本研究では,相手から丁寧度の低い表現で負担の大きい仕事を要請される状況において対人的不公正事態を認知し,結果的に怒りを抱くというメカニズムを仮定した上で,その過程に相手の地位が影響を及ぼすかについて検討した。予備調査で前述の過程の存在を確かめた後,社会人200名(20~35歳)を対象とした場面想定法によるウェブ調査を実施した。2×2(相手が目上/対等×丁寧度高/低)の4条件に参加者を割り当てて物事を要請される場面のシナリオを呈示し,その際の怒り感情などを尋ねた。調整媒介分析の結果,対人的不公正事態を介した要求の丁寧度から怒りへの有意な間接効果が認められたが,地位による調整効果は見られなかった。以上から,低い丁寧度で要請された際,受け手は相手の地位に拘らず対人的不公正事態を感じ,怒りを抱くと示された。本研究の結果より,自身の地位に関係なく丁寧に要請することの意義が示唆されたものと考える。, We examined whether impolite request for a heavy-load task produces anger in a requestee via their feelings of unfairness in an interpersonal situation. In the pilot study, using a scenario method, we confirmed the abovementioned indirect process with a studentsample. In the main study, we conducted an online survey with 200 non-student adults and examined the moderation effect of social standing on the process. The participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions that included different hypothetical scenarios regarding requests of high-load tasks (2 x 2 design : requester is a senior/a fellow co-worker x request is in a polite/impolite manner). Then, they were asked to respond to several questions, such as the extent to which they think they would feel angry in such a situation. The moderated mediation analysis revealed that the indirect effect of impolite request on anger was significant, whereas the moderation effect of social standing was not significant. We conclude that (a) an impolite request results in anger in a requestee via feelings of their interpersonal unfairness, and (b) such an indirect effect is not affected by whom the request is placed. These results suggest the importance of a polite request regardless of social standing.