36 results on '"katoliška cerkev"'
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2. Začasna ukinitev hrvaškoslovenske župnije v San Franciscu in izzivi etničnega katolicizma v ZDA.
- Author
Mithans, Gašper
- Abstract
Copyright of Zgodovina za Vse is the property of Zgodovinsko Drustvo Celje (The Historical Society of Celje) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
- Author
GRZYB, Magdalena
- Subjects
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VIOLENCE against women , *PATRIARCHY , *IDEOLOGY , *WOMEN'S rights , *DEBATE ,POLISH politics & government - Abstract
The paper discusses how that political climate in Poland and the politics of the present government enforcing patriarchal ideology can affect and further undermine already limited women's rights. The author tracks the situation of women during the communist era, during the transformation and while shaping liberal democratic order. It introduces a concept of the 'politics of denial' of violence against women as a suitable analytical framework that helps to understand the dynamics of Polish public debate in last decades, and also reasons and implications of such a political stance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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4. »SVETI EKSPERIMENT« Misijonske zdravstvene sestre ali kako v Katoliški cerkvi redovnice postanejo zdravnice.
- Author
Jelnikar, Ana
- Abstract
Copyright of Glasnik Slovenskega Etnološkega Društva is the property of Slovene Ethnological Society and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
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The author, on the basis of the sources of the 'two powers', the State and the Catholic Church, analyses various levels and forms of violence exercised by the Fascist regime against religious minorities in Italy in the 1920s and the 1930s. The 'intimidations' were in most cases incited by the Catholic Church, which disapproved especially Protestant proselytic activities and requested intervention of civil authorities. The interference increased after the signing of the Lateran Treaty and the introduction of the Law of Allowed Religions in 1929. Particular attention is dedicated to Seventh-day Adventists, which among all non-Catholic Christians in Venezia Giulia experienced the most oppressive measures. Moreover, many Adventists were Slovenians, which made them more suspicious in the eyes of the regime. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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6. Ženski samostani na Slovenskem.
- Author
Granda, Stane
- Abstract
Copyright of Časopis za Zgodovino in Narodopisje is the property of University of Maribor and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
7. Abortus in društvo gibanje za življenje v Sloveniji
- Author
Sakelšek, Špela, Selišnik, Irena, Cergol Paradiž, Ana, and Zalta, Anja
- Subjects
diskurz ,Gibanje za življenje ,udc:28-456.2(497.4) ,Catholic church ,Slovenia ,discourse ,Slovenija ,Katoliška cerkev ,abortion ,abortus ,Pro-life movement - Abstract
Pravica do umetne prekinitve nosečnosti je ena izmed temeljnih reproduktivnih pravic žensk. V Sloveniji je ženskam omogočeno uveljavljanje te pravice, čemur določene skupine nasprotujejo. V tem zaključnem delu je predstavljeno zgodovinsko ozadje legalizacije abortusa, s poudarkom na področju Slovenije v času socializma. Poleg tega je prikazan tudi odnos Katoliške cerkve do socialistične države in do abortusa. Slovenija ima dolgo tradicijo nasprotovanja pravici do abortusa. V zadnjih tridesetih letih pa je bilo možno zaznati porast diskusij o abortusu. Analiza diskurza o abortusu temelji na Foucaultovem razumevanju diskurza kot nečesa, kar je neposredno vezano na in odvisno od institucij. V tem delu so tako analizirana besedila z antiabortusno vsebino, in sicer papeški dokumenti, časopisni in znanstveni članki ter članki spletnih strani. V nadaljevanju pa je poudarek na povezavi med institucijo Katoliške cerkve in društvom Gibanje za življenje, ki zagovarja tradicionalne krščanske vrednote in se sklicuje zlasti na Sveto pismo. Povezava med različnimi protiabortusnimi organizacijami je vidna tudi v organizaciji dogodka Pohod za življenje, pri kateri sodelujejo predstavniki Katoliške cerkve, člani in članice organizacij civilne družbe ter člani in članice desnih političnih strank. The right to abortion is one of the women's fundamental rights. In Slovenia, women are allowed to exercise this right, which certain groups oppose. In this paper, the historical background of the legalisation of abortion is presented, with an emphasis on the area of Slovenia during socialism. In addition, the attitude of the Catholic Church towards the socialist state and towards abortion is also shown. Slovenia has a long tradition of opposing the right to abortion. In the last thirty years, it was possible to detect an increase in discussions about abortion. The discourse analysis is based on Foucault's understanding of discourse as something that is directly tied to and dependent on institutions. In this part, texts with anti-abortion content are analyzed, namely papal documents, newspaper and scientific articles, and articles on websites. In the following, the emphasis is on the connection between the institution of the Catholic Church and the Pro-life Movement association, which defends traditional Christian values and refers especially to the Bible. The connection between various anti-abortion organizations is also visible in the organization of the March for Life, in which representatives of the Catholic Church, members of civil society organizations, and members of right-wing political parties participate.
- Published
- 2022
8. Versko izobraževanje konvertitov v obdobju med obema vojnama na Slovenskem.
- Author
Mithans, Gašper
- Abstract
Copyright of School Chronicle / Šolska Kronika is the property of Slovenski Solski Muzej and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
9. Upravljanje spolnosti in družbena neenakost spolov.
- Author
Jogan, Maca
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal for the Critique of Science, Imagination & New Anthropology / Časopis za Kritko Znanosti, Domišljijo in Novo Antropologijo is the property of Institute for the Critique of Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Abstract
In studies of relations between Fascism and Catholicism, a comprehensive conceptual analysis remains much needed, in spite of disagreements even on definitions of basic phenomena. Interwar Italy, the era of Benito Mussolini and Pope Pius XI, was salient for both parties, resulting in converging and diverging points between the ideologies. The collisions and confl icts between Fascism and Catholicism have been discussed at three levels: the governmental (Italian government and the Holy See), statal (Italy) and regional (the Venezia Giulia), although overlapping often occurred. Some ideas and practices can be ascribed to Catholicism and Fascism(s) in general, while more often than not changes in views are to be expected, especially between diff erent Catholic groups. More in detail are analyzed common topics as anticommunism, negative attitude towards non-Catholic religious communities, myth of the "New Man" with correlating theory of the third way, myth of Italian Empire and the importance of institution of family. The role of the totalitarian regime in society, racist anti-Semitic laws (1938) and the confl ict regarding Catholic Action, however, are the points where the consensus between the Catholic Church and Italian Fascist state was more difficult to achieve if at all. The rivalry between the centers of power on one hand and pragmatism on the other were a constant in these relations at the top level, especially with the signing of Lateran Pacts in 1929. The convergence seems to be the most present in the mid-level, the overall Italy, where the cohesive element was patriotism. The ethnically-mixed borderland of the Venetia Giulia has undergone Fascist policy of forced denationalization of Slovenes and Croats, to which local Catholic Church reacted mostly by protecting the use of their languages in the Church. However, the bishops who protected minorities' rights were seen as strong obstacle for modus vivendi between the Catholic Church and the Italian state, and therefore forced to resign. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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11. Religijski motivi v trilogiji Njegova temna tvar
- Author
Poljanšek, Veronika and Vodičar, Janez
- Subjects
angels ,izvirni greh ,šamanizem ,panteizem ,angeli ,Christianity ,Njegova temna tvar ,afterlife ,posmrtno življenje ,Bog ,God ,original sin ,pantheism ,udc:27-72-284(043.2) ,Katoliška cerkev ,His dark materials ,Catholic Church ,shamanism ,krščanstvo - Abstract
Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z analizo trilogije Njegova temna tvar avtorja Philipa Pullmana. Trilogija vsebuje raznolike religijske elemente, kot so cerkev, izvirni greh, Bog, angeli, podzemlje, šamanizem in kitajsko vedeževanje. Prvi del diplomskega dela je posvečen analizi in primerjavi religijskih pojmov, vzetih iz krščanstva, pri čemer smo bili pozorni tudi na avtorjeve osebne poglede. Elemente iz zgodbe smo umestili v izvorni kontekst in jih primerjali med seboj. Iskali smo skladnost med objektivnim opisom cerkve v trilogiji in Katoliško cerkvijo, opredelili smo se do prikaza delovanja cerkve, iskali povezave med avtorjevo obravnavo izvirnega greha in uradno katoliško razlago. Nadalje smo primerjali nebeško kraljestvo z Nebeško republiko ter podzemlje s krščanskim pogledom na posmrtno življenje. Ključna je podoba Boga, ki od vsega najbolj odstopa od krščanske teologije. Raziskali smo tudi idejno ozadje angelov. Drugi del diplomskega dela je posvečen analizi drugotnih religijskih pojavov, kot so panteizem, panpsihizem, šamanizem, grško-rimski elementi in Knjiga premen. Panteizem in panpsihizem smo povezali s filozofijo, ki se vzpostavlja v trilogiji po razveljavi krščanstva. Pri šamanizmu smo se osredotočili na lik šamana Johna Parryja, pri liku Mary Malone nas je zanimala njena uporaba Knjige premen, analizirali pa smo tudi nekaj grško-rimskih pojmov, ki dodatno osvetlijo že obravnavane elemente, kot so podzemlje in daemoni. In this thesis we analyze His dark materials trilogy written by Philip Pullman. The trilogy contains various religious elements such as the church, original sin, God, angels, the underworld, shamanism and Chinese divination. The first part of the thesis deals with analyzing and comparing religious concepts taken from Christianity with author's personal views in mind. The elements of the story were put in their original context and compared with it. We sought the connection between objective descriptions of the church in the trilogy and the Catholic church, commented on the representation of its actions and researched the way the author deals with original sin in comparison to the official Catholic teachings. We compared the kingdom of heaven and the Republic of heaven the underworld with the Christian conception of the afterlife. The key element examined is the image of God, with the most profound subversion of Christian theology. We examined the sources behind the concept of angels. The second part of the thesis deals with analyzing secondary religious phenomena such as pantheism, panpsychism, shamanism, greco-roman elements and the Book of Changes. Pantheism and panpsychism were connected with the arising philosophy of the trilogy after the subversion of Christian elements. In regards to shamanism we were mostly concerned with the character of John Parry, we were also interested in the use of the Book of Changes by Mary Malone. We examined certain greco-roman elements to shed more light on already analyzed concepts such as the underworld and daemons.
- Published
- 2021
12. Sekularizacija knjižne cenzure pod Marijo Terezijo: med katoliško tradicijo in zmernim razsvetljenstvom
- Author
Vidmar, Luka
- Subjects
katoliška cerkev ,index ,Habsburg hereditary lands ,sekularizacija ,secularization ,habsburške dedne dežele ,prepovedane knjige ,katoli��ka cerkev ,habsbur��ke dedne de��ele ,Marija Terezija ,Maria Theresa ,cenzura ,indeks ,Forbidden Books ,censorship ,Catholic Church - Abstract
Censorship of books in the Habsburg hereditary lands was initially effectively controlled by the Catholic Church and was secularized only under Maria Theresa (1740–1780). During the process, the Church gradually lost its decisive influence: in 1751, the Court Book Censorship Committee was established, in 1764 the last Jesuit member of the commission was ousted, and in 1772 the state took over censorship of even theological and religious publications. The new censorship differed from the old one in many ways; for example, with grounding in moderate Enlightenment. In some respects, it resumed the tradition (e.g., favoring Catholicism), and in others it even became more restrictive (e.g., when dealing with literature). Knjižna cenzura v habsburških dednih deželah je bila sprva v največji meri pod nadzorom Katoliške cerkve, sekularizirana pa je bila šele pod Marijo Terezijo (1740–1780). V tem procesu je Cerkev postopno izgubila odločilen vpliv: leta 1751 je bila ustanovljena Dvorna komisija za knjižno cenzuro, leta 1764 so iz nje izrinili zadnjega jezuita, leta 1772 pa je država prevzela celo cenzuro teoloških in verskih knjig. Nova cenzura se je v marsičem ločila od stare, na primer z izho-diščem v zmernem razsvetljenstvu. V nekaterih pogledih je nadaljevala tradicijo (na primer s favoriziranjem katoliške vere), v drugih pa je bila celo restriktivnejša (na primer pri obravnavi leposlovja).
- Published
- 2021
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13. Vsakdanje življenje v občini Črni Vrh med prvo svetovno vojno.
- Author
Batič, Matic
- Abstract
Copyright of Kronika is the property of Kronika, Casopis za Slovensko Krajevno Zgodovino and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
14. Gibanje teologije osvoboditve : geneza, razcvet in zaton
- Author
Jurekovič, Igor
- Subjects
katoliška cerkev ,teologija osvoboditve ,Latinska Amerika ,udc:316.74:272(8) ,sociologija religije ,družbena gibanja - Abstract
Zametki latinskoameriške teologije osvoboditve kot družbenega gibanja sega-jo v 50. leta minulega stoletja. Gibanje je nato počasi rastlo do svojega vrhunca v začetku 70. let 20. stoletja. Sledeč relacijski sociologiji Pierra Bourdieuja, trdimo, da so formaciji gibanja botrovali tako objektivno-strukturni družbeni pogoji kakor tudi primerna percepcija družbenih akterjev. Med ključnimi družbenimi pogoji, na katere se osredotoča prispevek, so industrializacija latinske Amerike, institucionalna kriza latinskoameriške RKC, drugi vatikanski koncil, nastajajoča intelektualna neodvisnost celine ter izoblikovanje v Evropi in ZDA izobraženih teologov osvoboditve. Razcvetu gibanja v začetku 70. let je sledila odločna sprva notranja, nato pa tudi vatikanska konservativna restavracija, ki je v dobrem desetletju uspela uspešno zatreti gibanje teologije osvoboditve. Ob upoštevanju končne predstavitve zatona teologije osvoboditve se kot nastavek za nadaljnje raziskovanje ponudi priljubljenost binkoštnega protestantizma, gibanja, ki se opazno povečuje v zadnjih 30 letih, sočasno s pojavom neoliberalnih strukturnih reform na globalnem jugu. The formation of the latin American liberation theology as a movement begun in the 50s and gradually gained momentum up to its peak in the early 70s of the 20th century. In accordance with Pierre Bourdieu's sociology, the article claims that the formation of the movement was aided by objective, structural social conditions as well as the corresponding perception of social actors. The key social conditions that the article focuses on are latin American industrialization, an institutional crisis in the Roman Catholic Church in latin America, the Second Vatican Council, an emerging intellectual independence of the continent and the formation of well-educated theologians of liberation. The blossoming of the movement was followed by an internal then a Vatican conservative restoration, which managed to curtail the movement in ten years' time. in light of the concluding discussion of liberation theology's downfall, the article suggests further research on penteco-stalism, which has grown in popularity in the last forty years, coinciding with the implementation of neoliberal structural reforms in the Global South.
- Published
- 2020
15. Religiozne kompetence medicinskih sester - katoliška religija
- Author
Brlan, Katja and Milavec Kapun, Marija
- Subjects
zdravstvena nega ,diploma theses ,udc:616-083 ,religion ,Katoliška cerkev ,nursing care ,religija ,the Catholic church ,diplomska dela - Abstract
Uvod: Verovanje v nadnaravne sile je prisotno od kar obstaja človeštvo. V času globalizacije so ljudje vedno manj enotni glede religije, prihaja do preoblikovanja tradicionalnih verskih prepričanj in praks, ki jih posameznik različno udejanja v svojem vsakdanjem življenju. Poznavanje temeljev posamezne religije s strani medicinskih sester prispeva h kakovostnejši zdravstveni obravnavi pacientov določene veroizpovedi. V Sloveniji je največ pripadnikov katoliške vere. Pomembno je, da medicinska sestra pozna zapovedi in običaje katolištva in drugih religij. Vloga medicinske sestre v procesu duhovne oskrbe je opredeljena s strani različnih teoretičnih modelov. Njena naloga je, da zbira informacije in prepozna pacientove duhovne potrebe ter primerno ukrepa. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti temelje krščanstva, verske običaje in elemente religije ter proučiti pomen poznavanja religioznih praks pri izvajanju zdravstvene nege. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Narejen je bil pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature, ki je potekal v podatkovni bazi DiKUL in preko kooperativnega online bibliogafskega sistema COBISS.SI. Pri iskanju literature ni bila upoštevana časovna omejitev. Pri izbrani tematiki se namreč katoliške smernice skozi leta niso bistveno spremenile. Pregled literature je potekal v časovnem obdobju od aprila 2018 do decembra 2019. Rezultati: Poznavanje posebnosti obredov katoliške cerkve omogoča medicinskim sestram boljše razumevanje in vpogled v ozadje posameznih potreb pacientovih katoliške veroizpovedi. Izpostavljene so glavne značilnosti katolištva, ki lahko pripomorejo zdravstveni negi pri izvajanju temeljnih življenjskih aktivnosti. Razprava in zaključek: Zdravstveni delavci so tisti, ki morajo biti profesionalni in kompetentni za delo, ki ga opravljajo. Religiozne kompetence zdravstvenih delavcev so v Sloveniji redko predmet raziskav. Medicinska sestra ima pri obravnavi pacientov pomembno vlogo, saj mora prepoznati njegove duhovne potrebe in dobro poznati versko prakso posamezne religije, da lahko prilagodi izvajanje intervencije v sklopu zdravstvene nege. Do pacientov ne sme pristopati stereotipno. S pomočjo pogovora mora ugotoviti religiozno usmeritev pacienta in skupaj z njim poiskati najbolj optimalne možnosti izvajanja različnih faz zdravstvene nege. Pacienti se lahko ob stresnih situacijah, ki jih prinaša soočenje z zdravstvenimi izzivi ali ob zaključku svojega življenja, bolj intenzivno oprimejo vere. Nekateri pa tako živijo že celo življenje. Vera je tista, ki pacientom daje moč za premagovanje bolečin in trpljenja ter prispeva k hitrejši ozdravitvi in okrevanju. Religiozne kompetence so pomembe za kakovostno delo medicinskih sester. Introduction: In the age of globalization, people’s views of religion are becoming increasingly less united. There are differences between traditional religious beliefs and practices in the life of every individual, irrespective of the gender, year, or people’s profession. In the case of healthcare professionals, (working) as a nurse, being aware of the foundations of a particular religion helps to treat patients better during the course of treatment. In Slovenia, the majority of population is Catholic. It is important for a nurse to know the commandments and customs of Catholicism and other religions. The nurse’s role in the spiritual care process has been defined by various theoretical models. Their job is to gather information and identify the patient's spiritual needs. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the foundations of Christianity, religious customs and elements of the religion, as well as to emphasize the importance of knowing religious practices that are involved in health care. Methods: The descriptive method of work was used. A review of the professional and scientific literature was made using databases DiKUL and COBISS.SI cooperative online bibliographic system. Due to the research topic, the literature search was not time-limited. The literature review was conducted from April 2018 to December 2019. Results: Knowing the specifics and rituals of Christianity give nurses a better understanding and insight into individual needs of patients. We have highlighted the main features of Catholicism that can influence the performance of basic life activities. Discussion and conclusion: Healthcare professionals needs to be professional and competent in their work. Religious competences are underdeveloped in Slovenia, which is reflected in few studies done on this topic. The nurse has an important role when dealing with the patient because she must recognize the patient's needs. Due to varying degrees of belief, the nurse must have a good knowledge of religions and must not treat patients stereotypically. The nurse must identify the patient’s religion and find the best options and solutions for the course of treatment. Religious competences have always been of the utmost importance for nurses, since at the end of their lives, patients most often resort to faith (or have always been religious). It is faith that gives patients the power to relieve pain and recover faster.
- Published
- 2020
16. Kratek pregled pogledov Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve na post
- Author
Platovnjak, Ivan
- Subjects
fasting ,physical life ,post ,pravoslavna Cerkev ,spiritual life ,zgodovina posta ,udc:2-536.74 ,the history of fasting ,telesno življenje ,Ortodox Church ,katoliška Cerkev ,physical health ,Catholic Church ,telesno zdravje ,duhovno življenje - Abstract
Če se ozremo v zgodovino krščanstva, lahko vidimo, da se je, posebej v Katoliški cerkvi, počasi izgubljalo prvotno navdušenje oziroma prvotna velikodušnost za post. V dokumentih drugega vatikanskega cerkvenega zbora se post omenja samo dvakrat, v Katekizmu Katoliške cerkve pa trikrat. V Katoliški cerkvi je tudi strogi post zapovedan samo dvakrat. Drugače je v Pravoslavni cerkvi, kjer je v cerkvenem letu post zelo pogost. Sicer pa obe Cerkvi poudarjata, da je post pomembno sredstvo za duhovno in telesno življenje ljudi. V pričujočem prispevku želi avtor na kratko prikazati poglede Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve na post in v čem vidita njegov pomen. Avtor postavlja tezo, da je globlje poznavanje pogledov Katoliške in Pravoslavne cerkve na post pot do globljega umevanja njegovega pomena. A look into the history of Christianity reveals that the initial enthusiasm or the primary magnanimity toward fasting has been gradually lost, especially in the Catholic Church. In the documents of the Second Vatican Council fasting is mentioned only twice, and in the Catechism of the Catholic Church only three times. In the Catholic Church complete abstinence is required only twice a year. On the other hand, in the Orthodox Church fasting is rather common. Both Churches emphasize that fasting is important to spiritual and physical lives of people. The author of the article aims to present a brief overview on views of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in regard to fasting and also on its purpose. The author argues that deeper comprehension of the view of the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church on fasting is a way to a deeper understanding of the meaning of fasting.
- Published
- 2019
17. Praznovanja 1700 let milanskega edikta
- Author
Kuzminac, Milan
- Subjects
Edict of Milan ,pravoslavna Cerkev ,udc:28(37)%313% ,jubilej ,the Catholic Church ,Srbija ,the Ortodox Church ,milanski edikt ,anniversaries ,katoliška Cerkev ,celebrations ,Serbia ,praznovanja - Abstract
Milanski edikt (Edictum Mediolanense) je verski tolerančni edikt iz leta 313, ki je izenačil kristjane v Rimskem cesarstvu s pripadniki drugih verstev, kar je zanje pomenilo svobodo verovanja in posledično prekinitev preganjanja. ʺ Jubilej je danes pomemben za ves krščanski svet in za vse vesoljstvo. Letos sta ga obeležili dve mesti: Milano v Italiji, kje je bil edikt podpisan in objavljen, ter Niš v Srbiji, antični Nais (Naissus), mesto, v katerem je bil februarja leta 272 ali 273 rojen cesar Konstantin. The edict of Milan( Edictum Mediolanense) is a religious tolerance edict in 313, which equaled the Christians in the Roman Empire with members of other religions, which for them meant the freedom of belief and the resulting suspension of persecution. The Jubilee is now important for the whole Christian world and for all universe. This year it celebrated the two cities: Milan in Italy, where was signed and published an edict, and Niš (Nish) in Serbia, the antique Nais or Naissus, the city in which the emperor Constantine was born in February in the year 272 or 273.
- Published
- 2019
18. Anton Korošec in jugoslovanski konkordat.
- Author
Mithans, Gašper
- Abstract
Copyright of Zgodovinski Casopis is the property of Zveza Zgodovinskih Drustev Slovenije and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
19. Krepitev vrednote družina pri katehezi ob soočanju s teorijo spola
- Author
Batistič, Marjana and Vodičar, Janez
- Subjects
gender theory ,family ,catechesis ,udc:17.022.1:316.362.1:27-472(043.2) ,spol ,družina ,vrednote ,the Catholic Church ,gender ,values ,kateheza ,teorija spola ,katoliška Cerkev - Abstract
Pričujoče magistrsko delo razpravlja o vrednoti družine v teoriji spola in nauku katoliške Cerkve z namenom iskanja ustreznih sprememb za kateheze, ki bi mladim učinkoviteje pomagale pri osmišljanju družine in soočanju s teorijo spola. Najprej je predstavljena teorija spola in nauk katoliške Cerkve o družini, ob čemer ugotavljamo, da gre v ozadju za različno razumevanje vrednot resnice, svobode in ljubezni, ki sestavljajo vrednoto družine. Za njeno krepitev predlagamo sprejemanje moškosti in ženskosti kot podarjeni naravi, od česar je odvisna človekova sreča. Sledi pregled katehez, ki se povezujejo s spolom in družino, kjer ugotavljamo vsebinske primanjkljaje s področja teorije spola in neživljenjsko predstavljanje vsebin. Pri tem se usmerimo na mlade v zadnjem triletju veroučne šole, ki najintenzivneje oblikujejo odnos do svojega spola in drugačnosti. Na koncu nakažemo vsebinske poudarke, ki bi mladim pomagali pri sprejemanju svoje ženskosti/moškosti, osmišljanju družine in razvijanju sočutnega odnosa tako do drugače spolno usmerjenih kot do zagovornikov teorije spola. The present master's thesis discusses the values of the family in the theory of gender and in the Catholic Church’s teaching in order to search for appropriate changes in the catechesis, which would help young people more effectively understand the meaning of family and confront the theory of gender. First, the theory of gender and the Catholic Church’s teaching on family are presented. Here, the thesis indicates that in the background lies a different understanding of the values of truth, freedom and love that build the value of family. In order to strengthen the value of family, the thesis suggests accepting masculinity and femininity as a gift of nature, on which depends human happiness. Further, the thesis provides a review of gender and family related catechesis, where are identified content deficiencies in the field of gender theory and impractical presentation of content. Here, the thesis focuses on young people attending the last three years of a religious school, who intensively form an attitude towards their gender and difference. In conclusion, the thesis points out the emphasis on content that would help young people accept their femininity/masculinity, understand the importance of the family and develop a compassionate attitude towards sexual orientation as well as towards advocates of gender theory.
- Published
- 2018
20. Diskurzi o abortusu v Sloveniji od 1975 do danes
- Author
Madjar, Tanja, Pribac, Igor, and Antić Gaber, Milica
- Subjects
katoliška cerkev ,feminism ,social control ,feminizem ,svetost življenja ,družbeni nadzor ,ugovor vesti ,medicine ,interruption of pregnancy ,sanctity of life ,prekinitev nosečnosti ,ethics ,abortion ,diplomska dela ,udc:17:618.39(043.2) ,etika ,conscientious objection ,Catholic church ,medicina ,abortus - Published
- 2017
21. Družbeni vidiki oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo
- Author
Prosen, Sandra and Rener, Tanja
- Subjects
katoliška cerkev ,udc:316.647.8 :618.177-089.888.11(043.2) ,Graduate theses ,Fertilization in vitro ,Infertility ,Umetna oploditev ,Diplomska dela ,reproduktivne tehnologije ,Neplodnost ,Stigmatization ,Stigmatizacija - Published
- 2017
- Author
Korenjak, Miha and Holcman, Borut
- Subjects
država mesta Vatikan ,Lateranski sporazumi ,cerkveno pravo ,papež ,holy see ,udc:341(091)(043.2) ,Vatican city state ,Lateran treaty ,mednarodno pravo ,Catholic church ,Sveti sedež ,canon law ,pope ,Katoliška cerkev ,international law - Abstract
V diplomski nalogi je prikazan zgodovinski pomen Lateranskih sporazumov na neodvisnost Države mesta Vatikana. Sporazumi, so med obema svetovnima vojnama krojil podobo takratne Evrope, ter utrdil položaj Rimskokatoliške cerkve v sodobni družbi. Neodvisnost države mesta Vatikana označuje začetek obdobja liberalizacije tradicionalne Cerkvene strukture. Tako Sveti sedež, kot Rimska kurija sta bili predmet številnih notranje organizacijskih sprememb, ki trajajo še dandanes z namenom nadaljevati globalno misijo cerkve. Sam sporazumi nam predstavijo širši pogled na takratno ureditev sveta, predvsem v ideološkem smislu. Pridobitev državne suverenosti je bil izjemen privilegij, na podlagi katerega so se začeli vzpostavljati mednarodni odnosi celo z nekatoliškimi državami, kar se je pokazalo za pozitivno. Povojno obdobje je značilno tudi za nasprotja številnih družbeni struj. V ideološkem boju sodeluje tudi Sveti sedež, kot predstavnik Rimskokatoliške cerkve. V diplomski nalogi vam bom predstavil pravni položaj tako imenovanih cerkvenih subjektov in njihov odnos do držav, organizacij. The disertation shows the historical importance of the Lateran treaty on the independence of the Vatican city state. The treaty shows the image of Europe during the first and second world war and strengthened the position of the Roman Catholic Church in modern society. The independence of the Vatican city state marks the beginning of the period of liberalization of the traditional Church structures. Thus, the Holy See, as the Roman Curia were the subject of a number of internal organizational changes that persist even today in order to continue the global mission of the church. Lateran treaty allows a wider view of the then regime of the world, especially from the ideological sense. The acquisition of state sovereignty was an extraordinary privilege, on the basis of which they began to establish international relations even with non-Catholic countries, which proved to be positive. The post-war period was also characterized by conflicts of many social tendencies. In the ideological struggle also involved the Holy See, as a representative of the Roman Catholic Church. In this thesis I will present the legal status of the so-called ecclesiastical entities and their relationship to countries, organizations.
- Published
- 2017
23. Pomen askeze v sekularizacijskem vidiku kenoze
- Author
Traven, Bojan and Špelič, Miran
- Subjects
kenosis ,Nova doba ,diplomske naloge ,askeza ,sekularizacija ,New Age ,Katoliška Cerkev ,kenoza ,secularization ,asceticism ,Catholic Church ,udc:27-585:299.5(043.2) - Published
- 2016
24. Vzponi in padci v ekumenskih prizadevanjih Katoliške in Srbske pravoslavne Cerkve od I. vatikanskega koncila do današnjih dni
- Author
Avramov, Goran and Dolenc, Bogdan
- Subjects
ekumenizem ,edinost ,prvi in drugi vatikanski koncil ,magistrske naloge ,ecumenism ,Katoliška Cerkev ,Srbska pravoslavna Cerkev ,First and Second Vatican Council ,udc:272-675:271.222(497.11)(043.2) ,Catholic Church ,unity ,Serbian Orthodox Church - Published
- 2016
25. Juraj Križanić v zgodovinopisju
- Author
Lisjak, Anton and Kolar, Bogdan
- Subjects
ekumenizem ,panslavizam ,Rusija ,ekumenizam ,panslavizem ,diplomske naloge ,Katolička Crkva ,Katoliška Cerkev ,Pravoslavna Crkva ,udc:27-675-9:929Križanić J.(043.2) ,Pravoslavna Cerkev - Published
- 2016
26. Poročanje medijev o Katoliški cerkvi na Slovenskem v začetku 21. stoletja
- Author
Letica Pavčič, Sandra and Štuhec, Ivan
- Subjects
mediji ,odnosi z mediji ,diplomske naloge ,Slovenija ,Katoliška cerkev ,udc:272:654.1(497.4)"21"(043.2) - Published
- 2016
27. Vzgoja za dialog med religijami v procesu globalizacije
- Author
Jagodic, Leon and Gerjolj, Stanko
- Subjects
medreligijski dialog ,družba ,družina ,diplomske naloge ,vzgoja ,teologija religij ,šola ,udc:2-67:339.97(043.2) ,dialog med verami ,Katoliška cerkev ,globalizacija ,krščanstvo - Published
- 2016
28. Cerkev in evharistija
- Author
Virant, Simon and Štrukelj, Anton
- Subjects
obhajilo ,bogopodobnost ,edinost ,sveta maša ,udc:272-549(043.2) ,magistrske naloge ,evharistično češčenje ,Katoliška cerkev ,evharistija ,občestvo ,povezovanje - Published
- 2016
29. Pastorala zakona in družine
- Author
Presker, Jasmina and Šegula, Andrej
- Subjects
zakrament zakona ,udc:27-46 ,družina ,diplomske naloge ,katoliška Cerkev ,pastorala - Published
- 2016
30. The body of Christ in 1 Corinthians
- Author
Scobie, Chris J. and Avsenik Nabergoj, Irena
- Subjects
zakramenti ,spreobrnjenje ,Binkoštna Cerkev ,zakramentalno ,ekumenski dialog ,deliberativna retorika ,vera ,psychikos ,posvečenje ,razodetje ,pneumatikos ,verniki ,udc:272-31-248.44:279.15(043.3) ,koinonia ,Katoliška Cerkev ,metafora ,krščanska formacija ,Slovenija ,resnična navzočnost ,evharistija ,Kristusovo telo ,Gospodova večerja - Published
- 2016
31. Katoliška cerkev v Slovenskem poročevalcu, Ljudski pravici in Delu v letih 1953-1961
- Author
Mozetič, Iztok and Benedik, Metod
- Subjects
Ljudska pravica ,udc:272-9(497.4)"1953/1961":070(497.4)(043.3) ,časniki ,1953-1961 ,Slovenski poročevalec ,Zakon o pravnem položaju verskih skupnosti ,Slovenija ,Katoliška cerkev ,Cirilmetodijsko društvo ,disertacije ,Delo - Published
- 2015
32. Prednostne naloge stalnega diakona
- Author
Bošak, Kristian and Slatinek, Stanislav
- Subjects
diplomske naloge ,udc:27-722.54(043.2) ,diakon ,služenje ,naloge ,cerkvene službe ,katoliška Cerkev ,poklicanost ,stalni diakon - Published
- 2015
33. Devica Marija v skrivnosti Cerkve
- Author
Bukovinski, Sonja and Štrukelj, Anton
- Subjects
Božja mati ,brezmadežno spočetje ,diplomske naloge ,vnebovzetje ,Katoliška cerkev ,udc:27-312.47(043.2) ,mariologija - Published
- 2015
34. Vpliv religije in sekularizacije na družbeni položaj žensk
- Author
Medic, Janja and Leskošek, Vesna
- Subjects
katoliška cerkev ,udc:2-055.2 ,feminizem ,sekularizacija ,ženske ,religija ,hinduizem - Published
- 2015
35. Sexueller Kindesmissbrauch in der Kirche
- Author
Špilak, Branka and Dežman, Zlatan
- Subjects
kanonsko pravo ,udc:343.268(043.2) ,duhovniki ,Priester ,spolne zlorabe otrok ,Katholische Kirche ,kanonisches Recht ,Schadensersatzpflicht der Kirche ,sexueller Kindesmissbrauch ,celibat ,odškodninska odgovornost Cerkve ,Katoliška cerkev ,Zölibat - Abstract
Problem spolnih zlorab otrok s strani duhovnikov je po letu 2000 pritegnil pozornost javnosti po vsem svetu. Pozornost so primeri pritegnili predvsem zato, ker so verskim organizacijam pridržani višji moralni in etični standardi in ker ima Katoliška cerkev strog moralni kodeks v spolnih zadevah in so njeni duhovniki zavezani k celibatu. Cerkev bi tako pridigala in učila moralnih vrednot, medtem ko njeni posvečeni verniki ravnajo nemoralno in povsem nesprejemljivo. Diplomsko delo vsebuje pregled problema spolnih zlorab otrok s strani cerkvenih uslužbencev, predstavljen je interni kanonskopravni postopek zoper storilce, odškodninska odgovornost Cerkve za dejanja duhovnikov in nekaj značilnosti spolnih zlorab otrok s strani duhovnikov – značilnosti storilcev, žrtev in okoliščine spolnih zlorab. V delu ugotavljam, da spolnih zlorab otrok s strani duhovnikov, ni mogoče pripisati enemu samemu vzroku. Pomembno vlogo pri le-teh pa igrajo situacijski dejavniki in priložnost za zlorabo. Tudi posamezne lastnosti duhovnikov ali prisotnost motenj in težav ne napovedujejo, da bo le-ta spolno zlorabil otroka. Das Problem des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs durch Priester, hat nach dem Jahr 2000 weltweit viel Aufmerksamkeit der Öffentlichkeit angezogen. Vor allem haben die Fälle viel Aufmerksamkeit deswegen erregt, weil religiösen Organisationen höhere moralische und ethische Standards vorbehalten sind, weil die Katholische Kirche zur Sexualität einen streng moralischen Kodex hat und die Priester zum Zölibat verpflichtet sind. Die Kirche predigt und lehrt über moralische Werte, während ihre geweihten Gläubiger unmoralisch und inakzeptabel handeln. Die Diplomarbeit behandelt das Problem des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs durch kirchliche Mitarbeiter. Es ist ein internes kanonisches Rechtsverfahren gegen die Täter vorgestellt, sowie die Schadensersatzpflicht der Kirche für die Taten der Priester und einige Eigenschaften des sexuellen Kindesmissbrauchs durch Priester – Eigenschaften der Täter und Opfer, sowie die Umstände des sexuellen Missbrauchs. Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit stelle ich fest, dass der sexuelle Kindesmissbrauch durch Priester nicht nur auf den einen Grund zurückzuführen ist. Dabei spielen die Situationsfaktoren und die Gelegenheit einen Missbrauch zu begehen eine entscheidende Rolle. Einzelne Eigenschaften oder Störungen und Probleme der Priester, können ebenso keinen sexuellen Missbrauch vorhersagen.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Nađ, Ana and Protner, Edvard
- Subjects
Croats and Slovenes ,Croatia ,Jugoslavija ,Slovenia ,Yugoslavia ,protestantizem ,Avstro-Ogrska ,udc:37(091)(043.2) ,Razvoj šolstva [Ključne besede] ,Protestantism ,primary school system ,Kingdom of Serbs ,Kraljevina SHS ,osnovnošolski sistem ,school system development ,Katoliška cerkev ,Catholic Church ,Slovenija,Hrvaška ,Austria-Hungary - Abstract
Osnovno šolstvo predstavlja prvo stopnjo izobraževanja vsega prebivalstva. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na osnovnošolska sistema Slovenije in Hrvaške. Obe državi imata del skupne zgodovine, bili sta vključeni v Avstro-Ogrsko monarhijo, nato pa tudi v Kraljevino SHS oziroma Jugoslavijo. Kljub temu smo našli v šolskih sistemih mnogo razlik. Da bi lahko pojasnili stanje v šolstvu danes in zakaj prihaja do razlik med sistemoma, smo najprej preučili zgodovino šolstva. Na območju obeh omenjenih držav smo predstavili zametke šolstva in njegov razvoj vse do njune osamosvojitve. Nato smo na podlagi danes veljavnih zakonov predstavili današnja šolska sistema. Ugotavljamo, da je zelo pomembno, kam je orientiran razvoj šolskega sistema. Za Slovenijo lahko rečemo, da stremi k vzhodnoevropskim trendom razvoja šolstva in zagotavljanju ciljev evropske izobraževalne politike. Hrvaška si za to prav tako prizadeva, vendar je zaznamovana s vplivom Katoliške cerkve. Prav razmejenost cerkve in šolstva je tudi ena od pomembnih razlik v šolskih sistemih. Seveda pa je tudi na vpliv Katoliške cerkve potrebno pogledati kronološko, saj ima veliko zaslug za razvoj šolstva v obeh državah prav Katoliška cerkev. The primary school system represents the first level of education for the entire population. This graduation thesis focuses on the Croatian and Slovene primary school system. The two countries have shared history, as both were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and then of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, i.e. Yugoslavia. Nevertheless, I found numerous differences in their school systems. To explain the situation in education today and why there are differences between the systems, I first had to study the history of educational systems of the two countries. I described and presented the beginnings and development of school systems in both countries until their independence. Then I presented the present-day systems based on valid laws. I concluded that it is very important where the system is oriented to. I can say that Slovenia pursues the Western European trend of school system development and the achievement of objectives of European education policy. Croatia has the same strivings, but it is under the influence of the Catholic Church. The separation of school and church is an important difference between educational systems. The influence of the Catholic Church must be observed chronologically. The Catholic Church deserves great merit for the development of the school system.
- Published
- 2015
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