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1. Similar roles, different strategies: Brazil, India and South Africa trade policies.

2. India, Brazil and South Africa, a Lasting Partnership? Assessing the Role of Identity in IBSA.

3. Emerging Powers and Global Governance: The Case of IBSA.

4. The New Diplomacy of the South: Brazil, South Africa, India and Trilateralism.

5. Multilateralism and Trilateralism in the IBSA Partnership: Tensions and Congruities.

6. The BRICs Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) as Analytical Category: Mirage or Insight?

7. South-South Cooperation: Coalitions and Multilateral Negotiations. The Case of IBSA (Brazil, India and South Africa).

8. Industrialised Countries and Developing Countries on the Regime of Climate Change: A Comparative Reading.

9. Two Worlds Apart? Reconciling the Regional and the Trilateral in the Foreign Policies of India, Brazil and South Africa.