, additional, Horwood, Joseph, additional, Hoyt, Erich, additional, Hückstädt, Luis A., additional, Ivashchenko, Yulia V., additional, Iverson, Sara J., additional, Janik, Vincent M., additional, Jaramillo-Legorreta, Armando M., additional, Jefferson, Thomas A., additional, Jensen, Anne M., additional, Karamanlidis, Alexandros A., additional, Kasuya, Toshio, additional, Kato, Hidehiro, additional, Keith Diagne, Lucy W., additional, Kemp, Christopher, additional, Kemper, Catherine M., additional, Kenney, Robert D., additional, Kinze, Carl C., additional, Kirkman, Stephen P., additional, Kiszka, Jeremy J., additional, Koopman, Heather N., additional, Kooyman, Gerald L., additional, Kovacs, Kit M., additional, Kraus, Scott D., additional, Krysl, Petr, additional, Laidre, Kristin L., additional, Laitman, Jeffrey T., additional, Lambert, Olivier, additional, Landry, André M., additional, Lavigne, David M., additional, LeDuc, Rick, additional, Lipsky, Jessica D., additional, Littnan, Charles, additional, Loughlin, Thomas R., additional, Lowry, Lloyd, additional, Lowther, Andrew D., additional, Lydersen, Christian, additional, Maas, Mary C., additional, MacLean, Stephen A., additional, MacLeod, Colin D., additional, Mallette, Sarah D., additional, Mann, Janet, additional, Maresh, Jennifer L., additional, Marsh, Helene, additional, Marshall, Christopher D., additional, Martin, Anthony R., additional, Mass, Alla M., additional, McAlpine, Donald F., additional, Chris McKnight, J., additional, McLellan, William A., additional, Mead, James G., additional, Melin, Sharon R., additional, Merrick, Richard, additional, Mesnick, Sarah L., additional, Miller, Edward H., additional, Miller, Lance J., additional, Miller, Patrick J.O., additional, Miyazaki, Nobuyuki, additional, Moore, Jeffrey E., additional, Moore, Kathleen M., additional, Moore, Michael, additional, Moore, Sue E., additional, Moors-Murphy, Hilary B., additional, Morin, Phillip A., additional, Newman, William A., additional, Newton, Kelly M., additional, Nieto-García, Edwyna, additional, Northridge, Simon, additional, Nummela, Sirpa, additional, O'Brien, Justine K., additional, O'Corry-Crowe, Gregory M., additional, Olsen, Morten T., additional, Olson, Paula A., additional, Oppenheimer, Jonas, additional, Orbach, Dara N., additional, Ortiz, Rudy M., additional, Pabst, D. Ann, additional, Palsbøll, Per J., additional, Parra, Guido J., additional, Patterson, Eric, additional, Paves-Hernández, Héctor, additional, Perrin, William F., additional, Perryman, Wayne L., additional, Pitman, Robert, additional, Pomeroy, Patrick P., additional, Ponganis, Paul J., additional, Powell, James A., additional, Pyenson, Nicholas D., additional, Racicot, Rachel, additional, Raga, J. Antonio, additional, Ralls, Katherine, additional, Raverty, Stephen, additional, Read, Andrew J., additional, Reeves, Randall R., additional, Regehr, Eric V., additional, Reggente, Melissa A.L., additional, Reidenberg, Joy S., additional, Reijnders, Peter J.H., additional, Reyes, Julio C., additional, Reynolds, John E., additional, Robeck, Todd R., additional, Robinson, Kelly J., additional, Rode, Karyn, additional, Rogers, Tracey, additional, Rojas-Bracho, Lorenzo, additional, Roman, Joe, additional, Rommel, Sentiel A., additional, Roos, Marjoleine M.H., additional, Rosel, Patricia E., additional, Rowntree, Victoria J., additional, Rugh, David, additional, Russell, Debbie J.F., additional, Sayigh, Laela S., additional, Scolardi, Kerri M., additional, Scott, Michael D., additional, Sears, Richard, additional, Seger, Jon, additional, Sharp, Sarah, additional, Sheehan, Glenn W., additional, Silber, Gregory K., additional, Simeone, Claire A., additional, Smith, Brian D., additional, Southall, Brandon L., additional, Spitz, Jérôme, additional, Spoor, Fred, additional, Stacey, Rita, additional, Staniland, Iain J., additional, Steel, Debbie, additional, Stern, S. Jonathan, additional, Stewart, Brent S., additional, Supin, Alexander Y., additional, Suydam, R., additional, Swartz, Steven L., additional, Teilmann, Jonas, additional, Tershy, Bernie R., additional, Thewissen, J.G.M., additional, Tinker, M.T., additional, Tolley, Krystal A., additional, Trillmich, Fritz, additional, Trites, Andrew W., additional, Turner, Ted, additional, Twiss, Sean D., additional, Tyack, Peter L., additional, Uhen, Mark D., additional, Van Franeker, Jan A., additional, Van Waerebeek, Koen, additional, Wade, Paul R., additional, Wang, John Y., additional, Weller, David W., additional, Wells, Randall S., additional, Werth, Alexander J., additional, Whitehead, Hal, additional, Williams, Terrie M., additional, Würsig, Bernd, additional, Yablokov, Alexey V., additional, Yamada, Tadasu K., additional, Yamato, Maya, additional, Yochem, Pamela K., additional, York, Anne E., additional, and Zhou, Kaiya, additional
- Published
- 2018
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20. Epibiotic Fauna on Cetaceans Worldwide: A Systematic Review of Records and Indicator Potential
- Author
Ten, S., primary, Raga, J. A., additional, and Aznar, F. J., additional
- Published
- 2022
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21. Determinants of diversity and composition of the tapeworm fauna of blue sharks, Prionace glauca: a geographical and host-specificity analysis
- Author
Penadés-Suay, J., primary, Jarque-Rico, A. E., additional, Tomás, J., additional, and Aznar, F. J., additional
- Published
- 2022
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22. Cannabis, an Emerging Aeroallergen in Southeastern Spain (Region of Murcia)
- Author
Moreno, Jose Maria, primary, Aznar, F., additional, Negral, L., additional, Moreno-Grau, S., additional, Elvira-Rendueles, B., additional, and Costa-Gómez, I., additional
- Published
- 2022
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23. Micromegas for dark matter searches: CAST/IAXO & TREX-DM experiments
- Author
Garza J. G., Aune S., Aznar F., Castel J. F., Cebrián S., Dafni T., Ferrer-Ribas E., Galán J., García J. A., Giomataris I., Iguaz F.J., Irastorza I.G., Luzón G., Mirallas H., Papaevangelou T., Peiró A., Tomás A., and Vafeiadis T.
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
The most compelling candidates for Dark Matter to day are WIMPs and axions. The applicability of gasesous Time Projection Chambers (TPCs) with Micromesh Gas Structures (Micromegas) to the search of these particles is explored within this work. Both particles would produce an extremely low rate at very low energies in particle detectors. Micromegas detectors can provide both low background rates and low energy threshold, due to the high granularity, radiopurity and uniformity of the readout. Small (few cm wide) Micromegas detectors are used to image the axion-induced x-ray signal expected in the CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment. We show the background levels obtained in CAST and the prospects to further reduce them to the values required by the Internation Axion Observatory (IAXO). We also present TREX-DM, a scaled-up version of the Micromegas used in axion research, but this time dedicated to the low-mass WIMP detection. TREX-DM is a high-pressure Micromegas-based TPC designed to host a few hundreds of grams of light nuclei (argon or neon) with energy thresholds potentially at the level of 100 eV. The detector is described in detail, as well as the results of the commissioning and characterization phase on surface. Besides, the background model of TREX-DM is presented, along with the anticipated sensitivity of this search, which could go beyond current experimental limits.
- Published
- 2018
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24. José PÉREZ ADÁN (ed.), Sociología Mariana, Pamplona: Eunsa, 2019, 212 pp., 16 x 23, ISBN 978-84-313-3338-6. [RESEÑA]
- Author
Aznar, F. (Francisco)
- Published
- 2019
25. Prevalence of ulcers provoked by Anisakis spp. in cetaceans from the Northwest Atlantic: A signal of a long-term increase in anisakis populations?
- Author
Pons Bordas, Claudia, Hazenberg, Amber, Hernández-González, Alberto, Covelo, Pablo, Sánchez Hermosín, Pablo, López, Alfredo, Saavedra, Camilo, Fraija, Natalia, Fernández Martínez, Mercedes, and Aznar, F. J.
- Abstract
World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, 9-12 December 2019
- Published
- 2019
26. Status of the TREX-DM experiment at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory
- Author
Aznar, F, primary, Castel, J, additional, Cebrián, S, additional, Coarasa, I, additional, Dafni, T, additional, Galán, J, additional, Garza, J G, additional, Iguaz, F J, additional, Irastorza, I G, additional, Luzón, G, additional, Mirallas, H, additional, Solórzano, A Ortiz de, additional, Ruiz-Chóliz, E, additional, and Villar, JA, additional
- Published
- 2020
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27. Looking for Low-Mass WIMPs with TREX-DM
- Author
Dafni, Theopisti, Aznar, F., Castel, J. F., Cebrián, S., Coarasa, I., Galán, J., Garza, J. G., Iguaz, F. J., Irastorza, I. G., Luzón, G., Mirallas, H., Ortiz De Solórzano, A., Ruiz-Chóliz, E., and Villar, J. A.
- Abstract
Dafni, Theopisti "Looking for Low-Mass WIMPs with TREX-DM" in Proceedings of the 13th "Patras" Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, PATRAS 2017 / Maroudas, Marios (eds.), Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron : 2018 ; Patras 2017 : 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-19, Thessaloniki 13th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, AXION-WIMP 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15 May 2017 - 19 May 2017; Hamburg : Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-PROC, 122-125 (2018). doi:10.3204/DESY-PROC-2017-02/dafni_theopisti, TREX-DM is a low-mass WIMP detector: a gas time projection chamber (TPC) equipped with novel micromesh gas structures (Micromegas) readout planes. In the fiducial volume of $\sim$20 litres and a pressure of 10$\;$bar, there will be approx. 0.160$\;$kg of Ne, or alternatively 0.300$\;$kg of Ar. The energy threshold foreseen is well below 0.4~keVee and the expected background level is better than 10 counts keV$^{-1}$kg$^{-1}$d$^{-1}$, and could give competitive results in the search for low-mass WIMPs. The experiment has recently been approved by the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc and is expected to be commissioned by the end of the current year. We report on the status of the project., Published by Verlag Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg
- Published
- 2018
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28. Analysis of mismatch impact on image rejection ratio for passive polyphase filters
- Author
Martínez-Pérez, A.D., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Royo, G., additional, Sánchez-Azqueta, C., additional, and Celma, S., additional
- Published
- 2018
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29. Analysis of the Influence of Component Mismatch on Integrated Passive Polyphase Filters
- Author
Martinez-Perez, A.D., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Royo, G., additional, Sanchez-Azqueta, C., additional, and Celma, S., additional
- Published
- 2018
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30. Impact of non-idealities on passive polyphase filter performance
- Author
Martinez-Perez, A. D., primary, Morte, J., additional, Aznar, F., additional, Sanchez-Azqueta, C., additional, and Celma, S., additional
- Published
- 2017
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31. Design of a low-power quadrature LC-VCO in 65 nm CMOS
- Author
Sanchez-Azqueta, C., primary, Aguirre, J., additional, Royo, G., additional, Aznar, F., additional, Guerrero, E., additional, and Celma, S., additional
- Published
- 2017
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32. The potential of discrimination methods in a high pressure xenon TPC for the search of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Xe-136
- Author
Iguaz, F.J., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J.F., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Galán, J., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Irastorza, I.G., additional, Luzón, G., additional, Mirallas, H., additional, and Ruiz-Choliz, E., additional
- Published
- 2017
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33. Deadly impalement of a blue shark Prionace glauca by a swordfish Xiphias gladius
- Author
PENADÉS-SUAY, J., primary, TOMÁS, J., additional, and AZNAR, F. J., additional
- Published
- 2017
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34. Living in a harsh habitat: epidemiology of the whale louse, Syncyamus aequus (Cyamidae), infecting striped dolphins in the Western Mediterranean
- Author
Fraija‐Fernández, N., primary, Fernández, M., additional, Gozalbes, P., additional, Revuelta, O., additional, Raga, J. A., additional, and Aznar, F. J., additional
- Published
- 2017
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35. Parasitic outbreak of the copepod Balaenophilus manatorum in neonate loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from a head-starting program
- Author
Crespo-Picazo, J. L., primary, García-Parraga, D., additional, Domènech, F., additional, Tomás, J., additional, Aznar, F. J., additional, Ortega, J., additional, and Corpa, J. M., additional
- Published
- 2017
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36. Characterization of a medium size Xe/TMA TPC instrumented with microbulk Micromegas, using low-energy gamma-rays
- Author
The NEXT collaboration, Alvarez, V., Borges, F. I. G. M., Carcel, S., Castel, J., Cebrian, S., Cervera, A., Conde, C. A. N., Dafni, T., Dias, T. H. V. T., Diaz, J., Egorov, M., Esteve, R., Evtoukhovitch, P., Fernandes, L. M. P., Ferrario, P., Ferreira, A. L., Freitas, E. D. C., Gehman, V. M., Gil, A., Goldschmidt, A., Gomez, H., Gomez-Cadenas, J. J., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Gutierrez, R. M., Hauptman, J., Morata, J. A. Hernando, Herrera, D. C., Iguaz, F. J., Irastorza, I. G., Jinete, M. A., Labarga, L., Laing, A., Liubarsky, I., Lopes, J. A. M., Lorca, D., Losada, M., Luzon, G., Mari, A., Martin-Albo, J., Martinez, A., Martinez-Lema, G., Miller, T., Moiseenko, A., Monrabal, F., Monteiro, C. M. B., Mora, F. J., Moutinho, L. M., Vidal, J. Munoz, da Luz, H. Natal, Navarro, G., Nebot-Guinot, M., Nygren, D., Oliveira, C. A. B., Palma, R., Perez, J., Aparicio, J. L. Perez, Renner, J., Ripoll, L., Rodriguez, A., Rodriguez, J., Santos, F. P., Santos, J. M. F. dos, Segui, L., Serra, L., Shuman, D., Simon, A., Sofka, C., Sorel, M., Toledo, J. F., Tomas, A., Torrent, J., Tsamalaidze, Z., Vazquez, D., Veloso, J. F. C. A., Villar, J. A., Webb, R. C., White, J. T., Yahlali, N., Aznar, F., Calvet, D., Druillole, F., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Garcia, J. A., Giomataris, I., Gracia, J., Coguie, A. Le, Mols, J. P., Pons, P., Ruiz, E., Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica - Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular - Institut d'Instrumentació per a Imatge Molecular, and Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras - Departament de Mecànica dels Medis Continus i Teoria d'Estructures
- Subjects
MECANICA DE LOS MEDIOS CONTINUOS Y TEORIA DE ESTRUCTURAS ,Drift velocity ,Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors ,Xenon ,Time projection chambers ,Double-beta decay ,Nuclear physics ,chemistry.chemical_element ,01 natural sciences ,Microbulk ,TECNOLOGIA ELECTRONICA ,Silicon photomultiplier ,0103 physical sciences ,Trimethylamine ,Diffusion (business) ,010306 general physics ,Instrumentation ,Mathematical Physics ,Detectors de radiació ,Physics ,Atmospheric pressure ,010308 nuclear & particles physics ,Gamma ray ,MicroMegas detector ,High pressure ,chemistry ,Time projection chamber ,Nuclear counters ,Física nuclear ,Micromegas ,Bar (unit) - Abstract
NEXT-MM is a general-purpose high pressure (10 bar, $\sim25$ l active volume) Xenon-based TPC, read out in charge mode with an 8 cm $\times$8 cm-segmented 700 cm$^2$ plane (1152 ch) of the latest microbulk-Micromegas technology. It has been recently commissioned at University of Zaragoza as part of the R&D of the NEXT $0\nu\beta\beta$ experiment, although the experiment's first stage is currently being built based on a SiPM/PMT-readout concept relying on electroluminescence. Around 2 million events were collected during the last months, stemming from the low energy $\gamma$-rays emitted by a $^{241}$Am source when interacting with the Xenon gas ($\epsilon$ = 26, 30, 59.5 keV). The localized nature of such events above atmospheric pressure, the long drift times, as well as the possibility to determine their production time from the associated $\alpha$ particle in coincidence, allow the extraction of primordial properties of the TPC filling gas, namely the drift velocity, diffusion and attachment coefficients. In this work we focus on the little explored combination of Xe and trimethylamine (TMA) for which, in particular, such properties are largely unknown. This gas mixture offers potential advantages over pure Xenon when aimed at Rare Event Searches, mainly due to its Penning characteristics, wave-length shifting properties and reduced diffusion, and it is being actively investigated by our collaboration. The chamber is currently operated at 2.7 bar, as an intermediate step towards the envisaged 10 bar. We report here its performance as well as a first implementation of the calibration procedures that have allowed the extension of the previously reported energy resolution to the whole readout plane (10.6%FWHM@30keV)., Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures
- Published
- 2015
37. TREX-DM: a low-background Micromegas-based TPC for low-mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F. J., primary, Garza, J. G., additional, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J. F., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Dafni, T., additional, García, J. A., additional, Irastorza, I. G., additional, Lagraba, A., additional, Luzón, G., additional, and Peiró, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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38. Erratum: Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: results from the T-REX project. II. Dark matter
- Author
Irastorza, I.G., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Galán, J., additional, Garcia, J.A., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Gómez, H., additional, Herrera, D.C., additional, Iguaz, F.J., additional, Luzon, G., additional, Mirallas, H., additional, Ruiz, E., additional, Seguí, L., additional, and Tomás, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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39. TREX-DM: a low background Micromegas-based TPC for low-mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F J, primary, Garza, J G, additional, Aznar, F, additional, Castel, J F, additional, Cebrián, S, additional, Dafni, T, additional, García, J A, additional, Irastorza, I G, additional, Lagraba, A, additional, Luzón, G, additional, and Peiró, A, additional
- Published
- 2016
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40. Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: results from the T-REX project. I. Double beta decay
- Author
Irastorza, I.G., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Galán, J., additional, Garcia, J.A., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Gómez, H., additional, Herrera, D.C., additional, Iguaz, F.J., additional, Luzon, G., additional, Mirallas, H., additional, Ruiz, E., additional, Seguí, L., additional, and Tomás, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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41. Gaseous time projection chambers for rare event detection: results from the T-REX project. II. Dark matter
- Author
Irastorza, I.G., primary, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Galán, J., additional, Garcia, J.A., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Gómez, H., additional, Herrera, D.C., additional, Iguaz, F.J., additional, Luzon, G., additional, Mirallas, H., additional, Ruiz, E., additional, Seguí, L., additional, and Tomás, A., additional
- Published
- 2016
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42. A Micromegas-based low-background x-ray detector coupled to a slumped-glass telescope for axion research
- Author
Aznar, F., primary, Castel, J., additional, Christensen, F.E., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Decker, T.A., additional, Ferrer-Ribas, E., additional, Garcia, J.A., additional, Giomataris, I., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Hailey, C.J., additional, Hill, R.M., additional, Iguaz, F.J., additional, Irastorza, I.G., additional, Jakobsen, A.C., additional, Luzon, G., additional, Mirallas, H., additional, Papaevangelou, T., additional, Pivovaroff, M.J., additional, Ruz, J., additional, Vafeiadis, T., additional, and Vogel, J.K., additional
- Published
- 2015
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43. Accurate γ and MeV-electron track reconstruction with an ultra-low diffusion Xenon/TMA TPC at 10 atm
- Author
González-Díaz, Diego, primary, Álvarez, V., additional, Borges, F.I.G., additional, Camargo, M., additional, Cárcel, S., additional, Cebrián, S., additional, Cervera, A., additional, Conde, C.A.N., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Díaz, J., additional, Esteve, R., additional, Fernandes, L.M.P., additional, Ferrario, P., additional, Ferreira, A.L., additional, Freitas, E.D.C., additional, Gehman, V.M., additional, Goldschmidt, A., additional, Gómez-Cadenas, J.J., additional, Gutiérrez, R.M., additional, Hauptman, J., additional, Hernando Morata, J.A., additional, Herrera, D.C., additional, Irastorza, I.G., additional, Labarga, L., additional, Laing, A., additional, Liubarsky, I., additional, Lopez-March, N., additional, Lorca, D., additional, Losada, M., additional, Luzón, G., additional, Marí, A., additional, Martín-Albo, J., additional, Martínez-Lema, G., additional, Martínez, A., additional, Miller, T., additional, Monrabal, F., additional, Monserrate, M., additional, Monteiro, C.M.B., additional, Mora, F.J., additional, Moutinho, L.M., additional, Muñoz Vidal, J., additional, Nebot-Guinot, M., additional, Nygren, D., additional, Oliveira, C.A.B., additional, Pérez, J., additional, Pérez Aparicio, J.L., additional, Querol, M., additional, Renner, J., additional, Ripoll, L., additional, Rodríguez, J., additional, Santos, F.P., additional, dos Santos, J.M.F., additional, Serra, L., additional, Shuman, D., additional, Simón, A., additional, Sofka, C., additional, Sorel, M., additional, Toledo, J.F., additional, Torrent, J., additional, Tsamalaidze, Z., additional, Veloso, J.F.C.A., additional, Villar, J.A., additional, Webb, R., additional, White, J.T., additional, Yahlali, N., additional, Azevedo, C., additional, Aznar, F., additional, Calvet, D., additional, Castel, J., additional, Ferrer-Ribas, E., additional, García, J.A., additional, Giomataris, I., additional, Gómez, H., additional, Iguaz, F.J., additional, Lagraba, A., additional, Le Coguie, A., additional, Mols, J.P., additional, Şahin, Ö., additional, Rodríguez, A., additional, Ruiz-Choliz, E., additional, Segui, L., additional, Tomás, A., additional, and Veenhof, R., additional
- Published
- 2015
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44. TREX-DM: a low background Micromegas-based TPC for low mass WIMP detection
- Author
Iguaz, F J, primary, Garza, J G, additional, Aznar, F, additional, Castel, J F, additional, Cebrián, S, additional, Dafni, T, additional, García, J A, additional, Gómez, H, additional, González-Diaz, D, additional, Irastorza, I G, additional, Lagraba, A, additional, Luzón, G, additional, Peiró, A, additional, and Rodríguez, A, additional
- Published
- 2015
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45. Lessons from the operation of the ‘Penning-Fluorescent’ TPC and prospects
- Author
Gonzalez-Diaz, Diego, primary, Aznar, F, additional, Castel, J, additional, Cebrián, S, additional, Dafni, T, additional, García, J A, additional, Garza, J G, additional, Gómez, H, additional, Herrera, D C, additional, Iguaz, F J, additional, Irastorza, I G, additional, Lagraba, A, additional, Luzón, G, additional, Rodríguez, A, additional, Ruiz-Choliz, E, additional, Segui, L, additional, Tomás, A, additional, Ferrer-Ribas, E, additional, and Giomataris, I, additional
- Published
- 2015
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46. Low Background Micromegas in CAST
- Author
Garza, J G, primary, Aune, S, additional, Aznar, F, additional, Calvet, D, additional, Castel, J F, additional, Christensen, F E, additional, Dafni, T, additional, Davenport, M, additional, Decker, T, additional, Ferrer-Ribas, E, additional, Galán, J, additional, García, J A, additional, Giomataris, I, additional, Hill, R M, additional, Iguaz, F J, additional, Irastorza, I G, additional, Jakobsen, A C, additional, Jourde, D, additional, Mirallas, H, additional, Ortega, I, additional, Papaevangelou, T, additional, Pivovaroff, M J, additional, Ruz, J, additional, Tomás, A, additional, Vafeiadis, T, additional, and Vogel, J K, additional
- Published
- 2015
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47. Lowering the background level and the energy threshold of Micromegas x-ray detectors for axion searches
- Author
IGUAZ GUTIERREZ, Francisco Jose, primary, Aznar, F., additional, Castel, J.F., additional, Dafni, T., additional, Garcia, J.A., additional, Garza, J.G., additional, Irastorza, I. G., additional, Ortega, I., additional, Rodriguez, A., additional, Tomas, Alfredo, additional, Aune, S., additional, FERRER RIBAS, Esther, additional, Galan, Javier, additional, Giomataris, I., additional, Jourde, D., additional, Papaevangelou, T., additional, Davenport, M., additional, Vafeiadis, Theodoros, additional, and Yildiz, S.C., additional
- Published
- 2015
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48. Las nuevas formas de «religión civil» en el espacio público
- Author
Aznar, F. (Francisco)
- Subjects
- Secularismo, Consumismo religioso, Libertad de credo y manifestación
- Abstract
Throughout the centuries, societies have enjoyed religious homogeneity and there has been a great level of interdependence between society and the existing religious systems. However, as history progressed and modernization impregnated social foundations, religious practice has been changing due to the rise of secularization and criticism of traditional religious systems. This change has ushered in new forms of religious expression, which have in turn assumed quasireligious forms known as «civil religion». This phenomenon can be seen as a deliberate attempt made by several civil authorities to monopolize man’s natural religious dimension and to hog the public sphere.
- Published
- 2018
49. Helminth communities of herons (Aves: Ardeidae) in southern Italy
- Author
Francisco Javier Aznar, John M. Kinsella, Lorella Barca, Nicola D’Alessio, Mario Santoro, Francesca Di Prisco, Giorgio Galiero, Vincenzo Veneziano, Anna Cerrone, Santoro, M, D'Alessio, N, Di Prisco, F, Veneziano, Vincenzo, Galiero, G, Cerrone, A, Barca, L, Kinsella, Jm, and Aznar, F. j.
- Subjects
Male ,0301 basic medicine ,Ixobrychus minutus ,Botaurus ,Zoology ,Birds ,03 medical and health sciences ,Bird ,Abundance (ecology) ,Helminths ,biology.animal ,parasitic diseases ,Helminth ,Animals ,biology ,Bird Diseases ,Host (biology) ,Ecology ,030108 mycology & parasitology ,biology.organism_classification ,Infectious Diseases ,Taxon ,Italy ,Host specificity ,Female ,Parasitology ,Species richness ,Helminthiasis, Animal ,Heron ,Parasitic worms - Abstract
The helminth communities of nine species of herons from southern Italy were studied and compared. Of 24 taxa found including seven digeneans, seven nematodes, six cestodes and four acanthocephalans, only five taxa were found in more than one heron species, and five of the 21 taxa that could be identified to species level were classified as 'heron specialists'. The total number of helminth species per heron species ranged from 1 in Botaurus stellaris to 9 in Ixobrychus minutus with infection levels generally low. A statistical comparison was carried out for herons with a sample size >. 5. At the infracommunity level, only I. minutus clearly differed from other heron species. Diversity parameters of heminth infracommunities did not significantly differ among heron species. Species richness ranged from just 0.3 to 2.3 helminth taxa per individual host, and the Brillouin index, from 0 to 0.3. Total helminth abundance did not exceed 40 worms per host except in a single case of Ardeola ralloides. Infracommunities clearly were dominated by single helminth species. The present study confirms a depauperate helminth community in herons from southern Italy. Comparison with data from Spain and the Czech Republic showed strong quantitative similarities with values obtained in the present study. Results also suggest that the composition of local helminth communities are strongly variable depending on geographical location as is demonstrated by comparison with data from other European areas. However, whether herons in Europe naturally host depauperate helminth communities or these communities are depauperate because of other factors is unknown
- Published
- 2016
50. Spanish "Bilbilis" Foundation for research and innovation in medical hydrology and hydrotherapy.
- Author
Torres, A. Hernández, De La Fuente, M., Miranda, E. Martín, Matas, M. C. García, Rosado, M. E. Díaz, and Aznar, F. Modrego
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Introduction: Bilbilis Foundation (BF) created in December, 2007 is the first Spanish Foundation on Medical Hydrology (MH) and Balneotherapy providing the largest funding to research projects in Medical Hydrology, Rehabilitation and Geriatrics. The consultant team includes a wide range of specialists in different bio-areas, interested in medicinal waters, hydration and ageing. Objective: To link basic research with daily clinical practice in Medical Hydrology, promoting National & International research projects with the objective of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, promoting quality in the clinical setting, concern about economic impact and medical results of Hydration and Hydrothermal therapies. Including these working fields: Rehabilitation, Nutrition, Geriatrics and Cosmetic Medicine. Lecturing and training program activities, teaching other medical professionals through organization of seminars and conferences. Method: Financial support and scholarship on Medical Hydrology and Pelotherapy. Biannual Research Awards and Grants. Promotion and scientific support to young researchers. Publications: "Pelotherapy: medical and cosmetics applications of thermal muds". Patents. Results: Presentation of main research pelotherapy projects developed during the last 5 years. Website presentation and development. Access to Bibliographic Database: about 9,500 Medical hydrology references (Evidence Based Medicine). Collaborative agreements. Development of research methods on Medical Hydrology, Pelotherapy and ageing. Conclusion: BILBILIS FOUNDATION would like to establish new collaborative agreements with other scientific organizations and researchers in Medical Hydrology & Hydration. Study of ageing process and therapeutic approaches to prevent it. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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