Guo, B., Khera, P., Wang, H., Peng, Z., Sudini, H., Wang, X., Osiru, M., Chen, J., Vadez, V., Yuan, M., Wang, C.T., Zhang, X., Waliyar, F., Wang, J., Varshney, R.K., Guo, B., Khera, P., Wang, H., Peng, Z., Sudini, H., Wang, X., Osiru, M., Chen, J., Vadez, V., Yuan, M., Wang, C.T., Zhang, X., Waliyar, F., Wang, J., and Varshney, R.K.
Genetics and genomics will have the potential to enhance sustainable peanut production. The major contribution of these technologies for peanut will likely be improved disease resistance, oil quality, and enhanced productivity. Those attributes may be achieved more effectively through genomic biotechnology to utilize the genetic resources preserved in germplasm collections for maximizing the genetic potential in breeding. Superior cultivars will maximize desirable genetic traits and provide growers with cultivars that are locally adapted and highly productive. Genomics involves the study of the complete genetic makeup, through mapping, sequencing, and functional studies to identify genes that regulate, control or modify trait expression. With the development in sequencing technologies, next-generation sequencing (NGS) has opened the gateway to sequence the genomes in a fast, reliable, and cost-effective manner. The international peanut genome sequencing project was discussed in 2010 and launched in 2012 after much deliberation and strategic planning. The exciting news is that the Peanut Genome Consortium, representing a coalition of international scientists and stakeholders engaged in the International Peanut Genome Initiative, announced the public release of the first chromosomal-scale draft sequences of two peanut species (Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaënsis) on April 2, 2014 ( In this chapter, we update the information on the molecular markers, genetic linkage maps, and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of traits mapped to date. Information of the preview of genome sequences, which would be available in peanut populations for high resolution genetic and trait mapping such as multiparent advanced generation intercross and nested association mapping, is also discussed. Furthermore, an innovative method to identify a causal mutant single nucleotide polymorphism or major allele for QTLs through N