Keywords: benign neoplasm; nipple adenoma; papule EN benign neoplasm nipple adenoma papule 5221 5222 2 11/02/22 20221001 NES 221001 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The authors have no conflict of interest to declare. Nipple adenoma (NA), also known as erosive adenomatosis of the nipple, papillary adenoma of the nipple, nipple duct adenoma, and florid adenomatosis of the nipple, is a rare benign proliferation of the lactiferous ducts.1 Here, we present a young woman with a fast-growing, painful, dischargeful papule on her nipple. Nipple sparing treatment options, such as Mohs surgery or cryotherapy, should be considered especially in young, childbearing females.1,3 It is yet unclarified whether NA is a risk factor for the develepmont of breast cancer. [Extracted from the article]