From earliest its forms as leaves, skins and tree limbs, packaging has developed, became more sophisticated and improved. Before advanced technologies such as nanomaterials, Printed Electronics (PE), Augmented Reality (AR) or Internet of Things (IoT) came to market, packaging served basic principles to contain, protect, preserve, and inform. Generally packaging has always served from its practical function to hold goods together and protect them during the supply chain until the good reach the end user. However, the increased industrial utilization and high technologies have influenced the change and enhancement of packaging primary functions. Therefore, the traditional passive package is being left behind and more advanced forward packaging is progressively taking up the retail market. The key driver for smart packaging boom is the development of more innovative and intelligent approaches to packaging due to growing competiveness, consumer demand and experience, packaged product protection and preservation, increased regulatory requirements, increased interest in security. Therefore, this paper focus on the assessment, refinement and determination of the primary packaging functions based on current economic, environmental, market, and consumer-related concerns. It is essential to review and revise a model of contemporary understanding of a role of smart packaging. As a result, the purpose of this study is to establish a manageable model approach for non-food smart packaging functionalities, as well as to facilitate an out-going discussion in a context of developed model and the investigated subject.This paper is based on a literature review and furthermore employs several case studies of enhanced interactive packaging with a higher emphasis on one in-depth case study in the non-food plastics industry. Firstly, this paper approaches the traditional “contain-protect-preserve-inform” model of packaging functions and collects the data from various related scientific literature in order to identify both common and more contemporary roles, features and strategies of the retail packaging. Secondly, this paper takes into consideration the influence of environment-, economic-, marketing-, and consumer-related concerns linked to the packaging. And finally, this paper creates the link between the consumer and packaging, and argues the importance of this coherence in terms of the retail market. As the history and development of the packaging showed, the technology is the key driver and contributor to the growth of the packaging industry. Nonetheless the growing interest of sustainability also has the significant influence to the development of the package. According to Bradley (2011), the application of nanomaterials and nanotechnology into the packaging is just one of the most recent steps in the packaging evolution. For instance, due to recently developed nanoscale-nature substances and composites, the two main packaging functions to “protect” and “preserve” have been significantly improved. Whereas the “communication” function has been enhanced by high performance computing devices that are enabled by PE, AR and IoT technologies. The research covers mainly primary and secondary packaging that either has a direct contact with the product, or groups smaller units together. Moreover it encompasses only paper-based smart packaging with the highest emphasis on a high-technology-related interactive packaging. This paper proposes new model of packaging functionality including new alterations and enhanced perception of each function. According to this research, consumer-brand relationships are highly influenced by experiences the packaged product brings to the consumer. Since packaging is inseparable part of the product, it has a possibility to enhance such experiences and play a key role in building relationships. As a result, besides improved protection, preservation, communication and convenience functions, more interactive activities have to be taken into consideration that would create strong emotional and memorable states or reactions. Emotional and social sensations are the main building blocks in packaging design and planning to impart consumer’s engagement and entertainment. Therefore considering the packaging as a digital intermediator in the shopping-scape will give new and interesting opportunities for manufacturers to provide consumer experience ad connect physical products and the related digital representation.