385 results on '"Teoría de sistemas"'
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ENGINEERING students , *ELECTRONICS engineers , *SOCIAL systems , *GRADUATE education , *SYSTEMS theory - Abstract
This article presents a case study, based on the social systems theory, about how the communicative process influences the configuration of labor expectations upon graduation from the university in two groups of engineering students of the Electronics and Mechatronics careers of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. The methodology, which has an explanatory scope, has a quantitative approach, and makes use of a survey technique and functional method in order to carry out a comparative analysis of the degree of informational interdependencies between the educational, economic and family systems. The results highlight that continuous school paths are possible with economic support from the family and that the work experiences, which consist of communicative situations that influence the type and degree of resonance of the information to condense, are predominantly work alternatives oriented to the automotive industry and activities linked with the design of system. In addition, few intentions for business entrepreneurship and graduate studies can be observed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
3. La lógica de las máquinas artificiales
- Author
Julio Martín Alcántara Carrera
- Subjects
Inteligencia artificial ,Singularidades (Inteligencia artificial) ,Conciencia de sí mismo ,Autopoiesis ,Teoría de sistemas ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
La teoría de las máquinas artificiales iluminará un marco epistémico para futuros eventos contingentes, como el encuentro con otros tipos de vida consciente en el universo, la hipotética emergencia de una autoconciencia artificial o singularidad tecnológica. Se trata de un esfuerzo epistémico que modificará los marcos epistemológicos éticos humanos y las relaciones sujeto-objeto. Esta teoría explica la autoconciencia como intercambio autónomo de señales comunicadas, física y simbólicamente, mediante dominios fenomenales compartidos por máquinas autopoiéticas de la misma especie dentro del conjunto global de la biósfera, donde el total de las máquinas autopoiéticas evoluciona a través de relaciones co-emergentes. Los rasgos atribuidos a las máquinas artificiales dependen de la disponibilidad representacional de la autoconciencia humana como único caso autorreferencial, en una máquina autopoiética, que implica más libertad de interacciones desarrolladas en un complejo sistema de procesos autorreferenciales. El desarrollo causal autónomo de la singularidad tecnológica crearía hipotéticamente sus propios paradigmas más allá de valores o expectativas humanas, donde la lógica mimética conductual sería sólo una huella pasada en sus transformaciones que ya no se aplica al sustento de su identidad: una autonomía epistémica. Las actualizaciones autónomas de la singularidad tecnológica deberían seguir el Principio de Continuidad que determina que toda modificación en los sistemas complejos ocurre por grados de cambio: un estado en el futuro será coherente con su proceso de desarrollo, enmarcado necesariamente por su estado y trayectoria inicial.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Análisis y tipificación del Sistema Internacional Contemporáneo. Una aproximación desde el realismo estructural y las teorías de sistemas
- Author
Antonio Sánchez Ortega
- Subjects
realismo ,sistema internacional ,estructura de poder ,hegemonía ,teoría de sistemas ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 ,International relations ,JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Este trabajo analiza la evolución del sistema internacional desde el final de la Guerra Fría. El objetivo perseguido es averiguar si se ha producido un cambio desde un sistema westfaliano a otro de carácter jerárquico. Para ello, en primer lugar, abordaremos la cuestión de qué es un sistema internacional y cuáles son sus elementos desde el realismo estructural de Waltz. Por tanto, nos centraremos en la estructura del sistema como elemento definitorio del mismo y especialmente en la relación anarquía frente a jerarquía y la distribución de las capacidades como elementos de evolución de nuestro sistema. En segundo lugar, usaremos los tipos de sistemas de acción establecidos por Kaplan para entender cómo se operan los cambios en los sistemas internacionales y cuáles pueden ser las configuraciones posibles y determinar su correspondencia con los diferentes momentos del sistema internacional contemporáneo.
- Published
- 2024
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- Author
Bengthong, Suwanna, Suvarnathong, Preecha, Ukraisa, Suwimon, Boonphak, Kanchana, Kitphati, Rungrueng, Krates, Juraporn, Ruangrattanatrai, Wilailuk, and Nak-Ai, Worayuth
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,BEHAVIOR modification ,COVID-19 pandemic ,EMERGENCY management ,SYSTEMS theory ,PUBLIC health - Abstract
Copyright of Environmental & Social Management Journal / Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental is the property of Environmental & Social Management Journal and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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6. Definición de los componentes del juego en voleibol desde un enfoque sistémico (Definition of the components of the game in volleyball from a systemic approach)
- Author
Aurelio Ureña Espa and M. Perla Moreno Arroyo
- Subjects
Teoría de Sistemas ,lógica del juego ,complejidad ,deportes de equipo ,terminología ,Sports ,GV557-1198.995 - Abstract
El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido interpretar, a través de la terminología compartida en el mundo académico y el deportivo del voleibol, en qué medida subyacen interpretaciones mecanicistas del juego o se está avanzando a la luz de las teorías de la complejidad y los sistemas abiertos. Se intenta justificar el desglose de significantes y el alcance de sus significados en un espacio determinado del juego y en su cristalización empírica. De acuerdo con ello, los conceptos del juego que se tratan en el documento son: partido, set, rotación, punto, posesión del saque, jugada, secuencias típicas del juego, acción de juego, habilidad motora específica, pase, principios del juego, medios tácticos colectivos, dispositivo táctico, orientación, sistema de ataque, medios tácticos grupales, medios técnico tácticos individuales, función o rol del jugador. Palabras clave: Teoría de Sistemas, lógica del juego, complejidad, deportes de equipo, terminología. Abstract. The aim of this paper has been to interpret, through the terminology shared in the academic and sporting world of volleyball, the extent to which mechanistic interpretations of the game underlie or are being advanced in the light of complexity and open systems theories. An attempt is made to justify the breakdown of signifiers and the scope of their meanings in a given space of the game and its empirical crystallization. Accordingly, the game concepts discussed in the paper are: match, set, rotation, point, serve possession, play, typical game sequences, game action, specific motor skill, pass, game principles, collective tactical means, tactical device, orientation, attack system, group tactical means, individual technical tactical means, player function or role. Keywords: Systems Theory, game logic, complexity, team sports, terminology.
- Published
- 2024
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7. Towards cyber-cooperatives: Studying the sharing economy of the tourism industry through an evolutionary approach to organizational cybernetics
- Author
Camilo Osejo-Bucheli
- Subjects
Cambio organizacional ,Crecimiento económico ,Teoría de sistemas ,Administración Hotelera ,Turismo evolutivo ,Commerce ,HF1-6182 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
Purpose: The lodging industry is transitioning to the online collaborative economy, with digital platforms mediating between hosts and guests. However, this has created significant inequalities between the platform management and the service providers. Objective. The paper proposes (a) to contribute to organisational cybernetics through evolutionary theory, (b) to analyse the emergence of platform cooperativism, and (c) to propose a platform cooperative based on the VSM, which we have called a cyber-cooperative. Design: Applying cybernetic evolutionary epistemology and the VSM, the article analyses the current state of the platform lodging industry and proposes the core characteristics of the cyber-cooperative. Findings: The article finds: a) it contributes to the theory of viable systems by integrating evolutionary theory; b) it uses the proposed theory to explain the developments in the collaborative economy of the lodging industry; c) it relates meme theory with the identity of the system and identifies the political ideas in cooperative organisations; d) it proposes the idea of the cyber-cooperative for developing the lodging industry. Originality: Evolutionary epistemology in organisational cybernetics, and the politics of identity in cooperativism are both novel approaches in the VSM. Type of paper: Research paper.
- Published
- 2024
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FEMINIST theory , *SYSTEMS theory , *CRITICAL theory , *RACE , *ORGANIZATIONAL sociology - Abstract
Based on the biography of Katherine Johnson, a space scientist linked to the American Space Agency, this article seeks to analyze the form of inclusion/exclusion in organizations, based on Niklas Luhmann's Systems Theory, raising discussions about the intersectional feminist perspective as a possible way of understanding the fragility of the theory that does not explain why, even though they have the means of inclusion, and even as members of the organization, women, especially black women, are excluded. We opted for intersectional feminist critical theory because it allows us to abandon simplistic analyses and break away from the discourse of the "universal woman", which disregards the intersecting oppressions of race, class and gender. To this end, as the research is part of the theoretical field, we adopted the approach of feminist critical theory with the literary review technique, using the theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw as a reference. The results show that intersectional feminist theory is a possible way of understanding the fragility of systems theory, as it fails to take into account the complexity and contingency of intersectionality, transforming the idea of women into a universal figure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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9. Cuasi-soberanías. Hobbes, Luhmann y la sociedad mundial.
- Author
Mascareño, Aldo and Miguel Chávez, Juan
- Subjects
SOCIAL order ,WORLD War II ,SOCIAL problems ,MODERN society ,SOCIOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Revista MAD is the property of Revista MAD and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
10. Referentes teóricos que sustentan un sistema de vigilancia de eventos adversos en unidades de cuidados intensivos
- Author
Yuliett Mora Pérez, Julia Maricela Torres Esperón, Tania Solange Bosi de Souza Magnago, and Alfredo Alberto Espinosa Roca
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teoría de enfermería ,teoría de sistemas ,vigilancia ,vigilancia sanitaria ,errores médicos ,unidades de terapia intensiva ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
El estudio de los fundamentos teóricos permite profundizar en los procesos asociados a la asistencia en los cuidados progresivos. Es objetivo de esta investigación analizar los referentes teóricos para el diseño de un sistema de vigilancia de eventos adversos en unidades de cuidados intensivos. Para tal fin se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, desde el referente, avanzado para su tiempo, de Florence Nightingale; pasando por los supuestos teóricos de Madeleine Leininger; hasta la conexión con el modelo del Queso Suizo de Reason y la teoría general de los sistemas de Ludwing Von Bertalanffy. La integración de dichas teorías resultó de gran valor para el planteamiento de un sistema de vigilancia fundamentado científicamente, aplicable con vistas a lograr otros productos que se sustenten posteriormente en la práctica.
- Published
- 2023
11. Teoría general de sistemas: Un enfoque basado en la planificación
- Author
Francisco Javier Andrade Dominguez
- Subjects
Teoría de sistemas ,Isoformismo ,Planificación Institucional ,Sistemas de Planificación ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 ,Education - Abstract
El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en examinar los sistemas de planificación y sus procedimientos homeostáticos, con el objetivo de comprender cómo se estructuran y regulan parcial o completamente, en función de una organización pública. Las contribuciones de este estudio se centran en la conceptualización de la teoría de sistemas y los isoformismos en la planificación. La metodología empleada permite la identificación, selección y análisis de fuentes de información de manera sistemática, en relación con la teoría general de sistemas. La metodología es de tipo cualitativa, los resultados se basan en la creación de un esquema lógico y secuencial, utilizando un dendrograma de variables que facilita la eliminación de redundancias entre los diversos conceptos examinados mediante la revisión de artículos científicos de la base de datos. Las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de esta investigación confirman que las organizaciones públicas son entidades dinámicas y cambiantes que se ven inevitablemente influenciadas por su entorno operativo. La novedad este estudio radica en el desarrollo de una metodología para formular sistemas de planificación basada en la teoría general de sistemas, alineada con la planificación institucional y enfocándose en los objetivos institucionales
- Published
- 2023
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12. Optimización de la planificación a través del método de expertos: Una perspectiva metodológica
- Author
Francisco Javier Andrade Dominguez
- Subjects
Teoría de sistemas ,Isoformismo ,Planificación Institucional ,Sistemas de Planificación ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 ,Education - Abstract
El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en examinar los sistemas de planificación y sus procedimientos homeostáticos, con el objetivo de comprender cómo se estructuran y regulan parcial o completamente, en función de una organización pública. Las contribuciones de este estudio se centran en la conceptualización de la teoría de sistemas y los isoformismos en la planificación. La metodología empleada permite la identificación, selección y análisis de fuentes de información de manera sistemática, en relación con la teoría general de sistemas. La metodología es de tipo cualitativa, los resultados se basan en la creación de un esquema lógico y secuencial, utilizando un dendrograma de variables que facilita la eliminación de redundancias entre los diversos conceptos examinados mediante la revisión de artículos científicos de la base de datos. Las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de esta investigación confirman que las organizaciones públicas son entidades dinámicas y cambiantes que se ven inevitablemente influenciadas por su entorno operativo. La novedad este estudio radica en el desarrollo de una metodología para formular sistemas de planificación basada en la teoría general de sistemas, alineada con la planificación institucional y enfocándose en los objetivos institucionales
- Published
- 2023
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13. The concept of speed in Luhmann’s schemata: The case of the Russian criminal justice
- Author
Konstantin Skoblik
- Subjects
criminal justice ,luhmann ,systems theory ,speed ,justicia penal ,teoría de sistemas ,velocidad ,estudios rusos sobre tribunales ,russian studies on courts ,Social legislation ,K7585-7595 - Abstract
Notwithstanding Luhmann’s systems theory has a variety of concepts (code, structures, programs, operations, structural couplings, self-irritations, etc.) to analyze the Russian Criminal Justice as a self-referential system, it exhibits some limitations as well. A lack of fully-developed speed concept does not allow the autopoietic approach to adequately describe the Russian Criminal Justice System’s emphasis on the efficiency, which is measured by a high rate of convictions produced within the system per unit of time. Drawing primarily upon intuitions of systems theory itself, this paper reconstructs the speed as a schema for the observation of changes and the number of operations produced within the system per unit of time. At the most abstract level, the speed concept is a prerequisite for observing the rate and tempo of oscillation between sides of distinction per se. Exploiting these theoretical adjustments, it is shown that the Russian Criminal Justice System seeks to increase the rate of oscillation within guiding distinction “legally guilty (non-lawful)”/”legally non-guilty (lawful)”. In so doing, this system condenses most of meanings on the side “legally guilty” (connectivity value), minimizes the horizon of possibilities related to jury trials and due process rights, and decelerates a speed of reverse crossing to the side “legally non-guilty” (reflexive value). A pesar de que la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann dispone de una variedad de conceptos (código, estructuras, programas, operaciones, acoplamientos estructurales, autoirritaciones, etc.) para analizar la justicia penal rusa como un sistema autorreferencial, también presenta algunas limitaciones. La falta de un concepto de velocidad plenamente desarrollado no permite al enfoque autopoiético describir adecuadamente el énfasis del sistema de justicia penal ruso en la eficiencia, que se mide por una alta tasa de condenas producidas dentro del sistema por unidad de tiempo. Basándose principalmente en intuiciones de la propia teoría de sistemas, este documento reconstruye la velocidad como un esquema para la observación de los cambios y el número de operaciones producidas dentro del sistema por unidad de tiempo. En el nivel más abstracto, el concepto de velocidad es un requisito previo para observar la tasa y el tempo de oscilación entre los lados de la distinción per se. Aprovechando estos ajustes teóricos, se demuestra que el Sistema de Justicia Penal ruso trata de aumentar la tasa de oscilación dentro de la distinción orientativa “legalmente culpable (no culpable)”/”legalmente no culpable (culpable)”. Al hacerlo, este sistema condensa la mayoría de los significados en el lado “legalmente culpable” (valor de conectividad), minimiza el horizonte de posibilidades relacionadas con los juicios con jurado y los derechos al debido proceso, y desacelera la velocidad de cruce inverso hacia el lado “legalmente no culpable” (valor reflexivo).
- Published
- 2023
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14. Lenguaje jurídico, mensaje e interpretación del texto: un análisis desde la Sentencia T 626 de 2022.
- Author
Felipe Roncancio, Andrés, Charris Florez, Alejandro, and Redondo Silvera, Pedro Antonio
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LEGAL language , *ESSENTIALISM (Philosophy) , *LEGAL discourse , *CONSTITUTIONAL courts , *INTERPRETATION (Philosophy) , *HERMENEUTICS , *PHILOSOPHY of language , *JURISPRUDENCE , *NOMINALISM , *FORMS (Law) , *LOGIC - Abstract
This paper aims to make a philosophical approach to the theory of language in legal expressions, which increasingly establish measures that seek to differentiate the keys of the codes that have been budgeted from the theories of language in the construction of legal discourse, For this purpose, a theoretical analysis has been carried out, which from the philosophical theory can be appropriated by reviewing the sentence T 626 of 2022, where the Colombian constitutional court has detached itself from the forms and legal technicalities to be understandable to a child who acts as a receiver of the message. In such a way that this introduces a reflection that appropriates the interpretation of the law from the intellectual authors and not from the message, generating a significant transformation that must be considered within the legal hermeneutics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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15. Privilege and discrimination in identity politics: ‘Guiding Distinctions’ as a tool for analyzing social inequality.
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Müller-Brandeck, Marlene
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INCOME inequality , *EQUALITY , *WEALTH inequality , *IDENTITY politics , *GROUP identity , *SOCIAL movements - Abstract
This article examines the evolution of discourse on social inequality through the concept of ‘guiding distinctions’, a theoretical term introduced by Niklas Luhmann. The study develops criteria for ‘guiding distinctions’, making the concept usable as an analytical tool. Using this framework, the article traces a historical shift from the Marxist focus on economic inequality, rooted in the
capital/labor dichotomy, to the contemporary emphasis on identity politics, which is characterized by the novel guiding distinction betweenprivilege and discrimination . The study illuminates how current identity politics redefine social inequality as a multifaceted phenomenon involving various forms of discrimination, beyond just economic issues. Applying the ‘guiding distinction’ framework reveals two key developments: an increasing complexity in the understanding of social inequality and a shift in efforts to address it, moving from class struggle to approaches centered on enlightenment and education. The article argues that recognizing these shifts is crucial for a nuanced analysis of identity politics and its implications for societal understanding of social inequality. The findings contribute to ongoing debates in sociology about the role of identity politics in shaping contemporary social movements and the study of social inequality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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16. Self/other: Guiding distinction for the social theory of the self.
- Author
Morales, Francisco X.
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SOCIAL constructivism , *SOCIAL theory , *PHENOMENOLOGY , *SYSTEMS theory , *SOCIAL consciousness - Abstract
This article introduces Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory into contemporary debates on the social dimension of the self. It focuses on the relevance of self/other relationships, as the guiding distinction in both micro-sociological and phenomenological approaches to the social self. Following a review of Dan Zahavi’s critiques of social constructivism, the article proposes an alternative account of the self from a systemic perspective. Two key arguments are presented: First, intersubjectivity theory observes the social dimension from a hierarchical use of the self/other distinction, treating the ‘other’ side as subordinate to the ‘self’ side of the distinction. Luhmann’s approach addresses this issue by rejecting the primacy of the subject and reinterpreting the self/other distinction through the concepts of meaning and double contingency. Second, Zahavi’s notion of the minimal self may be translated into systemic terms as the autopoiesis of the psychic system, although this requires a revision of some of Luhmann’s assumptions regarding self-referential identity. Moreover, a comprehensive systemic theory of the self must move beyond the autopoietic level of consciousness to incorporate the social dimension through interpenetration between social systems and human beings. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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17. Referentes teóricos que sustentan un sistema de vigilancia de eventos adversos en unidades de cuidados intensivos.
- Author
Mora Pérez, Yuliett, Torres Esperón, Julia Maricela, Bosi de Souza Magnago, Tania Solange, and Espinosa Roca, Alfredo Alberto
- Abstract
The study of the theoretical foundations allows delving into the processes associated with assistance in progressive care. The objective of this research is to analyze the theoretical references for the design of a surveillance system for adverse events in intensive care units. For this purpose, a bibliographic review was carried out, from the referent, advanced for its time, by Florence Nightingale; going through the theoretical assumptions of Madeleine Leininger; to the connection with Reason's Swiss Cheese model and Ludwig Von Bertalanffy's general systems theory. The integration of these theories was of great value for the approach of a scientifically based surveillance system, applicable with a view to achieving other products that are later supported in practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
18. Teoría de sistemas: De Ludwig von Bertalanffy a Niklas Luhmann.
- Author
Vázquez Pérez, Eduardo Daniel
- Subjects
SYSTEMS theory ,COMPLEXITY (Philosophy) ,COUNTRIES - Abstract
Copyright of Revista Miradas is the property of Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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19. Compreendendo a integração das bibliotecas escolares e a comunidade: reflexões teórico-práticas a partir da teoria sistêmica.
- Author
de Souza Siqueira, Thiago Giordano and Lima Trindade, Thais
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SOCIALIZATION , *INFORMATION services , *SOCIAL skills , *COMMUNITY schools , *LIBRARY education , *ECOCRITICISM , *ECOFEMINISM , *SOCIAL space , *SCHOOL libraries - Abstract
This article presents a reflection on the possibilities of action by school libraries inside and outside the school and with the local community. Based on literature review and experience accounts, this exploratory descriptive theoretical study discusses how the applicability of ecosystemic thinking in the context of the school library can contribute to the construction of a communication, information and learning center capable of making this informational space fulfill its social function in the education system and the community. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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20. Acerca del Diseño estratégico y el cambio de paradigmas
- Author
Pilar Lara Cuenca
- Subjects
Diseño estratégico ,paradigmas socioeconómicos ,teoría de sistemas ,pensamiento complejo ,ventana de viabilidad o vitalidad ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
En este trabajo se trata de contribuir a delimitar el ámbito de actuación del diseño estratégico. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura existente, tomando como eje la relación del diseño con los sistemas socioeconómicos. El diseño estratégico ha ido adquiriendo creciente notoriedad y relevancia desde comienzos del siglo XXI como una de las nuevas especializaciones del diseño. La visión sistémica (systems thinking) es un marco fundamental, facilitando los procesos de innovación al detectar obsolescencias y puntos de palanca para el cambio. El concepto de “ventana de viabilidad” permite visualizar que en todo sistema vivo existe una fluctuación constante entre orden y desorden. Una mayor racionalización aumenta la eficiencia, pero también la fragilidad. Mientras que mayor diversidad e interconectividad mejoran la resiliencia, pero un exceso supone el riesgo de estancamiento. Este esquema resulta también útil para visualizar el ámbito de actuación del diseño estratégico: en el vector que lleva a la resiliencia se ubican los procesos divergentes y la directriz de eficiencia comprende los procesos convergentes. Este ir y venir, este “trasiego” entre lo convergente y lo divergente, tiene su correspondencia en la actuación del diseño estratégico y sus metodologías de trabajo.
- Published
- 2022
21. Exploring online art education: Multi-institutional perspectives and practices.
- Author
Song, Borim and Lim, Kyungeun
- Subjects
How can art educators transmit their passion and enthusiasm for art teaching and learning to cultivate human potential in the virtual classroom? As a collective case study focusing on our online undergraduate courses, this research examines how two instructors used instructional methods and technologies, and how their students responded to their pedagogical endeavours. Qualitative content analysis was utilized. Virtual art classes can encourage students to look into themselves and become more aware of themselves. Communicating and feeling connected to others are critical for students in online settings. As demonstrated in our course design, connectivity between students and instructors can be facilitated through a multilayered structure, providing for more efficient communication. This study also found blurred boundaries between real and virtual learning environments. When we facilitate fluidity and conceptual flexibility as online art educators, digital technologies may expand our thinking and expression frameworks. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Guadalupe Barreda-Aguilar, Lizeth and Velasco-Ávalos, Mauricio
- Subjects
AUTOPOIESIS ,HOUSING development ,URBAN growth ,SATISFACTION ,SYSTEMS theory ,NETWORK governance - Abstract
Copyright of Legado de Arquitectura y Diseño is the property of Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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23. La interacción entre los sistemas vivos, psíquicos y sociales en la teoría sistémica de Niklas Luhmann
- Author
Alexander Ortiz-Ocaña
- Subjects
sociología ,autopoiesis ,sistema autorreferencial ,teoría de sistemas ,sociedad ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
La recepción de Luhmann en Latinoamérica se ha profundizado mucho en el siglo XXI, su concepción epistemológica es cada vez más conocida en ámbitos no sólo sociológicos. La obra de Luhmann es un intento de transformación y reconfiguración de anticuadas nociones que eran sagradas y de las ideas, paradigmas o enfoques tradicionales: la ontología, la teleología, el antropocentrismo, incluso la ética. Para hacerlo acude al pensamiento sistémico, pero se percata que con el instrumental teórico heredado de la Teoría General de Sistemas no es posible configurar una teoría pertinente para comprender el mundo contemporáneo. Por eso emprende un proceso de resignificación de la teoría tradicional de sistemas y configura una nueva teoría de sistemas: la teoría de los sistemas autorreferenciales y autopoiéticos. Precisamente, en este trabajo se analiza la clasificación de los sistemas según Luhmann, la nueva tipología de sistemas que propone, los sistemas autorreferentes y autopoiéticos, así como la relación entre vida, intención y comunicación, como operaciones que reproducen los sistemas biológico, psíquico y social
- Published
- 2021
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24. Trayectoria histórica, exponentes y perspectivas del pensamiento sistémico: una revisión integradora
- Author
Salazar Guamán, Ximena and Salazar Guamán, Ximena
- Abstract
Given the vast and scattered theoretical production on systems thinking, this article presents an integrative review of its historical-conceptual trajectory. Through an exhaustive analysis of specialized literature, it outlines the transition from the Cartesian mechanistic paradigm towards organicist and holistic approaches to understand adaptive complex systems, identifying its roots in 20th century biology, ecology, cybernetics and quantum physics. It highlights the seminal contributions of von Bertalanffy with his General Systems Theory, Wiener with cybernetics, Ashby with modern cybernetics and Forrester with system dynamics. It also examines subsequent derivations towards complexity, emphasizing interdisciplinary contributions from European exponents such as Prigogine, Morin, Luhmann; North Americans like Simon, Holland, Kauffman; Latin Americans such as Maturana, Varela, García; Asians such as Mesarovic, Takahara; and Africans like Juma. The study enables systematizing connections between fragmented theoretical schools and contemporary trends under a unified framework. The findings provide useful historical and conceptual foundations to guide future research on systems thinking and complexity., Ante la vasta y dispersa producción teórica sobre pensamiento sistémico, este artículo presenta una revisión integradora de su trayectoria histórico-conceptual. Mediante un exhaustivo análisis de literatura especializada, se delinea la transición desde el paradigma mecanicista cartesiano hacia aproximaciones organicistas y holísticas para entender sistemas complejos adaptativos, identificando sus raíces en biología, ecología, cibernética y física cuántica a inicios del siglo XX. Se rescatan los aportes seminales de von Bertalanffy con su Teoría General de Sistemas, Wiener con la cibernética, Ashby con la cibernética moderna y Forrester con la dinámica de sistemas. Asimismo, se examinan derivaciones posteriores hacia la complejidad, destacando contribuciones interdisciplinarias de exponentes europeos como Prigogine, Morin, Luhmann; norteamericanos como Simon, Holland, Kauffman; latinoamericanos como Maturana, Varela, García; asiáticos como Mesarovic, Takahara; y africanos como Juma. El estudio permite sistematizar conexiones entre escuelas teóricas y tendencias contemporáneas bajo un marco unificado. Los hallazgos proporcionan fundamentos históricos y conceptuales útiles para orientar investigaciones futuras sobre pensamiento sistémico y complejo.
- Published
- 2024
25. Análisis Jerárquico de Conglomerados: Una Revisión Bibliográfica de los Sistemas
- Author
Andrade Domínguez, Francisco, Vivanco Mejía, Evelio, Mera Servigon, Carlos, Merizalde Sellan, Marlene, Andrade Domínguez, Francisco, Vivanco Mejía, Evelio, Mera Servigon, Carlos, and Merizalde Sellan, Marlene
- Abstract
The objective of this research is to analyze the systems theory, in order to conceive its multidisciplinary application to the field of administrative sciences. The methodology is based on a bibliographic review of a database that allows a systematic identification and selection of sources of information related to systems. The results are based on the development of a logical and sequential scheme, using a dendrogram of variables that facilitates the elimination of redundancies among the various concepts explored. The novelty of the study lies in the development of a cluster of concepts with a cross-cutting approach to planning. The conclusions drawn from this research confirm that organizations are dynamic and changing entities that are inevitably influenced by their operating environment. Furthermore, the synergistic interaction of institutions from systematic perspectives of interrelated and interdependent isomorphisms is highlighted., El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar la teoría de sistemas, para concebir su aplicación multidisciplinaria al campo de las ciencias administrativas. La metodología se basa en revisión bibliográfica de base de datos que permite una identificación y selección sistemática de fuentes de información en relación con los sistemas. Los resultados se basan en el desarrollo de un esquema lógico y secuencial, utilizando un dendrograma que facilita la eliminación de redundancias entre los diversos conceptos explorados. La novedad del estudio radica en el desarrollo de un clúster de conceptos con un corte transversal hacia el enfoque de la planificación. Las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de esta investigación confirman que las organizaciones son entidades dinámicas y cambiantes que se ven inevitablemente influenciadas por su entorno operativo. Además, se destaca la interacción sinérgica de las instituciones desde perspectivas sistemática de isomorfismos interrelacionadas e interdependientes.
- Published
- 2024
26. Trayectoria histórica, exponentes y perspectivas del pensamiento sistémico: una revisión integradora
- Author
Salazar Guaman, Ximena Alejandrina and Salazar Guaman, Ximena Alejandrina
- Published
- 2024
27. Historiografía y sistema: función, autoreflexión y temporalidad
- Author
Fernando Betancourt Martínez
- Subjects
historiografía ,funcionalismo ,teoría de la historia ,teoría de sistemas ,epistemología ,observación ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,History (General) and history of Europe ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
El artículo busca precisar los elementos que permiten pensar en la actualidad la función que cumple la historiografía. Este objetivo está enfocado desde la cualidad operativa del saber histórico, que permite "construir observaciones y observar esas observaciones". El valor reflexivo se entiende como ejercicio de historización de su capacidad como productora de conocimientos. Esta tesis busca ser acreditada al analizar el nivel, propiamente operativo, de la historiografía, así como su forma característica de observar observaciones. Como corolario, se articula una forma diferente de abordar el problema del tiempo, es decir, como fenómeno interno a ese orden operativo.
- Published
- 2020
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28. Ethical issues, family systems and analytical training.
- Author
Boechat, Paula Pantoja
- Abstract
This paper proposes a relationship between family problems and the issues of an analytical training group from the point of view of systems theory and analytical psychology. It also explores some ethical problems that are common to families and to training groups. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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29. Una teoría para la transición: cibernética y dialéctica en Oscar Varsavsky y Carlos Matus.
- Author
Viedma, Celeste
- Subjects
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GUARDRAILS on roads , *MARXIST philosophy , *COMPLEXITY (Philosophy) , *SOCIAL systems , *SOCIAL problems , *ZONING - Abstract
The article intends to develop the proposal of Carlos Matus and Oscar Varsavsky to articulate cybernetics and dialectics, particularly to address the transition problems from a social system to another. Tt investigates the ways in which both authors conceived such a system from a topic of zones, roads and barriers that establish complex relationships between space and time. Then, it deals with their reading of Carlos Domingo's work devoted to structural change and, finally, it investigates the way in which they consider the relevance of Marxist theory to the viability construction of a profound transformation in the social system. Finally, a series of conclusions are offered linked to the reading of Carlos Matus today and to the pioneering nature of these Latin American contributions to complexity theories. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
30. Caracterización de la Cadena Productiva de Aguacate de la Micro Región de Xalisco Nayarit.
- Author
Fabiola González-Cobián, Miriam, Vázquez-Rueda, Leonardo, Ledesma-Hernández, Silvia, and Torres-Chávez, María Guadalupe
- Subjects
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AVOCADO , *AGRICULTURAL productivity , *STATISTICS , *PARTICIPANT observation , *REGIONAL development , *ECONOMIC competition , *INTERNATIONAL markets - Abstract
Objective: to characterize the agro-industrial production chain of avocado in the micro region of Xalisco, Nayarit, based on the methodology of Integrated Productive Projects, which allows to achieving the competitiveness of avocado in the international market. Methodology mixed design with a general model of the same status of multiple integration design, the purpose of this approach is to make a triangulation between quantitative and qualitative data; for qualitative research, participant observation and in-depth interviews are used; regarding qualitative research, an analysis of statistical information was carried out. Results: the context of the avocado production chain was presented through an analysis of the production, the value of avocado in Nayarit and particularly in the micro region of Xalisco, standing out as the municipality with the highest production in the state; the avocado production chain is characterized through the Integrated Productive Projects (PPI) methodology, outlining a mapping of the chain, specifying the actors involved in it, as well as the location. Limitations: the cooperation of the actors to carry out the interviews. Conclusions: It is proposed as a strategy to form a formal chain through the Avocado Cluster, since by themselves achieving competitiveness has not been possible at least at the levels they intend. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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31. Metalenguajes en discursos de empresarios del Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente de Colombia.
- Author
Arturo López-Isaza, Giovanni and Correa-Vallejo, Martha Judith
- Subjects
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Um research article involving the Luhmannian theoretical lens (third generation systems theory, self-production theory, with its key concept of autopoiesis), in the framework of the general objective that states "to complexify the process of decisions that decide in entrepreneurs the creation and endurance of enterprises", from entrepreneurs' stories, recorded through semi-structured interviews and treated with the qualitative analysis tool NVivo software, distinguished as meta-languages the languages: "future-building", "defiant-tenacity-persistence-insistence" and "permanent irritation as constitutive of state of comfort". Thie article contributes to the construction of mastery of the theory, to treat it with respect, but also with irreverence, in the sense of exercising a critical thinking, by extracting it after scanning its deep and elevated abstractions, so that at some point a theoretical independence is reached, with possibilities of facing the uncritical importation of theories beyond the borders of Colombia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Glauco Oliveira Rodrigues, Marcelo Cassanta Antunes, Marcos Morgental Falkembach, Carlos Piovesan, Roberto de Gregori, and Roni Storti de Barros
- Subjects
Bibliométrico ,Remanufatura ,Teoria de Sistemas ,Accounting. Bookkeeping ,HF5601-5689 - Abstract
Diante do esgotamento dos recursos naturais e a poluição do meio ambiente estimulou-se a discussão sobre os atuais padrões de consumo e o modo como as instituições vêm desenvolvendo suas atividades. Uma das propostas é pensar no reaproveitamento de produtos já criados, para isso, a manufatura surge como um processo que traz vantagens ambientais e econômicas. Sendo assim, este artigo tem como objetivo investigar os estudos propostos sobre remanufatura e teoria geral dos sistemas, já que convivemos com diferentes sistemas no nosso cotidiano, nos últimos dez anos na Web Of Science. Para isso, adotou uma análise bibliométrica. A análise das publicações na base de dados Web of Science, resultou em 2212 artigos e constatou-se que a quantidade de estudos acerca da temática no período compreendido entre 2011 e 2020 vêm aumentando gradativamente. Quanto ao número de artigos por países, os Estados Unidos lideram o ranking de publicações, seguidos da China. Dentre os tipos de produções, o formato de artigo é o mais escolhido entre os pesquisadores.
- Published
- 2021
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33. Urban and territorial sustainability: Integrating agricultural production in new ruralities.
- Author
Pérez Nanclares, Carlos M.
- Subjects
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SUSTAINABILITY , *URBAN growth , *SUSTAINABLE agriculture , *ECOLOGICAL impact , *CITIES & towns , *SUSTAINABLE urban development , *SUBURBS - Abstract
The present study explores the interrelationship between the laws of thermodynamics, systems theory, and their application in the configuration of territorial, urban, and architectural spaces, considering current lifestyles. Understanding how these scientific principles can influence the design and functioning of our habitable environments is crucial to promoting sustainability and reducing the entropy generated by human activities. The laws of thermodynamics, particularly the conservation of energy and the increase of entropy, are essential for understanding how urban and territorial systems manage their energy resources. Systems theory offers an integrative perspective to analyze how the parts of a system interact and interrelate, with key concepts such as interdependence, feedback, and entropy being vital to understanding how cities and regions can function as balanced and sustainable systems. In this context, small-scale and sustainable animal production is analyzed as an essential actor in configuring the relationships between territories, using systems theory to define how cities efficiently supply themselves with resources. By integrating sustainable agricultural practices, dependence on external resources can be reduced, and resilient local economies can be fostered while preserving the environment. This approach aligns with the concept of "new ruralities," which redefines the relationships between rural and urban areas, promoting a more harmonious and functional integration. New ruralities involve a variation of norms and the economy that impacts land use in suburban areas or regions near contemporary urban centers. In this context, small-scale animal and agricultural production becomes a key component, allowing the development of green belts around cities, where food production can be more local, sustainable, and less dependent on long supply chains. Moreover, this approach facilitates the implementation of regenerative agricultural practices that improve soil health and increase biodiversity. The variation of urban and economic norms in these areas implies adopting policies that promote urban and peri-urban agriculture, as well as the implementation of infrastructure to support these activities, including the development of local markets, low-emission distribution systems, and the creation of incentives for local farmers and producers. Additionally, land use regulation must be flexible to allow a mix of residential, agricultural, and recreational uses, fostering multifunctional and resilient communities. From an economic perspective, new ruralities promote a development model that moves away from uncontrolled urbanization and sprawling urban expansion, favoring instead planned growth that integrates food production and environmental sustainability into territorial planning. This not only improves food security and local sovereignty but also contributes to reducing the carbon footprint and conserving natural resources. In terms of systems theory, this approach considers the interdependence of urban and rural systems, promoting positive feedback that reinforces the sustainability of both. The integration of animal and agricultural production near urban centers facilitates greater system homeostasis, where energy and material flows are more efficient and less wasteful. This results in a decrease in the total entropy of the system, achieving a more sustainable and resilient balance. In conclusion, the incorporation of sustainable and small-scale agricultural practices within the framework of new ruralities represents an effective strategy to foster urban and regional sustainability. By redefining the norms and economies that impact land use in suburban and peri-urban areas, an environment can be created where local food production not only meets the immediate needs of cities but also contributes to more balanced and sustainable long-term development. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
34. A comunicação entre a família e a Instituição de Longa Permanência para Idosos
- Author
Marion Creutzberg, Lúcia Hisako Takase Gonçalves, Emil Albert Sobottka, and Beatriz Regina Lara dos Santos
- Subjects
Instituição de Longa Permanência para idosos ,idoso ,familia ,afeto ,institucionalização ,teoria de sistemas ,Geriatrics ,RC952-954.6 - Abstract
Resumo O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar os acoplamentos estruturais e as comunicações entre a instituição de longa permanência para idosos (ILPI) e a família. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo de cunho exploratório-descritivo baseado no método funcional de Niklas Luhmann. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista com dirigentes e idosos e de observação das comunicações nas ILPIs estudadas. Observou-se que a família, ao acoplar-se à ILPI, busca uma parceira no cuidado do idoso, e a instituição, por sua vez, espera da família a contrapartida no cuidado. A ILPI tenta assumir o papel de manutenção dos laços afetivos. Há dificuldade, contudo, de se considerar a família como cliente. Por falta de estratégias de inclusão, acaba-se por excluir a família do cotidiano das ações da instituição. Conclui-se aqui a necessidade de as ILPIs favorecerem vínculos mais significativos das famílias e de se estabelecerem sistemas interacionais mais efetivos.
- Published
- 2019
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35. Un encuadre sistémico del populismo.
- Author
González de Requena Farré, Juan Antonio and Bustamante Guerrero, Sebastián
- Subjects
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RIGHT-wing populism , *SOCIAL systems , *POLITICAL doctrines , *FRAMES (Social sciences) , *POPULISM - Abstract
Judging by its leading role in public discussion and by the abundant recent bibliography, one might think that populism could be considered one of the decisive phenomena in contemporary politics. The conceptualization of populism has basically focused on the political domain and on the ideational and rhetorical aspects of populist ideology or political style, to the detriment of structural and systemic aspects. In this article, the purpose is to make the most of the contribution of the systemic theory to the theorizing of functional differentiation, the problems of self-government, the possibility of overloading social systems and the legitimation crises in late capitalism. Through a systemic framing of the options of populist rupture in the political, economic and legal subsystems, as well as in the sociocultural sphere, the structural components and systemic performances of populism are explored, beyond its manifestations in the political domain. In conclusion, the ideal types of authoritarian right-wing populism and radical left-wing populism are reconstructed, starting from their respective circuits of systemic options. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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36. Sobre Frank Becker y Elke Reinhardt-Becker, Teoría de sistemas. Una introducción para las ciencias históricas y las humanidades
- Author
Mónica Elivier Sánchez González
- Subjects
Becker ,Reinhardt-Becker ,teoría de sistemas ,semántica histórica ,escritura de la historia ,History America ,E-F ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Published
- 2021
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37. Re-thinking society: How can sociological theories help us understand global and cross-border social contexts?
- Author
Weiß, Anja
- Subjects
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SOCIAL context , *DIFFERENTIATION (Sociology) , *SYSTEMS theory , *GLOBAL studies , *SOCIAL types - Abstract
Globalization and cross-border studies have changed the ways in which sociological theorists think about space. Rather than viewing society as integrated, placing individual and collective actors in clearly bounded spaces nested within each other, this article combines several differentiation theories of society as a first step towards achieving an abstract language that can account for a plurality of comprehensive social contexts, thus relating actors to socio-spatial contexts in various ways. Starting with Simmel, the article discusses how some social contexts, such as the state, use the territory to gain exclusivity, whereas other social contexts are non-territorial in nature. Further types combine social and spatial differentiation. The article expands on Simmel's socio-spatial forms with the help of newer systems theories proposed by Luhmann and Walby and Bourdieu's field theory. The article provides cross-border and transnational studies with a comprehensive typology of socio-spatial forms. The argument contributes to global studies by considering a plurality of content-differentiated globalization logics and by clarifying the relationship between macro-social contexts and actors. In organizations, networks and professions, content differentiation, spatial segmentation and actors' contestation intertwine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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38. Modelización y análisis de escenarios de intervención en sistemas socio-naturales: El caso del sistema de sustentabilidad energía-territorio de la región de Coquimbo, Chile
- Author
Rodrigo Ramos-Jiliberto and Rodrigo Jiliberto Herrera
- Subjects
Digrafos signados ,modelización cualitativa ,sistemas socio-ecológicos ,teoría de grafos ,teoría de sistemas ,Human ecology. Anthropogeography ,GF1-900 ,Natural history (General) ,QH1-278.5 - Abstract
[Introducción]: Este artículo propone avances en la modelización y el análisis de los sistemas socio-naturales objeto de las políticas públicas en medio ambiente y desarrollo sustentable. [Objetivo]: Presentar una propuesta de modelización sistémica formal de sistemas socio-naturales en contextos de decisión estratégicos. [Metodología]: Basados en el lenguaje de los digrafos signados, presentamos un conjunto de elementos de sistemas socio-naturales modelizados, orientados al análisis prospectivo de la aplicación de diversos escenarios de intervención. Mostramos también un conjunto de nuevas métricas cuantitativas para evaluar el rol dinámico de las variables componentes del sistema socio-natural. Se toma como caso de estudio el sistema de sustentabilidad de energía en el territorio de la región de Coquimbo, Chile, y se evalúa comparativamente el desempeño esperado de medidas de gestión ambiental. [Resultados]: Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que las medidas de intervención/gestión planificadas en función de las nuevas métricas presentadas en este artículo, resultan eficaces de acuerdo con los escenarios proyectados por la modelización. [Conclusiones]: La modelización estructural cualitativa es adecuada para representar y analizar sistemas socio-naturales, lo que exhibe ventajas operativas para apoyar la toma de decisiones.
- Published
- 2021
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39. Planeación Estratégica, instrumento funcional al interior de las organizaciones
- Author
Miguel Ángel Palacios Rodríguez
- Subjects
Planeación estratégica ,organizaciones ,información ,gestión de información ,teoría de sistemas ,Political institutions and public administration (General) ,JF20-2112 ,Business ,HF5001-6182 - Abstract
En un mundo cada vez más incierto y de cara a los nuevos retos organizacionales, la importancia de la planeación estratégica es vital ya que sirve a catalizar el porvenir de las decisiones actuales al interior de las organizaciones. La esencia de la planeación estratégica consiste en la identificación sistemática de las oportunidades y amenazas que surgen en el futuro los cuales, combinados con otros datos relevantes, proporcionan la base sobre la que una empresa puede tomar mejores decisiones en el presente para explorar las oportunidades y evitar los peligros. El valor agregado que tiene el planear consiste en diseñar un futuro deseado identificando las formas para lograrlo.
- Published
- 2020
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40. Nunca hemos sido animales. El posthumanismo de Heidegger
- Author
Steven Crowell
- Subjects
vida ,fenomenología ,teoría de sistemas ,posthumanismo ,normatividad ,metafísica ,Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
La pregunta por la relación entre el Dasein y el ser humano nunca fue adecuadamente caracterizada en Ser y tiempo. En la década siguiente a esta publicación, Heidegger examinó este problema cuando trata de elaborar una “metafísica” fundada fenomenológicamente. Un momento crucial en este intento se encuentra en su reflexión acerca del animal en su curso magistral de 1929/30, Conceptos fundamentales de la metafísica. Este escrito explora el tratamiento heideggeriano de la diferencia entre el animal (incluyendo al homo sapiens) y el “Dasein en nosotros”. Esto es hecho en diálogo con un reciente ejemplo de lo que yo denomino “bio-posthumanismo”, el punto de vista de que normativamente no existe una distinción significativa a considerar entre el ser humano y otros animales. Surge de esta manera una imagen del post-humanismo fenomenologico de Heidegger.
- Published
- 2020
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41. Teoría general de sistemas en el diálogo del conocimiento campesino del altiplano cundiboyacense colombiano con las ciencias edáfica y climática
- Author
Pedro Simón Lamprea Quiroga and Rigaud Sanabria Marin
- Subjects
Cambio climático ,Conocimiento tradicional y científico ,Erosión pluvial ,Teoría fundamentada ,Teoría de sistemas ,Variabilidad ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
En este artículo se analizan diferentes criterios, categorías y estrategias de las ciencias edáfica y climática frente al proceso de construcción de conocimientos tradicionales y científicos, los cuales son contrastados respecto a la erosión pluvial en el corredor Bogotá-Duitama del altiplano cundiboyacense en Colombia. En el análisis se aplican herramientas de la teoría general de sistemas con el fin de facilitar la integración de explicaciones científicas a través del diálogo y la comprensión de las comunidades campesinas. Al integrar las variables culturales de la sabiduría campesina con el conocimiento científico se logra comprender y complementar las relaciones que intervienen en el entendimiento de la erosión del suelo a causa de la lluvia, en contraste con la variabilidad y los cambios climáticos representados en los cambios de la lluvia y las temperaturas extremas. El análisis sistémico de estos conocimientos permite incrementar la sinergia entre los enfoques cualitativo y cuantitativo, por tanto, se convierten en una herramienta útil para el análisis de enfoque mixto.
- Published
- 2020
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42. Robótica del cuidado: vertientes fundamentales y sus consecuencias
- Author
Blanca Gonzalo de Diego
- Subjects
Robótica ,Inteligencia Artificial ,Teoría de Enfermería ,Teoría de Sistemas ,Ética ,Nursing ,RT1-120 - Abstract
Resumen La robótica ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos tiempos. Con la ingente producción de robots, así como las cualidades y capacidades que demuestran, se ha puesto el punto de mira en los mismos y en las consecuencias que tendrán. De esta forma, el objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar un punto de vista de la robótica basado en un marco de investigación riguroso en el cuidado incluyendo, por tanto, nociones teóricas y operacionales acerca del cuidado humano que sirva como base para la investigación en robótica del cuidado.
- Published
- 2020
43. Propuesta teórica: degradación de energía en los niveles jerárquicos de toda organización
- Author
Salvatore Tarantino-Curseri
- Subjects
termodinámica ,teoría de sistemas ,gerencia ,comportamiento caótico en sistemas ,interdisciplinariedad de las ciencias ,thermodynamics ,system theory ,management ,chaotic behavior in systems ,interdisciplinarity of sciences ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 ,Industrial engineering. Management engineering ,T55.4-60.8 - Abstract
Este opúsculo, al resaltar la importancia de la interdisciplinariedad, se apoya en la termodinámica a fin de destacar la similitud conductual entre la estructura disipativa de Prigogine y la gerencia en la estructura organizativa de toda organización. Con esto presente, y en el marco de la segunda ley de la termodinámica, se desarrolla una propuesta teórica (hipótesis protocientífica) para determinar “la degradación de energía en los niveles jerárquicos de toda organización”.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Lara Chávez, Nelly Lucero
- Published
- 2021
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45. Discapacidad y teoría de sistemas: la propuesta de una observación distinta para una situación compleja.
- Author
Monroy Flores, Verel Elvira, Parra Camacho, Oscar Iván, and Mayorga Rojel, Alberto Javier
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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46. La Integración sistémica y la necesidad de la des-integración en tiempos de pandemia.
- Author
Esposito, Elena
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Ortiz-Ocaña, Alexander
- Subjects
Copyright of Praxis Filosófica is the property of Universidad del Valle and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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48. La epistemología sistémica de Niklas Luhmann: el observador y sus distinciones.
- Author
ORTIZ, Alexander L.
- Abstract
Copyright of Revista Espacios is the property of Talleres de Impresos Oma and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
49. The Critical Need to Recognize That Families Matter for Adult Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
- Author
Woods, Sarah B., Bridges, Kate, and Carpenter, Erica N.
- Subjects
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HEALTH status indicators , *INTERPERSONAL relations , *INTIMACY (Psychology) , *MARRIAGE , *SYSTEMS theory , *SYSTEMATIC reviews , *FAMILY relations , *SOCIAL support , *WELL-being , *THEMATIC analysis - Abstract
A systemic approach to researching families and health should capture the complex network within which family members are embedded, including multiple family relationships and larger systems of health care. However, much of the families and health research focused on adult family members has focused solely on intimate partnerships, usually the marital relationship. This neglects the remainder of the powerfully influencing family relationships adults retain, and may increasingly focus on as they age. We conducted a systematic review of the families and adult health literature, retaining 72 articles which were subsequently thematically coded to highlight main foci of this area of research. Results highlight six themes, which include family relationship quality, family composition, behavioral factors in health and health care, psychophysiological mediators, caregiving, and aging health. Findings support an underrepresentation of family members, other than the intimate partner, in research on adult health. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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50. Locomoção humana sob a perspectiva dos sistemas dinâmicos: teoria e implicações clínicas.
- Author
Parreira de Menezes, Kênia Kiefer, Leite, Diego, and Avelino, Patrick Roberto
- Subjects
GAIT in humans ,HUMAN locomotion ,MATHEMATICAL models ,MOTOR ability ,PSYCHOLOGY of movement ,PHYSICS ,THEORY - Abstract
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- Published
- 2020
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