1. Rokopisne pesmarice v Kokošarjevi zapuščini
- Author
Pisk, Marjeta
- Subjects
slovenski duhovniki ,organisti ,rokopisi ,cerkvene pesmarice ,manuscripts ,church songbooks ,prepisi ,Ivan Kokošar ,udc:27-535.7:929Kokošar I ,Slovene priests ,transcripts ,manuscript songbooks ,organists ,rokopisne pesmarice - Abstract
Rokopisne pesmarice spadajo med zvrsti, v katerih se je rokopisna tradicija ohranjala najdlje kljub številnim tiskanim izdajam. V arhivu Glasbenonarodopisnega inštituta ZRC SAZU so neraziskane rokopisne pesmarice, ki datirajo od konca 18. do sredine 20. stoletja. V prispevku so predstavljene rokopisne pesmarice iz zapuščine duhovnika Ivana Kokošarja, in sicer iz Cerkna, Podmelca in Medane. Manuscript songbooks are among the genres in which the manuscript tradition has been preserved the longest, in spite of various printed editions. In the archive of the Institute of Ethnomusicology at ZRC SAZU there are manuscript songbooks from the late 18th to the mid-20th century that have not yet been researched. The article presents manuscript songbooks from the legacy of the priest Ivan Kokošar, originating from Cerkno, Podmelec and Medana.
- Published
- 2023