In this paper we discuss some aspects of the current state in the field of business information systems domain with an emphasis on the domain (context) of business rules, ranging from theoretical assumptions through modelling (in appropriate languages and tools) to use in business, with a focus on so called business rule paradox. It is well known that in many areas of human activity there is a gap between theory and practice and that this gap is mostly expressed either through inadequate theory or inadequate practice, where it is usually more often the case that the theory is more developed then the practice, or (in its own way, even though that may seem to be paradoxical) practice is more developed then theory. In the context of business processes and rules, their modelling and effective application to business practices, there is a paradox of the existence of highly developed theories which would enable quality practices, and a whole array of individual, very proficient practical solutions (implementations of business rules) on the one side, but no universal and generally accepted methodology for modelling bussines rules as a service for business processes and information systems to support them on the other side. The part of the problem is to be found in the inherent complexity of corresponding theories and tools which are necessary for modelling business rules and processes, but a part is to be found in inadequate (and due to systemic reasons incomplete) education of the main participants in that process, as well as a lack of communication between them. Business rules are undoubtedly one of the most important resources of any business subject. They are inherent to every business process, independent of its being conducted manually or with the support of information technology. In the first case they are dispersed in the multitude of laws, statutes, standards, business regulations, business and technical documentation and so on. In the second case, in the context of modern business practice, which is increasingly dependent on the support of information technology and is conducted in the virtual world of computers and computer nets ranging from local to global, like the World Wide Web, they are partially implemented in the processes through which business itself is pursued. Large companies and software manufacturers like Microsoft or IBM, conscious of a potentially vast market in the business rules segment, have developed or are currently developing large-scale development environments for business support, such as BizTalk Server (Microsoft) or WebSphere ILOG JRules (IBM), which, among other features, contain “modules” or even “languages” for modelling business rules. The importance of business rule modelling is additionally emphasized by the fact that a whole host of professional association (such as Business Rule Community (1), Object Management Group (2) - OMG, W3C (3), Eclipse (4), Protégé (5), IIBA, (6) …)is developing standards, specific programming languages, modelling languages (especially markup languages grouped around XML) and development environments for the requirements of the business rule and business process modelling as well as for the so-called accompanying technologies (semantic web, ontologies, Web services). This is equally true of the academic community involved in these research areas. Scientific research in the area of modelling business rules belongs within a wider context of the so-called semantic technologies. Next to modelling business rules, they encompass categories such as ontologies and semantic Web. These encompass a few narrower areas, such as developing logic formalisms (Descriptive logic, F-Logic, …) for the business rules modelling and the development of corresponding programming languages and environments (Protégé, Ergo Suite, Flora-2, DATALOG, …). A part of the research and development is done through the development of (the) corresponding standards under the auspices of the already mentioned associations such as W3C, OMG and Business Rules Group. The other part is done through the research of numerous research teams and individuals within the academic community and the research departments of large software companies, profit-oriented (IBM, Microsoft, Google (to a certain extent), Vulcan, Coherent Knowledge Systems, …) and non-profit (Eclipse Foundation, …). Nevertheless, despite all the things described above, concerning the development of theory, programming languages, tools and development environments, very few (the authors aren't familiar with one single case) cases of implementation of business rule systems (by the (Business Rule) Book) exist which fulfil the criteria established in a well-reasoned manner as irrefutably valid by Ronald Ross and his collaborators. We will proceed to elaborate why this is the case and to suggest a solution for the above mentioned paradox. In order to understand that paradox we will shortly describe the existing practice of business rule and business process modelling, some (not all) theoretical pillars necessary for their successful modelling and also present the main “players” in that “game”. Finally, we will “distribute” that set of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to these players according to their respective “jurisdictions” over business processes and business rules.