
Showing total 180 results
180 results

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1. Novel Approach for Identification of Basic and Effective Reproduction Numbers Illustrated with COVID-19.

2. A COVID-19 Infection Model Considering the Factors of Environmental Vectors and Re-Positives and Its Application to Data Fitting in Japan and Italy.

3. Agent-Based Simulation for Infectious Disease Modelling over a Period of Multiple Days, with Application to an Airport Scenario.

4. Collaborative Reverse Logistics Network for Infectious Medical Waste Management during the COVID-19 Outbreak.

5. HYGIEIA: HYpothesizing the Genesis of Infectious Diseases and Epidemics through an Integrated Systems Biology Approach.

6. Social Distancing and Isolation Strategies to Prevent and Control the Transmission of COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases in Care Homes for Older People: An International Review.

7. Predicting Infectious Diseases: A Bibliometric Review on Africa.

8. Applications of Technological Solutions in Primary Ways of Preventing Transmission of Respiratory Infectious Diseases-A Systematic Literature Review.

9. How Did Journals in Water Sciences Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Scientometric Study.

10. City Transmission Networks: Unraveling Disease Spread Dynamics.

11. Current Research on Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals from a One Health Perspective.

12. Enhancing Precision of Telemonitoring of COVID-19 Patients through Expert System Based on IoT Data Elaboration.

13. A Review on Potential Electrochemical Point-of-Care Tests Targeting Pandemic Infectious Disease Detection: COVID-19 as a Reference.

14. A Fuzzy Logic Inference Model for the Evaluation of the Effect of Extrinsic Factors on the Transmission of Infectious Diseases.

15. A Low-Cost Early Warning Method for Infectious Diseases with Asymptomatic Carriers.

16. Mathematical Modelling to Predict the Effect of Vaccination on Delay and Rise of COVID-19 Cases Management.

17. Mathematical Modeling of Periodic Outbreaks with Waning Immunity: A Possible Long-Term Description of COVID-19.

18. Data-Driven Deep Learning Neural Networks for Predicting the Number of Individuals Infected by COVID-19 Omicron Variant.

19. An Analytical Approach for Temporal Infection Mapping and Composite Index Development.

20. Assessing the Impact of Time-Varying Optimal Vaccination and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions on the Dynamics and Control of COVID-19: A Computational Epidemic Modeling Approach.

21. Current Diagnostic Techniques for Pneumonia: A Scoping Review.

22. Applying Neural Networks to Recover Values of Monitoring Parameters for COVID-19 Patients in the ICU.

23. Prediction of Spread Trend of Epidemic Based on Spatial-Temporal Sequence.

24. Locating Infectious Sources Using Bluetooth System of Smart Devices.

25. Study Models of COVID-19 in Discrete-Time and Fractional-Order.

26. Views and Perceptions of People Aged 55+ on the Vaccination Programme for Older Adults in the UK: A Qualitative Study.

27. Perspective on Two Major Pandemics: Syphilis and COVID-19, a Scoping Review.

28. Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 with Vaccination Using Fractional Derivative: A Case Study.

29. A New Incommensurate Fractional-Order COVID 19: Modelling and Dynamical Analysis.

30. Equation-Based Modeling vs. Agent-Based Modeling with Applications to the Spread of COVID-19 Outbreak.

31. LDDNet: A Deep Learning Framework for the Diagnosis of Infectious Lung Diseases.

32. An Agent-Based Model for Disease Epidemics in Greece.

33. Clinical Application of Detecting COVID-19 Risks: A Natural Language Processing Approach.

34. Influence and Control of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission under Two Different Models.

35. Forecasting a New Type of Virus Spread: A Case Study of COVID-19 with Stochastic Parameters.

36. Perspectives for Uses of Propolis in Therapy against Infectious Diseases.

37. Indoor Positioning Simulation for Examination and Correction of Occupancy Density Limits in Architectural Design.

38. A Model for the Lifespan Loss Due to a Viral Disease: Example of the COVID-19 Outbreak.

39. Threshold Dynamics and the Density Function of the Stochastic Coronavirus Epidemic Model.

40. Evaluation of COVID-19 Reported Statistical Data Using Cooperative Convolutional Neural Network Model (CCNN).

41. Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases: Lessons from COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Zimbabwe.

42. Health Information on COVID-19 Vaccination: Readability of Online Sources and Newspapers in Singapore, Hong Kong, and the Philippines.

43. SIMLR: Machine Learning inside the SIR Model for COVID-19 Forecasting.

44. The Preventive Role of Exercise on the Physiological, Psychological, and Psychophysiological Parameters of Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): A Mini Review.

45. RT-qPCR Testing and Performance Metrics in the COVID-19 Era.

46. Integrated Surveillance of Disparities in Vaccination Coverage and Morbidity during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cohort Study in Southeast Sweden.

47. African Swine Fever in the Philippines: A Review on Surveillance, Prevention, and Control Strategies.

48. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Clinical Course and Complications of Varicella—A Retrospective Cohort Study.

49. Korean Hospital Nurses' Experiences with COVID-19: A Meta-Synthesis of Qualitative Findings.

50. Modeling the Propagation of Infectious Diseases across the Air Transport Network: A Bayesian Approach.