Sandrine Mansard, Philippe Saiag, Hervé Maillard, Amine Denden, Caroline Robert, Laurent Mortier, S. Dalac-Rat, Charlée Nardin, Olivier Dereure, Thierry Lesimple, Laurent Machet, Eve-Marie Neidhardt, Florent Grange, Alexandra Szenik, Caroline Dutriaux, Christophe Bedane, Céleste Lebbé, Jean-Jacques Grob, HAL UVSQ, Équipe, Biomarqueurs et essais cliniques en Cancérologie et Onco-Hématologie (BECCOH), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)-Université Paris-Saclay, Hôpital Ambroise Paré [AP-HP], Service de dermatologie, Département de médecine oncologique [Gustave Roussy], Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR)-Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR), Service de dermatologie, vénéreologie et cancérologie cutanée [Hôpital de la Timone - APHM], Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Marseille (APHM)- Hôpital de la Timone [CHU - APHM] (TIMONE), Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille (CRCM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Fédération nationale des Centres de lutte contre le Cancer (FNCLCC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CHU Lille, Université de Lille, CHU Montpellier, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Montpellier] (CHRU Montpellier), Immunologie humaine, physiopathologie & immunothérapie (HIPI (UMR_S_976 / U976)), Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Paris Cité (UPCité), Service de Dermatologie [AP-HP Hôpital Saint-Louis], Hopital Saint-Louis [AP-HP] (AP-HP), Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP), CHU Estaing [Clermont-Ferrand], CHU Clermont-Ferrand, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Reims (CHU Reims), Centre Léon Bérard [Lyon], Centre Eugène Marquis (CRLCC), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Tours (CHRU Tours), Université Francois Rabelais [Tours], Service de Dermatologie [CHU Limoges], CHU Limoges, Service de dermatologie [CH Le Mans], Centre Hospitalier Le Mans (CH Le Mans), Service de Dermatologie (CHU de Dijon), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Dijon - Hôpital François Mitterrand (CHU Dijon), Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Besançon (CHRU Besançon), Novartis Pharma S.A.S., CHU Bordeaux [Bordeaux], Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, BMS, Pfizer, Merck, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Meso Scale Diagnostics, MSD, Novartis Pharma, Les Laboratories Pierre Fabre, This work was supported by Novartis Pharma S.A.S. , France., Philippe Saiag has received personal fees from Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, MSD, Merck-Serono, Pfizer, Roche-Genentech, Pierre Fabre, Sanofi and Novartis, he has received non-financial support from Bristol-Myers Squibb, MSD, Roche-Genentech and Novartis, and has received a funding grant from Roche-Genentech., Céléste Lebbe has received honoraria from BMS, MSD, Roche, Novartis, Amgen, Merck, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer and Incyte, has acted as a consultant or has served as a member of an advisory board for BMS, and has received travel grant support from BMS and MSD., Jean-Jacques Grob has received honoraria from BMS, MSD, Merck, Pfizer, Incyte, Novartis, Roche, Amgen and Pierre Fabre, has received travel grant support from BMS, MSD and Roche, and has acted as a consultant and advisor for BMS, MSD, Roche, Novartis, Amgen, Merck, Pierre Fabre, Pfizer and Incyte., and Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Paris (UP)
International audience; Background: BRAF and MEK inhibitors combination, including dabrafenib (D) and trametinib (T) have transformed the treatment of BRAF V600-mutant advanced melanoma patients, including patients with brain metastasis (BM). In a large phase IIIb, single-arm, open-label, multicenter French study, we assessed safety, response to treatment, progression-free survival (PFS) and factors associated with progression, and stratified the population into risk groups. Methods: Patients with unresectable, advanced, BRAF V600-mutant melanoma were included, including those with the presence of BM, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS) ≤2, elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) or previous melanoma treatments. Responses were determined locally, without central review. PFS was estimated using the Kaplan–Meier analysis and modelled with multivariate Cox model. Risk subgroups were identified using a regression tree analysis. Results: Between March 2015 and November 2016, 856 patients received at least one D + T dose. Overall, 92% had stage IV melanoma, 38% ECOG PS ≥1, 32% BM and 37.5% elevated LDH. Median PFS was 8.02 months (95% confidence interval [CI] 7.33–8.77). Significant factors associated with lower PFS were ECOG PS ≥1, elevated LDH, ≥3 metastatic sites and presence of BM. Patients with