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1. Black Sea Mixed Layer Sensitivity to Various Wind and Thermal Forcing Products on Climatological Time Scales.

2. A Modified Dynamic Framework for the Atmospheric Spectral Model and Its Application.

3. The Tropospheric Jet Response to Prescribed Zonal Forcing in an Idealized Atmospheric Model.

4. Limitations to a Geostationary Infrared Sounder due to Diffraction: The Meteosat Third Generation Infrared Sounder (MTG IRS).

5. Why Are There Tropical Warm Pools?

6. The Annual Cycle of Heat Content in the Peru Current Region.

7. Intercomparison of Atmospheric Soundings from the Aerosonde and Radiosonde.

8. Meridional and Downward Propagation of Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies. Part II: Southern Hemisphere Cold Season Variability.

9. North Pacific Influences on Long Island Sound Temperature Variability.

10. The Double-ITCZ Syndrome in Coupled General Circulation Models: The Role of Large-Scale Vertical Circulation Regimes.

11. The Storm-Track Response to Idealized SST Perturbations in an Aquaplanet GCM.

12. A Preferred Scale for Warm-Core Instability in a Nonconvective Moist Basic State.

13. On the Climate Impact of Surface Roughness Anomalies.

14. Intertropical Convergence Zones during the Active Season in Daily Data.

15. Distance-Scaled Water Concentrations versus Mass-Median Drop Size, Temperature, and Altitude in Supercooled Clouds.

16. Southeast Asian Pressure Surges and Significant Events of Atmospheric Mass Loss from the Northern Hemisphere, and a Case Study Analysis.

17. Potential Impact of the Eurasian Boreal Forest on North Pacific Climate Variability.

18. Effect of Dewfall and Frostfall on Nighttime Cooling in a Small, Closed Basin.

19. Factors Limiting Convective Cloud-Top Height at the ARM Nauru Island Climate Research Facility.

20. NFLUX Satellite-Based Surface Radiative Heat Fluxes. Part I: Swath-Level Products

21. Tropical–North Pacific Climate Linkages over the Past Four Centuries.

22. Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability and the Subtropical–Tropical Cells.

23. Reply.

24. An Energy-Balance Analysis of Deep Convective Self-Aggregation above Uniform SST.

25. Terrestrial Influence on the Annual Cycle of the Atlantic ITCZ in an AGCM Coupled to a Slab Ocean Model.

26. The Interaction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Arctic Oscillation.

27. Subseasonal Variability of the Southeast Pacific Stratus Cloud Deck.

28. Influence of Early Winter Upward Wave Activity Flux on Midwinter Circulation in the Stratosphere and Troposphere.

29. Diagnostic Case Studies of the Northern Annular Mode.

30. Weather and Climate Needs for Lidar Observations from Space and Concepts for Their Realization