Choosing the correct database for an application can be a daunting task for an application owner. There is a vast plethora of different options to choose from, where choosing a NoSQL database or a relational database management system built on SQL is the most defining decision. With the ever-increasing amounts of data that is produced, more and more databases are emerging. In this report we compare Cassandra and MongoDB, two NoSQL databases, with PostgreSQL, a relational database management system, to see which database is most suited to store semi-structured video metadata. The focus of the benchmarks is on the performance of read operations for each database. The tool we are using for comparison is the popular Yahoo! Cloud Benchmarking System. The results when running the workloads from the benchmark tool showed that PostgreSQL performed on average better than MongoDB and Cassandra. Therefore, we recommend Axis to use PostgreSQL for storing their video metadata., Stora mängder metadata måste sparas för att kunna användas i utvecklingssyfte. Genom att använda sig av databaser, kan metadatan effektivt sparas. Men vilken databas passar bäst för vårt system? Det är vad vår uppsats har svarat på.