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1. The computational and energy cost of simulation and storage for climate science: lessons from CMIP6.

2. Systematic and objective evaluation of Earth system models: PCMDI Metrics Package (PMP) version 3.

3. Variability in Antarctic surface climatology across regional climate models and reanalysis datasets.

4. Is Model-Based Science a Kind of Historical Science?

5. Using Paleoclimate Analogues to Inform Climate Projections.

6. Climate model selection via conformal clustering of spatial functional data.

7. AWI-CM3 coupled climate model: description and evaluation experiments for a prototype post-CMIP6 model.

8. Projections of precipitation extremes over the Volta Basin: insight from CanESM2 regional climate model under RCP 4.5 and 8.5 forcing scenarios.

9. The Shortwave Cloud‐SST Feedback Amplifies Multi‐Decadal Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Trends: Implications for Observed Cooling.

10. A hybrid reanalysis-forecast meteorological forcing data for advancing climate adaptation in agriculture.

11. Reimagining Earth in the Earth System.

12. Examining the Regional Co-Variability of the Atmospheric Water and Energy Imbalances in Different Model Configurations--Linking Clouds and Circulation.

13. The Chalmers Cloud Ice Climatology: retrieval implementation and validation.

14. Evaluation of CMIP6 GCMs performance and future projection for the Boro and Kharif seasons over the new alluvial zones of West Bengal.

15. Bringing Statistics to Storylines: Rare Event Sampling for Sudden, Transient Extreme Events.

16. FaIRGP: A Bayesian Energy Balance Model for Surface Temperatures Emulation.

17. Characterizing clouds with the CCClim dataset, a machine learning cloud class climatology.

18. Assessing decadal- to centennial-scale nonstationary variability in meteorological drought trends.

19. The Tibetan Plateau space-based tropospheric aerosol climatology: 2007–2020.

20. Changes in United States Summer Temperatures Revealed by Explainable Neural Networks.

22. Structure, variability, and origin of the low-latitude nightglow continuum between 300 and 1800 nm: evidence for HO2 emission in the near-infrared.

23. Climatology of mesosphere and lower thermosphere diurnal tides over Jicamarca (12∘S, 77∘W): observations and simulations.

24. Evaluation of CORDEX Africa regional climate models performance in simulating climatology of Zarima sub-basin northwestern Ethiopia.

25. The Warm Arctic—Cold Eurasia Pattern and Its Key Region in Winter in CMIP6 Model Simulations.

26. Dynamical Predictability of Leading Interannual Variability Modes of the Asian-Australian Monsoon in Climate Models.

27. Tutorials in climate modelinga).

28. Opinion: The scientific and community-building roles of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) – past, present, and future.

29. Stochastic Data‐Driven Parameterization of Unresolved Eddy Effects in a Baroclinic Quasi‐Geostrophic Model.

30. Climatology and trends of wintertime diurnal temperature range over East Asia in CMIP6 models: Evaluation and attribution.

31. A Bayesian approach to historical climatology for the Burgundian Low Countries in the 15th century.

32. Calculating the Climatology and Anomalies of Surface Cloud Radiative Effect Using Cloud Property Histograms and Cloud Radiative Kernels.

33. Sea‐Ice Forecasts With an Upgraded AWI Coupled Prediction System.

34. The Climatic Impact‐Driver Framework for Assessment of Risk‐Relevant Climate Information.

35. Improved Simulations of Atmospheric River Climatology and Variability in High‐Resolution CESM.

36. Severe Drought Conditions in Northern East Asia During the Early Pliocene Caused by Weakened Pacific Meridional Temperature Gradient.

37. The 1–31-Day Predictions of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon in the CAMS-CSM Climate Forecast System.

38. Climate projections over different climatic regions of Afghanistan under shared socioeconomic scenarios.

39. Present and future European heat wave magnitudes: climatologies, trends, and their associated uncertainties in GCM-RCM model chains.

40. A Three-Year Climatology of the Wind Field Structure at Cape Baranova (Severnaya Zemlya, Siberia) from SODAR Observations and High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulations during YOPP.

41. Impact of Increased Vertical Resolution in WACCM on the Climatology of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings.

42. Assessment of the unified model in reproducing West African precipitation and temperature climatology.

43. CALIOP-Based Quantification of Central Asian Dust Transport.

44. Quantifying stratospheric biases and identifying their potential sources in subseasonal forecast systems.

45. Improved representation of atmospheric dynamics in CMIP6 models removes climate sensitivity dependence on Hadley cell climatological extent.

46. The Arctic Ocean in CMIP6 Models: Biases and Projected Changes in Temperature and Salinity.

47. Comparison of precipitation projections of CMIP5 and CMIP6 global climate models over Yulin, China.

48. Drivers behind the summer 2010 wave train leading to Russian heatwave and Pakistan flooding.

49. Multiscale Simulation of Precipitation Over East Asia by Variable Resolution CAM‐MPAS.

50. Revisiting the 1992 severe drought episode in South Africa: the role of El Niño in the anomalies of atmospheric circulation types in Africa south of the equator.