
Showing total 18 results
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1. How does renewable energy consumption affect carbon emission intensity? Temporal-spatial impact analysis in China.

2. Multi-objective operation optimization and evaluation model for CCHP and renewable energy based hybrid energy system driven by distributed energy resources in China.

3. Carbon emission reduction potential of rural energy in China.

4. Geographical and environmental perspectives for the sustainable development of renewable energy in urbanizing China.

5. Costs and benefits of renewable energy development in China's power industry.

6. Assessing the green economy in China: An improved framework.

7. Driving forces of CO2 emissions and mitigation strategies of China’s National low carbon pilot industrial parks.

8. The substitution of wind power for coal-fired power to realize China's CO2 emissions reduction targets in 2020 and 2030.

9. The relationships between population factors and China's carbon emissions: Does population aging matter?

10. Modelling building’s decarbonization with application of China TIMES model.

11. Nonrenewable energy, renewable energy, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth in China from 1952 to 2012.

12. Renewable energy consumption – Economic growth nexus for China.

13. A 2030 and 2050 feasible/sustainable decarbonization perusal for China's Sichuan Province: A deep carbon neutrality analysis and EnergyPLAN.

14. The role of China's renewable powers against climate change during the 12th Five-Year and until 2020.

15. Predicating Energy Demand and Carbon Emissions of the Yellow River Delta High-efficiency Eco-economic Zone.

16. Energy supply concepts for zero energy residential buildings in humid and dry climate

17. The potential role of CCS to mitigate carbon emissions in future China.

18. CO2 emission from China's energy sector and strategy for its control